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Elf Suppliments for Pathfinder?
I want to run a campaign in the Feywild, it is supposed to be a civil war.
Feywild is more a 4E thing.
If you want elves and their shit, you look for "Elves of Golarion", or you look up Kyonin on the Pathfinder Wiki.
If you want fey and their shit, try looking up "The First World, Realm of the Fey."
But gnomes are the default fey-linked race in Pathfinder's default setting.
Inner Sea Races can tell you more about elves, as well. You might also want to look up Heroes of the Wild, it's got a fair few fey-related character options.
the book on the First World (Basically Golarion's feywild) should be a good supplement for you. Can't remember what it's called.
Any cool tricks for monk abilities that you guys know of? They become naturally immune to a lot of things.
When a monk becomes immune to poison, there are a ton of tricks you can do. Like keeping a packet of contact poison under your tongue, and biting down on it to spit at someone with a ranged touch attack with a range of 5 feet.
You can also cover your fists in contact poison, and then maximize your chance of slaying with quivering palm if your poison their constitution score.
Furthermore there are body oils you can mix with poisons (needs three doses)and coat yourself, so when you are swallowed by something, they are hit with three doses of poison which increase the DC by +4
Its a good help to have your rogue friend craft poisons
I like that spit one. You can also use slowfall to deliver falling damage to enemies while ignoring it yourself.
Stop making me want to play monk, monks are shit
Monks aren't that bad.
Are Seasons 7 and 8 of PFS Scenarios anywhere?
Don't fey civil wars involve dinner parties and other social gatherings?
Can anime be allowed if it's good anime?
Then you're completely missing the issue and should refrain from making threads. You're almost as bad as those /erpg/ refugees.
Why not?
Has anyone used the Nemesis Well in their games?
Doesn't that actually make you fall slower, though?
Yes, because the Fey see zero distinction between the rules of nature and the rules of etiquette. The tiniest slip-up in one's presence is not only rude, it's a violation of their very essence.
Hello, I need a way to destroy an entire town. Hopefully as early in terms of level as possible.
Party consists of a Level 1 Druid, Level 2 Sorcerer and Level 2 Cleric.
Hopefully something from the core rulebook.
What is the population of the town and the Cleric's domains?
How did FotJR go? Is SotJR tonight?
I fucking hate Vikings and the story being presented as something funny or even admirable is gross. Those people were raiders and rapists idealized by idiots who don't recognize them as the scum they were.
Hasn't played for three weeks due to scheduling problems
We say the same thing about some PCs around here.
Most of them were just traders and explorers, but I suppose you're a butthurt frenchman.
Doesn't stop people from immortalizing their raiders as some sort of semi-mythical paragon of Northern badassery.
Yeah, the people who raped and pillaged monasteries and defenseless villages only to scurry away or get massacred in pitched battles are people worthy of respect. They were hardly any better than the Barbary Corsairs, and I don't see people whitewashing them.
are debuffing builds viable? it seems so useless to bother with debuffing random mooks one at a time when a bard can boost everyone nigh indefinitely while doing other shit.
Pretty good, although the Quasit was certainly a problem.
Scheduled to run tonight!
Not really, since combat ends too quickly for it to matter.
To be honest, when you have mercenary forces going around as adventurers pressing claims and fucking shit up, and then you somehow accidentally into the nobility of a region, you end up sort of lionized.
Shit was crazy stupid.
As the Muslim populations - especially North African and Turkic - continue to grow in Europe, you should expect to see them glorify the Barbary Corsairs the same way they glorified the Vikings; start by portraying them as clever yet cruel raiders, lionize one or two notable captains, and then gradually explain how the slavers and rapists who depopulated entire coastlines for chattel were people too, and because they were people they must have been nice.
Stone shape, wood bending, and growing plants fucks a lot of stuff up. Break a damn or a levy system if they have. Cause landslides or avalanches depending on terrain. Warp the foundations and plant dangerous seeds that grow indiscriminately. Set the city on fire.
All of those applications of muslim law; the honor killings and forcing the veil and all that crap, should be punished with extreme prejudice.
Anyone that claims they're escaping the sociopolitical climate of a place has no fucking right trying to recreate it here.
Only if you do it nonlethally
I bet Sarenrae is in Starfinder.
that's what I figured. I guess I could make a boss-killer, but I don't want to be useless outside of big fights or combat all together.
>no anime allowed
pick one
Speaking of Deities,
Which other ones do you want to make it to Starfinder? What do you want to happen to those that didn't make the cut?
What other bits of the original setting do you want to make it over?
Kurgess, god of SPACE SPORTS.
Brigh for tech/innovation goddess
I want every Goddess in, and every god out. Abadar being the god of money is evil, and Asmodeus is evil so he's in too.
Then focus on buffing.
It will end combat sooner when your team has a higher chance of hitting.
If you make the enemy hit less often, it will get dragged out.
Oh, a few threads ago, it sort of came up, but what do you think about deities that didn't get through becoming like the Shadowrun dragons, running groups and organizations that are still related to their portfolio?
