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Monstrous Menaces edition: What "memorable" encounters have you inflicted on your party or suffered through?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Monstrous Menaces edition: What "memorable" encounters have you inflicted on your party or suffered through?
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I stapled two t-rexes together. Basically just doubled stuff like double HP and double attacks.
One of my favorite "I shouldn't have done this but it's still awesome" moments.
Are there any rules for hybriding monsters?
We got stuck in a groundhog day loop where we kept getting instagibbed by some stupidly overpowered wizard.
We almost killed him a number of times, but he had fucking contingencies and escapes and bullshit cloning himself out of flesh golems like miles away.
And then it was resolved when we finally said the right thing to some fucking hobo, so the invisible time dragon that was watching him for who-fucking-knows-what reason knew that we were keeping our memories through the timeloops, and we knew what the problem was. We got like turbohasted or something and him getting beaten was just handwaved.
And then I wasn't allowed to use that Cunning Planner feat to have borrowed another character's soul-eating talisman so I could be super vindictive, because I'd pulled a fucking compass out of my ass 20 loops earlier, and he said it was still 'the same' item, despite the fact it was a fucking compass, I had a total of 750gp's worth of shit to pull out of my ass, and all other per day abilities got refreshed when the day looped.
The entire timeloop garbage took like three fucking sessions total. We were banging our heads against the fucking wall most of the time.
So protip for GMs!
If you think a timeloop that keeps undoing the party dying instantly over and over makes it okay? It isn't. At all. It's frustrating.
What are some interesting undead creatures? asking for a friend...
Keep this thread lightly bumped for when the other thread dies.
>anime OP
no thanks my dude
>If you think a timeloop that keeps undoing the party dying instantly over and over makes it okay? It isn't. At all. It's frustrating.
Much like any other timeloop, really.
I don't know if this is a dumb question or not, but is it possible to cast a touch spell through a weapon?
That is almost the only trick of the Magus. Normally? No.
Reposting here before I hit the sack, for anyone interested
Splitting skeleton T-rex. Whenever they kill it it divides into smaller dinosaur skeletons that still want to kill them.
Speaking of splitting, what's this I hear about the /pfg/ Discord splitting in two?
Is there like a schism or something?
Hey now, let's be fair here. I just went through the logs of the old /pfg/ Discord. Darjeeling and Kawase both joined last Thursday afternoon/evening EST...
But Darjeeling's got 35 pages of messages from them while Kawase's got 133. So Kawase has typed 3.8 times as many messages as Darjeeling.
And Darjeeling said they'd always been posting on Veeky Forums, so they can't JUST be a Roll20 rando who wandered in.
I mean, it's kinda impossible for two guys who joined the Discord last Thursday to totally implode it, right?
Which country would be the best patron for a party of PCs in a hypothetical GATE game based on Starfinder's rules?
How much sequence-breaking have you personally engaged in and/or witnessed in premade adventure paths and adventure modules?
In the Hell's Rebels game I participate in, the group is not even halfway through the first book yet. Nevertheless, we have stumbled across the first book's endgame dungeon, successfully infiltrated it via heavily supercharged disguises, and are currently speaking to the first book's final boss on amicable terms.
From what I understand, such sequence-breaking is par for the course in premade adventures.
How would you stat Graham's race in Pathfinder?
The only thing that kills a discord is weak ass modding
Other old thread
Anyone ever get a mechanical benefit for being in a relationship with an NPC?
Dude, have you never even HEARD of Jade Regent?
Why are you talking about Discord? Are you here to shill your invite-only discord or something? Are you just trying to start shit? How would you even know there's an invite-only discord unless you're personally in it since they don't advertise it in the other discord? Just fuck off.
Kawase listed like two dozen Veeky Forums generals and was using Veeky Forums memes, he doesn't really sound like a rando, just a fucking sperg.
Also Darjeeling disappeared, I think. Maybe they're just new to Discord or something Iunno.
Here are the rules of the discord.
Unless you missed em
1. Do not post porn.
2. Do not post loli.
3. Do not start political discussions.
4. Do not share links to avoid the image rules.
5. Do not share Discord names in the thread.
6. Do not use @ messages to spam at people.
7. Do not bring Discord discussions into the /pfg/ threads.
Now fuck off kindly.
So since the Magus is shit, is there a good way to make a Sorceror/Wizard/Arcanist a good gish through investment or multiclassing (lol) something? pls help, I want to play a gish this time
My GM is using Elephant in the Room and 25 PB.
the Magus is fine as a 'gish', its just a one trick pony of a gish
Realistically, the best 'gish' style class is either a Bloodrager or a Warpriest imo
Guess what? As long as people post anonymously, 5 and 7 are unenforceable.
