All games and side lore elements welcome, except phoenix force Kerrigan.
Let's talk about about why the purifiers are the best thing to come from starcraft 2
All games and side lore elements welcome, except phoenix force Kerrigan.
Let's talk about about why the purifiers are the best thing to come from starcraft 2
Why don't the protoss just use prosthetics instead of clumbsy dragoons? We know they can as we've seen Karax's Doc Ock Locks
If you think about it they could pop those guys into anything yet for some reason they don't. Carrier? Why not put a person's soul in it for MAXIMUM GLORY? Probe? Lololol. Nexus? You're like a zerg building now, all alive and self-aware n stuff. Scout? Fuck with the pilot by overriding all of his commands with your own.
Must be a tradition thing. I mean hell the Taldarim's version of immortals are done as a punishment.
>the purifiers
That's not how you spell Tal'darim, sithtoss is besttoss
Nobody cares about shitcraft
I'd say it's half tradition half practicality. They honestly might frequently use prosthetics for most of their soldiers, and the dragoons and immortals are just the ones that got thoroughly trashed. If they have a limited number of really powerful mechs that have almost as much mobility as infantry, why not put the ones that gave everything inside them so they can continue to kick arse even when they got stomped?
That's a pretty good take on it, more cyborgs would be neat
also robot adepts > organic adepts
Alarak was the best thing to come from SC2. The Purifiers were fucking nothing, and "Not-Fenix" was a stupid character.
Prosthetics have to be customized and depend on the degree of injury.
Dragoons can be standardized and simply hold a tank for anyone too crippled to fight.
He just has a boner for robots and men of gold, let him have his fun
I do like the white and gold motife they had
So... protoss vs covenant how does it go?
The covenant are kinda OP by most settings standards, near startrek levels
Space magic lmao followed by purification beams.
>two factions
>one galaxy
All that will be left are lots of glass balls in space
Covanent wins, no question. Starcraft fag here since BW but the Covenant are so much larger than them and their tech is on par or even better.
the only downside is Psychic power but we don't really know how much of a difference this would make.
>Let's talk about about why the purifiers are the best thing to come from starcraft 2
Opinions, user, opinions.
>phoenix force Kerrigan
"...And then she turns into the sun"
Nice writing, Chris.
Hell the psionics might be why they covies go to war in the first place, the prophets see it as a danger to their perceived divinity, but the protoss are great at making up for lower numbers, high templar, dark templar, robots, and that's not even getting into the sub factions
Whelp ya got me there, and honestly o can put up with alot, I enjoyed the star wars prequels and 3 transformers movies, but that epilogue campaig, I just have to assume something else happened because the settings in a pretty good place after that at least
What about Heart of the Swarm era zerg (pre-Space Jesus Kerrigan)? All it took was a single larva to cause the death of an entire Carrier worth of Protoss and send an entire hive of zerg to who-knows-where.
Zerg infection abilities are pretry nasty, but not all that different from the flood, their hatched forms though are much more deadly, infested elites and brutes would make for some real nightmares too
You are missing the real money, infested lekgo worms.... imagine scarab and hunters made with organic zerg carpace, with bioplasma belching weapons
That crossover stuff makes me wonder what the bestimate kind of new race one could add to the setting would be, like a proper alien race, not hybrids or new terran zerg and protoss factions
Well, we already have the ancient super-advanced race with space magic (Protoss), The young scrappy underdogs who survive because HFY (Terrans) and the Hive-mind like alien swarms (Zerg).
What archetype would you want to add, in the first place?
but guys it's starcraft. don't you know kerrigan is literally the main character and the only reason they're making starcraft 1 remastered is to shove more kerrigan dindu nuffin down our throats
I don't give 2 shits about Kerrigan, I'm here to talk lore
but kerrigan is the lore. she's the main characterrr
Selendis a Cute
indeed she is
>except pheonix force Kerrigan
Try to stop me
Is Marsaro in this thread?
>Slaughtered more people than any other character
>Literally roflstomped her way through the lore
>Gets away with all of it
>Is rewarded with godhood
Is Kerrigan the most successful villain in Blizzard history?
well she did have to stop being a villain to do that last chunk, I'd have prefered redemption with more consequence to her, but its hard to say how much "herself" she even was while evil
Kerrigan wasn't a dindu in SC1, though. She was an out and out psychotic bitch.
Can't stop won't stop
Depends on which era of the Protoss we're talking. Pre-SC1 might give them a tough fight, BW on loses straight up, and Ancient Protoss might very well win if they bring everything out.
>but its hard to say how much "herself" she even was while evil
She was plenty herself when she did this.
and the other option was to be killed by the golden armada
I still say Lassara was a wasted character.
I really really really wanted them to use her as a moral opposition/soundboard for Kerrigan's character, like how Horner was for Raynor.
As it stands, Swarm had no real opposing character on Kerrigan's leviathan.
They could've written something else in to counter the Armada. They didn't need to sac Lassara so early.
Or she could have just left.
That was always an option.
If I recall, the only thing that ice world gave her was a gene splice of cold resistance zerg.