Someone like Lamashtu would be the CEO and Head Researcher of !Umbrella and Lolth would have her own creepy Space Colony.
Looking her up, I can't help but imagine some automated church.
How do I attain an unreasonable land speed at a relatively low level, such as 5 or 6?
I want to shoot my body into the moonlight and feel like I've just been in this place before (higher on the street).
Seems like getting a fast mount and pumping potions of Cheetah Sprint into it's veins is the way to go with 1pp. How about 3pp stuff? Is there a class that's made for going very fast?
I'm not seeking to be Not!Flash, a fast mount or time-bending or something is fine too. I just want the ability to move from place to place very fast (without it being teleportation).
Alseta should upgrade to also cover warp gates or whatever they'll call their convenient fast-travel doodads.
>open thread
>Ctrl+f Overlewd
>0 hits
Where is my monthly salt injection? I'm running low here.
Let me snooze ruze ooze.
It's still Saturday.
I'll be honest I wanted NONE of them to get in there.
In fact, I was annoyed golarion was even in there long enough to disappear. It just makes things too fucking... blatant. They couldn't even go different universe, and instead throw in all these heavy-handed measures, and, for what? Because they don't want us to nuke it from orbit in our own campaign? Because they don't want to have to deal with spacewizard learning the notspace version of wish? Why did they even want to keep it as being the same universe?
You'd kind of expect a Wizard to simply be able to cast Wish without even using the notspace version desu
He'll be the outer rim frontier planet Malcolm Reynolds Tatooine Uncle Ben shit hole colony god!
I thought they said they were going to stop at 6th level spells, so no Elminsters or Forgotten Realms stuff remains.
I thought the picks were announced on saturday?
How do I boost my CMB? Specifically for Reposition.
I've already got the two feats for a +4.
What else can I do?
This is for a level 5 character. Most 3pp is on the table, but not PoW.
>Making an evil goddess
Oh wait, they do that all the time. The thing they hate isn't evil goddesses, it's good gods. The penis is inherently evil, after all.
I mean it's not over
He's probably grouping apps up by available time, then toying with group compositions to try and get the best result. That takes time. Hell, he might be at work and will only be able to release the winners once he gets home. So keep your pants on, we'll know when we know.
The tension is getting to me as well though. I'm one of the rando apps, but I'm hoping that it's good enough.
Would this kill a group of 4 Players that are 4rth level?
Not unless they are bound by their feet to a rock, naked and fatigued. Or have the mental capabilities that make them equivalent of naked, hungry people bound to rocks by their feet.
Remind me to join my first Starfinder game as Bepis Bajeena, androgynous mecha pilot who nobody can tell the gender of.
TN alignment.
That's really weak.
Looking for the 6th book in hell's vengeance, why is it not in the links at the top?
Probably not, unless the party doesn't have means to hurt an incorporeal creature. The level drain makes it a little scary, but it's got a low save DC and only hits for one level. The 1d10 damage hardly matters. Worst case scenario could be death if the party just has the worst luck with die rolls, but that's always an option and the more likely bad end will be the your players win but walk away with a couple negative levels on some people and need to find a person they can pay to remove them (or do it themselves if they can).
This is, of course, assuming the PCs all have a way to damage an incorporeal creature. Magic weapons should be expected by level 4.
>that gif
and fuck, you're right. I just don't want to play a bard or skald - what are other good options? sensei monk would probably just be a shitty bard...
There is a Char joke here, but it is too early for me.
Footage from World War 1
I want to fight an LE organization ran by a man named Jamitov Hymen.
>PoW banned at the table because GM hates counters
>Roll up a Flowing Monk with Snake Style
Pick something that you have never played before.
Clerics and some Ranger and Hunter archetypes can buff.
I don't know about the occult classes.
If 3pp is available, you could be a Mystic.
Flowing / Iron Mountain stack by the way, it's cheeky shit.
Oh shit, nice.
Occult classes are shooty wizards with extra divination abilities that have a few "ifs" tagging along.
I'd like some advice, /pfg/. I'm making a mid-powered setting with Psionics, Spheres, Akasha, and Strange Magic in place of Vancian casting, and I'd like to give martials some nice things. I really like PoW, but the power boost is a bit too much without 9th-level casters to balance against it. Would the classes be underpowered if I gave them archetype progression?
I want to pull that girl's pig-tails and hide her glasses.
>I'm making a mid-powered setting with Psionics
Just fucking don't.
Psionics is great you big fucking faggot.
Not sure of the party yet. I make my stuff before I know the PCs so I would not make it easy for them. I guess they will have a spellcaster, but matrials won't have a way to harm the creature because its a random encounter and they don't know these things exist.
they'd need you to manually re-touch their progression, as for some classes the amount of maneuvers they learn and ready is a big balancing factor
for example, warder has 16 maneuvers at level 20, and stalker has 21. that's a big difference.
putting them all on the same progression will be a bigger hit to the stalker, while the warder won't really give a shit
do watch out for 9th level manifesters by the way, they may not be vancian casters but psionics are still very powerful at the top end
spherecasters and veilweavers will almost certainly be "out-magic'd" by a psion
You only end up limiting their versatility and not actual power, since Advanced Study is still a thing.
