Assassin specialized in long range shooting

>Assassin specialized in long range shooting
>Speaks rarely, has an extremely cynical and nihilistic sense of humor
>Has been trained to be a living weapon more than a human being
>Agile, endowed with superhuman reflexes
>Intelligent as fuck and subtle in everything he does
>Is part of an organization in which members see themselves as a large family, extremely close and loyal (yeah, not the case of vindicare assassins, I know)

Definitely the best character archetype, you know I'm right

Other urls found in this thread:

power fantasy self inserts are bad character archetypes

Sure thing mister Coldsteel

Psssssh nothin personnel kid

>has an extremely cynical and nihilistic sense of humor
No, those characters are usually horrid.

A character with a Bronn-like humor is the best. The humor of a mercenary who sees the world as disgusting, depressing and violent as it is but kinda love it because the only thing he knows how to do is killing for money, and a pretty dark world offers a lot of occasions to practice his favorite skill.

Bronn the bro. Played once a character inspired by him, he was a fighter with some levels in rogue. Fun times were had.

One shot one kill.
Proper, silent and perfectly executed contract.
Damn, I love my job.

>muh ghost training brain-controlled ass-ass-in who's fully integrated into/understands a cruel and malicious world on a level no one ever should
>better archetype than fruity and pompous elves
u wot


>gaylordius of the green leaf with a thumb stuck up his ass
>better archetype than rowdy and tipsy dwarves
u wot

When did assassins go from being, well, assassins just doing their job to being edgy teenager nuthin personnel nihilist with a sense of humor caricatures?


but that's probably only when I first became aware of it

The most boring character to play as/with.

You can be a proper assassin who do his job perfectly and have a nihilist sense of humor. Plus, live from killing other human beings will logically develop a pretty dark sense of humor, while the lifestyle of the assassin is pretty dark in itself. Or maybe the guy will keep an ordinary sense of humor and a cheerful attitude, but it will highlight his sociopathic tendencies and what is more edgy than a Joker-style psychopath who laugh innocently while slaughtering people ?

"Nucular (sic.) launch detected..."
"You call down the thunder..."
" deal with it!"
"Almost counts in horseshoes AND nuclear strikes!"
"I think the female ghosts have nicer equipment."
"Did you see that? (pause) Exactly..."
"Pain don't hurt... (painful grunt)"
"Today's forecast is...extra bomby, slight chance of mushroom clouds."
"I see live people. (two shots are heard) I see dead people."
"Whenever I see a world untouched by war, a world of innocence, a world of lush forests and clear rivers. (pause) I really just wanna nuke the crap out of it!"
"You have something on your face. (gunshot) Got it."
"I'll paint the town...dead."
"Feeling lucky, punk?"
"We all got it coming, kid."
"Make my day."
"I know what you're thinkin'..."

>hurrdurr muh rocks and alcohol in lieu of any real thought or character depth
>better than archetype than rambling autistic gnomish tinkerers who are probably responsible for inventing all of the tools that the dwarves use to indulge their asinine fascination with minerals in the first place
w a t

I still see both. But to be honest. The assassins just doing their job feel like some anime-woe-is-me character while the cynical wisecracks are fun.

Why do you think there is a dichotomy between edgy sociopath, anime woeo-is-me and cynical wisecracks?
Do you think soldiers are those things? At the end of the day, both assassins and regular soldiers made the life decision to kill people as their occupation.
An assassin isn't anything but a specialized mercenary. Why do they have so much cultural baggage?

>Definitely the best character archetype

...for angry man-children who weren't hugged fucking *ever* when they were little, sure.

For other people, the best character archetype is the handsome, charming Danny Ocean, who does his best not to kill and is all honour-among-thieves. Really your idea of what's best says a fair amount about you, but the idea that there's one single universal "best archetype" is kinda short-sighted.

In my opinion the soldier who goes to work to just kill people with a serious mood the whole time is just a boring psychopath you'd find on Criminal Minds.

I'd much rather read about the one's who joined to protect something and developed a dark sense of humor among their squadmates to make light of their shitty circumstances.

Especially (You)

Assassin's lifestyle is darker than soldier's lifestyle. Soldier kills people he knows, or at least thinks, to be enemies of his nation. In his head, what he do is good (if he kills people while knowing that they are innocents and that what he does is useless, but does not resign, then the guy is a fuckin psycho (yes, there is the case of the soldier doing horrible things because he's forced to do, but I talk about modern soldiers)). An assassin can be hired to execute people that he knows perfectly to be innocent and to have done nothing, or almost nothing, to deserve what will happen, except lacking a little bit of respect to the wrong guy or just hearing something he shouldn't.