Why not negotiate with Artanis and the Protoss? I doubt Mengsk was precisely on good terms with them, and having Kerrigan on a leash controlling the remaining Zerg would have been fairly good for the Protoss too. Considering Zeratul still had Artanis' ear, it's unlikely he'd straight up have her killed, and when they realize Raynor's alive Artanis would be on board with saving him too. He'd then have both Kerrigan and Raynor to assist with the retaking of Aiur, or atleast avle to provide resources for it.
Kerrigan misplayed hard.
I get the feeling Stukov was going to be that, but he comes in too late to be effective and 75% of what he says gets rolled over by Kerrigan's rhetoric.
Starcraft TTRPG game when
I agree, one gets the impression her arc was cut for time and her presence simply a recycling of what they had made so far.
on the debate, there is a decent difference between Queen Bitch kerrigan and the kerrigan killing a ship out of desperation, namely in that Bitch! Kerrigan would gloat and rub people's faces in it, this one just sort of... hated doing it, more in the dirty business sense, granted her enemies care little either way as they have no reason to give a chance, and she knows it, making it even more fucked a situation
Fun fact. Lassara's original character concept was exactly what described.
But they cut it for time.
Something else of note it how that arc ended, what with the Super Queen hellbent on killing all Protoss, and that that particular Queen never appeared again, from what I recall.
Look up Starcraft Alternity, it's a bit old but works, would be a problem if you want anything based off of more recent starcraft content
indeed a misplay, should have either been played as her mental state not being all there due to her revenge boner at the time or generally admitted as a tragic mistake on all angles, but the writing on HotS was all over the place
i stopped liking starcraft after playing wol
i haven't even played hots and lotv campaigns, only multiplayer
blizzard never fail to impress at how good are they are at killing good games
Legit opinion.
I've thought very long and very hard over the years about Kerrigan's character arc. And this is my tldr conclusion.
Kerrigan is a good character. The heart of her characterization is identity struggle, which is a very human struggle. It applies to most everyone.
Any chance her character had to be workable in the narrative was butchered by the romantic subplot and, finally, the Chosen One plot.
Her characterization wasn't the problem.
It was how the narrative treated her.
She's like a well-made pc that the DM gave too much to and then let them get away with a bunch of shit.
yeah Niadra is just a floating plot hook they could drop on the setting any time they like and it would work, hell I'd live it if the next zerg campaign was with her as the protagonist, especially with the latest Book Establishing Abathur in opposition to Overqueen Zagara's Regime and likely eager for a brood mother eager to Murder the other races and generally be his puppet ruler to make the zerg great again
but I quite like you, have zealot grill
Adepts > Zealots
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Tldr tldr, I don't hate Kerrigan. I hate her story.
You know the whole "chosen one plot" was a ruse, right?
There is no Tassadar ghost. The entire Overmind vision was a fabrication. It was just Ouros showing Zeratul something he would believe so the prelate would get his ass in gear and not let Kerrigan die.
Ouros needed someone to control the zerg or else that's just a whole entire faction donated to Amon's forces. It wasn't that Kerrigan was particularly special in that case, just that she was a pin to keep the zerg anchored.
Ascending to godhood at the end? Again, a matter of convenience. Needed someone to get the xel'naga juice and she was already the strongest telepath in the vicinity with purity of form. That just made her good enough. The other option was Artanis and he's too much of a warrior, and also has to be a leader to his people and can't just abandon them to be a god.
Kerrigan got the lucky breaks because nobody else was in a position to get the lucky breaks. God is whoever does God's job.
>You know the whole "chosen one plot" was a ruse, right?
You know I played the games, right?
>defending the shitty writing this hard.
>The best character in SC2 was the sarcastic asshole villain who probably built a cross-faction harem afterwards for giggles.
I don't believe he's defending it, just pointing something out.
And I get what he's pointing out. I understand why, within the context of the world, it was necessary.
I'm just saying from, a meta perspective, making Kerrigan the child of prophecy was a poor way to go.
A part of me did enjoy that everyone got suckered by Ouros, tho.
For the greater good ofc.
yeah, despite being ok with force ghost tassadar the reveal that it was actually a ruse was pretty clever, but yeah making it needed for kerrigan to get godhood was just stupid
>You know the whole "chosen one plot" was a ruse, right?
Is that why her image is carved into a millenia-old prophecy wall?
because that's when the writers wanted her to be the chosen one, then they changed their minds, I just want the series to move past 2 and do things with its setting again, because the potential is still there
Was Amon a mistake?
Because dragoons were created before the Starcraft lore went to shit
>because that's when the writers wanted her to be the chosen one, then they changed their minds
They changed their minds?
That scene was from LotV.
When exactly did they change their minds?
That was probably made by Ouros too. It's a xel'naga temple after all.
Who else here actually liked Ouros's design?
>Look up Starcraft Alternity, it's a bit old but works, would be a problem if you want anything based off of more recent starcraft content
I mean more "When will someone other than me GM a game"
not specifically but I'd like it if he had stayed dead, with Duran/narud being the primary villain acting on his will
ehh it was alright
oh, I had a brainfart, yeah then I'm just remembering wrong
Were all Xel'naga shapeshifters, or just Duran?
