>There is Goodness in this world and you are called to protect it.
There is Goodness in this world and you are called to protect it
I try, damnit. I try.
Also, this reminds me of this old copypasta, I saved from someone else on Veeky Forums :
"Veeky Forums is, in essence, full of hopeless romantics. We are the children who grew up reading of the men and women who changed the world.
We are the progeny of an entire subset of society that has idolized heroism and deified justice and goodness.
We're the kids who played knights, we're the youth that grew up on inspiration. We're a generation of people
who desperately want the world to be happy.
We want to be the heroes."
Then with every fiber of my being I protect it, even if it will cost me my life to do so.
/pol/ are orks?
Yeah pretty much; Ork magic is based on legit
chaos magick principles. Indeed the entire warhammer 40k universe contains a ton of occult imagery.
>by what,
>for who,
>and what dose it pay?
I have seen goodness and what men call it. Fat spoiled, decadent and foolish men who condemn children to die in their mines and factories. Men who care nothing for obligation to those under them. Men who don't know how to work but expect other to slave on their behalf. I have wandered their realms of broken families and soot belching chimneys and poisoned earth and sour rivers. I have seen them herd terrified and malnourished barely men to die in cannon fire in the name of their nations. They say this is all good and well and the correct way of things in this modern world.
In the old days war was glorious, not wretched. Strong men pitted themselves against worthy foes and either died gloriously with foam on their lips and fire in their hearts or took their share of the spoils. It was brutal and red but it was honest.
They treat their peasants as tools. Worse than tools, disposable things. A good peasant or even a dutiful slave is to be cherished and held in worth. They are obligated to provide for you because you are strong but as the strong you must protect them. That is rigid and maybe unforgiving both ways but it is honest
But this new goodness... no, I say. No. The modern world, their goodness, stops at my borders.
In my realm the laws of the Old Gods are held. The faith of blood and ash endures, the magic of bone and fire.
I have seen your modern goodness and I'll stick with old darkness. You can keep your industry.
"Lol whatever fag, i'll keep enjoying the post-scarcity technology you despise so much."
>Industrial Revolution
Have fun getting stomped by dudes with better tech.
For those we cherish, we die in glory.
Enjoy not having better magic.
>Better Industry = Worse Magic
When will this meme die?
>Unabomber prestige class
Goodness, it is subjective. What is good for you might not be so for others. Anyway social behavior will most likely persist due to the advantages it brings, and if it does not it would have probably been unfit for its environment anyway.
>t highschooler
Nothing but an illusion of well meaning, ignorant self destructive runts. Their goodness and order can only exist inside their gilded cages they put up themselves. The world world is savage, cold and unforgiving, and semblance of order is carved out of existence by cold men they deem tyrants. I can't fault them for trying to intervene, but i cannot understand why they let it in their life.
>read in Squidward's voice
>t. absolutist poseur with no argument
>there's evil in this world and you are called to rise against it
>gilded cages
You mean like the whole civilized world as we know it? The world only seems cold because the lens through which you perceive it is your self. There is an absolute, a truth, a goodness, and it has a place for you. You need only find it for yourself like those men who left the their cages and crossed their own limitations to find it. I believe you can do that.
>t. Slaver
>tfw you really want to life out the romantic dream of goodness and hope, but every campaign you end up in is built around grey mortality
I'm thinking I'll just build my next character around this concept.
A hopeless romantic idealist who really, truly believes in the inherent goodness of man and nature, the value of intense emotions, and denies the cold logic of classic utilitarianism.
But considering the fact that we're going to play WoD, he's just going to end up being miserable, I think. If nothing else, it could be interesting.
>'red unz goes fasta' is actually a primitive form of meme magic
>if the orks worship hard enough, they may actually get an anti-human orc to become the next Emprah
>>There is Goodness in this world and you are called to protect it.
Not this time.
Not again.
I'm tired.
Let the darkness embrace us and let it's stillness give us pause and rest.
> >There is Goodness in this world and you are called to protect it.
Liar. There is no inherent Goodness in this world.
That's why we have to create it ourselves.
>Kierkegaard didn't believe in inherrent goodness
>But he's a Christian
Can someone who's not an idiot explain this to an idiot? I thought the belief in objective goodness was something that automatically came with the Christianity package.
You seriously got Christianity all wrong.
There is no such thing as good inherent in the world and the nature of everything and everyone in it is pure evil at heart. That's why Jesus is seen as the sort of "worthy lamb" because he is the only good and pure thing in this corrupt shit hole we call earth.
>There is no such thing as good inherent in the world
I think I mistook what you were saying then. You were talking about inherrent goodness existing within this world rather than objective morality as a metaphysical concept, right? I assumed you were talking about the latter (ie. objective morality not existing, so us needing to create our own morality à la Nietzsche).
Play a hot-blooded mage who watched way too much anime.