Why no space marine chapter recruits Catachans? They wouldn't even need to test them since surviving to adulthood is already a military feat.
Why no space marine chapter recruits Catachans...
Wouldn't be surprised if the Minotaurs already did.
>hey, we have a problem with this chapter, and we need them dead
>are they heretics?
>are they traitors?
>then why do they need to die?
>you don't need to know
>okay, i'll do it
I ain't got time to be marine.
Because the Emps didn't want anyone finding out the secret of the Custodes.
Because SM recruit teenagers. They like to get them early, while their bodies are still developing so their augmentation becomes part of their natural bone and muscle development. Plus it would be kind of a dick move to rob other factions of their prime soldiers.
Catachans soldiers are fine and dandy, but you have to remember that they are so "good", muscled, fighters, infiltrators, yada yada, because the world shapes them that way. A lot of Catachans don't survive to become the soldiers we know.
Hence, by the time they are great, they are too old to be inducted.
If SM took them young enough, they wouldn't have the cream of the crop, since they haven't been completely "traine" by the world yet.
And very simply, because it's already a world whose sole purpose is giving away soldiers to the Imperium to survive, in exchange of goods, resources etc. SM probably wouldn't be able to help the population live on a daily basis as the wider Imperium does. It's better for the world that way.
Finally, you have to remember plenty of Chapters use other Deathworlds to that exact same purpose. Fenris, Cretacia and many more are worlds where SM take the ones that are like 10 or 12 and already probably more than 6 feet high and killing wolves or dinosaurs the size of battle tanks with just a spear.
So Space Marines like little boys huh?
In the comic the guys clearly are adult warriors yet they became MUHREENZ
Abnett is known to be more than liberal with established fluff however.
Plus, honestly, it would have been pretty fucking weird to see kids bashing each other's brains out.
>putting the Emperor's gene-seed
>into a bunch of abhumans
[purges externally]
Not really. Using adult recruits typically lowers survival rates and increases heresy/treachery rates among most chapters.
IIRC the only chapter (among loyalists and traitors) that has some success in using teen and young adult recruits are the Space Wolves.
>It's another Catachan dicksuck thread
Because they suck as all other guardmemes.
Why are Flesh Eaters killing guardsmen?
Catachan does not produce enough people to support a space marine chapter. The importance of a shared ancestry is essential for most of the Chapters who recruit from Deathworlds, and also a detachement from the Imperium as a whole.
Catachan is far less populated than most death-worlds, since its very hard to maintain settlements. For example Fenris is a Death-world, but is actually survivable, and can thrive without outside help. Catachan needs constant imports of promethium and pesticide to maintain colonisation. SM chapters don't recruit from places that are imperium level tech, because it creates too much knowledge of the universe so the Brain-washing and indoctrination doesn't stick.
>the tiny head
>the torso-sized pauldrons
Who is to blame for this foul practice?
>the year of our lord 2040+7-30
>still complaining about marine proportions
Kinda beating a dead horse there bucko.
The horse still makes me angry.
Adults can become marines if they show themselves to be exceptional or even just the hell of it. See: Kor Phaeron. But marines pick kids from death worlds because they have to survive harsh environments on their own with little to no tech, can be molded easier, and survival of the fittest already weeded out the weak. Hence why marines take people from shit death worlds or fucking squalor ridden hive worlds where the only way to live past those years is to be badass.
>what is natural selection
Red Thirst.
Because they need to have an imperial guard rambonam faction.
In universe answer that's easiest is catachan culture/version of the imperial cult is too individualist for proper marine psycho-indoctrination. Too much focus on being sexual tyrannosaurs. Or their muscles don't fit into mk plate, too swol.
>Adults can become marines if they show themselves to be exceptional or even just the hell of it. See: Kor Phaeron
Not really. They can get augments, but they never became true marine. Have you seen the back of his miniature?
Young adults can become marines. I think many space wolves are recruited this way. The success of the process is way way lower than if they started mid-teens. Not Phaeron was middle aged when he was subjected to augmentation, augmentation which is very dissimilar to marine augmentation.
The thing is the chance for random mutations and transplant rejection becomes higher the older the candidate becomes.
While it may be possible for young adults it is not viable amd advisable under normal circumstances.
Catachan's one in a million, there are loads of deathworlds and many of them are just as harsh and used by SM chapters as recruiting grounds.
Catachan is famous because they're interesting and are a distinguished regiment.
Basically this. Baal, Nocturne, Medusa, all pretty brutal places that rival catachan in one way or another. Besides, it's not absolutely necessary for SM recruits to be hard boiled by the time they're taken. Training and indoctrination come later and a killer instinct can manifest in other ways.
>Brother Zaurel is checking if Sgt Steve cam still move, as he has sworn to tell the sergeant's glory.
>Brother Michael is helping his friend guardsman Joe up by his hands.
>The chapter master, reclusiarch and librarian themselves are fighting to preserve the honors of the fallen guardsmen.
I bet fucking Dante is behind this.