Yeah but one trick ponies are boring and more importantly I've already done the Shocking Grasp Scimitar / Rapier build aka the only actual build.
Can you seriously fuck off literally nobody fucking cares about discord drama except discordites this is literally less related to /pfg/ than talking about how many manticore eggs Cashmere's ass can hold.
Hence why I suggested Bloodrager and Warpriest
Warpriest is an exceptional gish, as it can swift action self buff
So... how many eggs would that be?
>divine spells
I guess I'll give it a try at least, thanks user.
You'd probably have to ask Wist or Vult, or both.
cleric spell list isn't bad honestly, especially for buffing purposes
I had the party Rogue lose their shadow after becoming visible after having Invisibility cast on them in a wild magic area.
Then, I had a Dark Stalker who looked like the Rogue ambush the party. When it died, it blew up. The Rogue got her shadow back after the explosion.
Nah it's not that I'm just not a fan of divine spells in general, like from a flavor point of view
I'd rather unleash my own (arcane) magical fury than relying on some random god to basically do charity work and take pity on my poor powerless Expert soul.
What are you feelings on psychic magic
I'm nervous about asking them!
each for a different reason
I mean from a flavor point of view psionic magic is "I think and it happens".
Ironically this pisses me off a little because of how limited it is. Arcane magic is like, "okay so I've done decades of research and I've finally discovered the Konami Code" and the Wizard proceeds to make reality his bottom bitch. Divine magic is "I'm God, and I'll give you some new cheat codes every few weeks and refresh your old ones every day as long as you keep bouncing on my dick" and the Cleric healslut is just "yes my Lord".
Psychic magic SHOULD be actual reality warping, like "I don't want to get hurt" and suddenly you gain DR 10000/-, but that would be unbalanced and stupid. Thing is arcane magic is explicitly formulaic so it operates according to rules you have to discover, divine magic is something God gives to you in exchange for incessent preaching and being an insufferable missionary, but psionics is just, there's no actual explanation, its just "brainpower and the world follows my whims" except it doesn't.
I dunno if that makes sense, but like the way I imagine psionic magic to work if it works at all is the only spell in each tier should be Least Wish, Very Lesser Wish, etc. up to Greatest Wish because that's basically what psychics are, they change the world simply by thinking of it.
Vult would probably somehow sperg out while explaining things to FATAL tiers of autism not really I dunno what he'd do
Wist would whisper sweet nothings to you over voice chat
Well you're just wrong on the flavor too, because Sorcerer is just 'I KNOW HOW TO DO X INSTINCTIVELY'
psychic magic is just more sorcerers
Yeah well first of all sorcerers are discount Wizards, but second of all sorcs still operate off arcane magic rules. It's just instead of having to discover the Konami Code, you're born with it in your Bohns and Jeans.
thats all psychic magic is really anyways
Pazio made a mistake with keeping it Vancian, they just didn't want to use Psionics again (better system), but the best magic is still Spheres of power
Paizo has been making nothing but mistakes
I fucking hate 5e but Paizo is so dumb they're just losing more and more marketshare to them
5e is still worse because of bounded accuracy memes
The best part of Pathfinder is the 3rd party Psionics and SoP, PoW is ok, but PoW:E is the good shit
>still worse
Yeah I agree but WotC has something insane like 80% of marketshare to Paizo's 10%
thats because 5e is normie edition
fuck the normies
It's that kind of attitude that turns them away from our games.
There are several templates.
Abomination, Amalgam, Drider (yes there's a template to make more than just drow driders), and of the Half-X templates, probably more if you look.
I think of psychic magic in a similar way, except I'm fine without the whole wishing thing. Just because your force your desires and will on reality doesn't mean you can do do it in anyway way you want. It's still something you need to learn to do, and thus something I can accept learning to as individual tricks and not a steadily increasing amount of general reality warping.
Plus, if it worked like you described that'd be horribly, horribly, HORRIBLY designed since it's basically saying "We didn't want to make your spells so you make 'em up, hope you can effectively balance effects to spell level".
On a related note, Psychic Magic/Psionics is the sort of magic I always imagine the gods using, though it gets turned into divine magic when run through the "filter" of a divine caster/worshiper of the god. It doesn't makes sense to me for most gods to do magic arcane-style, by research and magical science, but they can't be using divine magic because unlike their clerics they aren't getting it from somebody they worship- they are the god, after all. But a god just thinking about something and it happening fits quite well.
Not so much, as far as I know. The only AP that would allow for lots of sequence breaking is probably Kingmaker, which spells out early in the book that your PCs could cut straight to the final boss of book one if they figure out where to find him (though it'd be a bad idea). In a similar way, nothing really stops the PCs from wandering into hexes they aren't meant to be in yet, except for the threat of encounters to dangerous to deal with and the presence of plot-problems they need to be dealing with elsewhere.
