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Are there any waifu CYOAs where the waifus are actually interesting characters?
alright so what does everyone think of communism
The last thread was better
Pet dragon costs so much that I don't know what kinda build would actually pick it but here's a pageful of rules for it anyway.
I'm not going to write a novel for every new thread, especially when I wake up and realize that none of you fucks have bothered to make a new thread despite old one being about 200 posts over bump limit.
I blame Nietzsche.
how have we to go from from cyoas to Nietzsche?
I want a wizard gf.
Is there a kingdom cyoa?
Scientist is dead, and we killed her.
She had good taste in men.
>how have we to go
what did he mean by this
That's not a wizard, that's a harlot. I want a wizard gf. Proper wizard girls are like librarians, except better.
pls no spook
Spooks, you say?
>are you serious?
What are you smoking?
When that CYOA came out, people were complaining that dragon spam is overwhelmingly overpowering and the only build go for.
Many were even suggesting that the opinion should be removed to make other builds worthwhile.
Dragon spam is boring as fuck, who cares that it's mechanically powerful, it makes any build you include it really flat because it limits all your other options a lot in exchange for giving you a farting mountain.
I don't disagree, but the person wrote
>Pet dragon costs so much that I don't know what kinda build would actually pick it but here's a pageful of rules for it anyway.
Which is just ludicrous.
Ah, you want a shy girl with no friends so Chad won't steal your girl.
how about this
>has breasts
Fucking whore.
don't forget the butt and thighs
those are important too
Not for that reason no, (you) NTR-obsessed human trash-heap, but because nothing is more of a turn on than a girl that wants to unlock the secrets of the universe with you. And wizards come in all flavors, not that I'd expect a mindless drone like you to understand.
That is a really cute chronomage desu.
user, was talking about the character in the pic. The character in the pic was Medusa from Soul Eater and she wanted to fuck the best character in the show.
Nonsense, all anime wizard girls are belong to me.
If you think for a damned moment that Medusa and Stein weren't hot as fuck together then you can get the fuck out of here.
This CYOA is missing a bunch of cool trees: kapok, strangler fig, baobab, bald cypress, red mangrove, ginkgo...
So, wait. Are Dragons above Drakes 10 coins AND 3 shards? or just one or the other?
And if Dragons above Dakes are only 3 shards, then why do I feel dissapointed I can't buy a Drake for shards?
Pairing together and becoming heavily emotionally invested in the romantic bonds between fictional charcters is an activity for teenage girls user. Unless watching a romance, where that's the point, I operate on a claim-by-claim basis. And until evidence that a claim was filed on all anime wizard girls before I filed my claim, my claim stands on good legal ground by the ancient respected rite of finders-keepers.
I really love this one and the magic system, fluff and lore in this is just so fucking appealing to me. Reposting my build
>The Spymaster
>Sorolona & Queen Vera
Personal Powers
>Superhuman Intellect 3
>Wherever Needed 2
>Enduring Lifeforce 2
Intrigue Powers
>Criminal Intent 2
>Arts of Illusion 2
>Uncanny Senses 2
>Visions of the Present 2
>Seductive Form 1
>Spy Network 1
>Foreign Informants 2 (Delvaria, Holy Realm, Bleuria and Torvalli)
Leadership Powers
>Mikhail Jansen
>Resurrection Stone x4
My primary concern is figuring out the secret to my queen's longevity, which I'm hoping is some form of immortality or at least a ridiculously long and youthful life. This means pitting my superhuman criminal mind against that of a monarch who managed to secure absolute power for herself. No easy task, but if I succeed(a very big if) my reward, after fleeing the continent of course, is getting to carve a hedonistic path through the other kingdoms all the while lying, cheating, scamming, conning, seducing, and fucking to my heart's desire. Wandering to wherever I fancy, doing whatever I please and spreading some chaos along the way is everything I could ever want in life, or 9 lives in my case. Just gotta remember to stay a few steps ahead of Queen Vera's wrath.
user, that anime wizard girl filed the claim herself. She was actively trying to fuck him.
She pretty much started the apocalypse to do it.
Shards only, at least now I can understand why you thought that they were really expensive.
>Dragon's Back is just a ridiculously good deal that makes most drawbacks not an issue
>It is the boring "default" build
Their Good price
>Dragonborn cannot take Dragonriding
>Royal Guardian
I do have an inkling to make a Varys themed build one day.
the average person in this general would do worse than that go get their waifu
Game of Throne comin' soon.
Can't wait for more news on the various spinoffs as well.
Yes, but the waifu herself is the one pursuing another in this case. That user has no chance.
that's irrelevant, he can obviously just cast himself as the object of affection
Get your mind off of NTR for at least five minutes and read the rest of my post. You are also neglecting the fact that I live in three more dimensions than she does, and therefore she has no choice in the matter but to be my anime wizard waifu.
