
About to start a new game with fresh players. 2 of them think superheroes are lame but they only know the generic marvel cinema stuff. I want to surprise them with a more nuanced and dark cape setting.

I have a few questions and i would really like some feedback for my ideas.

First i am going to present my modified world "inspired" (shamelessly copying) by worm and then i will present my basic plot outline.

1) Setting

a) There is no cosmic level shit shit going on like in worm (i try to avoid spoilers i think everyone who has read it knows what i am talking about).

b) Similar to Steelheart ( the authority of the state collapses in some areas. Its not as bad but there are Areas ruled by Epics/Capes where the state has no influence. What remains of the USA still control a large chunk of the country (control isn't as tight as in our world though) but resources (and capes who are loyal to the government) are spread thin trying to protect areas, reconquer others and rebuild destroyed cities.

There is open military warfare between some rogue states/territories and the central government but for most it is more of a cold war situation.

c) The first awakening of powers happens in a wave and affects random people. After that powers can manifest in individuals in a situation of great stress. In the first wave three categories of epics manifest. After that its overwhelmingly Class A powers that manifest.

Class A: Street level powers. People with guns still pose a threat. This is were the players start. Unlike in Worm Epics can develop new powers and expand on their old ones with experience. Class A epics are the weakest but they have a healthy mind. Class A Epics are the only category of Epics that don't develop severe mental illness when they awake. They can still reach Class B and C powers but their mind can adapt to the new powers so they can reach higher power levels without becoming mentally ill.


Other urls found in this thread: of rain city quest

>I want to surprise them with a more nuanced and dark cape setting.
I hope you don't mean this as in session 1 'surprise you thought you were in generic marvel cinema stuff but you're in wormtown'

Getting players on the same page for genre expectations ad power levels before the game starts is incredibly important for super games. If you have someone trying to be squirrel girl and someone trying to be punisher and someone trying to be Silver Surfer, one or all of them are going to end up disappointed

>a more nuanced and...cape setting

Nah. They will work out a normal human with background and family and then we will work out powers together in the first session.

Inspired. Worm is not that bad if you cut out the cringe inducing shit.

Class B: Epics who awaken at Level B are considerably stronger but develop at least one mental illness when they awake. This mental illnesses can range from Paranoia too full blown anti-social personal disorder. Most Class B's tend to become Villains due to this but some strive to be heroic despite the inner demons that plague them.

Strong Class B's can go toe to toe with military units and even win in the right circumstances.

Class C: High Level Epics. Superman shit right there. The sudden influence of so much power without any time to adjust completely shatters their mind. These guys don't have a singular mental illness. They are stuck in their own autistic mind. Normal humans and lower class epics are unable to communicate with them. Its not clear if they communicate with each other but at least they tend to flock together into small teams.

They show erratic behavior. Short and intense city destroying outbursts of violence and long periods of being stuck in their own mind unable to really interact with the outside world (except when they are physically threatened).

These guys are my S-Level threats, my Godzilla. The looming threat in the Dark.

2) My basic story outline.

a) Players start as ordinary human beings in the first wave of the awakening. They discover they have powers. Unfortunately a group of Class C's awakens in their city or near to it.

( I am not sure if i should start with a longer period where everything is somewhat normal or if the Class C's should start leveling the city right at the start).

The Class C's start destroying the city and the players have to hide in a secure spot or get the fuck out of the city. ( Eventually they will try and save their family or loot or whatever)

(At some point the military steps in and is able to push them back with heavy losses, destroying the city even more with the big guns. This happens all over the USA explaining why the Epics have success in taking over some cities)

Once the C's are gone i hope the players will return to the destroyed cities (or go elsewhere, completely fucking up my idea).

b) Surviving in the ruined city is the next step. Public infrastructure is completely fucked up including Law Enforcement. Gangs form and i plan to create a Sandbox for my players. Here they can decide if they wan't to go more Hero or Villain or do their own thing.

c) The military reestablishes contact and brings in first supplies. For the players a bigger stage should slowly open where they are able to support the old order or establish their own.

d). After that maybe they start hunting C's or whatever. This will depend on the story that has unfolded up until this point.

