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>8th edition FAQ:

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my dudes > your dudes

>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
>T 20
>W 50
>SV 2+
>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
>I fail my save
>His weapon is Instant Death
>Remove Titan from the field
>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock

Rev up that 8th edition.


with fortune cookies

This is not tasty pasta.

It also is not fresh.

Take your simple carbs and shove them.

Posting this again
What are the odds that regular Chaos Space Marines will get model updates so they don't look like shit anymore? I wanna get into 8th edition as Chaos but I don't wanna buy them ugly squatting fuckers when almost every other model in their range looks good.

>formations are gone

are there any traitor legion loyalists anymore?


Chaos is will literally never be allowed to win. Ever.

I have a Farseer, a squad of rangers, and a squad of scorpions. I'm looking to have a small stealthy army (~1000 points). What should I get next?

From the original heresy? No, but that's just because it's been 10,000 years, and virtually NOBODY lives that long, barring a rare few Named Character exceptions.

From the Traitor Legions themselves? Possibly, especially Black Legion or Iron Warriors, but they'd be so small in number as to be statistically irrelevant and almost exclusively in the Deathwatch as Blackshields. Even then, the rules for "redeeming" Marines are so strict that it's virtually never done, and their origins are kept so secret that learning of their history will often get them killed by their comrades.

TL;DR Possibly yes, but functionally no.

>getting anything before 8e rules are out

Shadow spectres have that blur thing going for them, but they're fucking expensive.


What are you anons working on?

Started my 2 Reaver squads after finishing the Raider yesterday. Doing the first of 4 highlight layers while the pilots renact this video: youtube.com/watch?v=XspDkqEtWFE

No one will ever win. If any one faction besides maybe the Tau "wins", the setting is over.

I bought em before 5th was out m8.

>that image

If Tau win the setting will be over too because no one will want to play a game in a universe where those gay communist weeaboos win.

Nobody but autists care about their faction "winning". Ever.

I just want new models for my Cadians.

Trying to decide on an HQ for this list, and much larger versions of it later on. I'd like to take a Techmarine to fix up the Razorbacks as needed, plus he can support the Knight that will be included in higher point games, or I could bring a Librarian, that's probably the better choice but I don't know how to build them well.

Despite the fact that this is bait, I'm still going to illuminate all the things wrong with it for people who are just joining us and have no idea what the rules in 8th are:

>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
Formations no longer exist, and narrative games don't mean "unbalanced games where you can do whatever you want", that's Open games

>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
We don't know everything Wounds on a 6+, it could be like SWA where you need to roll a 6 and then the 6's need a second roll of 4+ or more to stick.

>His weapon is Instant Death
No longer a thing, weapons can deal multiple Wounds per hit or even Mortal Wounds which ignore saves and don't need to roll to Wound, but you'll never be removing a 10+ Wounds model in one hit with anything.

>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock
Not even remotely how battleshock works. Titans aren't going to be squadroned together and even if they were they're not going to have a Leadership lower than 7.

Hey tg i'm looking for a space marine chapter to get into with 8th edition dropping soon. I was wondering if there were any neat successor chapters you guys know about?

eventually yes


Find one that sounds/looks cool.

Anyone else hoping for a nice, new, plastic techmarine model in the style of the ironpriest for regular marines this edition? I just can't like the current resin one with the cumbersome looking servo harness.

I'm hoping for a new Warpsmith or a techmarine that I can convert to a warpsmith

That's not a Chaos warrior. That's a Bloodbound Warrior.

Sort of the same but not.

Kinda like T Sons are CSM, but their models aren't actually updated Chaos Space Marines.

Aside from shit like the obvious Deldar torture dungeon or general warp fuckery, is a more fucked up death possible?

Imagine sitting in camp and hearing a slight whistling noise as an unescapable cloud of monofilament wires descends upon you. Even if you miraculously survive, there is nothing anybody can do to help you. Any movement would cause the wires to constrict. If you're lucky your allies would eventually retake the area and mercy kill you, assuming you don't bleed out first.