I think all of them were. Ouros could take the form of Tassadar and Kerrigan took her human form in the last cinematic.
If they really are Void creatures, and if (as Karax said) matter/energy/information were all mutable to them, it makes sense that they could shift their physical forms at will.
I imagine they get to decide their material world body shape outside of the void. Duran probably wanted one that could shapeshift just like Amon wanted one that was super strong.
If they fuck with the story of Starcraft to try and make it mesh better with SC2 I will burn down their headquarters.
Metaphorically burn the fucking building to the ground. Hypothetically.
Literally, all they are doing is a graphics update that they are charging for. Otherwise, they cannot touch even a single line of code or else it will break the game in half. So, don't worry, your Brood War is safe.
yeah, even the designs are being preserved, no retroactive use of new designs
Dragoons are for "shove 'im in a dreadnought" tier injuries
Concur. She was wasted in LotV.
here is my hopes a zerg campaign like said, and a Protoss campaign with Selendis as the protag, commanding from her mother ship
Not touching gameplay, yeah, but I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if some exec said "Hey, while you're at it, do you think you could change a little bit of this dialogue? Kerrigan, in particular, we were thinking that-"
what I hear is that the only thing with the dialogue is just cleaning up the audio
That's encouraging.
>and she was already the strongest telepath in the vicinity with purity of form. That just made her good enough. The other option was Artanis and he's too much of a warrior, and also has to be a leader to his people and can't just abandon them to be a god.
A few things here: Kerrigan has to be leader of her people and can't abandon them to be god, but she did. And there was another candidate, as well: Stukov. Who out-psionic'd Xel'Naga on multiple occasions, and whom Abathur stated was a better Purity of Form specimen than even he could create (which means Kerrigan).
>Kerrigan has to be leader of her people and can't abandon them to be god
No she doesn't. Kerrigan owes no obligations to the swarm. At that point, they didn't even need her to guard against Amon, since the primary threat of Amon was over. They follow her exclusively because she is the strongest psionic source which dominates the zerg.
>And there was another candidate, as well: Stukov. Who out-psionic'd Xel'Naga on multiple occasions, and whom Abathur stated was a better Purity of Form specimen than even he could create (which means Kerrigan).
Abathur said Stukov's improvements were second to Primal Kerrigan in any case. But I guess xel'naga Stukov could have been neat, sure.
Stokove DID demonstrate his power by murdering the fuck out of True form Narud
I'm buying, aliens duped the aliens
so what sort of alternate universe would you say CooP takes place in?
Probably because LotV was a big waste. Everything felt like Blizzard only made it because they had to.
Supposedly they brought in the SC2 VAs for some recording sessions that coincide with the production of remastered, but there's nothing concrete saying it wasn't just for some HotS or further SC2 work.
hmm, that could just be to redo the lines and make them more consistent, I mean I wouldn't mind some minor drops like establishing Fenix was just back from an assignment on the Glacius facility or something to that effect
I will never not be massively annoyed the destroyed the Khala in LOTV it was one of the things that made the Protoss pretty unique as a race, keeping it around would have justified DT reuniting with the mainline Protoss as protectors of the Khala
Tal'darim and Alarak of course stole the show
>Protoss hero units from the BW bonus campaigns are the champions you use as Talandar in Co-Op
Now that's a nice touch.
I gotta say he is one of the most well presented Heroes in the Co-op mode, much better start then Stukov got, and I love the white and gold color pallet, gives an almost angelic feel to his faction, the only thing that bugged me really was the new Colossus skins, they don't look bad but they already had a Purifier skin that looked even better
how would the collosolisk even play?
Not just Enslavers either, one is from the N64 exclusive mission, Talis is from the Prologue with Zeratul, and the Robo Zealot is the one eye'd dude from the opening cutscene, also fun easter egg, if you get all six out, the next probe you make will be a psuedo hero, named for the Probe in Heroes of the storm
Which is the probe from the LotV intro.
Vomit in lines.
SC2 has a lot of issues in writings and theme.
I get that the Khala is the destruction of the old ways, but old ways have been gone since broodwar days when the two templars united.
I just hate Starcraft at every level
I hate the micro intensive multiplayer.
>Yes, I'm a sub 50APM scrub, but you could at least play SC 1 at that scrub level.
I hate how the campaign is so fucking shit at teaching you the game by introducing stuff that you will never use in multiplayer.
I hate the story so fucking much at every level. I admit that I'm not a writer so I can't actually write anything better, but dear fucking god it was insufferable and I wanted to edit every part of it.
>I just hate Starcraft at every level
then why are you here? I mean... you can hate it all you want just fine, that's alright by me, but... why come to this thread then?
and personally I like that the campaign isn't a glorified tutorial for multiplayer
Starcraft 2 was such a waste, and yes it makes me very angry.
This is Veeky Forums people come to be angry.
Hot DAMN that Protoss Ass.