What is the worst/stupidest character you've ever personally come up with and/or played?
What is the worst/stupidest character you've ever personally come up with and/or played?
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A demolitions expert, I got 2 of my party members blown to pieces in a sewer, another one drowned to death in a tsunami of shit water caused by said explosion, and the one sane party member who stayed above ground got murdered by the city guard for "causing damages to the city" and "resisting arrest."
A transgender mastermind rogue for 5e DnD, inspired by the transgender ninja Mio from L5R. I thought it would be cool and dramatic to play a character who started out as a spy for one faction, but slowly became obsessed with the new life they were pretending to lead. Everyone else at the table called me a fag.
An cannibal, evil, and coward, sorcerer that looked like Mewtwo for absolutely no reason. What can I was? I was young and obsessed with Mewtwo.
In a stupid one shot monster campaign we did for shits and giggles I made an ogre mage who's class was sorcerer in 3.5 who had 40 some odd strength and 1 cha. He had massive muscles and a tiny head that I simulated by putting the collar of my shirt up to my nose and looking bulky. He used his natural levitation and floated around upside down.
I think in 3.5 I minmaxed a character to have the strongest cohort possible. That I can't remember any other details about either character is probably the most damning thing.
My time to shine! Like 50 percent of my campaigns are stupid characters. It's so much more fun! I will post a few.
One time my group all wanted to play non-healer classes. Everyone had come up with great characters so I didn't want to force anyone to change. Instead I made a healer npc that I would control, but so I wouldn't overshadow anyone I made him rubbish.
Hence Scoopi Fiasco, dwarven bard was born. A hugely popular dwarven rapper, whom the party was paid to protect whenever his concerts caused fights. Which they always did.
Catch phrase was '*monsters*? I HATE *monsters*!' in fact that's pretty much all he ever said.
I've played a lot of stupid characters. I think the stupidest was playing Walt Whitman in a weird west game that secretly took place in 40k
After I Jitterbugged my party up a wall to save them from hordes of undead, I decided to put old Walt back to rest. Sorry, my captain.
Kala, a neutral evil incarnate who saw death- actually a gate to another plane- and thought it was beautiful. Since then she's been trying to cause the literal end of the world by genociding everyone and everything so that everyone can see what she's seen.
Of course, she hated the rest of the party, so she'd save them for last.
Then the GM said no to incarnates for some stupid-ass reason so I was upset, made a silly conjuration wizard, and tricked the fuck out of it with all sorts of horrible cheese.
a blind guy who saw through enchanted bandaging, ce, the bandages came off into paper tendrils, also he primarily used a hook and chain. nd wore a red suit with lack pinstripes. I made him after this faggot. and I played him like a total chaotic random "I'll burn the building because lol"
13 year old me was an autist.
There was also Callsign Eaglefort earlier in the same game, which I made almost solely to piss my GM off. A human supremacist sorcerer who believed in the draconic conspiracy to dominate the world. He believed the sun sent him secret missions to liberate humanity.
It turned out there was actually a draconic conspiracy, and my DM thought I was metagaming, so he turned my male human into a female kitsune in retaliation.
Then I discovered my TG fetish
Socar, half-giant cleric.
Socar's mother was the clan storyteller and used to constantly tell him stories of all the horrible monsters in the world so he would know how to cope with danger.
What this actually did is traumatised him. He became terrified of everything. A dragonborn cleric of bahamut told him of bahamut's power, impressing socar immensely, then got eaten by a giant spider.
Now Socar carries the cleric's amulet of bahamut, believing it IS bahamut, and accesses cleric powers through the sheer strength of his belief.
However he is still an abject coward and will only hit people to prevent them hitting him. He's a LOT of fun to have in a family.
Piece of cardboard from behind of which I spoke, without changing a thing in personality.
Help me.
I played as Donald Trump on my first ever game, human fighter. We entered a town and had our weapons confiscated as a precaution, and found a scroll of fireball at the Inn. I used the argument that since they had hidden weapons and magic to defend themselves, I should get the scroll. I ended up nuking a troll inside a nearby cave, knocking our wizard unconscious and blowing the loot to smithereens. Never give Trump the big red button.
Further proof that "demolitions expert" is really just "explosions enthusiast"
Wolfgang Fullmoon, shifter ranger with crippling OCD. Obsessed with cleanliness, could never fire just one arrow it had to be two, even if he just shot one into the floor, and afterwards woulf have to tap his bow twice with two fingers. Shifting into his part-wolf form upset him greatly as he considered it unclean.
Wayne 'the stealth' rogers. Eladrin Swordmage neutral good assassin. Would take jobs on criminals then sneak into their homes and try to talk them out of their evil ways.
I forget the name, but one guy wanted to play a half-orc samurai merchant with a baby cart, lone wolf and cub style, but instead of a baby it had bundles of textiles in it instead. I have no idea wtf that was about.