Have you played Infamous? If not you might want to look into it. 1 and 2 have similar themes to what you're going with and might have some good inspiration.

My TV is fucking broke but once i get a new one that is on my list. Is the gameplay actually good?


1) I was thinking about using Wild Talents. Is the rule system actually able to portray the power scale i want to achieve (basically Jessica Jones to Superman).

2) Are there better systems ?

3) I would be very happy about feedback, ideas and general input.

i found that Worm games only work when everyone knows its a Worm game

then its some of the greatest shit

>Jessica Jones
Which one.
Comic's wise, she is a flying brick with really good strength.

The MCU one is leagues bellow.

The MCU one. I am not really fond of the show and stopped looking soon but the impression i got of her was street level and thats what i am aiming for at the start.

It's a bit dated and has some 'open world' game problems but it's still a solid 8/10.

Welp. Maybe i have to buy a PS 3 then.

What was cringey about Worm anyway?.

So, how does this work?Do I just pick a side?Do I throw a coin? Or can I be both skub and anti-skub at the same time?
I just wish we had gotten more parahumans online shitposting

In my opinion?

>enemies who constantly have (much) better powers and taylor always overcomes them

>no one just fucking shoots the undersiders

>taylor wins against far superior enemies in close combat

>the love and school parts were meh

Skub ? Anti-Skub ? Enlighten me fameroni

>a worm inspired thread



On Veeky Forums, Worm is classic skub. Post anything worm related, and you will immediately have several people decreeing it's utter shit, and several other people stalwartly defending it, to the point where it gets very difficult to have actual discussions about the setting itself. Almost the exact same argument can be had with any number of controversial topics, e.g. "quests are fun", "DnD sucks" and the like.

Ah i see. Yeah i noticed that. I mean what i have in mind isn't exactly worm but just inspired by it and several other things.

in context.

what is Skub?

A generic placeholder name for something that polarizes people and turns the thread into a two way flamewar between supporters and opposers.

>taylor overcomes people w/ greater powers/cc
to be fair, her real power is that of versatility and creativity. that she controls bugs isn't that OP, but she uses them in smart ways. the multitasking really helps too. she also gets her ass handed to her sometimes and has to let the big shots take over.

>nobody shoots the undersiders
brockton has way bigger problems to worry about than a bunch of villains who don't kill, just rob and make chaos. also, unwritten rules.

>love and school
eh, i can see where you're coming from. i thought the pacing wasn't great myself.

in defense of the series taylor could have died in several instances at the roll of a die. just like the rest of the characters

>but she uses them in smart ways

That often seem very convenient. Oh hey i have just learned about the cape that produces a fucking hallucinogen and can use that to overcome the fucking fire breathing metal dragon that only gets stronger the longer the fights lasts.

To me the parts of the story were other capes have to pov are much more interesting.

>brockton has way bigger problems to worry about than a bunch of villains who don't kill, just rob and make chaos. also, unwritten rules.

>unwritten rules

True but especially on the villain side: A lot of them break them and people like hookwolf never gave a fuck.

Lets take Bakuda. She is a fucking genius. It shouldn't have been hard for her to divide the group and organize 1 person that can moderately shoot to just shoot one of them in the back.

>i thought the pacing wasn't great myself


Don't get me wrong i like the series but for my suspension of disbelief it would have done wonders if taylor would have been graced with a stronger power.

You mean exactly once in the Leviathan fight?

Otherwise she had retarded plot armour for days, she won or survived like 4 different fights she should have outright been murdered in.

And a lot of the enemies had a huuuuge difference how they were presented and how they acted.

Often enemies who were presented as clever and powerful acted in a dumb way to enable Taylor to win.

