Same teeth?
Same teeth?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post feet
I'd fuck the heresy away.
Didn't Veeky Forums make a guard legion obsessed with teeth?
Slaaneshi is pleased.
Same teeth?
I don't get what you're asking.
It's just a Rancefag being a fag. Disregard, and post more Cultist-chan.
Ripoff of Gorillaz
Spoilered because reasons.
For those of you suffering from crippling newheresy.
>Filename says get the blaster
>Bolt pistol in the image
There's something about an Ultra having a 9-5 day job and an unsatisfied wife that makes me laugh.
Gotta wonder why Khorne looks like a brass samurai.
You spelt Beltayn wrong.
Sometimes you need both.
The plot...soupens? I may have this one out of order.
Still my favorite strip, but it lost me at mayo. That shit's disgusting.
Last of the 'canon' from Mr. Culexus to my knowledge, though I have some 'side' stories to post.
Not by Mr. C, but a neat side strip.
>this thread
Yesh, whee neehded dis. Dis was lon' overduh.
The like khorne line always gets me to smile.
And now I wonder. Did the recent canonical events made pic related a reality ?
Same teeth!!
Nah. She'll always be our bumbling cultist.
Here's the creator's DA page, there's some more of her on there:
Took me a while to notice Sans' hotdog stand there.
Dude in the back bout to unzip his dick
>bout to unzip his dick
>unzip his dick
Found the newfag.
Summer comes sooner every year
>smug anume girl.png
You fucked up.
>thug life and chaos are spelled correctly
It's obviously a cross and then "hug life"
>Calls someone out for not knowing a meme
>That's not even the fucking meme
It's *Unzips dick* you fucking newfags.
I bet you also think anyone who admits to being a girl should "tits or gtfo"
Bet on this
*Undicks zip*
Since we had (and still have ?!) an entire thread full of mysoginistic shit on this board, this wouldn't even surprise me.
>muh misogyny
That's not a nice thing to say about /tgg/.
Over 550 Cultist pictures. I'd post them myself, but I have work in half an hour.
Thank you, user!
>you will never have a girl with sharp teeth and a long, prehensile tongue.
Life is suffering.
At least we have Cultist and Skarpne
Call me a newfag, but who?
The best Western smut you've never heard of.
>C O C K
Well user?
The dude's mexican, give him some slack. They can't all be GreenMarine
Guys, what is Cultist-chan's accent supposed to be anyway? I've read it as slightly Scottish or Irish, but I'm not sure. please help
Annohying Leeshp.
>what is Cultist-chan's accent supposed to be anyway?
"Fucked-up teeth"
>variations on memes are impossible!
>how dare you still understand what was meant, and call out user for not realizing!
I love you Collector - some of what's been shared here has been from one of your dumps.
Whatever the hell the chaos cultists in DoW speak. Her accent is supposed to be a phonetic representation of their voices. "Hwee caapthooor eeet foor Kayooos!" and so on.
Good thread.
Any chance of a dump on /aco/?
Technically most people have a prehensile tongue. You need one to talk.
>Called out on fucking up
>Damage control by saying "It's the spirit of the joke that I was being literal about"
Pick one or the other fag.
Don't think they do scat
It happens often enough. I'll pledge to his Patreon once this month is over
I always thought it was mimicking the way cultists talked in DoW.
I don't get the accent. I'm not sure what it's supposed to sound like. Any references to look to?
This thread still here?
Using this as an example
Hyour eHmperor ess faeeK
Hard H into your, Lisp on "Emperor" so it's EHMPeror Is turns to Es, elongated, EHS, Fake turns to FaYke with the H
Stewie griffin Cool Hwhip is the noise you're looking for.
There is not accent, she has broke as fuck teeth. You can picture it, she probably has a giddy gravely slightly high pitched voice. Angelica from rugrats comes to mind, with a massive lisp from Broke as fuck teeth.
literally this but with a female voice
Itsu datte itsu datte.
Same Teeth
this badge is awesome
Oh man, the sheer disdain on his face in the fourth panel. I can FEEL it through the screen, by the Emperor.