Any ideas for cursed objetcs ?
Any ideas for cursed objetcs ?
>the bearer of this ring receives a familiar the cursed will feel charmed by, but the curse gradually goes off over the years as the familiar ruins or destroys all physical possessions and social relations of the cursed
>eventually realize the familiar was you all along
> Mfw
An orb that give a 360° awareness sense to the bearer (represented as a defensive bonus) but is actually a pseudo palantir allowing the bad guys to keep tab on the bearer.
>A pair of cursed work gloves that gradually cause the wearer to hate their immediate superior wherever they work. They used to be the possessions of a man who died working at the sawmill and died horribly.
>A cursed mug that will never fill with beer. The previous possession of a teetotalling dwarf.
>A blessed garden that grows extremely quickly, and never stops. Care must be taken lest the garden overtake everything. A blessing on an elvish queen who heretically loved gardening by a wizard of similar faith. Now the elvish royal family must salt the garden weekly, lest it overtake the entire palace and make it unlivable.
>There's a cursed island in the elvish lands. Nothing grows there, and the elves claim that the entrance to the underworld lies on that island.
>A cursed goblin saddle. The horse it is put on will always die in battle.
>A onyx figurine of a boat. Called "Piratesbane", this artifact will curse anything it touches to sink to the lowest point possible in whatever fluid it's suspended in. This is fine if that's air because you're on land, but it's less fine for boats.
>The box. In the deserts of the east, there is a black cube of volcanic glass. The only feature marring the cube, besides fragments of fabric in the area surrounding, is a single door. Anyone who enters vanishes in a flash of light and never exits. Native tradition holds that those who circle the cube thrice in their lifetimes will have happiness.
My family got this
Extremely accurate sword that corrects your swings for more deadly attacks.
>the sword correcting your swings sprains your wrists/dislocates shoulders on occasion
>can only swing for the kill, can't try to incapacitate ortorture enemies, or spar with friends.
>A pan that can cook any food to perfection. Everyone eating it will say its the best they had except to the cook the taste is so bad it makes him puke
>with continue use all food will taste disgusting for the cook and his food will eventually taste awful to others
The Greater Womb dagger.
Created by the god of balance this wicked dagger is cursed for both men and women. If by wemon as such this dagger automatically impregnates the user with the seed of whomever she kills, in chronocological order. Alternatively if already pregnant, the child's genetic code is rewritten with those of the user's victim. If not possible for the user to have the all the children of her victims in her lifespan (in single child pregnancies) she will begin to have 'litters.'
If used my men the result is much the same except that the next child he sires will be of the blood of his victims in chronological order. Alternatively, if said man sires no children post killings with the dagger he will find that if he had ever sired a child at all that said child will be of the blood of his victims in chronological order.
If said man does not and has not sired any children whatsoever, after a full year, they will gradually turn female and mother the children themselves.
I was just thinking about a "ring of magnetism" that would force enemies to only attack the wearer... Idk, something like that?
boots of tripping
>A pair of boots that curse the wearer into being obsessed with pigeons. Wearer is also in the frame of mind to keep wearing the boots.
What the fuck is wrong with you ?
That could be a very advantageous item. Could even end up in a glorious way.
> "The enemy forces are ready to launch the assault on the town, and reinforcements won't be there on time!"
> "I get on my mount, put the ring on and charge the horizon!"
The Fah King's Keys (i.e. Keys of Disappearing)
The keys seem to disappear soon upon entering one's possession, when the owner stops paying attention to them for even a moment. When the bearer tries to retrieve any item in his possession thereafter, there is a 10% chance that the item is temporarily missing. The owner can search for the item for a minute, retrieving it successfully on a DC 15 search check. The curse can be ended by the owner locating the Fah King's Keys with a DC 25 search check over the course of an hour, and immediately disposing of them. If the keys are not immediately removed from the character's possession, they once again become missing when the character stops looking at them.
An intelligent weapon which gives good advice and is capable of mentoring the wielder on the proper use and form of the weapon.
The voice is the soul of the weapon's previous wielder, when you die wielding the weapon you take the previous owner's place.
I know it's cliche.