And you do not understand the haruhi suzumiya movie if that is what you think was happening in that movie. The Data Integration Thought Entity figured that a universe with Ms. Suzumiya as an omnipotent figure would likely result in it's own destruction(with everything else as well), and tried to get Kyon to accept it's alternate/edited world, where Suzumiya's powers never developed or where she was more stable. To get Kyon to accept this, it cut off contact with "Nagato's"
"body" after re-absorbing the Nagato entity back into the fold. The Yuki of the alternate reality was not part of the thought entity, and ergo, not Yuki. The reason why alt-Yuki, or the Yuki "Hardware" was kept around was so Kyon had a greater chance of wanting to live in that more stable reality.
>And you do not understand the haruhi suzumiya movie if that is what you think was happening in that movie.
user, I am, and have been this entire time, talking about the character in
El Capitan
The Holy Realm, Prince Venor
Intellect 3
Armor 1 (A snazzy black coat with flexible metal plates in it.) Intimidation Aura
Lifeforce 1
Wherever Needed 1
Unassuming Shape 1
Visions 1
Uncanny Senses 2
Illusion 1
Relegious Ed
Engineering Degree
Historic Education
Magical Education
Combat Veteran
Environmental Degree
Inspiring Presence
Escape Charm
Resurrection Stone
Alana Hesberg
Tora Greenharbor
Willhelm Delthak
Mikhail Jansen
Admiral Han Makai
I've got a plan to get a thinktank between myself, Alana, and Mikhail, along with Willhelm's money to jumpstart technology and fast-track ourselves to the magical-industrial age. The undying gratitude of an entire religious reformation seems like a great background for that.
My ability to expertly lead troops, combined with generally being a slippery and hard to kill motherfucker should make me an enduring source of leadership for years to come. And then we start giving our troops the first magic shotguns.
Ah, I see. But that anime wizard is also mine.
I shall redirect you to my earlier statement then.
Anime doesn't know how to implement wizards properly. They're always annoying little girls that struggle with magic and are usually helpless.
In most cases, yes.
Is there even anything that hasn't already been done here?
Anime is crap at representing anything, really.
Studio Ghibli is a special case, a very great one. It's anime, yet I consider it above even that.
>people who barely watch anime making statements about anime
I've already refuted this statement and proven why it is wrong. I'm not wasting any more time arguing with someone who doesn't even study magic.
>forgetting about autistic siscon magic WMD Jesus
Nice assumption, but you'd be wrong.
that's pretty much exactly what wizards are, except the little girl part
the meme that every wizard is a super competent demigod is what's improper and ruins any story or setting it appears in
No refutation adequate enough to invalidate that which has been known as canon has been presented.
Don't remind me of the Ultimary Gary Stu.
The snapping scene is the one good part of that entire show.
What were the three biggest shitstorms in /cyoag/'s history?
>that's pretty much exactly what wizards are
You're watching too much weeb shit, friendo
>except the little girl part
Except that's exactly how they're commonly portrayed in Anime
You are confusing wizards with 'The Wizard'
>yes, the one who did 'IT'
>what 'it'? All of it!
Not sure what you're smoking. The incompetent wizard is almost exclusively anime related.
It's not hard to play a competent wizard in D&D, or any tabletop game.
Wizards are just way cooler when they're not mongoloids.
>That part where he bisects her and her upper half jumps on him and bites while saying that she loves him.
Shit's hot yo.
I have, but it's useless to explain sight to the blind, and absolutely despicable and irresponsibe to spoonfeed secrets of the universe to peons that "ship" anime characters and talk about things like "canon" as if it's an immutable and unchanging thing. I am a miserable pile of secrets, but they are secrets. They wouldn't be if I tossed them out like candy. Long story short, all anime wizard girls are mine.
Is that supposed to be Sarda the Sage? The literal 'wizard who did it' ?
But Stein is mine.
No user, they are not.
No being owns themselves, and you are a fool if you don't realize what you truly were all along.
You think that's hot?
>That part where she possess an eight year old and uses her body to molest him while he's sitting there unable to resist.
You do realize that if Stein marries literally anyone else than best girl at the end of the series, he is doomed to go insane and kill everyone?
Best end?
Technically the trope existed before 8 bit theatre, it just popularized it.
But sure, Warranty can be The Wizard.
being sort of on the level with everyone and being a supercompetent demigod are very different things user
Anyone got that one CYOA with Pandora's Box and all of those obscure gods and goddesses?
I thought it was in the Dropbox...
>I have no idea how autocorrect got Warranty from Sarda
>possess an eight year old and uses her body to molest him
Oh. Oh dear.
You're not making any sense, buddy boy.
>too dumb to understand a simple sentence
this is how i wizard
First of all, if the costs of levels are cumulative and must be purchased in order, just put the cumulative cost there. It's not difficult to count but it's annoying and it needs to be done constantly. Also, the point amount is hidden in flavour text block. At least it's right at the top and it's not large amount of text but it's should probably at least be colored differently.
Life's Blood gives you vampiric immortality, no other powers. Level 2 says that you can survive by drinking human blood, level 3 specifies that blood of another human, thus we can infer that you don't need food or drink as long as you drink your own blood. Not sure what are mortal aches and pains, other than hunger and thirst which are mentioned here and aging which is level 3.
