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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Which of the splats do you actually play? Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Which of the splats do you actually play? Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
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One of my fav pics. Might be cos it looks likes an ex but whatever
Your ex looks like Lucita de Aragon?
Lucky cunt.
She was a bitch but yeh i was punching well above my weight.
>She was a bitch
So is Lucita.
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Truthfully? All of them with the exception of Beast and Mummy. But my top three are, in order: Mage, Changeling, and Vampire.
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
None. Ive DMed Vampire 20th, Werewolf 20th, and Hunter The Vigil.
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Both Vampires, Werewolf The Apocalypse, both Changelings, Mage The Asencion, Demon The Descent
Hows everyone liking c20 so far?
So which is the best revised clanbook and why is it Lasombra, even though it has no right to be?
I'd like to try to start again. I was for some time really in to the immersion aspect of it. Might be cool to check how well can I still kind of throw my self in to that "play mechanic". Scandi style rping is my alley. But now it's only about imoto
Mage until had to enter life. Would like to try ctl, wraith and since pentex was and is saintly, I'd like to see a ww/vtm social kind of large scale event with pentex in the middle of the kerfalafel. Maybe even in the spirit of a larp, Not that american mindseyetherapy. No jan-ken-do. Mike pohjola -tier system design instead.
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
Demon the Descent, Vampire the Requiem
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Geist, MtAw
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
None, I'm cardposter.
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
>Lucita de Aragon
I'd imagine she can do more with Arms of Ahriman than most kindred can with their whole body.
Vampire, Werewolf, Promethean, Hunter, Chnageling
>Get a chance to play some day?
Deviant, Demon, Mage
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
WtA, VtM and DA:V
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Changeling (both old and new), MtAs, oWoD changing breeds and Demon (both old and new).
Why is it good?
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Hoping i get to play Changeling one day
If cardposting is such cancer, then vtes guys, come play on lackey, we have 3 atm and 2 more atleast would be nice. This way our badstupidfun won't mind anyone.
isnt ocgtn better than lackey and it had vtes cards for it somewhere??
C20 is a beautiful dream. Especially when it comes to the assist it gives to people in making their new kiths and the allowance of room beyond what's written.
What conspiracy/behind the scenes force would you use to build some kind of brainwashing cult with nice shiny front. Shinny happy always smiling people - you know the vibe
>In Art Direction
>W20 Changing Ways
How long could it take until it is released?
okay but whete is Rio though
haven't tried it. Is there a bigger cmmunity?
>whete is Rio
In Brazil
Yeah, this. They managed to take one of the most "meh" game lines from the original run of oWoD and turned it into something really quite nice.
Whats changed? I cba reading it and only played 1e when it first came out, but why is c20 better?
I am itching to play some Dark Ages Vampire or,if I have to, ST it. I was thinking about using some of the WW adventures,which ones are good? Both chronicles look ambitious but some birs smell of heavy railroad, and tha black cross scenarios appear... meh. I know I am nor a good sandbox GM though.
Transyvannia and Giovanni both suffer from the pc's just sitting and watching major events unfold around them some of the time, sure they get to see alot of cool shit, but unless you go way of base and start to make it up yourself, they cant really change any of it, infact it even says if the pc's manage to stop Augustus from eating cappadocius say by killing augustus, Cappa will resurrect augustas so he can do it....
I ran both by joining em up, it sorta worked but the time jumps caused some problems, only so often you can trap all yer pc's underground so they have to enter torpor till found ;P
why the fuck does it auto add that pastebin after ive been looking at it..
>Which of the splats do you actually play?
>Which ones would you like to get a chance to play one day?
Vampire: The Masquerade. I've played a lot of Bloodlines but I don't know anyone around here who plays the pen and paper games.
>Cappa will resurrect augustas so he can do it....
But why?
As far as I could follow he wants to be martyred, and the Giovanni diablerie was not working - with Auspex 10 hd could have been a precog and seen that his spirit would be safe. Personally, I think WW wanted to show the PCs something awesome and put them in a big plot from the start, but did not want them to break a fundamental part of the setting, like preventing the Giovanni clan.
In a game I played we did save Japheth - though he later either committed suicide to follow Cappadocius as a spirit or faked his death - and killed Claudius. Pity the group broke up earlyin Book 2, the game had promise.
Did you guys get anything for free comic book deals?
>Hows everyone liking c20 so far?