Elvish curses are weird. It has to do with the whole "worshipping nature" aspect - ninety percent of curses are shit like "Get fucked by a badger" or "Grow into a tree and get uprooted in a storm" esoteric shit.
Not as weird as Orcish curses though. I saw one poor tusktooth whose nails were five yards long. At all times.
Uncommon, requires attunement
A ring that fools identification attempts into thinking it gives the wearer immunity to all slashing damage upon attunement.
Once attuned, it provides you with the immunity for a while, then when you next come within 20ft., of a long slope or deep hole/drop, it suddenly stops conveying its benefit and deals 1d6+3 slashing damage to you. If you take at least 1 point of damage to non-temporary hit points from this, it cuts your finger clean off and becomes invisible. It repeats the 1d6+3 slashing damage at the beginning of every turn until successful.
It then rolls away, trying its best to escape and hide with your finger while still staying attuned to you at a distance (until someone casts remove curse or a similar spell on it... That is, on the ring.)
It has +3 initiative, a stealth skill of +7, and a speed of 20ft., but has 40ft. speed for the purpose of going down slopes. It can see, and has dark vision 60 ft.
It will try to roll down slopes, drop down holes, and/or hide from any visible humanoid, typically taking either the hide action or dash action at the end of each turn.
A small bronze bell, found at the hands of a statue. []When rung by someone, that one person is instantly turned to stone.[]
>the king sits in silent solitude in his keep below the mountain
>above, his countrymen mock the memory of their once great ruler
>all is quiet below the mountain, the king pours himself a drink. There are no servants to find in this living tomb
>above, the peace council convene in the former throne room
>the king fiddles with his hand in contemplation. He speaks, not to himself, but still there are none will hear the words "no more worlds to conquer, no more enemies to defeat"
in white plume mountain, there is a room with glass orbs chained to the ceiling. Each of the glass orbs contain items in them which cannot be discerned since they are shielded.
one of those orbs contains a seemingly sentient ring which warns the party -
"Stop before you put me on. I confer the following powers upon my wearer: Invisibility, haste, immunity to charms, fly once per day, detect magic and one, and only one wish. I also provide the benefits of protection and spell turning. the only drawback is that once a year I permanently eat a small part of your life. I must be worn before I can leave this room; merely carrying me away is not possible. If ever I am removed from my wearer's finger, however, all my powers are lost. So you must decided right now who will wear me forever."
Had 3 out of 5 players die to infighting.
The best part is that once you leave the room the ring loses all power, as in the room it can cast anything but wish to prove it has magic.
I like this. +1 to hit and always deals max damage on hit. However the wielder takes the difference between the damage die rolled and the max damage die.
I'd rather make it a +X sword, but on a natural one the weilder takes like a d8 of bludgeoning damage from the strain.
The Dragons Eye Pendant
A blue stone resembling a dragons eye inside a gold pendant the wearer is given the compulsion to behave in a dragon like manor particularly high amounts of greed and laziness. Over time the wearer will start to developed dragon like features, such as scales.
a cursed suit of armor with one hand sword and shield
-armor sword and shield will fit to any person that tries to put it on, and it will put itself on the rest of the way after only one part is worn (including holding sword)
-CAN NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT A MAGIC WORD (hope you were told it by the previous owner)
--grants all kinds of combat perks
magic attacks has no effect as it absorbs all magic that touches it and converts it to its own magic (makes wizards wearing it have no magic while it's on them)
-it will add a ton to your combat stats (the object has its own stats in a fight of a level 10 paladin plus adding to your own characters stats)
-OBJECT KNOWS NO FRIEND FROM FOE so it's a roll check for your character to fight the will of the object to not kill a team member or anyone / everyone nearby when sword is unsheathed (one roll per attack)
--all parts count as one object if one part is separated by more than 5 feet away it will magically come back with force
--also protects its user from environmental hazards and poison (this includes alcohol so no beer)
-heals the user but will do nothing about the pain from the wound (also means when it's on you you can't kill yourself)
Ring of invincibility.
Only the ring is invincible.
I just want to let you know this is one of the coolest ideas for a cursed weapon mechanic I have heard in these threads and will 10/10 be using it in my game.
Would the wearer eventually metamorphosis into a true dragon?
