The galaxy is in turmoil, and only the T'au Empire can bring order to the chaos in the stars. By the Ethereals we shall prosper and prevail!
>What Phase was your Sept founded in?(d10)
The galaxy is in turmoil, and only the T'au Empire can bring order to the chaos in the stars. By the Ethereals we shall prosper and prevail!
>What Phase was your Sept founded in?(d10)
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Farsight Enclave
Looks like we turned our backs to the Ethereals and went with the farsight enclaves, interesting
>What is the predominant terrain of your homeworld? (d10)
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Ok sounds cool, and we can also come up with some fun forestes; giant redwood trees, alien trees, super dense forests, etc
And I forgot to include what the next roll is
>Which tactical philosophy does your commander prefer?(d10)
roll here
Rolled 7 (1d10)
nevermind i'm retarded
Kauyon, the Patient Hunter – Lure your enemy into a trap and surprise them
Ooh, my favorite tactical philosophy from the Tau
>Which tactic does your cadre prefer?(d100)
Same, mostly because I like gunlines
Rolled 89 (1d100)
Hybrid with stationary units supporting mobile ones
>What is the primary function of your cadre?(d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Lets see
Exploration of new worlds
Our mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no one has gone before
What is the Ethereal Caste presence/adherence to Greater Good?(d10)
Since we are farsight enclaves, should we just go with
>No presence/Questioning adherence to Greater Good
On this table?
I think being farsight enclaves that goes without saying
I also think that gives us some really, really cool potential.
Ok, so I will just be moving onto the next table them
>What is the size of the auxiliaries in the Cadre?(d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Smaller than average auxiliary
Ok, so have some auxiliary at least
>What is the composition of the auxiliaries?(d20)
oh well I guess it makes sense for a farsight enclave
Rolled 1 (1d20)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
rolling for the warrior of Pech
what does it mean ?
Majority of auxiliary are Gue'vesa
Maybe the planet they colnized had human settlers on it before the Tau came there?
>What is the Cadre's preferred enemy?(d100)
Rolled 21 (1d100)
not imperium
Imperial Guard
Sorry user, but it seems that the Imperium wants to kill us
>Who is the leader of your Cadre?(d10)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
well if it's the IG it's manageable
Shas'el - Fire Caste Noble
>How would characterize your leader?(d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
>tfw not Shas'O
let's hope he is a tactical genius
Or - Ambitious
Also bonus roll for our leader before we fluff out our sept
>d2: 1 = Male , 2 = Female
Rolled 2 (1d2)
okay let's do this
but we should make some color sheme for our sept
Sounds to me like you guys rolled up a Sept that has gone native.
I can already imagine Guevesa explaining to the Firewarriors all (what limited knowledge Imperial citizens are taught) about demons, heresy and Chaos.
Hell, imagine the Firewarriors running around with crude purity seals, and setting up improvised Inquisition cells.
>the ethereals are blind to the horrors of the galaxy - but we - WE truly see!
Would these colors work with our sept?
but the gue vesa don't know about the demons and praticly not about chaos
only the comissar and the Inquisition know about that
but maybe we succeded in enroling a Comissar ?
well let's take a look at our environement
what kind of Forest do we have ?
What kind of forest do we want to have?
Imperials know that Chaos is bad, and that it is a creeping cancer that's really bad.
The edges of the Tau empire are also continiously raided by Chaos pirates and Dark Eldar, so they'll learn enough about Chaos as time goes on.
i think a european/germanic forest would be nice (pine, oak darker shade of green, a bit of brown
We could also go into the alien forest and just go wild with our imagination
that too
propose your colo scheme with this tool
The green on the soft parts are a bit to bright for my taste
They don't need to know a lot.
They just need to know that Chaos is bad, that it's real, that it is magical, and that the Ethereals are fucking retards for not believing it.
Alternatively, they think the Ethereals are filthy lying shits for hiding the truth about Chaos.
dubs confirm
so we grey knight /ordo malleus ?
What shall we call the sept?
That would mean they'd know what they were doing.
Imagine it more like a team of Dark Heresy-style Inquisitorial henchmen. Just without an Inquisitor leading them. And without any kind of guidance.
well then
do we cooperate with the ordo hereticus/Malleus then ?
or do we shot everyone who look relatively funny
Xenos and traitors cooperating with the Ordo Hereticus/Malleus? Hahahaha, no that's not going to happen.
>or do we shot everyone who look relatively funny
The Inquisition is bad - but mob rule is even worse. And that's basically the kind of "Inquisition" you're getting now.
maybe we have a rogue commissar that lead the Gue'vesa team and thus, be able to tell the sign of Chaos ?
I like the idea of a couple of Inquisitors/Commissars leading a Cadre with plenty of Gue'vesa to purge Chaos where the Imprerium cannot. After all, Chaos is the biggest threat/impending doom of the hour.
The fuck is this about chaos? Chaos is nowhere in the rolls. Stop talking about chaos. We got fucking forest hunters to fluff out
I vote for making them like Prussian Jaeger's.
You can have Commisars giving some limited control over the mob rule, but Inquisitors walking around is going a bridge too far.
Inquisitors would just bail on the Tau, because they know better than running around with a bunch of idiots that know nothing about the Warp.
I'm on this, they can aid the Tau who are probably using their Patient Hunter philosophy
If you are running a Tau Sept with lots of humans, you're gonna get Chaos along with it.
That's how it works mate.