>Not playing a support sniper-assassin who uses things like long-range security hacking, wall-piercing vision/superior vantage point, and priority target elimination to assist teammates and has a yappy, dog-like robot buddy spotter
>Not being pleasantly conversational and also being the Party's DJ and setting up the best songs for each encounter
>Not being the first to be taken out of action via an off-hand shot out the window from the target building to show just how badass the boss is.

Best archetype is Robin Hood.
Just imagine the shenanigans.

As far as assassin archetypes go, the best is probably the consummate professional. Might not even like what they do, but it's their job and they're good at it. Perhaps they try to counter-balance their work life by r

>extremely cynical and nihilistic sense of humor
>Sense of humor
no, they are living weapons, nothing more.
Y'all fuckers need to watch this for what a Vindicare character would be like

best archetype is the coward whose main concern is his own survival.

I didnt realize just how much fun the Robin Hood style "Lovable Rouge with a Heart of Gold" archetype was until the Nikolai Dante storytime a while back, now its my favourite when done well.

sounds like the HERO OF THE IMPERIUM

Best type of assassin character is a completely normal character of a more mild background who falls on hard times and simply starts killing people for money, however their skillset allows. That "one shot one kill" "nothin personnel" shit is played out as fuck.

Another fun rogue archetype is Arsene Lupin.

His finger clips right through the magazine.

>One shot one kill.

Only one kill? you need more training son.


I've been hired to kill one guy.
I never make any useless victim.
That's what I call a well executed contract.
This is your first lesson, boy.

>Has been trained to be a living weapon more than a human being
>Is part of an organization in which members see themselves as a large family

What did he mean by this?

As long as we're going that route.
But seriously, read the Arsene Lupin books. Coffin Island is one of the best.

>Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor
You're literally describing me.

>imperial assassins
>"hired" to kill the commander of an army
>well no point in poping off a few of the other top dogs while im here

Pro tip boy. Imperial assassins are not "hired" we are sent on missions.

I think i found you here though. the tau got a good pic of your body suit!

>autist saw a 40k image and thinks it is a 40k thread

I was going to ask you if you needed help for sucking your dick but it looks like you can do it yourself.

Holy fuck, the vindicare in this picture looks way to juiced. Even a space marine isn't that jacked.

>Oh shit i got btfo!
>Damage control mode: Engaged


But the character he's describing is literally me.

>OP post a picture of a Warhammer 40k character and describes similarities of what's in said picture.

40k is the most talked about subject on Veeky Forums, you're the autist for thinking this wouldn't happen.

>lolsorandumb XD goggle wearing gnomes
>better than a proud family man who just does his day to day job (like a lumberjack or something) to support his wife and children
Excuse me?

>The nature of my profession requires me to be a people watcher
>I suppose I would have trouble in polite society but I feel I have a vantage no one else does
>I can see how people really are from behind my scope
>And when the time and situation affords it I can watch them as they pass
>It's times like that you can really get to know someone
>Would you like to know what sort of man your commander was?

Ha !
You would have got a point if I was a imperial assassin but I'm not. Posting a picture of a Vindicare assassin don't implicate that I talk about a Vindicare assassin.
Your mistake illustrate your lack of training.

That was your second lesson, kid.

Shove it up your ass.

All these fags fighting over who the 2nd best assassin type is.

Bitch you mess with the best you die like the rest.

>"What'chu gonna do? shoot me? come on you little corss-eyed blue baby bitch boy do it or so help me god your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply this this post."

three wounds counts for a lot, you know

fuck you

Well he fucked up so bad he got into CC. My thought was that he did this enough he figured it was a good idea to get jacked.

Or its really a callidus assassin. Or maybe im a callidus assassin trying to make you think its one. Or maybe your mother is really a callidus assassin. then again you might be a callidus assassin trying to make me think im a callidus assassin.... one can never know.


The fuck is that box blocking?

A giant dick?

Is it an actual box? Did the imperium stick a post it note on a black box saying 'deliver to Tau theatre HQ' and the blueberries just ignored the vomiting delivery boys?

So many questions...

The Tau have never seen a human dick before, that's why they're all freaking out.

>Speaks rarely
I'd much prefer to talk and be sociable.
after all, I love to camp

Amusingly enough is _this_ the sniper-class assassin in one of my campaigns. Nice, social and bakes some mean cookies. Makes it easier to get into good positions when everyone thinks you're someones mother...

