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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Uh, user...
So I wasn't able to fulfil my promise of delivering this before the end of Sunday, but eh, close enough. Hope you guys all like this.
Rolled 769 (1d816)
Roll out.
So given the thread titles how is progress for PC-98 touhou going?
>Nausicaa jump
2013 mib jump as fuck.
Neat. I loved Nausicaa. That was a fun series.
Are we even reading the same jump.
Yeah this could use a little bit more work but damn boi.
Ja. It happened in Rosario Vampire. Tiger isn't quite sure how it happened, he blames Frisk and Kurumu, who he should have never introduced to one another.
I honestly can't tell if it's a troll attempt or not.
Opinions and all that, but I dun like it.
I don't remember the God-Warriors having rooms built into them. Was this in the concept art of their insides?
Boi, are you just fukken picky.
What is it that you don't like about it?
This was in the manga, they had controls, gun mounts and interior doors
Shh, don't fight this, Tiger. Just enjoy your fluffy waifu.
Though to be fair that was just one of them, so I kind of ran with it.
>This was in the manga, they had controls, gun mounts and interior doors
I read the manga, I just don't remember Ohm having that. Then again, he was hatched premature, so I guess maybe he didn't grow them yet?
He does enjoy it, and is rather happy. Doesn't mean he isn't confused on how it happened.
How many people even know what that is?
I do.
Sadly I know nothing of the series. Do you or anybody else happen to know anything you'd like to say or talk about in regards to it?
I do as well. One of my friends is very into mecha anime, and told me about it once because the concept is so goofy. Never seen it myself.
Maybe. It's roughly Familiar of Zero tier to me.
It's extremely basic. Like half the perks are just you can do thing well. If that's what you were going for then I guess it's alright.. Jumps are "supposed" to be just to go to the setting. It's just really barebones. I'll admit the majority of the reason I thought it was a troll attempt is because of the "ironic?" shitposting from the last thread or so ago.
If it's not then I guess my opinions don't matter.
Also 300cp tier perks a shit even with 50cp items
Giant-mecha space series that initially revolves around two planets being at war - one planet's made up of men, one planet's made up of women. The rest of the galaxy regards these people as WEIRD.
Also, Earth is an irradiated and horrific mess that goes out on expeditions to capture / murder others and harvest their organs.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
Location: The Dominion of Rubrum
Age: 15
Nationality: Dominion of Rubrum
Origin: Drop-In
Perks: 700
The Flow of Magic (Free)
Blessing of Iron (100)
Phantoma Absorption (Free)
Sight (Free)
Triad Formation (100)
Altocrystariam (200)
Pandemonium (300)
Stuff: 300
Companion Imports (200)
Bizarre Weapon (Free)
Spell Shards (Free)
Bland Insignia (Free)
Libra Lens (100)
Zerakule: Soldier, Adaption, Ordinance Deployment, One Among Many.
Flare: Cadet, Tiz's Prayer, We Have Arrived.
>Crash the Cycle or lay low?
>>Crash it, I'd rather not waste a century in this world.
>Motion carried, we are going to destroy the four crystals and leave this world sooner rather than later.
Roll list
3.Bee Movie
4.Slime Rancher
5.Secret of Everymore
7.Mahou Sensei Negima
8.Custom Robo
I do. It was a fun little mecha anime. The whole "literal battle of the sexes" thing felt a bit forced at times, but I liked the characters and the mechanical designs and fights were great for early 2000s CGI.
Okay, so you've got these two warring planets, Mejerre and Tarak. Due to a falling out between the husband and wife who colonized them way back hundreds of years ago, Mejerre is all women and Tarak is all men. One day Hibiki, a Tarakian engineer, takes a bet to steal a "Vanguard", a type of giant robot. In the process he winds aboard the Tarakian capital ship as it goes to war against Mejerreian raiders. Said capital ship was actually built from the remains of the colony ship that brought humans to Mejerre and Tarak, and as such contains the Paksis, a weird crystalline lifeform that served as the colony ship's engine. The Paksis reacts to the fighting by fusing the Tarak and Mejerre ships together into one super-ship, while also upgrading Hibiki's Vanguard and three of the Mejerre forces' "Dread" fighter craft. But then things go wrong and the hyperdrive engages and teleports the new ship halfway across the galaxy.
What kind of perks would you rather have then? I tried to make them fit to the backgrounds as best I could but I guess I just value skill too much.
Not him, but having only three perks for each background, which are mostly short descriptions of mundane skills, charging punishingly huge costs to import companions (800cp for a full 8), charging ludicrous amounts just to get what the main character has (1400 and a +800cp drawback for just one item of hers) and being limited to two drawbacks instead of 600cp. All of those are things that were standard in the very earliest jumps but which we've moved past in the few years.
Also, I do not think it is possible to survive the Seven Years of Fire drawback, short of just getting really really lucky.
A lot of the perks are very barebones. I get most of it because I watched the movie, but I feel like I'd have to watch the movie to get some of it. It really could use a bit more flavor in the description of things. It doesn't have to be bombtastic, you could just cite examples from the work.
A harem anime among the stars. Also, giant fighting robots fusing with space fighters due to some weird space entity.
Fuck, I think I vaguely remember watching this as a kid. Man that show was weird. How the hell did both sides reproduce when they were stuck in a literal war of boys vs girls again?
S C I E N C E or something.
Genetic sciences and cloning vats. Tarak had them all contribute genes into the vats while Mejerre had lesbian couples.
Honestly I don't know. Something that doesn't feel like I'm wasting cp. You did a good job making the capstones seem worth buying. Maybe effects that aren't just being a skill monkey but not on that level would be appropriate. If you don't want to scrap anything you could always drop the skills to 200cp tier and fill in 400 with new things. At least if you want to take this suggestion. I won't throw a fit if you don't.