As long as the players don't go for maximize damage output builds, you should be fine.
Red pill me on firearms in Pathfinder, /pfg/.
Also, how do they fit into a fantasy setting? What I really mean is, how quickly would the invention of firearms cause bows to be phased out? What people would be first to adopt their use? Given their price, I have to assume it would be the hired guards of nobles and governments, followed by well-off merchants and hunters.
>shooting Stalker in the knees any more than it already is
Jeez user
Psionics ruins every game.
They don't unless you have a very shitty DM. You're just echoing bullishit for the sake of echoing bullshit.
guns suck dick in pathfinder
they are very accurate but deal bad damage and require serious investment to use properly
not to mention that you have to be either a very specific class or a very specific archetype for fighter to actually use guns
>how quickly would the invention of firearms cause bows to be phased out?
guns cost thousands of gold and are inferior in every way to composite longbows
why would they ever be phased out? because any peasant can use one? a crossbow costs 1/100th the price of a gun and doesn't require anything other than simple weapon proficiency. a crossbow won't explode in your face, either.
even advanced firearms are total shit.
clint eastwood's revolver will get totally shit on by legolas' composite longbow every single time in pathfinder.
Nah, Psionics are shit for the biggest beta at the table.
I know you're baiting. But I'm bored.
How so? Explain your reasoning.
are you gonna back up your statements with facts or are you planning to continually sprout the same shit while posting irrelevant pictures?
>guns cost thousands of gold and are inferior in every way to composite longbows
LOLS no.
Longbows couldn't penetrate armour starting in about 1500. Guns could. End of discussion.
Psion and Wilder are pretty much 9 level casters. I'm assuming that your campaign also excludes them, or you'll still have 9-level magic users, just in a different form.
In which case archetype progression is fine. I would give Warlords a few additional maneuvers learned/readied here and there, and Stalkers/Mystics a few more than that to simulate their naturally better progression when compared to Warders/Zealots/Harbringer.
Literally every complaint about psionics I have seen has been
>Nobody read the rules properly and the guy breaking the rules hardest got it banned
>idiots who make magic and psionics entirely separate and complain about it being separated
Too bad that's not represented in PF.
Fuck, I didn't mean to sage. Forgot to change my name field, sorry.
I intend to ban some of the more absurd powers, but I'll still keep an eye on any psions my players make.
I was also considering just using the maneuver-granting archetypes instead of the actual classes, but since my players aren't known for powergaming I might just say fuck it and let them have at it. Thank you all for your input.
Not that guy, but from personal experience, he is not far from the truth. As a gm, during the first players meeting, I always tell everyone there will be no Psion PCs. It just seems to bring out the worst in people. Every one wants to be River Tam, and it throws off the vibe of the campaign.
If you can run them well, kudos, but I just ban them because they always seem to be chosen by the worst players at my table, and by worst I mean the most mathhammery guy there, the one who stereotypes are inspired by.
You're asking for trouble if you expect your PCs to be able to handle something they can't damage. If your players are stupid enough not to buy any magic weapons, they're probably fucked against an incorporeal enemy unless the mage(s) can solo it, which is unlikely. If you're going to insist on leaving the chance to roll randomly into it in your game, be sure you at least make it clear for a party that can't beat it there's a way for them to escape it.
I find that in actual practice few people like using Psionics. It's a shame, because I would like to see it in action.
>even advanced firearms are total shit.
I disagree.
Otherwise you're right. From a pure mechanical perspective, firearms would pretty much never take off. The real advantage of firearms is ironically, that they were EASIER to use than Bows. This can probably be hand waved.
I prefer my fantasy settings to ere closer to the 18-19 century style stuff as opposed to the more middle aged fashion. So including guns is a lot easier. I usually have them start out as some invention that eventually caught on after some revolution involving very heavily armored tough guys getting rekt by peasants.
In Real Life. Yes.
In Pathfinder no. Longbows are more devastating than Laser Rifles 3 fucking level 1 warriors can outdamage a fucking cannon in twice the time.
>Psion and Wilder are pretty much 9 level casters
They're still a lot less effective than Vancian spellcasters Wilder's especially. The most devastating tricks they get are locked behind discipline powers which require specialization and feats. And coincidentally the most "broken" Psionic powers are the ones with direct vancian analogues. So just get rid of most of those and you're gold.
>Too bad that's not represented in PF.
There is a reason for that, because then everyone would have guns.
Although it is kind of funny to imagine a Wizard being headshotted by Johnny Farmer.
So it has nothing to do with the actual mechanics and just because you have a bias against Psionics "just because".
Remind me again, how much damage does a typical level 1 spell in Starfinder do, and how much damage does a typical laser rifle in Starfinder do?
>mfw melee is still better than ranged
Psionics break the game. Wizards with less restrictions.