Mannequin, Alexandria, Oni Lee and Bakuda all should have killed her, some more than once. Jack Slash I can accept not killing her on account of him just playing a game, and she makes it interesting, but the rest have no excuse.

Also, outwitting the Dragon drone and the scene at Arcadia were both stupid beyond belief.

Alexandria didn't want to kill her. The plan was to goad skits into attacking her then arrest her and force her into employment under cauldron.

Bakuda is a megalomaniac, she isn't practical in the slightest.

Don't underestimate her. If she was slightly more tactical, she would be an A-Class threat.

Her bombs can replicate the effects of other capes, and bypass the Manton Effect while doing it.

She has time bombs, black-hole bombs and time/space flesh warping bombs.

Having only gotten to Migration, the only things that I have really noticed is that sometimes people seem a little too willing to engage in moral arguments and other crap in the middle of things. Especially when they are usually shown to not give a fuck, especially when they have fate bending powers and get keikakued by a certain know it all exactly because he seemd unusually willing to engage in taylor's bullshitting.

Also holy fuck Cody is a fag.

Also, why aren't Endbringers like Leviathan just dog piled by Apaches, AC-130s and drones the second she shows his ugly mug? Pretty certain you could slap shit on a drone or helicopter that's more usefull than a few strong heroes and a bunch of street level chucklefucks, especially with the availability of tinkers.

>Also, why aren't Endbringers like Leviathan just dog piled by Apaches, AC-130s and drones the second she shows his ugly mug?
Because they almost definitely tried that and it didn't work out that well.

You remember how during the Leviathan fight Lisa started talking about how the Endbringers are constructed like an onion and get exponentially more dense and durable the deeper you go into them? Even one of the AC-130's tank cannons will just scratch their skin. The only reason that they can even get driven off is because ultimately because they're not fighting seriously.

Speaking of endbringers.

This was my first thought when the Simurgh showed up.

>2 of them think superheroes are lame

They're right.

And you know what makes capes even worse than they already are? Edgy bullshit. And you're steaming ahead for a big edgelord shitpile.

My advice? Nix it all. Play capes straight, the way they're intended. Big damn heroes taking out big damn villains. Because nothing will make "superpowers" sound remotely serious in any context. More to the point, your players are actually familiar with it, unlike this Worm shit. Pro-tip: You're never actually going to do it as well as the people who came up with it in the first place. Your players might actually dig "realistic" superheroes, but by the same right they could hate it. I certainly would, as i think one of the biggest issues with capes is it being a supergenre that takes itself way, way, WAY too seriously in trying to do anything from horror to romance.

And really, meta-commentary on superpowers is just not the realm of people who don't give two fucks about superpowers. I played in one capes game, and you know what I did? I just played a good, old science fiction standby. Cyborg, power armour, even just Captain Picard with a phaser will do. Because in the end, capes is just shitty science fiction, so you can actually sort of get away playing something non-retarded in a capes setting. With your Darklord Edgetard world, that's just not on the table. Everyone is Dark Batman (as if that dude needed any more edge) or Dark Spiderman.

Ever read Wildcards? "Realistic" superhero book series edited by the fatty that wrote ASOIAF and the sex is fucking crazy.

For instance some dude who turns into bugs is fucking some chick who is using her power to channel his dead girlfriend, then there's some frreaky mutated brood mother chick who births child super heroes that die with in minutes or months and random while the doctor that runs the facility she is contained in video tapes the breeding sessions and beats off to it, she eventually hooks up with a shape shifting teleporting hermaphrodite who goes undercover an psychotic Arab assassin fighting for the caliphate by day and some slutty super hero/assassin chick by night, who genuinely cares for her. The slutty alterego ends up in a triangle with the probably most powerful cape in the setting who suffers from multiple personality disorder, the dominant of which is currently an antifa cunt who spends his time fighting for an African communist dictatorship in their war against Nigeria, then she guns him down while he's taking a piss and dumps his body in the latrine not long after.

