/bgg/ Board Games General

Welcome to the latest episode of Board Games General - Island Paradise Edition!

All hail the pastebin!


(And if you have suggestions for new additions to it - speak up!)

What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?

Anything you're backing on KS?

What are you getting to play (if anything...) lately?

Got a favorite game you love? Tell us what and why.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=wrath of ashardalon

Trying to decide what my next board game is, or what expansion to get today. My LGS is having a sale today.

pic unrelated

Hallo Veeky Forums people,
I'm currently very upset with my so called "friends" because they don't want to keep playing the board games I want to play with them. The main reason for this may be their marihuana addiciton and the resulting lack of balls. They could not stick anything longer than 1-2 rounds.

I don't know what to do but to be angry anymore and I am asking you for advice, ideas, offensive words or even contemplation. The games are DnD Adventure Games, Descent first ed., Mage Knight Board Game, Terraforming Mars, 7 Wonders and Legends of Andor.

As you might be able to tell, I have tried a variety of games. But what does it take to stick with it for some time? For example, I wish for someone to play through all descent campaigns with. I doesn't matter if we ever play it again after that, but I want to finish it. I regularly think that those guys (my playgroup friends) are lazy, fearsome and weak for the most basic reasons like losing a game for once, experiencing hardships due to acutal difficulty of the game or craving drugs before playing. I can hardly respect their judgement after the first and only round, when they just learned the overall rules. I am close to visiting my friends for one last time, finally yelling at them, calling them the losers they actually are and destroy our friendship over all of this. Is this really worth it?

>mare nostrum is nice but usually euros with combat mechanics are kinda meh. People who fight kinda lose the game. and mare nostrum has 2 nations that one is very good at fighting and one very good at defending. this means that if the romans and up next to anyone but the greeks they are going to murder them and run with the game. in my opinion its not a very balanced game... like CITOW it rellies heavily on players being very careful and keeping the balance of the game. If you are selfish for 2 or 3 rounds the most violent one wins in both games. its an ok game.

>it is a personal opinion.

When you talk about game balance - that isn't an 'opinion'. That is a look at how the game mechanics work combined with win/loss ratios for different factions and can be verified as fact. (This is one of the complaints that people who play games competitively have about Terra Mystica - some races routinely lose even in the hands of a skilled player, and others routinely win even in the hands of a low skill player due to game mechanics.) In your CitOW example - you're talking about a player who either makes *bad choices* which costs them game (counter-intuitive to the point of the game - which is winning) or they're purposely playing 'King Maker' to intentionally allow someone else to win. Neither of which is a design flaw on the part of the game designer. And this issue isn't limited to Ameritrash games or conflict driven games.

I played 7 Wonders with a group of new players a couple months ago. I told everyone at the start of the first game how much of an advantage that science cards are worth when scoring (and everyone had player aids showing the cards and points scoring system.) Sure enough I look over later and one player has nearly 3 full sets of science cards and ended up scoring a run-away victory. After that, the players were a lot more mindful of what their neighbors were collecting and no more run-away science victories.

You're surprised that people who smoke a lot of pot aren't able to concentrate for long periods of time or plan, and don't enjoy logic and critical thinking? Wow. It's almost like drugs impair the ability to perform the very activities you're attempting to get them to perform...

You've already answered your own question. While stoned they aren't going to be worth a damn when it comes to playing the meatier games you like. Don't bother yelling at the stoners - it isn't going to make a difference to them. Go out and find non-stoners to game with if you want to enjoy the meatier games in your collection. End of story.

>What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?

I'm planning to pick up New Angeles soon, and I might rush to get Forbidden Stars before it disappears forever, but that's the end of my list for now.

>Anything you're backing on KS?

As a rule, no. Burned too many times. I don't KS.

>What are you getting to play (if anything...) lately?

I've had some fun games of Tragedy Looper and Cosmic Encounter. I snagged the expansions for Looper and I've got everything for Cosmic except for Alliance and Storm.

>Got a favorite game you love? Tell us what and why.

Tragedy Looper has become my new favorite. All the "wine in front of me" reasoning is great fun, and the Mastermind side of the game is really cool even if it is really really hard to do right. While so far I've only played the First Steps scenarios, I'm starting to think it's critical to turn Table Talk off as soon as your players have generally grasped the game. If the protagonists can confer about everything even outside of the Time Spiral, they'll steamroll you.

