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Obscure CYOAs edition.

Choose the power, then check the mystery box for the cost.

Real cost is that this thread starts with anime

The costs.

If you got too scary powers, post an obscure cyoa or at least one that hasn't been posted for a while and you can repick.


>The best power has the best drawback






Poo in the loo; slightly revised edition!

Abjuration 1 (1)
Polymorphing 1 (2)
Fire 3 (7)
Water 3 (12)
Earth 2 (15)
Air 3 (20)
Teleportation 3 (25)
Longevity 5 (34)
Transmuting 5 (43)
Time 5 (52)
Metamagic 5 (61)
Healing 5 (70)
Outlive Universe (80)
Grant Immortality (90)
Muscle Wizard (100)

Transmutation is definitely OP. In addition to being able to instantly turn your enemies into poop, it can also be used for creation. It's as good as conjuring for creating stuff. The final level of conjuring can create castles and walls? So what - with transmuting I can just turn a flower into a castle. There's no reason to ever pick conjuring.

Order CYOA

Would making aesthetic changes to the doll be reflected on your own appearance? Eg, if you got an expert dollmaker to change your face entirely, would that let you shapeshift?


Post images plz


Here's some OC, hope it's not too cliche



So this is a waifu cyoa but without the waifu?
I'll never end up in a relationship without being given a free waifu to love me. I can't do this one.


It's an implement waifu. I wanted to give the feel of a person without describing them in the traditional way, so the waifu is meant to be a specific person and not just "someone you're dating IRL".


It sounds very depressive and somber so I'm sure to love it.

But you see, I cannot by my own power imagine another living being that could come to love me. So I must seek console in imaginary characters that someone writes who would have no say in the matter.

How is the doll a significant drawback? I can see why this one doesn't get posted much.


Fuck that got me.

Ah, well I mean it's implied that she cares for you if that's any help, but if not then I'm sorry I couldn't help you out on this one.

>Day Trip
I can't believe that whore isn't dead yet. Bitch pretty much forced me to take one last trip with her. Boohoo. How long is this going to take?

>Lake House
Oh no, we went to an abandoned Lake House to spend our final moments together. Let's hope she doesn't get one of her autistic seizures and dies. Crossing my fingers.

>Go On A Lake
Let's hope she doesn't drown. The bitch can suffer for all I care.

Thanks, I will. You're leaving me a nice, big life insurance check life we discussed, right?

This build not what you expected? Well, I'm clearly too intelligent to fall for your emotional mindtricks.

Shapeshifting. Assume dragon form and resume playing vidya.

>Implying this isn't already happening
>Implying I don't keep those bitches in check
>Implying I don't enjoy headmates

>Comfy Cabin
>Go on the lake
>Shoot a bitch in the head and dump her chain-wrapped corpse off into the lake.

... because people can hurt the doll?

Shapeshifting - immortality at the cost of a tiny bit of mental instability.

Here's some of the good stuff, no cost.

Not when it's in a safe place that only I know about. And if I give no indication that hurting the doll hurts me then why would people even look for it?

Just for that comment I'm going to go around looking through people's stuff for immortality dolls from now on.

You do that.

You can't tell me what to do.

Cliche OC is still OC.

Overnight Trip.
Seaside Hotel
Picnic, Rest Together.

I just woke up and now Im sad. Ive gone through something similar before. Pretty bittersweet.

The doll will eventually fall apart over time.

Just like your hopes and dreams.

while i want to spend time, i dont want to push her too far
>seaside hotel
>go clamming
>cook together
the place and activities make a nice nostalgic theme and still offer some built in safety to ensure we can actually finish what might be the last time together
well shit i think its a good day to go outside, its raining out but the weather just got worse in here

I just had an amazing idea for a cyoa. It involves user being the son of Satan, inheriting an underground dance club, and grooving to Eurobeat. It's coming together. Yes, this will be a masterpiece.


This is autism.


Yep, it's the son of Satan alright.

theres like 2 more levels of this too i think
i mean nemesis is awfully edgy and shit but this is jus sad

Do you think they'll be daijobu?

No that's the final layer actually.

What's even worse is the Anti-Nemesis hasn't even been posted yet. TokHaar Gol is so buttmad that he can't even fathom that someone doesn't like his forced PVP cyoa.

I applaud your efforts but I don't very easily "feel" with characters. Especially not when I'm thrust into it like this. You can't expect me to care for someone who I know nothing about. Like with that one by beri where some dying kid gives you a present.
I'm sure it will work on someone that has felt love and heartbreak.

>Seaside Hotel
>Go to a Garden
>Cook together
It's important, I think, to do something active and something that keeps her mind active too. If she's been in a hospital all this time the last thing I would do to her if ask her to sit or lie and watch movies.
>That last line of Rest Together
Very well written.

Page 3 is nice. You did good trying to pull my heartstrings. Looking back at old dates and reminiscing.
I'm sorry I can't be moved the way you want me to be.
Last page is good. It almost makes me feel something. It's short, it's to the point,
it doesn't have any choices.


How could someone not like Nemesis?

I really enjoy pvp cyoas and I always imagine the adventure/power cyoas I play will have a pvp element to them. Whenever I see someone (almost everyone) make a build that ignores the culling or pays to get rid of it, I imagine they didn't get that option and continue to skim through their build. I often fantasize about everyone on this website and several of it's spinoffs being summoned to a valhalla-esque world and forced to fight to the death over and over again. Sometimes with teams or armies, other times in a grand free for orgy of death.


