I am going crazy Veeky Forums i have been reading tons of rule books just because i want something different from 5e...

I am going crazy Veeky Forums i have been reading tons of rule books just because i want something different from 5e, basically another simple high fantasy with content or good combat rules, but i dont seem to find shit, i said to myself this will be the last day i continue my search because it had become an adicction, the thing is i will probably end playing 5e forever

TLDR; my players are cucks that only play 5e, i want something different

GURPS is best

Here's a list of some good fantasy games you should take a look:

>Burning Wheel

Check out palladium fantasy, been playing it for several months now after getting burnt out on 5e.

Edge of the Empire
Atlantis: The Second Age
Burning Wheel
Tenra Bansho Zero
Eclipse Phase

what it does different? what you can tell me about it? i have the rulebook but i didn't read yet
Played Mythras
read Legend, the lack of support kinda turns me off
Fantasy Craft maybe if i change some of the rules i would like to play it seemed quite crunchy
I want to try Mouse guard for a one shot

Just go 3.5, had all the stuff you would ever want to choose from. Gotta limit what players can use tho or else you'll get OP munchkins everytime

Isnt tenra bansho zero designed for one shots?

Edge of the empire is the one with the custom dice right?


what is that?

I dont really know if i want to touch that beast, i like palying it casually , i think dming it would be hell
Nvm the white supremacist fantasy rpg sounds really cool

What is that thing?

Something better than YOURFAROG

is it better than OURFAROG?

I know that it's definitely leagues above THEIRFAROG

GURPS. Dungeon Fantasy box set is coming out this year if you can wait. It's supposed to be a self-contained, streamlined version of GURPS. If you can't wait, pick up Basic Set and Dungeon Fantasy 1, 2, 3, and 16, and you can grab the three Dungeon Fantasy Monsters books for your monster manuals. DF1 is templates for characters, 2 is dungeons and some monsters, 3 is races, 16 is wilderness adventures. That will be everything you need to run D&D in a good system.

Head to if you want to get the books and help learning the system.

a very angry avacado

I'm going to second Burning Wheel, my favourite Tolkien-fantasy system

So what i can do whit it that i cant do in dnd 5e or 3.5?

Well, for starters, if your group ever wants to play something other than fantasy and you're using GURPS to run it, you can still use GURPS. It isn't tied to a specific genre like D&D is.

Second is that GURPS makes melee and ranged combat actually enjoyable to play. There are many options available to fighters besides full attacking, because things aren't gated behind feat walls. If you want to try something, you can. And, beyond that, these options are actually worth using. You can bash someone in the head and it has meaningful mechanical effects separate from attacking an arm or punching the face.

There's no HP bloat, no feat taxes, combat is fun, you can build to concept and most concepts are viable. Casters aren't vastly overpowered and overshadow everyone else. It's a bit difficult to explain without showing you, honestly. It's hard to convey just how wide a gulf exists between the two.

You can show me, i have read GURPS in the past so some concepts are kinda of fresh for me

Alas, finals are eating up my time and I'm posting between writing essays. I'll give you a basic idea of how combat between two people would work.

In D&D, you roll your attack and compare to AC. If it meets or beats, that attack is good and you roll damage.

In GURPS, you roll your attack. If it succeeds, that means it's a good hit in danger of injuring your opponent if they don't successfully defend. They then roll their defense, and if they fail, you roll damage. However, unlike D&D, you have a huge number of options available to you just with attacking (there are more outside of it). For instance, you can aim for the face, trying to cause knockdown and stunning, or you can aim for an arm, trying to get them to drop their weapon, or aim for their leg, trying to make them unable to stand. You can try throwing out multiple attacks at once so they defend at a penalty if you hit multiple times. You can put all of your power behind an attack, sacrificing your defenses, for enough damage to get through armor.

Right, armor is DR, not a flat "can't hit me" number, so it reduces incoming damage.

You can throw away your defenses and make a more accurate attack, which makes you more likely to get a critical hit, or hit a specific hit location, or you can trade that bonus to hit in, penalizing your attack to penalize their defense. You can try to feint them, which lowers their defenses by your margin of victory in the quick contest. You can evaluate them for bonuses to hit and against being feinted. You can grapple them, and the grappling rules in GURPS are hands-down the best in existence. You can try to shove, either with a weapon or your hands or a shield, them to knock them over or make some distance between the two of you. You can use the dirty trick rules to gain the upper hand. You can focus on defense and give yourself a bonus to defend, or multiple defenses against an attack.

