Magic: The Gathering Modern General (Competitive Discussion)

This thread is for the competitive discussion of the modern format. Kitchen table discussion is not welcome, but they don't read OPs anyway. For reference the average deck will run you anywhere from $400-$2000.

>Metagame thoughts?



Weekly Modern Metagame:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Makes a new modern thread
>Says no kitchen table

Mcgofuck yourself

Jund Shadow, Grixis; Shadow, Control, Delver Azorius Control.
Sultai Delver
>Metagame thoughts?
I wouldn't mind seeing a control deck in tier 1 again.
I don't see any bans or unbans happening.
Wizards realizes Blue and White are underpowered in Modern and I believe they will print pushed cards to shake things up (ex. Fatal Push).

Tips on taking deck pics?

Mine always turn out to be glare infested pieces of shit

Bolt tribal
Nothing atm. I love playing burn
>Metagame thoughts
In general, it's funny to see how far regular jund has dropped.
As far as my lgs goes, my only gripe is my friend running 3 chalice mainboard for eldrazi tron.
Karn shouldn't exist.
Anyways, how many shard volley should I run? Is 2 too much?

Try using a low angle so it seems bigger.

Here's how not to do it.

Gonna move the Stomping to the sideboard, I MUST BEST THE MIRROR AT ANY COST.

mana clash is usually a searing blaze

>shard volley
Stop this right now.

>shard volley
>not gut shot

At least meme correctly mang

There's objectively nothing wrong with 1 Shard Volley and to say otherwise is an insult.
It has never been bad, and it even has synergistic power (untapped Vantage if it's your 4th land, extra Lavamancer fuel), not to mention being able to kill Electromancer/Puresteel/Platinum Emperion

Don't talk to me or my wife's Eidolon ever again.

>Wizards realizes Blue and White are underpowered in Modern and I believe they will print pushed cards to shake things up (ex. Fatal Push).


just finished putting together and sleeving up my UW draw go meme. missing a crucible and some of my SB cards but I can just cram some filler bullshit in there and rock it anyway until I get my hands on those. can't wait to go to time every single round!

on a side note the reviews aint lyin, these eclipse sleeves are the fucking nut. shuffle so fucking good and after man-handling them harder than a puppy crushing retard they look fine and don't have any fucked up corners

I check the modern meta all the time and there isn't a single deck I want to build or play.

Well, what do you like to play, user?

I always have liked 2. Odds of seeing them both is low. Odds of being tilted by the land cost is low. Just hold them in your hand and cast them last.

How is jeskai control right now? I wasn't playing when new Nahiri came out and she seems nice.

Its pretty awful atm. Bolts at an all time low if you arent playing Lava Spike tribal, it doesnt remove most threats and Lightning Helix just delays the inevitable. Ancestral Visions is still a bad topdeck, Nahiri and Cryptic Commands mana cost are hard to always pull off, not specifically one or the other but having both in the deck will lead to some situations where you dont have mana to cast one because you needed to get the right mana to cast the other. Electrolyze is decent against Affinity ill give the deck that. Overall though the decks wincons are weak, a 4 mana walker that takes several turns to Ult and doesnt really protect itself isnt that good, also Emrakul is often not enough to kill, 15 damage and 6 sacrificed permanents is good but if they have more then 15 health they can potentially rebuild the board and come back.

>metagame thoughts
Its fine, burns been doing well for me, went undefeated Friday and have top 8ed the last 4 FNMs I believe
No bans are needed but they'll probably ban Grapeshot soon desu. Some unbans would be cool but im not sure which, it gets debated ad infinitum but there arent really all that many safe cards on there. Maybe BBE would be fine or Punishing Fire but not both.

>mfw retards bought As Foretold for $25 thinking it would make control good
>mfw its $8 now
Control players eternally KEKED!

2 is still fine and will (almost) never hurt, if you can lower it to 1 it's a perfect card, but there's often slot issues with burn.

I like Shard Volley as a one of despite not running it myself
>While deck diversity is good, we're keeping an eye on color balance.

There are many more competitive and fun decks than what you see on top meta sites

>playing anything other than top of the meta
It's like you want to not win

I get this question whenever i post my deck pics. I'm not sure what to tell you, the light source is on the center of the ceiling and I hold my phone parallel to the cards...

I win all the time

And you play what?


Describe in detail pls

also where your cards are relative to light source

Post planeswalker points page you memeing fuck

Warp World Elves
I'll f***ing punch you m8

1v1 me ft5; formats are pauper, frontier, THS block constructed, extended and conspiracy cube

WB E&T breh

playing lots and lots of games with WB E&T

>>Metagame thoughts?
it's fun!