Is out yet?
backer PDF is out on a MEGA link that I can't fucking find at the moment
Arts and Realms are much cleaner, pooka aren't as cutesy, for two.
Alright, thanks. If I feel extra gutsy and we actually get to the end this could lead to some "setting houserules." ;)
How are the other dark ages adventures btw?
Did they change the 'psychiatry is evil' aspect or is that a different game line?
Thanks user!
You may be thinking of Scientology.
It was never evil in changeling.
Being trapped in a metal ward being told that the things you know are real, are not in fact real, hurt changelings over time, more so when they get over medicated to correct the problem that is not a problem.
Its not good for Mages, Werewolves or a vampire either.
They changed it somewhat. It's now specifically psychiatrists following a certain kind of diagnosis that the mainstream psychiatric community considers to be bullshit.
>mageposting on /v/
>furfag posting on /v/
Reality Deviants like you will burn.
Honey, if I catch you looking at other mages again I'm turning the cockring silver and making spikes grow inward
I'll download my knot through your back door without a firewall
Why are werefags so fucking perverted?
Does anyone else have the rest of these neckbeard mages?
are autists still soulless
I've only seen that one and the Acanthus one.
I don't think they ever were, and are clearly not in C20.
The closest to what you're thinking of my be crashing bore, as outlined in "The Autumn People"
top kek
Is this how Brujah sires work in VtM
I wish Werewolf lore was a little more approachable.
Mage has true wizards vs. technomancers and the war for reality and truth (FAKE NEWS) which resonates today.
Vampire has the old-blood politicking and hidden society drama that we all know and love.
Werewolf has a bunch of wiccans living in the woods decrying humanity as a planet-killing menace despite being part of humanity.
Meanwhile Raeg makes them unable to live in average society, which is just silly for a game about masquerades.
I feel like Werewolf would work way better as a hunter-type game where you're a group of normal dudes/dudettes who happen to turn into giant wolves/ravens/bears at night and kill monsters/appease spirits.
Beast Courts of the east definitely seem to follow this more than the usual books.
>I feel like Werewolf would work way better as a hunter-type game where you're a group of normal dudes/dudettes who happen to turn into giant wolves/ravens/bears at night and kill monsters/appease spirits.
You know this is exactly waht Werewolf the Forsaken is?
Someone more learned with changeling lore than I, do Thallain have a kill on sight order for them or are they just dangerous as fuck.
Do they organize together to cause havoc in the autumn world?
I just got through reading V20. I used to play second ed and revised waaaay back when.
Is it me, or has VtM not...aged very well?
In what sense? Mechanics wise?
Many kingdoms have a sort of kill on sight thing with them, they are almost universally seen as bad if not Evil. They are welcome in very very few Seelie Kingdoms, but they have been known to allowed in Unseelie domains from time to time, Most Thallain can pose as normal Kiths. Which makes the problem worse.
Well, no, mechanics wise it's still fine. Infact it's cleaned up.
But I don't know, I just think of the World of Darkness and that fact that it, really crowded, with each critter being part of a global-conspiracy, yet all somehow going undetected despite the amount of shit all of them get up to.
Chronicles of Darkness has reduced the number of critters, as I understand it, and made it more local rather than global, and added a few more bits and bobs that would help these critters hide (I've run a VtR game which was pretty fleek)
Like...idk, maybe now that I'm older I'm kind of losing that ability to suspend disbelief a little. I mean, if it's a full on fantasy or scifi setting, or a setting where creepy-crawlies aren't so prevalent, I can still retain that. But for Masquerade, it...Man, I don't know.
It's kind of like a friend of mine who said that he couldn't get into Pokemon anymore because he played Pokemon GO, and he realized just how unbelievable it would be: how weren't these critter culled, I mean, we have a rat that can shock someone's pace-maker into seizing, and various water and fire creatures that would cause no end of maiming and property damage.
I...I don't know. Maybe it is *I* who hasn't aged well.
Also wow these games are prentious as fuck, aren't they? Especially back in the day, the writers of World of Darkness seems almost convinced they were writing Shakespeare in RPG form.
And I say all this while still *loving* the settings and the systems
Do Thallain team up with other thallain tho?
Ah, I know what you're talking about.
Essentially, you're not in the '90s mindset for this. Because that's what VtM used to be all about. And having passed that now, more than a decade ago, it gets harder to reel back the mind to that kind of thinking.
