What are good alternatives for Diablo games?
Dark fantasy, dark atmosphere, etc etc
What are good alternatives for Diablo games?
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Exanima when it's done.
Torchlight, Path of Exile, and arguably Hatred.
Though this is more of a /v/ topic, really.
>good alternatives for Diablo games
>on Veeky Forums
Diablo 3 isn't even a good alternative for diablo games
>Path of Exile
Is this still "in development"?
I guess op actually meant tabletop that plays like diablo
It's "done" since 2013. If you mean properly patched, not really, it never will.
Lot of simplistic combat?
D&D 4th.
Was about to say, if OP meant in vidya then this is on the wrong board. Not that I blame anyone for NOT posting in vidya related boards.
no, I meant video games
sorry, I've mistaken the boards
anyways, thanks for the replies :)
Grim Dawn. On the an updated Titan Quest engine, made by the same people. It's halfway between Bloodborne and Warhammer setting-wise.
Best ARPG I've played since Diablo 2, and I've played them all.
Speaking of which, isn't there some 40k-themed Diablo-clone in the making?
>sorry, I've mistaken the boards
It's okay
Now, let's slavage this: Systems that emulate Dark Fantasy right?
Which are your favorites Veeky Forums?
OSR, especially Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
Our very own Warren's Folly is looking it be a gr8 system.
Am running a game of it later for my group when it gets closer to being finished.
How come?
I heard diabo 2 d20 Was good
>Diablo I:
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot.
When you turn, they will be gone,
Whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind,
Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
>Diablo III:
WELcoMe to MY reaLm of DOoOoooOOmmmm!!!1!1!
Torchlight 1&2 will probably be your best bet. Plus you can mod the living hell out of them and can basically play TL1 forever if you really feel like it.
Content is still being made for it, yes. As a matter of fact, patch 3.0 will launcher 6 new acts to play through, making the NG+ system irrelevant since you'll just be going through act 1-10 only once
>ctrl+f "legacy of kain"
I am dissapoint.
Since when is that a fucking Action RPG, it's an action-adventure game like Zelda.