And none of the above require a feat to do, or even do well.

How long does character creation takes? does gurps supports over the top magic?

Character creation is pretty fast if you know what you want to make, i.e. have a concept. Without a concept you're going to struggle. I'd say it'll take up to half an hour for a normal or fairly "standard" powered concept, longer if you need to custom design crazy abilities, much faster if you use templates (such as those in Dungeon Fantasy).

Depends on what you mean by over the top magic, but in general, yes. Unfortunately, I know little about the default magic system so I can't help you there. Ritual Path Magic can get pretty over the top if you want it to. Sorcery/Powers as Advantages is expensive to make over the top, but it can be done. Do you have any specific ideas in mind? Maybe some examples of what you want to do?

Something like a cleric telling his god to punish his enemies, and then a divine meteorite rain starts coming and killing everything

Something like some monk doing one thousand punches in seconds while his fist is on fire aura

First can be done with an expensive innate attack with area effect and bombardment. Second can be done by making an expensive innate attack with a cosmic enhancement to allow the very rapid attack enhancement on it and making the damage burning, or have follow-up/linked burning. Both of these are going to cost a lot of points, though, so keep that in mind if you want the characters to be that powerful.

So what boods do i need for an easy start? i dont want to die with rules over bloat

The easiest start is getting familiar with GURPS Lite and running a game with that. Something simple that you will enjoy, with 100~150 point characters. After you're familiar with the core mechanics, you can use Basic Set and selectively allow mechanics into the game based on what you want or need. As far as I'm aware, the only rules you'll need from Basic Set for a GURPS Lite + Dungeon Fantasy game is the Magic chapter and the Combat, Tactical Combat, and Special Combat Situation chapters. The latter two aren't necessary if you prefer mapless combat.

If you want extra help on starting with GURPS, How to Be a GURPS GM is very useful, and includes a chapter devoted to gradually introducing combat and combat options, which is probably the densest part of the game. The Gamemastering chapter in Basic Set is also full of useful advice for running GURPS. You can also hit up the GURPS general here for help.

>simple high fantasy
Nothing about 3.5 is simple.

Also using all the rules is optional right?

Just wait, user, I am writing my rules system.

Using all of the rules is optional, yes. GURPS Lite is the bare bones. You can add on to it if you want (I do, depending on how detailed a game needs to be), but it isn't required. I do think that you should use some of the combat options from Basic Set's Combat chapter, regardless of what else you use. Deceptive Attack is practically a requirement to keep combat at higher skill levels (16+) reasonably fast, otherwise it becomes too difficult to hit anyone because they'll be rolling against 12+ to defend, which means they're defending about three out of every four attacks. On the whole, though, yes. All of the rules are optional and can be added or left behind as you see fit.

Tell me about it, can i help?

Mutants & Masterminds has a fantasy book and Herolab has a free demo for character building.
It is streamlined d20 and very playable

The fanbase.

I've been feeling the same OP. A few of my friends lost all interest in playing 5e. I had already read the books enough to not need to scour through them to make rulings but I picked a bad time to try and start working out ideas for my first campaign. I haven;t been able to find anything that's simple to run but still has enough character customization to keep them interested. They prefer playing pathfinder but I don't think I'm skilled enough to make challenges for them except just bigger monsters and that's not really good DMing.

Sorry I don't have much to contribute but the few games I did see with some interest was Fantasycraft and if you like playing theater of the mind then 13th Age.

I am currently working on the magic system, I am open to any suggestions.

The rules are mostly based on 8 attributes, roll under, skills mostly reduce your roll result for lower results. 2 is critical success, 12 critical failure. Each attack type has a different effect when you attack is a crit. Weapon's reach influence on your attack roll. so attack a spear wielding warrior is very hard when you are using a dagger.

I remember reading fantasy craft and i thought it was crunchy maybe i was a noob at reading back then

Oh it is a bit crunchy, but it's not pathfinder feat tree crunchy.