Having to kill someone every month is kinda harsh and if you are just taking a small amount each feeding, you are going to be very busy. You don't get fangs or anything btw, so maybe learn how to flay people? Optimal strategy might be starting a fake business that gets a lisence to buy fresh blood. These days you don't need to be the 1% to get blood delivered to your home.
Level 4 allows further healing, nothing about diseases tho unless they fall under "mortal aches and pains". Your limbs grow back, I assume with bones and muscles, however you cannot heal anything "hidden beneath the skin". So if you have a broken bone, chopping the limb off is probably the easiest solution. I guess it could be possible to just cut yourself open and rub blood on your Dead Man's Dance ruined liver but you might not be immune to diseases. Technically this doesn't specify that blood needs to be someone else's either, so depending on how you want to read it, you start to heal as soon as you are stabbed.
Level 5 used to allow you to use animal blood instead, which made this line amazing. It's not as good anymore, tho it's still immortality. You don't gain any power over people you turn so you need to enforce obidience in other ways.
Keep spewing out of your ass, user
Go binge watch Fairy Tail you fucking weeb
Don't really have opinion about Shifter's Phases, level 2 is the mandatory little girl option, among other things. The rest is entirely about being shapeshifter, which hasn't really interested me personally much, other than as means to getting something else. Level 5 used to remove the moon phase restriction, the current one is not useless but I'm not entirely sure that it's worth 5 points.
Windows to the Soul gives you pretty powerful ability for 1 point that works well with probably any other powerset. Even if you aren't that hot on mindcontrolling people, you might want to consider if you can spare a point into this. Level 2 on other hand is binoculars. I would call it kinda bad if it was level 1 power, as level 2 is kinda really bad, unless you really need to see into infrared and UV constantly.
Level 4 might have some use a vampire wanna-be if you want to stalk the night instead of getting blood in more civilized way. At least level 5 power actually is really powerful.
I like Dead Man's Dance, it's effects are typical strongman stuff but activation is flavourful. Not sure about the level 5 power, like what are "normal forms of harm" or if a skeleton can eat a chicken or snort cocaine. It used to make other powers here permanent but now it's a bit weird. I guess you would be unaging since there's nothing left on skeleton to rot and unless you have sex, your bones can't shatter, so only way to die would be if someone knew your true name. Keep it hidden.
Wanderer's Treasures lets you drop out of civilization if it feels too bothersome. Even if it doesn't, one point in here might allow you to turn walking around into source of income, great if your daily life involves lots of walking already. Could you become a long distance runner for even more income? The power says walking, who knows, maybe you could use Shifter to turn into something that can walk faster.
i dont know what that is, but it must be nice for you to enjoy it
Ok now, anything beyond level 1 allows to you interact less and less with civilization, at level 5, you can just live in somewhere that even god forgot about and eat berries for the rest of your life. Technically you can live surrounded by natural earth and stone even in cities, so you aren't literally forced out into wilderness by this, but if you want to live in a city, why would you pick this set? I suppose level 3 allows you to build a fortune by saving food money and collecting nuggets. Not sure what the treasure in level 5 includes, can I walk tho forests and mountains and find my waifu? Fountain of youth? Emma Watson nudes? Excalibur? A slight problem with this set is that "live in wilderness" doesn't really have much synergy with other powers, other than the Shifter. I guess if you want to live as bigfoot, you now can.
Barrister's Writ will completely destroy your life and see you driven from from all civilization, because endless waves of autists will descent on you as soon as you buy level 1 and complain about how being unable to lie makes life impossible. Wamderer's Treasures might help with this. Level 2 allows you to compel obedience if you want to build your own vampire clan, it doesn't seem that it allows you to trade magically stuff, like skills or youth. Level 3 allows you to avoid death but the skill sets in this cyoa don't actually have a lot to offer in trade for someone's soul or even ways to easily obtain massive wealth so that you could buy souls with cash. I guess the easiest would be level 5 Eyes and blackmailing people.
Level 5 is kinda, eh, depends on what 'one thing' is. Magic? Magic doesn't work, thanks for your soul. Does 'economics' count as one thing? Can you becomes the best politician by understanding 'politics'? You do get way to eternal life from this same set but over long period of time, you will eventually happen to run out of souls and die. Maybe a natural disaster kills everyone who signed or someone just straps you in front of machine gun and starts unloading until you run out of souls.
Anyway, I guess my choices would be
Wanderer's Treasures level 5
Dead Man's Dance level 3
Life's Blood level 2
Windows to the Soul level 1
Eat a chicken dinner, stuff my backpack full of cigars and rum and leave everything behind, wandering around searching for whatever treasures there are. Rum and cigars will give me all the strength I need to wander nonstop, Wanderer gives me all the food I need, Life's Blood allows me to heal my wounds by licking them and might cure diseases too and Windows' emotion manipulation is probably all defense I need. Until a bear eats me, I guess.
But what about the older more vague version?
Do what feels good, I'm not going to stop you.
We posting wizard cyoas?
fucking every time i look at this i see something new
never noticed his cup has a beard before
its not as fucked up as the penguins at least lel