>328 pages
This isn't a CYOA, this is a full on game book.


Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback. It really means a lot, especially hearing that it was well written from someone who the emotional manipulation doesn't work on

From a great height is the only correct answer. There are so many people I would like to dump on.

Ok, you do you man. I'm going to continue to not care that much about pvp in cyoa, and continue to never alter my builds for the concerns of pvp.


It says here you get triggered by forced pvp in cyoas even though it's all imaginary and none of it is actually real. Care to explain?

You shouldn't post just to aggravate other people tok. You won't make any friends this way other than the self-hating ironic Veeky Forums user crowd.

nice strawman faggot

catposting is almost as bad as frogposting

A hunter must hunt.

I don't discriminate.

This is the result of operant conditioning. I've learned that forced PVP triggers other people which causes the quality of the thread to go down which triggers me. So now I hate pvp on the principle that authors include it solely in hopes of creating shitstorms and not because they actually want to make it fun.

Someone post that make a genie cyoa, I trying to magically wish this thread to not be shit.

>Dungeon Heart
Crystal sounds like too much work.
>Imps (2), Minion Bond (2), Sight of Evil (2).
I can keep an eye and ear on my places of interest pretty easily. I have a good, solid work crew, and any minions I recruit synergize with me quite well.

>Arcane Library, Portal, Lair, Training Room, Keeper's Quarters.
A good place to study; some place to attract minions; a place for the minions to call home; some swanky rooms for myself; and a place for me and my minions to git gud.

>Maido Maleficarum
Demonic Maid! Sounds fun.

>Everyman, Young Keeper, Divine Opposition
So I pissed off the wrong guy. Big deal, it'll be dealt with. Mister Shits and Grins "I wanna war" will be conquered as well. And I probably pissed off a god along the way by refusing to worship any of 'em. Such is life.
>Mystically Inclined, Nasty Critter
Spellcasters for support, and big ol' nasty critters for tanking and raw damage. I can't wait to see what my warlocks can make to turn the sewer alligators into even bigger, nastier beasties.

I'd like to be a fairy godmother t b h.

You're not posting cyoas.

Hey, Y'all.
I'm currently working on that superhero CYOA I said I'd be doing however many threads ago.
Feel free to leave any power you'd like to see added, aside from the ability to tear the fabric of reality with a snap of your fingers or immortality.
I'd like to post a WIP, but I'm outta the country and thus very fucking AFK. I'll be able to do that tomorrow, perhaps.

It says here you're taking my shtick

Teleportation and Regeneration are pretty common powers, but they're my favorite nonetheless

I also like being able shape myself and others, but that's my dick talking


I have a big weakness for interesting powers themed around time manipulation. Pure time fuckery is possibly too overpowered depending on the other powers you're doing, but cool limitations that don't feel too generic or forced IMO add to the power rather than detract.

time manipulation and teleportation are op and shouldn't be included

I really like object summoning of some kind

Being able to remove concepts or people and any proof they ever existed.


I'm going to request you copy the one thing Ordion did right and give everyone peak human capabilities for free.

I love weather control as a power.

Shapeshifting is my favorite power

>more edges than bismuth
Back to /r9k/ with ye

The power to make Deku my bf.


One time that Comfy Zone was posted, I misread it saying that you have to take companion and kinda uncomfortable about there being something in my special safespace, even if it was just some I had created.
Then I thought about it, what if you were given a comfy zone but you were also given your dream waifu that loved your unconditionally and was everything perfect and to sustain your zone, you had to only love your waifu unconditionally. And I wasn't sure if I could love even something tailor made to be lovable. I am a broken being.

Also, Culling is dumb.


Time manipulation. You can give it limitations, since uncontrolled time manipulation is just as bad as reality-warping, but I deeply enjoy it.

The powers will be designed in nodes, so you'll be able to change someone else's shape provided you've got the right node. EG: Healing would be a result of combining "Increased healing capabilities" and "Ability projection".
Neither will be exactly time manipulation nor teleportation. And both will have a decent amount of drawbacks.
I mean, it's mostly inspired by My Hero Academia, so I don't reckon I'll do that. I'll consider it, though.


I need biotics.

I'd like to point out that heroes in My Hero Academia do seem to have some pretty awesome innate physical stats. They can all take a lot more damage than the average human realistically. Maybe that's just because it's a kid's shounen manga but still. I'd try to translate that into a cyoa mechanic personally. Otherwise fighting someone like Kaachan would be a very gory mess.

Also, telekinetics.

Traveller is bigger. Also it is more of a cyoa.

Mostly because Italics can't into formatting.

>my hero academia

Bless you.

im gonna definitely need some music-based powers, and some sort of power that is based on manipulating strings or wires to use as weapons or tools.

Not to start a discussion about it, but I always assumed it was due to most of them, if not all, having undergone some tough-ass training, like the MC does during the first few eps, but thousandfold.
You do have a point, though.


I basically never see anyone pick Persis when this is posted. I think it's because only thing about her is that she pure pure pure pure pure pure pure pure. Nothing else. She basically has every other waifu's kink line expanded into four.

Anyway, Mox is the best, unless you are into animal porn, in which case feel free to pick Nero.