Anyone played DnD boardgames? I've been saving up for sometime now and I can buy one boardgame,I've been seeing a lot of nice reviews for Wrath of Ashardalon. I want a decent dungeon crawler / char creation type of game

Play stoner-friendly games then.

I like (and own) Wrath of Ashardalon. I prefer any of the D&D stuff over Descent 2nd Ed because the D&D stuff tends to be more true dungeon exploration rather than a racing game. And there is some character development. However it isn't a full blown RPG by any stretch of the imagination.

There's a dice based game that might be interesting:


But I haven't seen play through videos or tried it out myself yet.

>Char creation
All characters are pre-generated, get a very limited choice of abilities, level up only once during a game, which again, doesn't give a lot of choices for character development.

There should be no such crime titled "Punching a stoner in the face"

Did you got bored of it? I want want that I wan't play it couple of times and be like 'meh, I don't want to do it anytime soon.'. Cons / Prons of WoA?
I meant dungeon crawler or DC with char customization like items, skills, etc. I don't want everything in a game.

I can't find Too many bones anywhere in my country.

>As a rule, no. Burned too many times. I don't KS.

Really? How so? I'm curious as I seem to have been quite lucky so far. I've backed about 10 - 12 projects and been very pleased for the most part. I did back a small card game that was 'OK' - not awful or fantastic - and I knew the risk going in. Otherwise I've had great fun with stuff like various RPGs (FATE, Mutant Year Zero) or board games like Exodus, Eminent Domain, OGRE Designer edition, and Reaper Minis.

Currently looking forward to:
OGRE Minis and Exodus: Event Horizon + Empires of the Void II.

I smoke weed & play bg. I'm pretty good at it, too. You're a bunch of crybabies lol

>life goals
bet you make your momma proud

I have experience with the three first titles CoR, WoA, LoD.

Expect them to be dice games more then being actual rpgs, character-centered, oder story-driven games. The dicerolling as well as the encounter cards are random elements sometimes dominating the game.

However I can recommend the custom characters on BGG and elsewhere and the named tile extension by ninjadorg (just look up BGG or ninjadorg's blog). They add a lot to the game.

Also the simplicity of them is their strength. It is incredibly easy to build own dungeons, quests and stories around the game. I even managed to use it as a backup board for a p&p session.

Overall, I think the DnD adventure system is great, a lot of fun, always great to play with new players and could be considered to be a must-buy for everyone who likes dungeon crawlers.

If I were to choose between WoA and any other game what would you recommend ?

From your lips to god's ears. So what I want to find is non-stoner-friends to play intricate boardgames with. Damn...

Same with me. The stoner friends have lost a great chunk of respect because they obviously get more stupid than I get and lack the energy of endulging in the game's fantasy world and therefore only see the work they have with it.


God I hope so much that this game will be great. The Thing is one of my favorite movies so I really want this game to hit it out of the park. The potential is there and it's huge.

inside the DnD adventure games, or ANY other game?

Inside DnD imho WoA is the best start, CoR second and LoD third.

When taking ANY game into consideration, I would have to mention, that my point of view may be a bit idealistic. Because I would prefer Descent first Ed. over the DnD dungeon crawlers. I'm just a sucker when it comes to fantasy setting, rpg and dungeon crawls. I can easily accept 7+hours of gameplay, when the game is truly tactical and stimulates my fantasy world.

I heard Descend and Mage Knight are pretty good but I can't afford any of them. My choices a WoA or DungeonQuest, or something fifty buckishy.

Based on what metric, how much I get paid a year? Get fucked. This bias against marijuana that a lot of you have is completely unwarranted and spurious AT BEST.