Riptide Wing Detachment when?

I don't know why, but I actually like the warpsmith. I would want to convert one from a regular basic techmarine if I was iron warriors too though. They just don't seem mobile and commanding enough to be a warsmith somehow. Too specialized I guess.

kinda like how super space marines will be space marines but not really space marines. and like how pic related is the new AOS thing that is the new version of the old WHFB thing.

There's an updated version of that model, actually. It's in Silver Tower, and I mean the priest not Stormcast.

You could actually have it drift through and rearrange you.

The point is SC replaced Empire and is the only human faction getting any releases. It will be the same for super space marines, they will be the only space marine chapter moving forward that gets anything. The legacy chapters will have rules but they will never get updated again so that GW can condense its line.

Not unsurprising. You can make umpteen chapters and create your own with standard marines. Can only go one way with Dark Angels, Space Wolves, etc.

Not really dying, but imagine recieving the punishement of being turned into a acro-flagellant.

You forcefully go through extensive physical surgery and mental reconditioning untill you're turned into a mindless killing machine. All while you're fully awake and aware, without any form of painkillers.

Never played 40k before. Intrigued by what may come from 8th edition. I want to make an Astra Militarum force. I like Commissar models. Are those of any use with tanks or should I go all infantry?



So I often hear that Craftworld Eldar bikes are pretty OP. Are Dark Eldar Reavers similarly powerful?

>Cadia Falls
>Imperials Evacs (some) civies and troops
>Lands evacuees on nearby planet in the same system
>Named Cadia II in honor of Cadia

Alright boys, second verse, same as the first!
>(Angry Abbaddon screeching in indignation intensifies)
Fuck this! Fuck the warp rift going the wrong way! I'm using the Maelstrom from now one!

Go back to 1d4ddit please

Post neat paint jobs

Not as such, no.

This isn't the WIP thread and that picture is giving me eye cancer.

No way to tell what the meta will be in 8th but you can definitely make a mixed infantry/tank force

does that look like a work in progress to you, you moron?

It looks almost cell shaded.


Wow, you are actually fucking dumb. Please refrain from posting on Veeky Forums and go back to somewhere like /r/Warhammer40k

Nth for removing initiative and ws as it was it's completely unnecessary


what in gods name...

Golden Demon winner right there

Yeah that was the point. Wish I could paint like that.
Nah I'm good hoss, enjoy your eye cancer.


Part of me refuses to believe that there's a marine down there. There can't possibly be, r-r-r-right?

There are four "types" of typical guard armies and they're all viable but rarely are more than 1 or 2 even close to competitve:
>Blob Guard
Spam Infantry Platoons and Conscripts, put heavy weapons in infantry squads, a priest for the conscripts, and two CCS squads preferably in Chimeras. Spam rank fire, Fire on my target, and bring it down forever behind an Aegis Defence Line. Not the most mobile an vulnerable to pie plates (which wont exist in 8th), but still has good board coverage and is the best in CC.
Put 60 point vets in 65 point chimeras carrying 2-3 plasma, melta, or flamer/shotguns. Support with CCS squads in chimeras and tank, aircraft, or artillery support. Charge, take objectives, and throw the right men at the right target with the right orders. Not much staying power but great for taking objectives.
You see those cheap tanks? They're almost as durable as land raiders (or were, not sure what 8th will do to them) and far more effective. Take a tank commander, or even 2, for BS4 and orders for tanks. Take as many Leman Russes as possible but remember to pair like Russes. Also remember its better to have more squadrons than less because you want to shoot different targets. Very vulnerable to melee and grav.
Basilisks, Wyverns, and Manticores oh my! Occasionally punctuated with the deathstrike nuclear missile. Spam behind an Aegis and protect with mechanized or platoon troops. Not good at objective games.

Take one, or mix-and-match.

Making my first ever purchase today into table top gaming.

I'm going to go for some SM scouts, I'm torn though between Space Wolves and Blood angels.