Unban Splinter Twin; Ban Deceiver Exarch
Unban Birthing Pod; Ban Kiki-Jiki, Mirror-Breaker
Unban Summer Bloom; Ban Amulet of Vigor

Esper or UW is better positioned than Nahiri Jeskai right now imo. Although I think Jeskai draw-go has promise. I'm just not sure if a smattering of burn spells is better than Fatal Push and Esper Charm.

It's a good deck, and was good in the meta where DSZoo/Infect/Kilnfiend were rampant, which kept Tron to a low metashare since they could go under it.

Right now the two most popular decks are DSJund/Grixis (which bolt doesn't spot remove as well but that's not really the problem) and Tron, which is the real problem.

U/W control variants run a 4 Seas, Ghost Quarter + Crucible package.
On-cast triggers were a mistake.


We don't want the Tron kiddies getting upset

I'd figure with red it'd be better against Tron due to Crumble/Sowing Salt.

>Tron, which is the real problem
I think Tron is easier for UWx control than it is for GBx. Chances are low he has turn 3 Karn and you don't have a counterspell for it, and aside from that the only really brutal play is turn 4-6 Ulamog -> trigger Sanctum -> get the other Ulamog. In a deck with 4 Path, 4 Cryptic, and 3-4 Snapcaster you can actually answer all of his threats, and post SB games get easier because you bring in Extractions or Stony Silence or Crumble or Clique or Geist.

The only way you're beating Tron as UWx is if you hedge HEAVILY for the matchup or kill them quickly which is easier said for a control deck.

t. Esper Draw-go player

You should stream your games on twitch.

*unzips Finks*
*sacs behind you*

what does


It's a Finnish abbreviation for "signed" or "sincerely"


>It's like you want to not win
What if I want to have fun?

I have yet to meet a non crazy person that enjoys losing more than winning.

The only way to have fun is to win. Anyone that says they have fun losing is a liar.

>he's never played warp world/thieves auction in edh
You're missing out.

I said non-crazy, maybe I should have added not autistic as well.

>looking though my half built burn deck
>a bunch of 1 of's jap cards

This just gave me the idea of having playsets of cards in 4 different languages.

There's the 2001-2002 prerelease promos that were printed in obscure languages, if you're interested. I like the Greek Phelddagrif, second to Phyrexian Norn.

This deck will put an end to modern's stagnant meta.

Post more deckpics!

if i had money i'd be working on turbo moons aka free wins red. tfw yet another chalice spike
how about preordain, dark depths, twin, grave-troll. tier 1 and 2 are too fair

mono blue tron runs treasure mage to grab bombs
there's lantern control which is a prison deck that digs for lock pieces
some people are developing a deck that uses tezzeret and whir of invention to find artifacts
None of these are considered particularly competitive but there you go.

ngl i'm kind of envious of the aesthetic mana costs ya'll have. most of my spell have gray costs

will you do mismatched printings as well? i kinda think matched printings would be better

Newer to magic, how is my rat deck looking /mtg/? Posted this in another thread and was recced some Thrumming stones, swarmyard and more relentless rats. Anything else I should add and what should I remove to fit in more relentless rats?

>tfw yet another chalice spike

Just checked the price, fucking hell. At least them being more expensive I hope less people buy them, meaning less chalices on 1 fucking me over.

How familiar are you with modern?

If this guy blocks a creature and it's trigger goes onto the stack can I flickerwisp or restoration angel this guy and still kill the blocked creature?


Well I just found my new one drop. Fuck Thraben Inspector.

Brand new to modern, wanna get into the competitive scene, have only really played with some friends in my small town and at camp when I was a councillor

Gnat miser is terrible.

So go buy a modern deck then? What are you hoping to accomplish by trying to give the autists small talk?

what the fuck is going on on this limited gp stream

>guy plays approach of the second sun
>other guy plays gideon's nevermore naming approach
>guy kills the gideon's nevermore with an austere command invocation
>wins with second sun

what the crap

Yeah I own the deck I posted, I'm just new and want some help

Is it worth dumping 100 bucks to buy the missing pieces to convert my Grixis Control into Grixis Shadow. How likely are parts of the Shadow shell to get banned and generally, how fun is the deck to pilot?

How to break this? Assault Loam? Noose constrictor? Zombie Infestation?

K man if you want to get into the competitive scene, you need a deck that can be competitive. I'm sorry, but the rat deck isn't going to hold up against most, if not all, decks in modern. If price is a concern, you can build mono green stompy, mono red burn, and 8whack for pretty cheap, and they'll hold up reasonably well. Assuming price isn't a concern, just look up modern decks and see if there's anything you like. But just know that in this format there isn't much room for homebrews if you want to win.

