I'm tired of the hippy variety of Druids. How does one play a Neutral Evil aligned Druid?
Neutral Evil Druids
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Survival of the fittest. Actively support and try to get animals engaged in fighting, that way the fittest win, get to breed, and create even more fit ones.
Make him a Poison Ivy type of ecoterrorist, sending doom trees and angry owlbears to demolish villages because a toddler picked a flower she found pretty and rationalize it with "killing people is wrong, but killing plants is okay?". His end goal should be a planet overrun with nothing but vegetation and animals.
Old conservative types who doesn't want to give up their traditional ways is how I see them
Yes, I saw your previous thread. Did you think you were stealthy?
Go back to the Story forums, Sam.
people who revel in the dark, disgusting and violent part of nature. a guy living in a giant colony if spiders or something.
Those are Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil depending on the tradition.
>hippy variety of Druids
>Neutral Evil aligned Druid
False dichotomy, there are plenty of other ways you can play a druid outside of that one.
That out of the way, look up Circle of Orboros from Iron Kingdoms, should be right up your alley.
Survival of the fittest, not survival of the strongest.
This guy is on to something.
A druid who actively albeit perhaps covertly seeks to break down civilization for the sake of nature.
>how does one play a neutral evil druid
as a DM
As a civilization hater.
>Is that a city? Fuck that place, it should be trees and grass, not buildings!
>I shall cleanse it!
>Are you a farmer?
>Planting non-native corn where it should be weeds and brush???
>I'll kill you all!
Or, just play like most people do.
>be a "druid", spend all your time in town, and dungeons worrying about your next magic weapon, totally ignoring all nature other than your pet
I do this, she destroys to pave way for new growth. Forests, plains, hamlets, sometimes nature has to throw in the towel and pass the torch to another. This is her belief. It stops any one aspect of nature dominating an area.
Garruk, but more metal.
Blight druid, death domain, undead subdomain.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, friendo.
So a druid who does shit for themselves and not for nature or whatever path of morals a druid follows? Just do druid shit for yourself. Will harvesting this rare and only plant benefit you and no one else? Do that.
If whatever you're doing happens to be of detriment to someone else? Do that.
Will summoning evil nature dieties around your hideout bring complete and unprejudiced violence to everything stepping foot in your forest(which happens to be near a village)? Then do that.
This guy detailed druids as villains pretty well
He did some later posts about druidry being a rejection of symbolic thought and higher order cognition which was pretty neat too
Then spread diseases. It doesn't matter how strong you are, if you aren't resistant to diseases you'll drop as easily as a weakling.
In fact, such a neutral evil druid would utterly hate civiilzation: it's a cooperative effort to become the master over nature and thereby eliminate natural selection by ensuring (especially if there's some Roman style "bread and games" appeasement of the poor and/or active charity) that even the most unfit will live to pollute the genepool. A neutral evil druid would see it as his divine duty to tear apart civilization and cull the unfit so humanity can become better. And if he goes "too far" and all of humanity perishes, that only proves the entire species has become unfit for survival. He can even spit his enemies in the face after being felled by stating that they're just doing what he had planned all along: prove themselves to be more fit for survival than himself. The absolute madman!
>Not operating a park inside the city you want to destroy while secretly creating a cache of Feather Token Trees, training birds, squirrels, rats, what have you on their use and where to place them throughout the city and instructing them to use them simultaneously at some predetermined time or upon receiving a signal.
Do you even eco terror?
Humanity/Sapience is the problem Druid. The Druid supports a survival of the fittest mentality, and has decided that culture is an affront to nature.
Be a social darwinist. Take whatever you can, do as you feel, hurt who you want, because you are strong. It is the natural way. Why should the strong fear the weak?
Pic Related
As an Industrialist.
Druids can recognize that mortal sentients alone have the capacity to alter their behavior and conquer their environment.
The goal of life is to propagate and fourish, thus there is no greater call than uplifting ourselves.
You had one job.
That's Lawful Neutral. Lawful Evil if you push it too far, but Druids are not allowed to be Lawful Evil.