>buy it list
4" x 10' pvc pipe, and enough 1/4" x 2" red oak to start on my storage solutions.
>getting to play
Got a couple games of Flash Point in the other day; I think the station where my buddy works is going to get their own copy now because this is twice they've asked me to bring it by when I was coming over to grab him and go drinking
>favorite game
Lots, but Survive (Atlantis not Space) is currently at the top of the pile. It's so simple, (take 3 moves, sink the island, roll a die) the production is really nice, love the different thickness island tiles. Even better it lets you start murdering your opponents turn 1, and the constant negotiating/begging to not destroy that boat because "I'll save your guy I won't sink it either" is up there with the Resevoir Dogs effect from Cash n Guns. Being able to play it with a wider range, and being a really solid 2p experience helps a ton.

Are you looking to fill a hole in the collection, or get something for variety that's similar to a favorite? /bgg/ loves helping other people pick what new toy to buy

>Did you got bored of it?

My group hasn't played it a lot. So it hasn't worn out its welcome at the table so far. (I have a fairly large game collection, and while we game roughly twice a month, we alternate between board games and RPG gaming.)

youtube.com/results?search_query=wrath of ashardalon

If you are willing to look at other genre of games - there are some interesting crawler / exploration games:

Gears of War - great co-op game with a campaign system and excellent mechanics. It just doesn't have a 'character development' system. (Characters start new missions with basic gear / stats and acquire new items during play.)

Level 7 Omega Protocol: Players vs a GM (Enemy controller). Tells a longer story or campaign. A good GM can make or break the game. It just doesn't have a 'character development' system. (Characters start new missions with basic gear / stats - though these vary by scenario - and can acquire new items during play.)

But Mage Knight is below 50$ on amazon... It is a totally different game compared to WoA or DQ. Just try it out is what I think.

Remember - discount online sellers are your friend. (Look in the pastebin in the OP for places in the US / UK - otherwise you might have to check the BGG site for suggestions in Europe or elsewhere.) There's also the Board Game Geek's 'Geek Bazaar' site that has some excellent deals as well. And last but not least places like Ebay (if you're patient) can produce some real gems at bargain prices.

Watched some reviews/gameplay/unboxing videos of WoA. Can't find GoW in my country and Level 7 is too much for my budget. Thanks for your help, I think I'll go with WoA

The base game is 80 in my country, transport will add too much to it's price.
As I said, transport is too much, tried to search for used boardgames in my country but few people play them.

>discount online sellers are your friend
Corolary: if you see a game on Amazon for 50% off, there's a very good chance it's a Chinese seller.

Where ya at?


Unfortunately, until we get a look at the rules - we have zero clue. I like the John Carpenter movie as well. (The original black & white from the 50's is entertaining too.) I ordered a copy of Panic Station to see how that stands as a 'The Thing' like game.

>anything on KS
Just got pic related in the mail. This is my first board game in a long while and can't wait to get into it. Anyone else back DSBG?

>Corolary: if you see a game on Amazon for 50% off, there's a very good chance it's a Chinese seller.

I don't buy a lot of games off Amazon. Mostly I hit CSI, MM, and places like Fun Again or Cardhaus. When I do snag stuff off Amazon, it's typically during one of their 'Prime' sales and it's good deals from reputable sellers. Are people starting to see a lot of cheap knock-off copies of games from China now?

Im a goddamn idiot.

The glorification of cannabis culture is moronic. I gave up pot a long time ago because I didn't like my brain getting revved down, being stupid is not a point of pride for me.
So yeah, as long as you don't devolve into one of those slack-jawed, slurred-speaking imbeciles, carry on bro.

How is it?Saw some reviews some days ago.

Love to help ya out, but my European shipping experience is limited. Maybe BGG marketplace from a seller nearer if you're looking for variety?

Not knockoffs. Amazon changed their new seller policies about a year back, it's resulted in a TON of Chinese scam sales. All they need is an address, email, and name (all fake) to start selling. So they list an item for 50% off 75% off whatever's much lower than the current price. Sale goes through, they give you fake tracking (seller pretending to be in TX gives you Chinese post tracking #) and you wait. No game comes you use Amazon's A-Z refund guarantee to get the charge pulled off your card. Seller account is closed, but in the meantime they've already had the payment clear into their bank, closed that bank acct, and stolen the money from Amazon or your bank/CC company. Watch for new sellers with 0 ratings, and they've got 1000s of items up (games, shoes, electronics, household crap). That's a scammer

Haven't set it up yet. Heading over a buddys to play later, so i might do some posting then

How could you help me out user? No chance for that to happen, I found only a store that sells boardgames physically in my 200k people city.

