Post Landscape that you think might be cool in a setting.
Doesn't have to be a photo or even realistic, go wild.
Characters are accepted as long as it still qualifies as inspiration
will start with some pictures
Inspiration - Landscapes
always wanted to do a miniature village questline or something like that.
Maybe occidentalized koropokurus
>can't unsee happy merchant
Here's a couple screencaps from some of my games
Yes these thredds are good
>Playin Black Desert.
Shame, I really wanted a thief class. Still, the human warrior is glorious to play as.
Game was fun as fuck to play with friends- we bought it at launch and all got to around level 53 before the grind burnt us out. Was a lot of fun running around the landscapes and shit up to that point though.
Yeah, played with my older brother and sister.
Didn't do much for leveling, mostly just pissed around and explored.
I think the best thing about the game was how nice it felt to walk around a town or castle with a friend or group.
Roleplay was a treat.
Seems like Europe can onto moon.
requesting Ice and arctic landscapes. preferaby with settlements.
Need inspiration for a story
this is all i got
last one for now