I'm making a super-dungeon for a campaign that my players should spend three or four levels' worth of time exploring though, and the party could plausibly sequence break that. If they're clever or determined enough to be able to bypass a gate they don't have a key for yet, they deserve it. That's narrative freedom.
Fuck, it was suppose to link to , not OP.
>I mean from a flavor point of view psionic magic is "I think and it happens".
I mean you can use that reductionist argument against any power type.
Also you seem to be under the impression that in PF/D&D magic warps reality. It doesn't magic is an ASPECT OF REALITY as natural as molecules and biology.
Bar a few wierd corner cases psionics is about projecting things outward. They DON'T change the world around them, they usually project things onto the world. Look at the Psionic power list, there's very, very little permanent things and there are very few things that warp something externally that isn't just blowing it apart or warping somethings mind. There's little no material transmutation to speak of. If anything Psionics is the LEAST reality bending discipline out of the subsystems.
As for fluff:
Within almost every living being there is a soul. Soul's are pretty important. God's and demons fight over them. Outsiders are created from them. They're the backbone of the universe. They're things of immense power. A potential the vast, vast majority of beings never realize.
Psionics is more than just the brain, it's an extension of the being. It's the mind and soul. Psionic character through mutation, training, study, or any combination of the above have acquired the ability to realize that potential.
>Psionics is more than just the brain, it's an extension of the being. It's the mind and soul. Psionic character through mutation, training, study, or any combination of the above have acquired the ability to realize that potential.
Would you say that the ability to realize such potential could be described as possessing a powerful "will of rebellion"?
>Would you say that the ability to realize such potential could be described as possessing a powerful "will of rebellion"?
I mean if you're Chaotic, sure. You could call it that.
Is there a program out there that I can use to make some nice tokens for PCs and NPCs on Roll20? Not something that supplies the art, obviously, but something that I can use to quickly and easily put a nice border around a token and preferably something with options for things like different border shapes, colors, and styles. I'm no good at making things look pretty so if I tried to make borders for tokens myself they'd just end up being a monotone square outline of the token and look pretty ugly.
Token tools my dude
If chaotic. Because it could also be a will of very powerful order.
In fact, back in A&D it required such discipline that going chaotic would lock you from raising the class further AND would have you save vs your powers eroding away every month.
Wasn't there also some rule that if your joined an orgy/had sex you automatically lost all your power for the day?
Fucking Canada, man.
They've got that whole "Hey there, Neighbor, eh?" attitude that makes for less tense initial overtures.
And pretty much every member above "basic soldier" in their military gets more and more ridiculously PC-like, to the point where "Designated Marksman guy that we send out for moose in fall maneuvers" teaches allied country's elite snipers and their pilots are just standing there looking over the borders and *SALIVATING* at the thought of war being declared on them so they can steal all of that hardware for themselves after they murder everything on hostile bases with beavers.
I tried downloading that, but all I got was a zip file that contained some api files I can't launch. Explain it like I'm 5, please.
Well, a rebellion could be led by a lawful person, theoretically. It'd probably be justified in their head as an effort to reforge the country, remake the weak or bad laws, and replace the inept rulers.
Lawful doesn't mean blind obedience to the law, because not all laws are good laws (as in effective, not in the sense of good VS evil although if we're talking about a LG person that can be another issue) and if anybody would recognize and be bothered by that it would be a person dedicated to proper law and order.
>Well, a rebellion could be led by a lawful person
Yeah, but that's not the same as being possessed of a rebellious will.
As you can see there, he's not LOSING his powers... he's blowing his points on the orgy and getting fucking XP for it.
It's not "your druid wore metal" but rather "the mage used all his spell slots on these girls
If a rebellious will isn't the will to start or participate in a rebellion, what is it?
I didn't mean lose as in pemalost, I meant lose as in lost points for the day. Since the wording implies it's not a voluntary reaction to the orgy.
Anyone know of a tortoise-person race? I can't find anything in 3pp land.
I want to have a shell and be really slow and munch on grass at inappropriate times.
I think Akashic Mysteries had one?
The... Sobek I think? Akashic variant race of crocodile people. They're like +4 con -2 dex I think, and with a nasty bite.
The lawful person is looking to effect a change in regime or law. It's "viewed" as rebellion by those currently in power, as opposed to also by himself and those on his side.
It's not a perfect fit, but Abberant Aegis can get "shell" customization. Be a Lizardfolk and take that. Say your nautral armor bonus is your shell and the Abberant Aegis is using Psi power to reinforce it.
Found it. This'll do, thanks.
I was thinking of reverse-engineering it in a similar fashion with a spherecaster, but it felt kind of cheesy. Thanks for the idea anyway, user.