Have fun, looking juicy af.

No, not based on pay rate. Rather based on the ability to function socially and personally. I've known people who used pot medically and it drastically improved their quality of life and ability to function. I've known people who used it to relax. And I've known people who used it to escape unpleasant realities to the point where they couldn't function. It isn't a question of *if* pot alters brain function. It's a matter of how much usage - and some folks just plain use to damn much. Just like Alcohol. When it's gotten to the point where you're afraid to make choices in a board game, and can actually focus for longer periods of time - it's a solid sign that someone has gotten to the 'to much' stage.

I'm usually pretty good at finding online sellers who ship to odd locations (without gouging people). Sadly my experience in Europe is limited to France and the UK

>Not knockoffs. Amazon changed their new seller policies about a year back, it's resulted in a TON of Chinese scam sales.

Gotcha - I was thinking along the lines of the explosion of 'counterfeit' MTG cards. Here they don't even have to worry about trying to deliver a product at all.

>How could you help me out user?

Again - if you do some research, there are online stores *IN EUROPE* that might well be able to ship you games at an affordable rate.

>next purchase
Millennium Blades, going to go all out and buy everything at once from MM because availability in 'Straya is terrible
>KS backing
Dungeon Degenerates, Techno Bowl, nee Exodus expansion, Hannibal reprint

contemplating Bios Genesis reprint
>recent plays
pulled out Quantum for the first time today and played three 2P games and a 3P game, absolutely do not regret that purchase at all, thanks anons who have posted about it before
>favourite game
Duel of Ages II, best way to describe it is as a weird mix of Jagged Alliance, MOBAs (with regards to the massive character count) and a couple of loose RPG elements, mostly in relation to events happening during the game. it looks and plays like a hex-and-counter wargame consideing it has a fair amount of combat rules, but you do very little combat (unless you drafted a combat-heavy team) and focus more on trying to perform multiple objectives like disabling parts of the enemy team's base, performing skill challenges against "NPCs" to prove your team's overall worth and other things.

there's enough content to last an eternity with the expansion, with 28 map pieces to choose from (you typically use three or four per game) and 192 characters (of which you typically play 8 per team) on top of about 500 item cards, it is just absolute insanity. i would sell the rest of my collection and still be satisfied for life.
play less autistic games with stoners

not that I'm saying those games are bad, but stick with simpler things that are more evocative like Cutthroat Caverns, Wiz-War, Survive! Escape from Atlantis or Nevermore, I find those three to be great for drinking or getting blazed

playing Nevermore while coming down from the peak of an acid trip was amazingly good
I can totally understand being against wanting your brain to rev down, but I mostly get high precisely to do that, or I can suffer from pretty bad insomnia

I won't argue that. I will say that just like every other facet of life it is exactly what you make it. If you want shit, you'll make it that way, no matter what. I elocute well no matter what frame of mind I'm in and some people will say oh you're lucky. No, I practice this shit, just like anyone else who wants to be good at something. I don't let things make me weak. I use them to become stronger.

To each their own...

>What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?
Heroscape expansions. It's killing my game budget but... I have my reasons.
>Anything you're backing on KS?
Nothing right now, I backed a lot of projects last year so I'm waiting on a lot of shit. I think I'm good right now.
>What are you getting to play (if anything...) lately?
Sooo.. I work in a youth center, and recently I introduced them to heroscape.
THEY LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF IT, and since the average age of the kids I'm taking care of is pretty low, I usually have to play with them. Really rekindled my love for the game. It's so simple and yet so much fun. This is why I'm on a shopping spree. Got wave 1 & 2, a second set of fortress of the archkyrie, found a master set on the cheap and finally bought (two) of the road to the forgotten forest.
>Got a favorite game you love? Tell us what and why.
Right now, I'm thinking heroscape. But two of my favorite games are Shadows of Brimstone, which I consider to be the GOD of emergent storytelling in board games (and the god of being great in spite of its mechanics being shit). The stories it tells are just unmatched. The second one is Escape : curse of the temple, because I could play ten games of it in a row and not be tired of it. I love the fast and frantic mood it sets on the table, with everybody yelling instructions to each other. "I'M IN THE KEYS ROOM ! I NEED KEYS COME HERE !" "I'M STUCK WITH FIVE BLACK MASKS ! ANYBODY HELP ???"

care to name some?