What about aun va? His look is one of disapoint.

He conducts the gue'vesa neuterings so it's nothing he hasn't seen before.

Look at this, kid. Killing is an art, you know ?

When I aim for my target, I feel a deep serenity. The only that exist are the prey and its hunter. My bullet and the brain in which it will be soon.
I count : One inspiration, one exhalaison. Then I press the trigger. No need to watch the scene, to observe the head explode in a bloody cloud, to see the corpse collapse and to guess the surprise of the passers-by. It would only ruin the picture.

Killing is an art. I am an artist. My rifle is my brush, and I only paint in red.

That's pretty fucking gay desu.

I love desperados characters.

Augemtic fingers, son.

>muh brown-haired male human fighter wearing all-brown with shit on his boots
>better than a tragically melancholic tiefling warlock who strives to rise above the base nature of their birth but constantly finds themselves seduced by the lure of easy power
Are you even trying to have fun

This is my favorite assassin archetype.
He does it because it's his job and he's good at it.

His finger magazines through the clip

You forgot to mention it was an assault bolter

Vastly inferior to the assassin just putting in his hours, with the white-collar cubicle worker "man I hate my job" attitude, just doing it for the paycheck

You edgelord


I always liked the concept of an assassin who gets home from a long day of killing people, and just has the most normie home life possible.

The problem is really that it means that you do almost nothing outside of combat if so much of your character is based around rarely speaking and being solitary. You don't relate to other members of the party or try to get involved in most other interests.

It's not the worst archetype, but it's a lonely one that sucks for anything that's not fairly straightforward, or has people wanting to be your friends for narrative reasons.


I love how Veeky Forums hates an actually entertaining character archetype because it's """edgy""" (which is entirely a buzzword that has lost all definition) while shilling for retarded gimmick characters meant purely to create lulz and destroy any sense of immersion in the story.

No wonder you all like those dumbass Japanese cartoons, except even some of those can be somewhat serious from what I've seen of them. You like Rick-and-Morty type ironic lolzrandumb garbage.

That's Mr. Jack Coldsteel to you, punk.

who here shilled for retarded gimmicks other than that one gnome guy

Asides from "long range shooting", this pretty much describes Geralt of Rivia, so you may actually have a point.

>tfw you're wrong

I like how you just recycle stale memes instead of being productive


Whats going on here?

>best anything
>not being a tool of justice
>not protecting the weak
>not giving your all to protect and have fun
>implying an outspoken fun guy isn't the best archetype

how are these not Khornate abominations?

>living chainsaw filled with methamphetamines
>not Khorne
shit just dont add up

They've been trained via electroshock to attack Khorne.

As soon as Khorne tries to offer them gifts they screech autistically and attack in futility.

Khorne actually feels bad for the little guy and lets him on his way.

Could you imagine what would happen to a world if Khorne gifted a Eversor assassin the ability to reincarnate every time he blows himself up?

How are Sisters Repentia not Khornate abominations? Faith.

Eversors are constantly getting pious messages and sounds played in their heads. Any desire to serve the Imperium is turned by drugs and surgery into a suicidal fanaticism.

People have a wonderful skill to explain their wrongdoings to themselves. I can imagine lot's of ways an assassing could see himself and his job other than "heh, nothin' personal, kid" -tier edgemasters. Though the latter might be just easier option in RPGs.

>Khorne tries to talk in Eversor's head
>can't even hear himself because Rules of Nature is playing too loud

This picture is beyond retarded. Why would 2 types of fighters who work in long-range combat and armed with long-range weapons close within 1 foot of each other? Better yet, why would, in all the time it takes for a tau to close, the assassin be sitting there like a dope with his gun pointed at the ground while the tau charges gun pointed ready to fire?

Jesus Christ these modern artists.

>You like Rick-and-Morty type ironic lolzrandumb garbage.

That's actually true

a cheap artist's result after given a short deadline to depict two riflemen facing off in a setting he's not into.

SCBW version is much better.

SC2 ghost sound like a gay-not-gay trihard.

Nothing I said was incorrect, though.


>Crawling in skin snowflake race donte wanna-be
>Better than clannish noble savage dragonborn that comes to see the party as family and imparts onto them the secrets of draconic gastronomy


>muh edgelord marysue warlock with UNIMAGINABLE POWER
>better than a devout crusader paladin smiting evil everywhere he goes
Better than you, obviously.

>Neural Shredder kills a robot

Culexus cooks the souls of almost soulless creatures

>Vindicare doesnt tap those fagets with his pistol