Does the universe have magnets?
Ring of Unholy Vitality
After wearing it the user will receive a boost to his vitality, but at the same time the user's sex drive is also increased due to the powerful lust demon sealed inside the ring providing it's abilities. The longer it is worn it's negative effects start to become stronger, so it's recommended to do so only in dire need when the user's life is in danger and if it passes it needs to be immediately taken off. When the tolerance limit, different depending on a user, is broken he/she will turn into a sex crazed beast that will copulate with everything and anything till his/her own life force runs out replenishing the amount spent by the ring provided to his/her user.
Wouldn't the soul in the sword give you bad advice on purpose so it can get out?
A helmet that increases your defenses trememdously, but causes your movements to be mirrored.
Put the garden in the island
>pic related
>you have to try to block any attack you see, no matter what
Royal gardens, historically, were pretty large. Though I could see this as being smaller since gardening for asthetics or pleasure is seen as heretical in Elvish society.
That said, moving the garden would involve "displacing nature", which is a serious no-go. It's why Elves are so incredibly urban all the time - they try to minimize their footprint. Results in some absolutely ridiculous architecture.
>A helmet, when worn, will coat your body in a suit of nigh indestructible armor that grants you incredible strength
>You can only see through a paper thin hole in the helmet
>You can't take it off (except when eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom)
The ring of distraction. It makes the wearer feel faster and stronger than ever before, but causes the skin to itch as if it's covered with fleas, the ears to ring with tinnitus and intermittent illusions of movement to be seen in the periphery of the wearer's vision. It also makes to constantly need to pee just a little.
Wow. Just... wow.
How the fuck does one even recognize it, sans the magical methods?
Here's the ones I like to use
>Bracelet that looks like a snake with three emeralds for eyes. Once put on it cannot be taken off. It will save the life of the wearer 3 times in miraculous ways, but on the 3rd time the bracelet will transform into a naga and try to eat the former wearer.
>Cursed sword which forces bearer to test willpower or answer any challenge to fight.
>A nail which, when driven into the mast of a ship, creates a phantom wind in the absence of natural wind. However, anybody who dies after serving on the ship under a full moon will be turned into an undead wight and their soul shall suffer forever.
>wear a beer hat
>drink constantly
>don't wear the helmet
>Curses anyone who reads to be really interested and into the setting but with apathy to actually play it
Clever. I wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't for the comments
I didn't come here to feel, goddamnit
A powerful sword that gives you the strength of ten adventurers, but is so heavy it would need 11 to lift it.
Even better if the previous statue crumbles and the statues are found in the middle of a desert with similar colored sand
Funny way of spelling crystal meth
Ooh nice
>Cursed keyboard
>Forces you to make a typo in every post and not realise until it's too late
>Two people wield it
>Both are now as strong as 10 men
>This makes 20 men
>9 more than needed to lift the sword
>Inb4 "B-But you can't have two people hold the same sword"
Second possibility
>I'm already stronger than 2 adventurers
Should cursed items be strictly negative, or should they also a benefit that might be worth it?
Double-edged Sword: Your AC decreases by 1, you gain +2 to all damage rolls with this and other slashing weapons. You also take double slashing damage from all sources, and become "an edgy faggot" in the eyes of your peers.
Not technically cursed but I'd look to "into the odd" for inspiration
I'm trying to see if I can find more sinister items on his blog for you rn
None of these are *technically* curses but I think it's relevant and useful in designing that sorta thing
>Should cursed items be strictly negative, or should they also a benefit that might be worth it?
Curses could be anything really.
I mean there are more than enough gods of mischief and trickster around, that i would only make sense if some things just affect your life in a manner that it could go either way.
It's best to mix it up. Obviously most players will like a cursed item to have some benefit as well, but any item has drawbacks and positives. If the only real drawback to every cursed item is "grants this buff and this drawback" those are some shitty curses. Throw in some roguelike curses. Like a sword that sucks ass, but you can't get rid of it until you find a way to dispel it. Sure, have some that are a mix of positive and negatives, but don't make it so wimpy that players just feel like cursed items are a toy and to go around fucking with them willy nilly without first understanding whether or not the curse is benign or dangerous.