The rolls said a small number of guevesa and this hasn't been a problem with any other guevesa populations yet. Farsight probably knows quite a bit more than your average Tau anyway and likely informs his men accordingly
Anyway, submitting Jaeger uniform idea.
What I'm thinking is the humans take the place of Kroot for these Tau, working to flush enemies with carbines and shotguns while Tau riflemen provide fire support with battle suits being highly mobile artillery. Hammer and anvil flush and fire WW2 stuff.
I'm down for this.
>but maybe we succeded in enroling a Comissar ?
Or maybe the PDF's corrupt and overly brutal commissariat was the straw that broke the camels back and sent the PDF into full rebellion.
At that point all the Tau had to do was show up, offer to help, take some prisoners, and have an interrogator who's really good at their job.
Wham bam this Cadre now knows about Chaos. Well, more than most but not all, I guess.
Infraredwood trees. Their metabolism is more efficient at high temperature so under the bark they're REALLY hot, and the leaves glow bright in infrared.
Tau have learned from the Gue'vesa to extract a high-energy syrup that heals would, produces a 'battle high' in high doses, and tastes amazing on space waffles.
>Tau have learned from the Gue'vesa to extract a high-energy syrup that heals would, produces a 'battle high' in high doses, and tastes amazing on space waffles.
>high-energy syrup
You just invented Amerifat corn-syrup addicted obese Tau.
Just wait for the blueberry expansion fetish posters to roll in and ruin everything.
are we making Quebec in 40k ?
the tree is called a Ma'ple by the Tau
the Guevesa calls it a maple tree
Tau are Canadians. Split off from the original empire and their weird creepy leaders (Ethereals, aristocrats). Gue'vesa are Quebeqois.
Their symbol is the infrared leaf.
>Amerifat corn-syrup addicted obese Tau
so, /k/ tau?
Perhaps the planet's name prior to Tau colonizaion was called the Dominion of Kan'Ada
What fauna does this planet have? We need Tau Mounties. Moun'Tau
>What fauna does this planet have?
Let's make our own fauna!
Eight legged Moose.
They have a high internal body temperature sustained by eating Infraredwood leaves, and large scooping horns to fling rivals (and small vehicles) out of the way.
They also glow internally.
North American megafauna pre-quaternary extinction. Sabertooth tigers, mammoths, and all sortsa neat shit. Not death world status, just enough to make the natives a cautious bunch in the woods.
Ok, yeah, that too.
the gue'vesa have their own region called Québec
the Tau and the humans have agreed to make the sign in both tau and low gothic
the ruler of this sept is Shas'el Ju'st'in Tru'do
oh shit the Shas'el is actually a female
the name will be Sha'una Tru'do
Necron awakens, emerges.
The world has changed.
Why are all the leaves glowing?
Immediately trampled by 8-legged megamoose.
The Mount'Tau atop the moose in his glorious red battlesuit looks behind him.
"Sorry, didn't see you there, eh? Don't worry, the Greater Good includes free health care for all."
Slightly dented necron goes right back underground.
it slightly bother me because "Mont" in tau means Death or deadly
so according to that name they be like Death Squad .
Polite Death Squad but death squad nonetheless
I don't see what the conflict is with naming a female after Justin Trudeau.
i don't know either but justin is a guy name
do the name justin have a feminine counterpart
>the Greater Good includes free health care for all.
...who are the doctors in the Tau caste system? Does each caste keep their own?
i believe it is the Earth caste
well Jus'Ti'Ne Tru'Do
As supplies from T'au run out, pulse rifles must be adapted to a bulkier power pack using the distilled infraredwood sap essence. The distinctive curved shape of the adapted rifles gives them the nickname Ho'kee Sticks after a quaint local ritual.
I imagine the Leaf'Tau look a bit like this
NO NO NO clicked wrong image. Like *this*
Wait, if we've now got Canada Tau, does that mean that if they ever get Kroot, we get Northwest Coast Kroot.
Because I'm not gonna lie, I wanna see Kroot painted like this.
Wait, where are you getting these tables from?
I have looked for these kinds of things all over, and found nothing. I want to roll my own Tau cadre.
Check 1d4chan
We need an enemy. What do Canadians hate? Impoliteness? Movies that claim to be set in America when you can clearly see they were shot in Vancouver?
>We need an enemy
Our enemy is the Imperial Guard
Aha, a regiment of boorish Space Yanks are after our syrup!
Since the function is exploration then you could re-jig the main foe being IG to being the forces of abandoned or lost worlds in the sector the sept is mapping out. Our force is operating without much support in the unmapped reaches of space bringing the good news to those left behind or just never found.
They don't have the infrastructure or the numbers to take a stand-up fight with a whole world of Imperial holdouts or worlds that simply consider staying independent not a topic of conversation. Local humans have slowly crept their way into the sept's crews and sqauds by over time.
The enclave will eventually have the strength and time to send a true army but till then our Tau continue to lay the groundwork militarily and diplomatically and deal with weird unknown regions bullshit about once a weak.
Star Trek, I'm saying make it a more militant Star Trek.
>Star Trek, I'm saying make it a more militant Star Trek.
I see nothing wrong with this
Not really relevant desu but could the Tau do a great crusade tier expansion?
If all emps did was create something like 2 million supersoldiers then surely the Tau could pull off the same thing, they've got the Tech to manage right?
But not the production and ability to keep it all under control
If it's Tau Trek then what kind of captain is our ambitious Shas'el?