I have a really bad habit of forgetting to actually settle on a character concept until the night before we're supposed to meet up to play. This has bitten me in the ass more often than not, particularly since I don't have a lot of time off from work and tend to drink a lot when I do have that time to myself.
So one day, Olaf Feargut was born, the half-orc something that was once a cook for a hobgoblin army.
His entire shtick, as I played him, was that he was the second-in-command of this army and that was only because he was the only one there who could cook. It was a cushy position, if you didn't mind making eleventy billion servings of food for people who brought you back sackfuls of ears and barrels of miscellaneous ingredients. He'd have stayed there forever if not for the sudden shattering of his warband at the hands of the overarching villain that the DM wanted us all to be personally irritated with.
The character was the most two-dimensional git I've ever played, but part of me wants to bring him back from the archives and breathe new life into him, now that I'm not having to scramble and make a usable character out of the half-assed notes I wrote while drunk.
... Honestly, Olaf sounds amazing. What did his last name come from, in-setting? Did guts fear him due to the food he made, or did everyone fear his guts?
The idiot cyberwared-up foxgirl street samurai that added 'nyah' into every sentence, and wore as little as she could get away with, nyah.
She had Uncouth and no social skills at all because I forgot to add them. She was only good at close-range combat and shadowrunning, and thought that the party were her bestest friends ever and that shadowrunning was totally the awesomest thing ever, nyah.
It'd been a while since my last shadowrun game, and my first time using Chummer. After realising that I'd fucked up character creation and wouldn't get to try again, I made her singularly annoying in the hopes that she'd get banned or shot. Instead, everyone loved her and she was basically the party mascot. And adding 'nyah' semi-randomly to sentences, using awful grammar, and coming out with fairly good ideas out of left field turned out to be actually pretty fun, nyah.
>It turned out there was actually a draconic conspiracy, and my DM thought I was metagaming
That's something special right there. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>the half-assed notes I wrote while drunk.
Some of my best ideas come after a few drinks, or when I'm in the middle of something at work and have to drop everything and write it down.
Also, she had a katana and cyberskates, and had fallen off a truck in backstory while using rollerskates, and merely thought she needed wired reflexes and skates that could be retracted in order to avoid it.
Who is that fag?
Half orc rogue who thought he was all smooth and charismatic but in actuality just inadvertently intimidated everyone into doing as he said. Best party face we ever had.
A piper bard who not only introduced Goblins to capitalism and vodka production techniques, but became the chief of that tribe after drunkenly marrying the chief's daughter.
Tame by comparison to most other stuff but I never have too much a chance to really cut loose.
Tyrone, the barbarian that was raised by tornadoes.
White knight named Tipps Malady lawful good paladin that defends the honor of maidens with his exotic sword made from steel folded twice the moment anyone says anything relating to knowledge i have to make a wisdom roll to see if i keep my mouth shut. It never works ive caused the death of 4 companions alone by needing to correct someone
The point of the thread isn't characters that are 'stupid but end up awesome'. The point is characters that just turned out to be dumb and ill-conceived.
This is a thread for the cringy shit you used to think was cool or the character that didn't come together well. Veeky Forums is always trying to show off how creative and quirky you are, which is cringy in its own way.
I remember one of my earliest concepts being Tyrone, the only black elf.
>Raised by tornadoes
Story time.
Tyrone, the only black elf barbarian raised by tornadoes sounds like the best fuckin thing ever
Werewolf: apocalypse.
Get of Fenris Ahroun cub with 7 rage off the bat and the Short Fuse flaw, 4 str and stamina, 1 wits and intelligence.
He's... a liability but the most enjoyable character I have ever played. It's also fairly dificult to play someone so stupid.
>What can I was?
Fuck man that's deep.
It was during the 5e playtesting period. One of my friends had his sister (she was 19, so this isn't a 'little kids are funny' story.) in town that week, so he brought her along. Had to slap together a character on the spot.
First flag was the name Tyrone, but sure. Why not.
But then she had to make a background for her barbarian, so she decided he'd been raised by tornadoes, because those also start with t. I think she was also eagle totem, because there's a bit of wind affinity there.
Mostly spent the session yelling things about tornadoes, and waiting to get told who to rage on. An alright player, but, yeah. The dumbest character I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot.
Jesus. I'm gonna file away "raised by tornadoes" as a random character background for future games. Throw it in somewhere weird, have some fun with it.
You are a fag.
Baggus Bilbortus, log-rolling halfling dinodruid from Cheliax. An exercise in creating an absolutely stupid character from the tons of inane Pathfinder options, back when I played it.
He and his replacement, Bilborto-san (log-rolling halfling ninja) were shot down by the GM.
I once played a wheelchair bound dragonborn necromancer on an adventure that solely took place on a pirate ship.
Bilborto makes me think of Portugal.
Like some kind of Brazilian Samurai.