1)pick a deck here
2)Learn to play with it online (cockatrice or x-mage)
If you have fun, go to step 3, if not go back to step 1
3) find if there are modern tournaments where you live
If yes go to step 4, if not stay on step 2
4) buy into the deck
5)enjoy your tournaments

It's already broken in standard

is there a decklist or is this just a meme ?

Yea from mtgoldfish
Looks fun, but I'm flinging pummeler

Well, of course it's gonna work in Shit For Removal: The Format . Porting this to Modern is gonna requiere some sort of backup shell like Loam, or a grindy Jund deck. Maybe even the Gitrog Monster + Dakmor Salvage combo? Noose Constrictor goes infinite with those.

Thank you so much

reprint when?

Hopefully never. We don't need Channel Fireball shenanigans again.


it's broken in a format with Moxens, black lotus and duals. in modern this needs double g in a format with shocklands, and that dies to spell snare and damage prevention

Reprint or not, they need to have Rebecca Guay do more art (even if it's only promos).

Lmao fuck off retard

>I will call him retard, that will show him!!!


Nothing yet
WRG Burn
>Metagame thoughts?
I wish I knew more of the meta game. Any good source to learn it?

>I will make points that have no legs to stand on, that'll warrant a proper response!

>Allows hardcasting Turn 2 ulamong/emerakul
>not broken
lamo kys

>just counter it
Try and remember which thread you're in next time

Kek. That shit was figured out long ago

>block the snek
>win because opponent has to deal 10 damage with no hand

Local? Go to the shop and ask
In general? Mtgtop8 or something like that
But you're playing burn, unless your local meta is nothing but eldrazi tron or classic tron mainboarding chalice, you'll do pretty well going in blind


Abzan Company.

Different builds of Company. The last few sets have been fucking exceptional when it comes to new stuff to work with. Currently trying out a combo build that focuses on Druid/Vizier, it feels like a meme but turn three spaghetti mom is no joke.

Also testing out Duskwatch Recruiter as a potential addition to the core of the archetype, he's nowhere near as good as Chord and Company, obviously, but one or two to potentially replace the same number of Witnesses might be a decent idea. Similar idea on Vizier of the Menagerie alongside Courser+Tracker

>Metagame Thoughts?
Modern seems a fun place right now, just hoping it stays that way.

Why does dredge even exist?

Gw Tron.

Building Gb Tron and messing with my shitbrews.

>Metagame Thoughts?
I've never really had issues with the metagame. As always, pretty fun.

I'm satisfied with the current banlist, but it would be cool to see some of the big names come off the list in the future.


Dredge, sold out of Affinity after the deck folded to itself one time too many, combined with Stony Silences and Ancient Grudges up the ass.
Nothing, thinking about foiling the deck though.
>Metagame thoughts?
I miss 2015, Twin ban was a mistake and the deck wouldn't even be as good today with Bant Eldrazi etc in the format. Amulet Bloom was a bit too busted with turn 2-3 kills through permission like 50% of the time, otherwise the format was close to perfect. Modern could use Swords to Plowshares to combat Death's Shadow and to just make white more playable in general beyond stupid sideboard bullets.
Unban Twin.

Ban Stony Silence, Chalice of the Void, Choke, Tronland(s).

All of those cards make for horrible gameplay and are unnecessary. There are about a million other good hate cards and general utility sweepers (eg. EE, Anger) in the format to keep Affinity in the check, the games where someone goes turn 2 Stony Silence are just retarded and accentuate the sideboard and matchup roulette aspect of Modern. Chalice punishes you for playing efficient 1-drops, which kinda goes against the whole idea of an eternal format. Choke punishes for playing a certain color and not just nonbasics like Moon, which is a fair hoser. Tron forces the entire format to either play something that goes under or sidesteps it (turn 3 aggro or solitaire combo) or run 3-4 pieces of shitty LD and cross their fingers, not really something that should be encouraged imo.

I know at least one person will go REE after reading this, I'd like your thoughts.

purely from a game play perspective I disagree because I think ridiculous but narrow hosers are an integral part of the game. especially regarding chalice, prison strategies are a legitimate play style even if they're a bit of a groan to play against. I think less things should be banned and players should be made to adapt against them rather than banning more stuff

Can it please just get a Judge foil reprint with that art?

It was

There's a difference between a deck and some twoo shitbrew experiment that was documented to yt for some unknown reason.

No. Not a real deck.

Unban please