Don't get me wrong, I love all these things, minus the stuff like Dr. Totentanz and the like, but I'm perfectly capable of acknowledging that some shit just doesn't really click with me anymore in this modern age of ours.
Also this
>Dr. Totentanz
Aw fuck. I love and hate that shit.
For the same reasons, too- that is some dank ass 90s shit.
Also because it's dumb as fuck
I really do miss Bradstreet's early art, the shit we saw in the first edition of VtM.
Man, Tim Bradstreet *made* VtM, you know what I mean?
Like that pick, you see that and you know what you're getting into
Sunglasses at night, mah nigga
Shame he's fucking terrible now. He made those terrible photoshopped "artworks" that are prominent in V20.
>Sunglasses at night, mah nigga
Near Dark did that for me, and Bill Paxton.
>Bill Paxton
"I'll be goddamned. Regular shit-kicker heaven!"
Anyone got epub copies of the Dark Ages: Vampire novels? The ones in the pastebin links are all .pdfs.
So in the last thread I asked if anyone would be interested in a CofD update to the Highlander fan splat, and a few people seemed into it, so I started looking it over in detail and I think this might be a project doomed to fail. Listed in side effects of the Quickening is a bunch of stuff that I'm sure will make magefags lose their shit, in particular almost total immunity to Life arcana, high resistance to Prime, and immunity to some aspects of Mind magic, including Discipline versions like Dominate. So just a heads up when I finish this, there are going to be a lot of anti-mage things in the errata, but don't get pissy, that's how it always was for this splat.
PS to the user that gave me a link to C20, thanks, my group loves this book.
The 90's are gone, mate.
That's the real problem
>I wish Werewolf the Apocalypse was Werewolf the Forsaken!
If you only played werewolf the apocalypse as some kind of eco-terrorist who hate humanity, you've been playing it wrong for all your life
>Implying that is not the thightest shit ever
>tfw DaveB will never be the leader of a Marxist-Leninist vanguard party in your lifetime
Does this seem petty? The original splat was pretty clear that Mages can't remove the Quickening, but this might be a little petty about it.
Quickening (* to ***** *****):
The source of immortality. By efault, your character starts with a single dot of Quickening. If the ST allows an older Immortal, this can be increased. For five of their starting Merit dots, your character can start with Quickening 2. For an additional 5, you may start ith Quickening 3. Nothing may remove the benefits of Quickening, save removing an Immortal's head. Nothing may remove this immunity to removal. This means Mages, Archmages, Imperial Practices, etc.
>tfw they're so desperate to triumph over the magefags, they resort to the Highlander Fansplat.
Who the fuck even watches highlander (The movies, or the series anymore)
Fuck its not even worth doing a remake or re-imagining of..
Grandma is correct
Grandma is always correct
what if people just want a not shit version of immortals?
isnt there a book on them?
called WoD: Immortals?
>implying vampire is shit game of immortals
Your implication is correct
Yes. And most of the little splats in that book were utter garbage, that's what Im talking about.
No vampire is good, some people just want to play really old people without all the baggage of eating other humans and having a strict bed time. Most of the time its to get their Veeky Forums rocks off.
Gonna be running a campaign set immediately after an apocalyptic event. I want the player characters to be competent but realistically killable/squishy human beings.
Would humans-only NWoD work well for this?
yes? is there a reason your using the wod system though and not something else?
I'm not necessarily. It's just that one of my players is very resistant to Apocalypse World and another says he doesn't want to use GURPS so I'm trying to think of other possibilities.
There are a few God-Machine scenarios for this in GMC.
smart guy, PbtA is trash
I'll check it out.
I've never played anything PbtA, but given how much some people love it, I can only assume Veeky Forums's hate for it is a result of (a.) that user who won't shut up about how DW is the best thing ever, (b.) the fact that the creators are kind of left-leaning and hipstery, or (c.) both.
Go get WoD mirrors. Theres an entire section on post apocalypse.
Hmm? Oh, you want Demon: the Fallen. It's just down the corridor.
There are a large number of Gifts that can destroy infrastructure or shut down technology, and they get easier the more cutting edge it is, so good luck with that. The primium coating on a HIT Mark probably won't roll favorably against Jam Technology or Gremlins.
Because it had the 90s removed from it, and the Dreaming is a bit more resilient in the face of Banality. Also, what Banality is has been extensively revised to make it clear that it isn't synonymous with science and other facets of modern existence. Well, other than shit jobs where your manager delights in breaking you; that's incredibly banal.