>Oni Lee and Bakuda
She wasn't alone, everyone used their abilities relatively well, Bakuda and Oni Lee are both barely functional crazies, I can forgive some slight jobbing.


Unforgivable. I could have swallowed a protracted fight with Alexandria holding her breath in a swarm, while demolishing the building to find Skitter, or something. Not 'oops I accidentally the strongest hero of the world'.


Beyond ridiculous. Mannequin is presented as a master killer with a body of absurd technological advancement... and he is jobbing in CQC like a moron not once but twice.

lies, you can most definitely mash up people from different genres of superheroes and still have a blast

heck, i would go so far as to say it makes things more colorful and entertaining, and fun

>Also, why aren't Endbringers like Leviathan just dog piled by Apaches, AC-130s and drones the second she shows his ugly mug? Pretty certain you could slap shit on a drone or helicopter that's more usefull than a few strong heroes and a bunch of street level chucklefucks, especially with the availability of tinkers.
Because they tend to attack civilian centers suddenly and without warning? In the case of Leviathan, he also comes with a mobile hurricane on his location, in addition to moving idiotically fast? And Behemoth controls lightning? And the Simurgh can telekinetically pluck things out of the sky and fling them as projectiles?
The real answer is that the heroes don't do a whole lot against Endbringers to begin with. If the Endbringers were actually gunning to kill all humans, they'd dismantle all the heroes they were facing. But Endbringers are just jobbers trying to make Eidolon look good.

Are you genuinely retarded?

Aircraft against a living hurricane, lightning lizard and a fucking telekinetic fate bender?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

To me it was the constant ESCALATION ESCALATION ESCALATION, like the author heard about the advice that when your story gets boring, have a man walk in the door with a gun, and keeps having bigger men walk in the door with bigger guns.

If Cauldron wanted Skitter they easily could have abducted her with Contessa and the Doormaker.

Nice opinion. Duly noted.

Fucking this, man. And I don't even understand why he did it. Early Worm was definitely a diamond in the rough with genuine bits of quality shining through, and then he basically threw all of that away to give the spotlight to kaijus and cosmic entities just making things worse.

Classic example of this:
>behemoth is kill
>new endbringer comes with countermeasures to what killed behemoth
>oh no
>and oh look a fourth
>oh no

>replacement superdupervillains
>9001 cloned superdupervillains

Since it was written basically live week for week he kept things moving at a fast pace, he was afraid of losing the readerships interest if things started to slow down. That's why the timeskip was so terrible, I'm glad he's decided to move back and rewrite some of the bad stuff for the edited and final version.

I don't really agree about the focus on the cosmic level stuff though, it thought it was pretty great conceptually and just handled in a bad way.

I don't mind the cosmic stuff as a concept, I actually really like how it explained the workings of powers. But the apocalypse and when it just became "endbringersendbringersendbringers ahhhh", I started getting pretty rustled.

Let me tell you something else that still really irks me about Worm. Taylor never got transferred to Arcadia.

>it was pretty great conceptually and just handled in a bad way.
Basically anything that happened after the street and city level.

Except S9000, that was retarded in concept too.
Like the whole arc could just be deleted except for the ending where Jack talks to Scion and it would make absolutely no difference for the overarching plot.

Look mate, superheroes are done to death, and I'm willing to bet that those two blokes are just going along with this to humour you. So I'm telling you in their stead: There's nothing remotely fun about sitting out a game that the GM is putting on primarily for himself and his insanely niche interest.

I'm not OP.

But nice opinion. Duly noted.

did you hit your head or something?

No, he's just a europoor.

>Beyond ridiculous. Mannequin is presented as a master killer with a body of absurd technological advancement... and he is jobbing in CQC like a moron not once but twice.

Tinker powers generally don't come with the ability to *use* the stuff you make, just the ability to make it - just because you can build knives into your hands doesn't make that you've got any knowledge of how to fight with them.