I love Escape too user; have you seen the upcoming Magic Maze? Looks to be pretty similar feel but different mechanic instead of dice rolling.

Gonna repost this cause I didn't see the new thread.

Lads, give me the skinny on Merchants and Marauders.
I love pirates to a T, and this looks like it has everything I would like about an age of sail/pirate game.

Different Ports, different goods, captains, multiple ships, upgradable ships, ship to ship combat.

I'm in a Seafall campaign now, and I love it for some of the above reasons, but I recognize the mechanical shitness of it, especially knowing what's to come because I bought a copy to play against myself because I couldn't get enough Piratical Sailing. Swingy AF tho. I love pirates that much.
Big fan of Sid Meirs Pirates, the newer one.
How does M&M play?

I don't know but you sold me. Have you played empires at sea any? I'm a fan of naval games too. I'm willing to try anything.

That would've been a really funny joke if you didn't mention a specific game.
Or this debacle boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/103115/katalyka

Worst game I backed on KS was the kingdom of loathing card game. Shipped, just isn't that interesting, considering the mechanics and writing of the source. When the dude was on the podcast the devs do, he sounded like a tool, but I thought maybe he was the money or whatever and not the dev. Sad to say about myself it took three games to realize there's 0 interaction between players.

I have not, I don't often buy boardgames nowadays because I don't have people to play them with much. Also when I do, I'm kinda starting to prefer solo anyway because it's smoother, but that's my own turbo introversion.

That's why I ask, because I really like to get a sense of how things play.

Just checked out Tom Vasel's review. Sounds like my kind of game ! Looks language independant too. Might have to get this one.

Short, simple, interactive games that hold everyone's attention without too much thinking. Not overly complex, no bookkeeping, low downtime.
Cash n' guns, Bang! dice game, Pitch Car, Telestrations, Cockroach Poker, Las Vegas, Cat Tower/Rhino Hero, Ghost Blitz, Can't Stop, Get Bit, Toc Toc Woodsman, Mafia de Cuba, Say Anything.

>Really? How so?

Mostly Star Citizen. Kickstarting vidya gets you pretty cynical about Kickstarter pretty fast.

I guess I haven't really done it with board games beyond Monster Crabs and Pirate Coins.

Anyone here played this? A Friday the 13th inspired cat and mouse game sounds pretty cool. How does it play?

I haven't played it, but when it has come up here in the past, other players have said it's kind of 'Meh' and not really a suspenseful horror game like one would hope.

More or less this; it's a mediocre reworking of Letters from Whitechapel

Yeah, I can see where waiting, (and waiting and waiting...) for insane amounts of time like with Star Citizen would be a huge turn-off. None of the board game KS I've supported (so far) have run terribly late. (And in the few cases where they missed their intended goal they were good about communicating the delays so people knew they were still on track to deliver.)

As for the coins KS - I saw one that had 'gold coins' that looked a lot like the skull coins from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted to back it but just didn't have the extra $$$ at the time. I do like the coins I've picked up for Hegemonic.

Oh, the Pirate Coins one wasn't just nice coins: it actually included a rules insert for a game you could play with the coins.

It's not a great game, but it's okay, and the coins are nice.

Was it whipping them at your friends heads?
While I don't need a kickstarter for that, I would back for the audacity.

Read that sucks pretty much.. But these are some people's opinions, for me, Betrayal at House on the Hill is amazing, for others it sucks

Just a press-your-luck. Each coin has a skull on one side and a monster on the other. Gold coins are worth 3 and the monster is a kraken. Silver coins are 2 and a siren. Copper, 1 and a shark. Each player starts with a gold. 5 coins are drawn from the bag randomly and set aside as round counters.

Take the top coin of the round counter stack and put it in the middle to start the pile of loot. First player draws a random coin from the pouch and sets it on the pouch, as the fortune coin. Each player takes a coin from their own booty and secretly places it with either the monster or skull side face up. Monster means you intend to plunder the loot pile and sit out the rest of the round. Skull means you're staying in the round.

