What are some weapons that a kid can use?
Pic related.
What are some weapons that a kid can use?
Pic related.
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Crossbows. Pikes operated by 2-3 children.
Grenade. It's sort of one-use setup but gets the work done.
Submachine guns, crew served weapons, command-detonated mines, grenades, and IEDs.
Muh dick.
>kids in heavy bolter placements
As an aside, what's the sauce on this?
You've it all wrong, you want the kids to operate the stationary mg positions, and the mortars, and crew served weapons like that. That way you can keep their effectiveness up by reducing the amount of 'seen some shit' as well as teaching them to act as a team.
>by reducing the amount of 'seen some shit'
Why would you want that?
Aren't crossbows really hard to reload?
Yes they are, ignore what he said.
Could a slingshot work? david and goliath style
Why not 30 pound draw-weight hand crossbows?
A slingshot hurts a lot.
BBguns are better.
From older ones? Everything lighter/smaller - from blades to maces.
Firearms? Any pistol, smg, most rifles. Depends how young the kid is but since certain point only how much said kid can comfortably lift or use at their strength is the problem.
I mean, kid's a kid but with enough practice you could probably teach a bunch of them to even drive a tank.
David used a sling, not the same thing as a slingshot. slings can kill a man pretty easily and require a lot of training to be skilled at.
God, hand cranks are a thing for a reason. Gear them right and a todler could draw back a crossbow string. Hell, if you are in an implaced setup, you could have them be pedal cranked. Sure their fire rate would be lousy, but what do you want?
>americans unironically need a reminder that guns and children dont mix well
Actually teaching children how to safely use guns ensure they will grown into adults responsible with gun handling.
Those cases such as you posted are actually bad parents who don't know how to use guns who hand their children without bothering to teach them first.
Guns and children mix fine, as long as children are mentally capable of understanding the danger a gun represents, properly educated in gun safety, and supervised by a capable adult until they are old enough and experienced enough to supervise themselves.
t. I started shooting guns at 4 years old, target shot at least an hour a week for 18 years, and hunted whenever I had the opportunity and it was legal. I plan to do the same with my children.
At least we're allowed to own screwdrivers
Slings. A bored herder child will train it by herself. It's how one could get so many slingers in antiquity, they were almost spontaneous. As farming got the space of herds, the offer diminished. But never ended, and kids with slings and grenades still find place in urban warfare.
Staff slings and bian jan ('whip arrow', a javelin thrower operated by two people) might also count.
Grenades by themselves count, I guess.
Repeating crossbow. The Nu Gong variant seems to be mostly a way to make a hastily trained peasant levy relevant on the battlefield. Think of them as shotguns instead of machineguns: you point it in the general direction of the enemy and hip-fire 10 small poisoned bolts as fast as possible through a lever-action mechanism. One or two hitting flesh is an aceptable result, much like only some of the shot hits in the shotgun firing. Weak, and it hadn't much range either. There were versions firing two or three bolts at the same time, as well as stones.
Rockets. The multiple rocket launcher improves that is good about the repeating crossbow, more compact, has higher rate of fire, greater power, and comes with various types of warhead. It might come in a wheelbarrow, so the kid doesn't have to handle the recoil!
Traction trebuchet. Sizes vary from one-man to team-powered. Replace each man by two or three kids.
This is bullshit. Divci Valka had nothing to do with Hussites.
Divci Valka was proto-feminist movement that turned into generic hentai plot of little significance.
Hussites were local guerilla avenging death of heretic / apostate and were kicking some serious ass.
You could have read the entirety of the image instead of just spewing the usual waste that comes out of your sewer
Now let's just that the burglar who invades your home and kill your whole family won't find you lmao
Juggalos shouldn't be allowed to be parents. That said the picture from the right is unrelated. The fat whale of a bitch in there used her dead fetus baby to collect pity bucks for months.
I ain't the author mate. Had no idea "Divci Valka" was unrelated to the manga's premise.
If it helps, it was interesting to know that. So I thank you for it, and ask what you mean by "generic hentai plot of little significance", it left me genuinely confused.
>baby shot themselves
>first fucking thing they do is post on facebook for somebody else to call 911
What the fuck.
Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you a living weapon...
Do you not want them to be usable as soldiers once they stop being children?
What the flying fuck i wrong with Europe?
Kids are actually easier to mold into violence.
They're either full on PC money burners or they're all like "do you have a license for that television?"
There is no in between.