Actually not true, Tinkers generally get side powers that makes them proficient at using the type of stuff they make.
(though that doesn't apply to Mannequinn because his specialization was something completely different and not weapon related)

The thing with Mannequinn was that he had a death wish, he could have murdered Taylor easily at multiple points in their fight but instead he reeled back to mock her.

Right, and that totally justifies a frail little bug girl's victory over a literal killing machine. Taylor has plot armor like all protagonists.

before its gone

these fucks are super helpful

as a veteran DM of wild talents, I've made full on apocalyptic threats with the system, you just need to know how to break action economy and use variable effect well. (Though the really game breaking extras are non-physical attack and go first)

what the fuck

>niche interest

First of all: The whole fucking concept of pen and Paper is niche you retard. And Superheroes are super mainstream wtf. MCU, Batman Trilogy etc.

>Done to death

Its 2k40-23. Whats not done to death ?

>inb4 just do DnD

Ok the weird as hell sex stuff aside, is it worth reading?

On the topic of capes, I need a good name for an electricity-centric tinker in the Wormverse. The names I have in the running are

>Shock Jock

>Shock Jock

Only when he is at Street level or a DJ in his free time.

What about Zeus?

Zeus is too pompous for his concept. I threw Shock Jock in there because he starts as independent and has a prolific online presence where he's not afraid to lay out exactly why he's independent. Plus, the PRT in Worm likes to keep a very tight hold on how Parahumans present themselves, so he will have that rebel vibe going for him.

Then maybe Spark ? With an emphasis on the spark he tries to create to inflame in peoples minds (if he is that political).

Or is he more of a Swiss neutral ?

It's more of a neutral thing. He doesn't attack the PRT in impassioned posts, more like he just lays out why he doesn't like them and what he thinks they're doing wrong, and also that he doesn't trust them.

But he is a hero?

Or is he just a Rogue minding his own Business?

Hero with strong opinions on how heroes should hero. For example, he dislikes Glory Girl because he thinks she's just a hero for the popularity and fun (refers to her as 'Glory Hound' in his narration).

But on the other hand I'm not taking him down the villain apologist road either.

Sounds interesting. So heißt dislikes New Wave as posers and he dislikes the PRT for their crushing bureaucracy and rule fucking ?

Other Name idea: Plug

I like shock jock.

>more nuanced and dark cape setting.

You mean dumb and edgy tryhard?
Do you even know what nuanced means?

He doesn't dislike all of New Wave. Just Glory Girl. He actually goes to Arcadia (because lol nuclear family with two decent incomes eat shit taylor) and has a class with Eric Pelham, a.k.a Shielder of New Wave. He thinks Eric is a pretty cool guy despite not being that close with him, and this is something meant to highlight that his beef with Glory Girl is mostly due to his own biases and not any real fault on her part.

Oh fuck, I didn't realize this was just another poorly disguised wormfag spam thread.

Yep you've fallen for it again, silly (you).

Why do you keep trying to shove this garbage onto this board? Did you get kicked out of /co/ again by everyone laughing at your baby's first fanfiction?

At least spam in Veeky Forums instead of here.

This is the only thread I see in the catalogue, please point me to the other ones.

For something as unpopular and relatively unknown as Worm, even you making these threads every three days constitutes as spam. In fact, even if you did it once a month, it would still be off-topic spam.

You trying to mask it under several layers of misdirection in the OP doesn't really work when you just go ahead and do nothing but chat about Worm just to bump your thread.

You seem awfully upset about something so seemingly minor.

You seem awfully dedicated to spamming about your garbage series on this board.

I didn't even make the thread, user. I'm just taking advantage of it because apparently OP has absconded or has gotten what he needed and ceased trying to talk about it.

I mean hey, if you don't want the thread here, just report it. Either you have and nothing is happening because Worm has been on Veeky Forums well before your newfag ass ever showed up and will be here after you're gone (Worm 2 starts soon btw) or you won't report it because you enjoy shitposting so much.