If only one player plunders while the fortune coin is gold, they get the whole loot pile, but if multiple players plunder on gold, nobody gets anything and the loot pile stays as-is. If the fortune coin is silver, players split the loot pile evenly across each type of coin, with any remainders staying in the pile. If the fortune coin is copper, you add up the total value of the coins, then split the value evenly, but each player in turn starts by taking gold coins until they've got enough (making change as needed), then silver, then copper. If you can't make change, you put coins back until your take is less than what was owed you, and then move to the next player.

Players who plunder sit out the round, even if you got nothing for it. If everybody has plundered, the round is over, move to the next round.

The starting player now flips the fortune coin. If it's a skull, put it in the loot pile to keep growing it. If it's a monster, put it in the monster pool. If there are three of the same type of monster in the monster pool, the round ends and the loot pile and monster pool both go back to the pouch.

You win if your booty's value hits 25, or by having the highest value at the end of 5 rounds.

While the game is for 2-5, I really don't recommend it with 2. After the loot pile hits a certain point, every gold coin turns into a prisoner's dilemma situation. If both players play rationally, they'll both plunder every time the fortune coin is gold, and the round will end. If both players play superrationally, neither one will plunder, and the gold coin will just go to either the loot pile or the monster pool.

It's more interesting with more people.

And of course if you can arrange a situation where you're the last player left in the round and none of the monsters are at 2, you just stay in until a monster's at 2 and the fortune coin is the same type, then plunder to take the whole pile (since you don't have to split it).

>Was it whipping them at your friends heads?

Heh! That brings back painful memories...

> Be me, RPG gaming at friends house on back porch / enclosed patio room.
> Group decides to order some Pizza.
> Player whose house we are at brings out a huge glass jar of change.
> Someone dumps out change for some reason.
> Resident player starts throwing quarters and nickles at everyone.
> Rapidly devolves into massive 'Change Fight' with coins flying everywhere. People diving behind furniture for cover.
> (Honestly surprised no windows were broken.)
> For weeks afterword, any mention of food results in players smiling menacingly and jingling pockets full of change...

Why is it that murder-hobos seem to have an ingrained desire to kill each other with coins?

that sounds awesome

One person tried to hide behind a lattice-work screen. It worked about as well as you might suspect. (And for the record it's hard to fight back when you're doubled over with laughter watching the person behind the screen get nailed with 80% of the coins thrown at them.)

Villages of Valeria is the most boring thing I have ever played.

Never even heard of it. Nor the publisher for that matter when I looked it up on BGG. Looking at the description - while it does have nice graphics, it looks to be nothing more than a card based engine builder among many engine builders already on the market.

All the Valeria products feel just meh; the art's good and the theme sounds ok (generic fantasy why not?) but I haven't been impressed by the execution yet from them.

>What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?
I've got everything I absolutely want. I mean, if I see Star Trek Catan going for a decent price, I'll snap it up, but that's about it.
>Anything you're backing on KS?
Moods of the King - shipping is kinda steep for a microgame, but I think the idea's neat enough
>What are you getting to play (if anything...) lately?
I've got a meetup tomorrow, so no doubt I'll be boring you with a vague overview in 24 hours time
>Got a favorite game you love? Tell us what and why
Ankh Morpork - it's the perfect hybrid of Euro and thematic games, and the theme is one of the best fantasy series ever written.

>What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?

Soviet Dawn from C3I Magazine and The Barbarossa Campaign from VPG.

Solo gaming, yeah!

>What's next up on your "Buy it!" list?
I just spent about $500 on games and game accessories so I need to cool it for a while.

>Anything you're backing on KS?
Just Gloomhaven, if I don't end up liking it I'll sell it off to a friend.

>What are you getting to play (if anything...) lately?
Played Catacombs, Valley of the Kings, Captain Sonar, Arboretum, and Caverna recently.

>Got a favorite game you love? Tell us what and why.
You've got a pic of it there in the OP

I've found that tic-tac-toe is the perfect level of strategic thinking for stoners.

Toc Toc Woodman (or either of the other 2 editions) is the perfect game for stoners. They'll spend 20 minutes lining up where they're going to tap the axe before taking a swing. It lets you get loads of work around the house done while they stare at the plastic blocks.

