Has anyone the feeling that the "modern" GW writers only know warhammer?
Has anyone the feeling that the "modern" GW writers only know warhammer?
Yes... maybe... don't know...
What do you mean?
Yeah, I don't think any of them have ever played a non-GW game. Although that's bizarrely true of many of the people I see in GW threads.
No, if you read Matt Ward's blog he mentions other stuff.
>He thinks the current GW writers know warhammer
That guy's an idiot.
The Warhammer settings were designed by guys with a strong background in history and literature, and they knew what they were creating was silly. Modern GW is staffed by guys with a strong background in... Warhammer.
I've got into TTG in 2011 and I've never played a non GW game because they all have looked lame aesthetically in comparison. Warmachine looks too WoW like, and every other mini game doesn't have good quality sculpts.
this pretty much.
Old guard used to base the imperium on interesting worlds of old school fiction too. These new folks unfortunately arent.
(modern) GW sculpts are often over-designed. Just cramming tons of pointless details onto a model along with "dynamic poses" doesn't equate to quality- though GW is hardly alone in this.
I know some of GW codex writers also worked on the black powder rule set, so no they do have knowledge in other areas.
Yes, they do seem to be unable to go beyond Warhammer 40k mechanics game wise.
Any experiments with the initiative system? Nah. It worked in 1989, so why bother?
Not a single new idea since LOTR.
AoS was chock-full of new ideas. And it sucked. No new ideas please.
>hey guys, do you think X company only produces stuff that makes them money instead of stuff that loses them money?
Former GW writer here. I quit due to ethical reasons.
For writing assignments, you get told 'write about this scenario'. You return a detailed synopsis. It gets reviewed and returned with pointers (eg, a name is too close to another character, can this bit be expanded etc). It goes back and forth until management is happy. Then you write the damn thing.
Nobody actually gives a shit about your prior knowledge, as long as management is happy with what you wrote and it doesn't contradict whatever the current thing is. So you could be an old grognard that's been playing since the beginning, or only just started playing at 7th, it doesn't matter.
Yes. Anyone creative left that company a while ago.
Mind telling us what you wrote?
screw that, he should tell us more about his ethical reasons
This. Half the reason I dropped the hobby was how embarrassingly serious all the new players took it. They don't see the satire or parody they just see le based empire that kills xenos and doesnt scared of anything.