This. He isn't a true rebel. He's just someone imposing his law on others, trading one order for another instead of upending order for it's own sake. He's not a maverick.
It should be viewed as a rebellion by the lawful person leading the rebellion too, unless he's stupid. If he's doing it peacefully, it's not a rebellion in the first place. Don't assume the character must be so blind as to not understand the implications of their actions.
I'll soon be in a Spheres game, and I want to be a gish. Is the Sphere Magus any good?
Only for a two level dip.
Generally is not.
"We're bringing democracy"
"We're reinstating the rightful ruler"
"We're deposing a tyrant"
It's not seen as rebellion, it's seen as "fixing a problem"
In fact that's often part of the problem as one will easily replace one tyrant with their own
i personally consider sphere magus worse than mageknight for pretty much anything
You can lead a rebellion without necessarily being rebellious.
>It's not seen as rebellion, it's seen as "fixing a problem"
Yes it is. It doesn't matter how just your cause is, if you're trying to depose the current ruler, you're in a rebellion.
Nobody said he needs to be a maverick, just that he's got a "will of rebellion" and is lawful. The two aren't irreconcilable. Trading one order for another can still be a rebellion- think of something like a civil war or a coup to overthrow an inefficient or unjust government.
LG rebels because the current government is corrupt.
LN rebels because the current government is inefficient.
LE rebels because the current government doesn't benefit him enough.
But they all rebel.
Clearly, one of us must not understand what rebellion actually means. Are you trying to tell me that a war or battle in which the underdogs try to take out the king of the hill so they can become the new leaders ISN'T a rebellion? You can call it "fixing a problem" if you want but that doesn't change what it is.
I'm not sure how that logic even works, but it doesn't matter. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you always will, and the possibility of leading a rebellion while being rebellious is still there.
Rebellious as in the personality trait. Not as in "in the middle of committing the act of rebellion". A Lawful person can't be rebellious. Just because you drew something once doesn't make you artistic, nor does playing basketball a few times doesn't mean your athletic. It needs to be a consistent pattern of behavior, one a lawful person wouldn't engage in.
what are some cool evil shenanigans a wizard necromancer can get up to on the down low.
It's either a two level dip class, or a "GM, for the love of god houserule me a full CL Sphere, and either houserule arcanas to be remotely useful or give me my fucking Arcane Pool back" class.
t. rogue one
>give me my fucking Arcane Pool back" class.
>Hedgewitch's can get normal Arcane Pool as half a fucking class feature
>Magi have to use spellpoints to power it
What the FUCK were they thinking?
>inb4 they weren't thinking
1: Cause Fear to get rid of witnesses, Decompose Corpse to quickly erase most of the evidence, and Interrogation to gather information.
2: Lesser Curse Terrain to ward off people looking for your treasure, Dress Corpse to hide evidence, and Scare to get rid of witnesses.
I can't be more creative than that.
They probably wrote Sphere Magus AFTER the Hedgewitch combat tradition was written, and decided to cut down on the whole "I have two resource pools to manage" issue by... Combining them
All the default "Sphere X" archetypes are so poorly thought out as to be laughable. But the logic there was "spell recall exists!", Even though... They could have just dropped spell recall for something and left the Arcane Pool the way it was.
How do I git gud at roleplaying? It feels like I'm playing at a level lower than everyone else.
Take an improv class.
Does a monk really NEED a good DEX score?
Especially with Dragon Style rewarding high STR so much?
>Sphere cleric and druid and witch get fun stuff from their patrons and domains
>Sphere Shaman gets no extra spheres from their spirit or wandering spirit, locking them into a single build when their main draw is versatility
>Sphere Paladin and Ranger don't drop the -3 caster level and end up with six talents by level 20
>Sphere Summoner doesn't say whether or not you still gain evolution points for your Eidolon
>"I have two resource pools to manage" issue
That's not even an issue, especially when it's point based and the numbers tend to be so small as to be easily tracked on a d20.
Depends on your Point Buy. 25 PB, 14 Dex should cover you alright. There's not much reason NOT to have at least decent Dex though. Like, 18/14/12/10/18/6 would be perfectly serviceable post racials.
If you can get easy Dex to damage? THEN pumping Dex super high might be worth it. Maybe.
>>Sphere Paladin and Ranger don't drop the -3 caster level and end up with six talents by level 20
As someone tracking like, three resource pools right now, with the intent to go up to four-five, it's really not that har to track two. Tracking Prepared Vancian spell slots is more of a pain in the ass than juggling these pools has been.
Where can I find pre-errata content? Specifically looking for the style feats.
Your a frontliner with no armor and d8 HD. At high levels you'll obviously want other defences(such as misschance), but at low levels you'll want to invest into having decent AC as well.
Can't I just, like, read a book?