Either way thanks for bumping the thread. Even if you know how to sage (doubtful) you're still getting replies.

>even you making these threads every three days constitutes as spam
Then r e p o r t it.

Please, you dumb piece of shit.
You are basically doing all you can to force the mods to extend to you the benefit of the doubt, so you don't get your threads deleted.

The rest of us don't have to be quite so stupid, and are free to point out that you've been trying to keep spamming about this shitty amateur writing on this board for quite some time now, probably just to advertise this Worm 2 business.

Worm doesn't belong here. It's not a traditional game, and no one actually plays the garbage system attached to it. So, you can stop pretending to be anything other than a off-topic shitspammer, and not making such a fool of yourself by pretending people can't see right through your clever little antics.

Like, fuck. You think the archive doesn't exist, and people can't easily track your little spamming agenda? You little piece of shit, go spam in Veeky Forums and /co/ and quit trying to carve out a niche for your shitty unreadable garbage here.


Digging the righteous fury user, but again, I didn't make this thread. I've actually never made a Worm thread.

That niche is already carved, by the way. Newfag.

Trying to pretend that Worm hasn't been treated like a shitty joke on Veeky Forums is a bad joke in itself. Trying to pretend it's not treated like a joke all over the site is just not being honest.

It's a bad bit of writing with a particularly awful fanbase, to the point where I'm not surprised you're trying to find refuge here. But, sadly, Worm sucks regardless of where you try to spam it.

And you must be a newfag to think that you're can try to fool the people here with such childish antics and attempts at disguising your spam. You were basically gushing in the OP like a faggot.

I managed to ignore most of worm flaws, the story was fun and taylor having plot armor did not destroy my suspension of disbelief all most of the time, but Scion losing to Taylor was just too much.

Panacea actually removing the limits on taylor powers made no sense, the entities have been playing this game for years, and never once they noticed panacea power being used in that way in all the cycles? Worst of all, Panacea is a natural trigger, her shard has all the limitations that Scion put in place to make sure that power could never become a weapon against the entities, Scion knew he would have to fight humanity at the end of the cycle, and he crippled the shards in a way they would never harm him or Eden, there is no way no one in all of those futures did not use panacea shard in a act of desperation to try and kill the entities, Scion would have know of this simply because he has path to victory.

Then along comes panacea and disables all the limits of a shard, something that even Bonesaw never even imagined doing despite having 10000000% more knowledge about how shards and powers work than panacea, really?

And I dont buy Scion becoming emo in any way, no ones goes from mindless rage to despair in 0,1 seconds, unless they are truly unable to kill the people that are hurting them, Scion could have killed everyone at the end by just clapping his hands, the golden light is faster than sound and unavoidable, instead he kept attacking people 1 on 1, he never used path to victory to fuck them up despite the fact he clearly hated humans taunting him with Eden image, but instead of shattering the continent in mere seconds like he did before, all he did was use some easily avoidable attacks, and one huge telegraphed attack that gave everyone time to run to the portals, afterwards he just stood there like a good boy and was killed, what is this, a boss fight in world of warcraft?

Well you know there was a good thread on /co/ that got all the way past the bump limit, and it's pretty much the only other board where it's posted so I don't know where you're getting this "it's a joke all over the site thing" from. It also has good threads here, on Veeky Forums, and has for years, newfag.

And I'm not even OP, it's funny that you keep accusing me of it.

What's with this offtopic bullshit?


It's amazing how the more you guys talk about this shit, the more everyone gets to see just how awful Worm is.

You guys might be the worst advertisers ever, except for the fact that I doubt anyone could talk about Worm without revealing just how shit it is.

Yeah, Golden Morning was a mess. Blame it on Wildbow writing it live and not having much time to plan ahead.

