If you had to run a one shot with only the words drug addicted vampire to guied the story what would you run?
If you had to run a one shot with only the words drug addicted vampire to guied the story what would you run?
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A vampire's living relatives trying to convince him to go to rehab and turn his unlife around.
East Texas University. Some crazy supernatural drugs are causing students to change. Can the PCs solve the problem and still pass finals?
A futuristic sci fi world inhabited by vampires where blood drinking is outlawed and is considered uncouth and savage, but is still sold on the black market.
Hotline: Vampire.
Run it like the quest from the Witcher 3 where an Ekhimire?(forget the spelling) only drank drunk people's blood so he could get drunk himself.
This vampire preys on drugged up people so everyone just dismisses it as hallucinations but more attacks are happening suggesting more vampires are arriving.
Yes thats what i was thinking
No, wait. Still futuristic world but Humans have become an endangered species and are protected by conservationist groups, so drinking human blood has become outlawed. Vampires fancy themselves sophisticated folk, who are above drinking the blood of other humanoids so survive on animal blood and whatnot. But the "soul" of the vampire society has disappeared as they are no longer the fierce hunters of the night they used to be, they buy animal
Blood in plastic packages at the store. Some vampires get addicted to human blood they purchase on the black market, as it makes them feel like "real" vampires, even though this generation has never actually hunted their food.
Noir mystery campaign, set in some sleazy metropolis with a vampire underworld.
The player characters work for the police department in Vampire City. The newest street drug called sunlight is running rampant across nightclubs and it's up to them to save the count's thrall from the debt collectors chasing her after her habit has grown too large.
>Vt:M game
>Players are asked to deliver a message to member of the coven who owns a profitable nightclub.
>Arrive to find a whole lot of drugs, and a whole lot of dead ghouls, capped off with a diablerized vampire. INVESTIGATE.
>Turns out this isn't the only death, and you've got a vampire tearing a swathe through the underground. By the time the party actually confronts him, they realize its a new kindred hopped the fuck out on magic lsd wearing a halloween mask and murdering a bloody path through the entire city.
I'm entirely too down for Hotline: Vampire
A chemist creates a potion that accidentally turns him into a vampire
He can't do anything about it. He creates a new "miracle drug" and puts it on the market, idk maybe it'd be some kind of antidepressant that actually works. But he has an ulterior motive- as a side effect, the drug makes everyone pee blood. And every night, he ventures into the sewers to reap his bounty. However, a metabolite of the drug turns out to be very addictive, so when he drinks the pee of the human populace he ends up becoming a pee junkie and he realizes he can never stop the machine he has set into motion unless he chooses to take the drug himself and drink his own pee. He thinks that's gross (but drink other peoples' pee is okay) and feels defeated so he steps out into the sun and turns to goo. But then a curious child samples the goo, and develops a taste for blood...
Best idea is best. The one-shot is the PCs playing the friends and family of a smack addict. How do you convince a six-hundred year-old vampire that his choices are hurting the people who love him?
sounds like an episode of What We Do In the Shadows.
>But he has an ulterior motive- as a side effect, the drug makes everyone pee blood. And every night, he ventures into the sewers to reap his bounty.
>when he drinks the pee of the human populace he ends up becoming a pee junkie and he realizes he can never stop the machine he has set into motion unless he chooses to take the drug himself and drink his own pee. He thinks that's gross (but drink other peoples' pee is okay)
Mostly recovered heroin addict here. This seems like a neat game. You could also do a one-shot as a bunch of vampires going straight. The game is them having a weekly meeting all talking about their new lives, how hard it is not to go back, what they do to cope, etc. Everyone picks their own virtue, someone else's weakness, and gets a randomly selected secret goal. Sit everyone in a circle on shitty folding chairs, get instant coffee and red dye.
Goals could be vampire infighting and politicking their kind are inclined towards.
>try to get player X to fall off the waggon
>try to keep player Y from falling off the waggon
>find a supplier on the dl
>don't let anyone know you've gone red
>turn the group councillor
I'd run it as a MonsterHearts game where some new drug was going around the school.
fucking retards in the thread. drugs, alcohol doesn't work on vampires. fuck off back to your animes
>drugs, alcohol doesn't work on vampires
Man, they always say "it's not physically possible for dragons to fly" but you see them flying around all the time
Sometimes I think about this stuff
>vampire turns to homeless junkies for a reliable source of food
>gets addicted to druggy blood
If I only had one shot?
[Spoiler]My palms are sweaty[/spoiler]
>only the words drug addicted vampire
A vampire is hooked on crack. He spends all day locked in a room, being fed blood and crack till he passes out. Then the dealers go in, and bleed the vampire, using his drug-laced blood to create a "super mega ultra" drug.
PC's must find the source and kill the dealers, and free/kill the vamp. As a side quest for bonus exp/loot, the vamp is tied to a powerful/wealthy/old clan or person, and bringing him in alive, is worth more.
>drugs, alcohol doesn't work on vampires
What if they drink the blood of someone on drugs, and besides what do you know about vampires in a world of some one elses design.
Blatant ripoff of Trainspotting.
Yeah, that works.
I would probably run a one shot about a drug addicted vampire.
I had the same thought.
>Begbie as a vampire
Didn't think of that
go full Blaxploitation. The CIA has been flooding the projects with crystallised vamp blood, which delivers an unparalleled high but raises those who O.D on it as blood suckers, in order to disrupt the civil rights movement.The PC's as god fearing upstanding members of the community must clear the former crack dens of vamp nests, shake down the street dealers for information on their suppliers, before taking down the distribution centre, run by the Fearsome count Crackula.
Vampire Rehab.
So, basically Cassidy from Preacher...
see preacher by vertigo
Forever Knight, except the radio show is a call in help line