>Throw in some roguelike curses.
it'd be funny to have a bunch of well though out curses and then throw in a straight DCSS curse that does nothing except stop you from unequipping that item
if it's better than what you had before, who gives a fuck, if you find an upgrade, better look for a decurse
A magical talking cloak that provides a minor defense bonus but just will not stop complaining about the weather.
In one of my favorite games "Golden Sun" it did cursed items pretty simply and well.
>The item couldn't be removed by normal means once equiped
>It had a chance of paralyzing you for a turn(Which could cost you in some hard fights)
>Sometimes the item would give you negative defense on certain attacks
>These were unique items
>They would sometimes deal extra damage (35% chance)
>When they deal extra damage, they have a chance of causing status affects(Like poison)
So it was a pretty clear trade off. Either take a risk to deal extra damage or be paralyzed a turn
Or just use the normal gear.
Also it had two cursed armors if I remember right, they were the best defense you could get in the game.
So offer the players a risk and reward scenario, and let them decide if it's worth it.
Slick Suit
>Gives the wearer bonuses to sleight of hand, acrobatics and stealth checks
>The wearer is constantly covered in highly combustible oil when equipped
A lantern that reveals illusions and invisibility but sometimes hides things or makes it's own illusions
A bag of holding that rapidly ages things put inside it. Food rots and weapons rust
>For a modern setting.
>The eternally rubbing fingerbones of the first Jew.
>While in possession they grant you increased int and a boost to awareness rolls. However, your character becomes more greedy the longer he's In possession. After a period of time the player should start permanently loosing his wisdom score.
Flask of Luck
drinking from this seemingly bottomless flask bestows the consumer with immense luck for his next action, guarunteeing anything he possibly could do to be a success
The price is simple, for every swig you take, you are merely borrowing luck from your life in the future, where you might take a swig to swoon a lady, the same swig might put a knife in her pocket to cut your coin purse with, or perhaps you borrow from even further, and after marrying the lass your child winds up being stillborn. The flask tends to borrow closer to the present, and always tries to be an amount of bad luck nearly equivalent to the luck it granted.
Pray that the flask does not become empty.
Technically entirely fair, it just bites in a way that stings harsher than people might think, and if you restrict it to private rolls behind the screen you could easily keep the price hidden if you want to be a dick.
Had a cursed ring that was carved from uranium.
Hey that's pretty neat, the effect of the disadvantage is directly proportional to the advantage.
A cursed lumberjack's axe that causes whoever holds it to get a seething hatred of trees and will begin to see people and animals as treants.
>switch ownership regularly between party members
A musket that shoots perfectly accurate but missed shots boomerang back at the shooter.
Played it last night, you and your group have just shit saves.
>A pair of cursed work gloves
I don't wear work gloves but this still happens.
Help me user...
good shit right there
I always liked "The Fountain of Doubt" from Oglaf
> Fountain of Bimbo best Fountain
>cursed ring changes your gender to mayonnaise
Piratesbane is a wonderful idea. Also the player can probably use it for something useful.
We don't want you here.
It justs causes -1HP a day.
Shortsword of cutting irony
Heals for a d4 on hit
Deals d6 slashing damage on hit
Cheers dood.
Bunch of cool stuff here, ty user
Does he also write plays glorifying the third reich?
If cursed items are strictly bad, then players will either get a means of detecting curses or just not touch strange items they find lying around. This will make your games more boring, and put and effort you spent in designing cursed items to waste.
If cursed items have some benefits, then players will actually use them, making the game more interesting. This is doubly true if the advantages are obvious and the disadvantages are subtle, like armor that protects really well against melee attacks, but attracts all arrows shot at the wearer (even ones that would have missed) towards the chinks in the armor.
>whatever of the crow
>every time you kill someone or something, a crow begins following you the next day
>the crows aren´t hostile or try to mess with you in any way. They just stay close to you, hunt some food, and stare at you
>slowly they start attacking cats, dogs and cattle to feed on
>every crow you kill comes back the next day
>every time they come back they´re a little more deformed, corrupted, slowly turning into abominations
>they never harm you, though. They just look at you. All the time.
I'm thinking you mount it on a trolley and use it as a battering ram.