Which chapter would Veeky Forums recommend? I prefer Space wolves but I've been lead to believe they have a lot of restrictions?

Not only is the paintjob ugly, cel shading is utter fucking shit. Please off yourself.

How much green stuff did you need to make that?

I'm gonna keep posting these and there's nothing you can do about it.

>you'll never be removing a 10+ Wounds model in one hit with anything.

Not that guy. but: (Unless it's Archaon)

how are you so mad?
Whoa, thanks bro

>i'm gonna keep being retarded and screeching like a retard while shitting on the floor and there's nothing you can do about it
Thanks for letting me know I guess?

Know what I really want out of this guys? For them to give rough riders decent rules, and to make new sculpts for them (on par with the fw dk rider sculpts)

>So jealous he responds to pictures with suggestions of suicide.

>being THIS DESPERATE for attention that you resort to calling people jealous
And this is the average nidfag all. A delusional retard who not only has awful taste in aesthetics, but is also an obnoxious cunt and suffers from delusions of grandeur.

Don't worry bro, practice makes perfect. You'll get there some day. Maybe.

>o-o-oh shit he c-called me out!
>i-i-i-i know! i-it must be s-s-s-sour grapes!
Man, imagine if everyone on this site was as delusional as you are. This place would be arguably worse than reddit.

you're talking to two different people buddy

> Sperglord tries to make it about how retarded the Nidfags are
> Winds up lookingly stunningly retarded in the process

Sorry Bro! Wrong user!

Your jealous of Purple Nids and you know it!

Post kit bashes

If you say so.

Why are you projecting so hard

Pic very related

Your posts are becoming increasingly disjointed and nonsensical. Are you feeling alright?

>>Posters in this thread at this moment

Hopefully GW has some interesting stuff tomorrow, so the shitposting at least has some substance to it.

No, the hideously painted spergbugs gave me a migraine.

Despite that however it seems like they still make much, much more sense than any of your's. But that's probably just because of your double digit IQ.

10/10 would fight against them all day every day

>than any of your's
> your's

This has to be a falseflag, you can't be THIS retarded.

Said the king retard, not knowing that his sheer stupidity was making everyone else equally dumb just by mere association.

I might be a bit biased here, but I'm quite fond of my Grotesques.

I didn't notice until today that my subconcious took inspiration from WoW's Abominations to make my Abberations. Open guts, extra arm on shoulder, etc.

>>People try to start up a conversion about warhammer models with odd paint jobs. Shit poster literally posts about eating shit.

>>nobody post pictures of 40k models in the 40kg
Kill yourself ASAP.

>Not getting the reference
What's wrong with you people?

This meme died during the week, please stop.

>odd paint jobs
>Post neat paint jobs
>neat paint jobs
lmao, stupid dumb nidfag scum

More like, nobody post utter fucking shite.

Go back to 1d4ddit

Only sorta biased. 1: The transition between flesh and steel is a bit sudden. Some angry red irritation could be added with a red shade on the flesh. 2: Need to go over the rims of the bases with abaddon black 3: The ground is too plain and could use some foliage, rocks, dismembered limbs, or at the very least a drybrush.

No. I'm genuinly curious: How much greenstuff did that need?


I've been planning on getting some desert grass tufts and rocks that better match the sand to throw on there and on the rest of my DE bases. The bases are Vallejo Desert Sand with heavily thinned agrax on them. I only have some healthy green shrubs.

With this drip feed of information we're getting about 8th every day, Part of me is expecting them to reveal the new Marines bit-by-bit. "Today we're revealing the new backpacks! Come back tomorrow when we take a look at the left leg!"


Doing some archive searching tells me pic related is the reference?

It's never going to get better. Just pull the trigger and let it all go.

Shit! We're tracked! Go get the spare links.
>Okay boss I'll-AAAH!
*Sigh* Whoever thought the gaping demon maw on the back of the tank was a good idea needs to get a firsthand look at the intricacies of tank maintenance while the tank you service is trying to kill you...