I'm pretty sure that the clap thing he did was tearing down his lifespan, he was running on his last bits of energy.
That was also why he wasn't constantly using the Path to Victory.

I agree about the Panacea thing though, there's no way the entities wouldn't put in limitations to prevent something like that from happening.

Aren't shards extra-dimensional anyway? Like they don't literally reside in the brain.

Please, quit trying with your "our little crew managed to hit bump limit in a containment thread! Look how proud I am!" faggotry.

Worm is a piece of shit written for edgy ten year olds. It's just another brand of Homestuck-style "garbage with a cancerous fanbase."

And quit it with your "we've had a few threads about this on Veeky Forums in the past, that means we should be allowed to spam this shit here now!" faggotry too. The fuck is wrong with you. That's exactly why it's good to call you out on your shitty spam now.

>That's exactly why it's good to call you out on your shitty spam now.
user, your little manbaby fits are accomplishing nothing. Seriously report the thread, all the Worm threads you see on Veeky Forums, and maybe, just maybe, you'll irk the mods enough to get them to do something. Or you'll just get banned, who knows?

Alright, this was a pleasant little exchange, but I'll leave you with the warning that excessive sodium is bad for your health.

I'm sorry, but you seem to think that just by doing your best to skirt around the rules while paying lipservice to them, you can get people to act like your shitty spam isn't obvious.

What's your goal? If it's to get everyone to hate Worm, you seem on the right track, because you're already stretching your credibility by pretending that its anything except fanfiction-tier angsty shit.

Let's just say that this is for your own good, because you seem to really care about your Worm garbage, and by continuing to try to do this off-topic spamming, all you're going to do is generate more ire as more people come to realize just how fucking shitty it is and how much of a faggot you would need to be to try to spam about it on a traditional games board.

What is going on?

I don't know but it happened in another thread too and I'm pretty sure it's the same guy

Wormfags are getting uppity and more confident with their offtopic spamming.

Worm is a great work of street-level capeshit that falls apart upon reaching the near-cosmic level. Here's hoping Wildbow makes the necessary fixes when revising.

As far as Gold Morning, though, it's important to remember that Eden was the brains of the operation. For an extradimensional cosmic horror, Scion is really quite stupid.

There's a handful of anons that get so hilariously assblasted any time Worm gets mentioned and then sperg out trying to derail the thread.
>"REEEEEEEE I don't like this setting! REEEEEEEEEE!"
You know, the usual shitposting.

You mean it's a bad blog that gets worse.
It's almost unreadably bad, and the ideas are clearly the kind that are conceived by a guy who can't worldbuild for shit. It shouldn't be a surprise it fell apart, because it started with a terrible foundation.

Some assblasted newfag thinks one man is conspiring to spam Worm on Veeky Forums or some dumb shit like that.

>but instead of shattering the continent in mere seconds like he did before, all he did was use some easily avoidable attacks, and one huge telegraphed attack that gave everyone time to run to the portals, afterwards he just stood there like a good boy and was killed, what is this, a boss fight in world of warcraft?

Scion's goal during Gold Morning wasn't to destroy the world. As you observe, he quite easily could have cracked the planet like an egg, had he wanted to.

He was doing the reverse of what he'd been doing for decades - he was causing pain, torturing. He wasn't necessarily fighting with the goal of "beating humanity". It was more like he wanted to torment them. PtV certainly does muck up the works, though, no argument there. Probably would've been best for that to be solely an Eden shard, as phenomenal as "You needed worthy opponents" was.

Wildbow is evidently a big fan of "tabula rasa".

You're really going to continue with this little act?
Who do you even think will fall for your shit? Are you hoping there's some newfags out there dumb enough to listen to your shit?

My advice to any newfags, go ahead and take a look at Worm for yourself. That should be enough to convince you that only the worst kind of idiots would bother with it, and those kind of idiots wouldn't find it beneath themselves to spam the shit here in a desperate plea for attention to their unsightly obsession.