>Playing with low test players and thinking you're a alpha nerd.
My sides.

Tbqh you should get KDM, fun game to play while stoned. Some people can't handle the book keeping even while sober but they're probably retarded so no lost love y'know.

>thinking you're a alpha nerd
Nope, just brought it along for a buddy's bachelor party last summer. The stoned cousins spent all day staring at the colored plastic from Bling Bling Gemstone while I was able to fix a bunch of stuff around the cabin; was a good day.

>Working and fixing stuff at a bachelor party.
Party animals am I right.

I also enjoy Escape but man, I could never play more than 2 games in a row. It's just too intense.

Apparently it's very "open world" in that you can just do whatever you want to try and achieve victory. Once I get my copy to the table I'll give a report.

man, what a shit show. But it sure was fun to watch from the sidelines.

Would like to hear that report, user. Coolsy.

>The main reason for this may be their marihuana addiciton

But DUDEWEEDLMAOXDDD makes literally every boardgame better, no matter how complicated

Also I bet they'd be hella into extreme autistic BGs if they were rolling

To be fair the first "project" we did was split a case between me and the groom on the drive across the island, hook up some tow straps to his jeep, and tear down a 20yr old carport. It also kinda ripped off one side of the outdoor shower so that had to be fixed later on when we were half sober and felt like playing with power tools. Either way we got all our drinking done in our 20s when we were paid to do it; mid 30s and working 24hr shifts you kinda lose interest in it. Plus the guy had a 2yr old kid with the wife, he wasn't really a bachelor anymore.

On topic again: what is the appeal of KDM that I can't get in a full rpg?

Dark Souls but random

> what is the appeal of KDM that I can't get in a full rpg?
It's a co-op settlement survival/monster hunting game.

Dunno why you'd think it's at all even remotely similar to an RPG asides from the fact that there's character sheets?

>Dark Souls.
>A game where the player is effectively "immortal do over man" and getting through the game mostly involves running past stuff in no armour while taking advantage of invincibility frames.
The aesthetic may be slightly similar but DS is nothing at all like KDM.

Because it's a combat based persistent world where you change things around you by your actions. How is that not an RPG?

In a Role Playing Game you play a Role.

Redpill me on Dixit


It's a game about vaguely describing semi abstract art. That's pretty much it.


Anyone here tried out Homeland? How is it?

Not too bad, really, I enjoyed it. Only one play though, so that's not much of an opinion.
It's just been a little overshadowed by BSG, Dead of Winter, and the like.

Should I grab Deception: Murder in Hong Kong over it? I know they have different aims, but the additional elements in Deception might give it a bit more longevity.

Maybe, but I don't like to think of Dixit like other games in terms of longevity. It's more like Spyfall, or Concept, it's less a game, and more an activity, where you can disregard scoring/winning and just play a few rounds til people are tired and want to move on to something else. Deception is more like Resistance, that's a straight up game you play to win/lose.

user with the 3D printed Diplomacy pieces from threads back. This weekend I was finally able to finish painting the spare pieces and I made an insert to store everything because the "insert" that came with the game was a joke. Here's what the starting positions look with my pieces being used

Compared to the starting positions using the cardboard pieces that came with the game. I could have been more meticulous preparing my pieces but I still think it looks a lot better

And then here is the insert I made. I could have done a better job but it was the first one I ever made so I'm satisfied with it. Now I just need to convince my friends to play...

Anyone backing this? I played it a few times at PAX East this year and in 2015. It seemed fun, the combining was cool, but the rules are a bit light, not in the best way. The backing starts at $49 for the full game, which is nice.

Any Thoughts? Should I back it?

Love seeing the OC user; and the insert is nice, good job on your first one. 2nd/3rd go much faster, by the 5th you move beyond functional to pretty and modular, after that you're down the rabbit hole. The models look loads better than the chits too, they're almost good enough to con me into playing and I'm not even close to a fan of the game. If your friends won't bite bribe them with promises of beer/pizza and don't mention the game until they're on site. If that fails, look for a local con where you can GM for free, and list it. Best way I've found to get games to the table that my friends aren't big fans of.