>swaggers into thread
>looks down her nose at you
>squats onto chair, hand on knee
>leans over sideways
When was the last time you roleplayed as a non scantily clad woman, if ever?
>swaggers into thread
>looks down her nose at you
>squats onto chair, hand on knee
>leans over sideways
When was the last time you roleplayed as a non scantily clad woman, if ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never seen a scantily clad female character played, at least before I decided that I have to be the change I want to see, and created picrelated.
Then it immediately went off the rails, and instead of being a sultry seductress, or at least a slutty sith, I became essentially a jew.
The last female character I played as. Which was...like last year, I think? Gorgeous full military uniform with enough gold brocade to choke a hippo is much better looking than a silk bikini, anyway.
I don't think I've ever played as a scantily clad woman, so I think I'll skip your questionnaire.
Why would I want to play as a woman at all?
This, you fucking neets are pathetic
sage, report, etc
But we're also pathetic when we don't want women in our game.
Make up your mind, SJWs.
Last session. The group used a female npc fisher as a guide, and I role played her for most of the session. She thought the party were lunatics, but they paid well
Funny, that's what she Anita did too.
>Shoots you in the fucking head
> Earth breathes a sigh of relief as a cancer is excised.
*tweets behind you*
Nothing personnel, cishet
I currently am. No one in the group even knew until 10 sessions in when one player saw a drawing that one of you delightful fatguys drew for me
Probably during the winter, summer before that.
My group gives me enough shit for playing a grill, I wouldn't get away with lewdness.
If I can't be pretty, popular, and desirable in my escapist fantasies, then what's the point?
If I wanted to be boring, frumpy and ignored I'd go outside and live my real life.
Pic related was the last female I played.
Gambled with a God for their own divinity and cheated her way to victory.
Female Barbarian.
Yes she's scantily dressed, but to be fair the women wear more clothes than the male counter parts.
I wanted to play a seductress kitsune Witch in my last Path campaign but my DM vetoed it, so instead I played Witch Jeanne D' Arc. Does that count?
I only play scantily clad muscle men, thank you very much.
Great thread lads
Never a scantily clad one, had a lady robot pilot (female at the table played my twin sister) we were both agressive in down time with wanting men but not rapey...more like how a soldier in the field gets some rnr we just wanted to forget the war...was all fade to black.
Tried to seduce an mp to get out of trouble....failed rolled got pistol whipped...broken nose. Sister laughed at me .
But we wore armor and fatigues and such not skin tight pvc suits and full make up into battle.
Its honestly hard for me to play a women thst doesnt come off as a dude with boobs.
The reason we had twin sister thing going was I was playing robot pilot for two person robot, but i forgot/lost first page of char sheet. She was playing one also, we were going to have npc's as co-pilots.....she didnt bother to write up her robot, so we made copies of each others sheets and called it good so we didnt hold up the game.
Worked out well game wise, gm's wife makes the worst combat plans but is good at banter so we made a good team.
Because all women should have respect for themselves
Oh dear; can't post that on a blue board, friendo.
Might want to remove it before a mod sees it.
Don't reply to trolls, dummy.
I played you as a slutty scantily clad sorceress once. Used your name too. Christ you were raunchy. Best part of the game was when I made you Dyke out with that Ashley chick from hey Ash whatcha playing?
I guess like 6 months ago. I mostly RP on a multi user dungeon with a high death rate. I play a woman about 1 in 4 characters.
How can Anita look down her nose at me, she is a hobbit. Or maybe a gnome. She is short is what I am getting at.
All the time because cute females fully kitted out in heavy, metal armor is among my top fetishes.
Gender is a social construct. Coincidentally, I play a construct.
So I guess I have played as a woman.
maybe she can't help but stare.
Please tell me this was confirmed
This was confirmed.
I ask her if she's eating a banana........from the side, thats what it looks like.
Well, the Appearance 4 Solar with Snake MA charms is just fine with using her looks to show off a bit. More or less as the situation calls for.
The high level mythic aasimar inquisitor was just fine with showing her confidence and then some...but mostly left her outfit appearance up to a magic item that could change its looks (she herself stayed in a breastplate near constantly).
The Princess was a bardic type spade and actively dressed for whatever part she was playing as just another part of the mask/disguise/etc (or comfy when she was letting her guard down at home/etc).
>Still mad from Marine Le Pen's defeat, /pol/ack tries to vent himself on Veeky Forums by posting a weak SJW bait thread
>this fails quite miserably
Banana Confirmed
Got a source for that?
Abou 6 months to a year ago someone posted them in b and a gallery link
Story is she ran away form home at 18 to work with Ed Powers
I'm pretty much forevergm, but at least in terms of NPC's, I'm pretty sure half the npc cast of the JoJo game I'm running are non-scantily clad women. Everyone just poses dramatically and dresses as absurdly fashionable as I can make them.
It's a shame the Turks didn't complete that genocide.
Last 3.5 campaign I was in. Granted, nobody knew, but nobody asked who was under the helmet and armor barking orders.
To create free henchmen by breeding, duh.
She's from Human Resources
Fuck, I think I watched that video years and years ago.
You're not from these parts, are you
A diamond dozen indeed.
In HS we just had our PC's bang the tavern wenches and role for a legacy character. So when we died our sons took over starting at 1L with %75 of the last PC's gear (25% inheritance tax)
I'm a guy, I've never roleplayed a girl.
>In HS we just had our PC's bang the tavern wenches and role for a legacy character. So when we died our sons took over starting at 1L with %75 of the last PC's gear (25% inheritance tax)
Man, just last night I was thinking about the user whose childhood D&D group had a strict humans dudes-only policy for PCs, unless you could successfully bang a humanoid female, in which case your next PC could be from that race.
To be honest, this sounds both fascinating, and fetishistic to a disturbing degree for a 'childhood' group.
Never. My fetish is for fully dressed ones. Whether it be armor, coat, or a uniform, I do love me some fully dressed waifus.
Especially uniforms though.
Plate and chainmail is justice.
The closest one of my female characters ever came to "scantily" is one dingy gnoll who hides her sick body under a long cloak of grey wolf fur because she barely gets enough out of her bounties to get armour and under she's mostly covered with bandages.
Therefore gets wounded when going after criminals.
Then healers refuse to treat her because don't want to be lynched for helping "a monster".
Therefore gets infected and has bad health.
Goes out to get more bounties that local captains will embezzle on racist grounds and perpetuate the cycle of ungratefulness.
She has neither the money nor a sympathetic blackmith to have any form of real body protection but she'd still rip your head off in one attack. Happy, Anita?
jk, you're never happy.