If I were good at this I'd be making my own jumps so don't feel pressured to take it seriously.
Men used clone tanks, women had some method of... getting it with each other.
It caused a looooooooot of culture shock when people from two sides met.
The men had cloning vats and the women just fused eggs and used in vitro fertilization to have live birth. It's a plot point.
So things are awkward between the women and the few men who didn't evacuate the ship when the Paksis started going crazy. They reach an unsteady truce after Hibiki uses his upgraded Vanguard to help fight off bizarre cubic robots that seem oddly common to the region of space they find themselves in. In the process, it's also discovered that the Vanguard can fuse with one of the Dreads at a time (though the Dreads are so large that it's more like the Dread transforms and the Vanguard pilots the new bigger robot) to form more powerful super robots, the Vandreads. Together, the male and female crew of the newly-renamed Nirvana set out on a long voyage to return to their home solar system all the while fighting off the cubes, all the while Hibiki getting into weird harem anime situations with the pilots of his companion Dreads.
Along the way they discover that the cubes are some sort of harvester drone, existing to consume the flesh of humans spread throughout the galaxy by Earth's diaspora and return the harvested organs to Earth to sustain the lives of the horribly ill population of the post-apocalyptic world is became. The reason why they're doing this bizarre plan instead of just cloning organs is that it's all being lead by another Paksis, which doesn't understand humanity well and so is going for an overly cruel plan because it thinks that's what Earth humans want. In the end the Nirvana crew unites Tarak and Mejerre along with forces from other human colonies throughout the galaxy to defeat the rogue Paksis with the power of friendship.
Tarak uses cloning, Mejerre uses bioscience to fertilize eggs with other eggs (something that can actually be done with real modern technology, though it hasn't been used on humans yet).
In my view importing mass amounts of companions will quickly break a setting like this. A god warrior is too much to be considered just one item belonging to the protagonist and taking drawbacks shouldn't just be "I'm going to take all the ones my perks, items and companions can mitigate so I can get all the cool stuff". Finally, Seven Years of Fire is supposed to be hellish (no pun intended).
Thanks for the feedback, I'll pad out the descriptions for things at some point and start adding images. Hopefully.
I might swap around some of the 100 and 300cp perks and have a play with 200cp and 400cp tiers. My main issue will probably be thinking of new perks to put in the jump.
Hey Mardukth, is it possible to design new Shintai Charms for existing Yozi?
Shit. I need to use my Paksis Proxy perk a lot more often then.
No idea why there's an L in my name field.
Yeah, you can create custom Shintai just like you can other charms. Just has to fit their themes.
>In my view importing mass amounts of companions will quickly break a setting like this.
...okay. Can you explain to me how 8 people going through this jump is enough to break the setting, keeping in mind that they don't even have enough CP to buy their own background's full perk tree?
>Finally, Seven Years of Fire is supposed to be hellish (no pun intended).
How can you survive this drawback other than through ungodly amounts of luck? You can't run or hide from the god warriors, you can't fight them, and none of the perks in the jump can help your survive, except to a small extent Heedra. Even the God Warrior Egg requires 5 years to hatch, and you'll be long dead before you get to that point, not that a single god warrior would be enough to protect you from the armies of them coming after you.
Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. Well alrighty then.
Thank you kindly for taking some time out to explain the series to the thread.
Is Avatar Cycle good for anything? I remember someone trying to mix it with Making of Myth or whatever.
Not him, but yes. They will have to be within a essence 5 level, however. With some upgrades at higher essence maybe.
But closer to Heuristic Logos Shintai than 50 Mile dragons (but Matdukth has said to treat that one like a generic one every Yozi has their own version of)
SHLiHN could probably have a 'You are your own Manse' thing no problem. Malfeas also.
Cecyline could maybe have a shintai that embodies the desires of everyone who beholds it among other things.
Adorjan could give you a form where you are physically a wind indefinitely like her 4 daughters.
>Vandread - 222
Age: 16-years-old
Location: Mejere
Drawbacks: SPAIed On (+100), I Hate Black Boxes (+200)
Final Point Count: 1,300 CP
Identity: Mechanic
Skills & Abilities:
-Fixer-Upper (Free)
-Chrome Parfait
-Paksis Proxy
-Proof of their Existence
-Laser Ring (Free)
-Tarak Food Pills
Seras Victoria:
-Identity: Soldier
-Close Quarters Combat (Free), This Way And That, Pilot Training, Intuition
-Identity: Mechanic
-Fixer-Upper (Free), Paksis Proxy
Hooligan Tueday:
-Identity: Soldier
-Close Quarters Combat (Free), Ramming At Sufficient Velocity
Elizabeth DeWitt:
-Identity: Medic
-First Aid (Free), Way of Pai, Keep It Cool, Pyoro
Aveline Volcarona:
-Identity: Medic
-First Aid (Free), The Doctor is In
Adam Jensen:
-Identity: Drop-In
-Intuition (Free), Memento, Crazy Enough To Work, First Aid
Medium Dave:
-Identity: Mechanic
-First Aid (Free), Paksis Proxy
The Foxes:
-Identity: Drop-In
-Intuition (Free), We Are One
First, obtain sample of Paksis. Second, propagate Paksis and hook three of them up to a Third-Generation Jurian Tree. Y/N?
It's good for when you decide to stop jumping and someone magically fuck up in a way you die for good.
Other than that it's just for flavor.
>It's good for when you decide to stop jumping and someone magically fuck up in a way you die for good.
So basically, an impossible scenario's the only thing a shitty perk is useful for.
>First, obtain sample of Paksis. Second, propagate Paksis and hook three of them up to a Third-Generation Jurian Tree. Y/N?
Third Generation tree? Well, you might be safe, then. Just one is enough to make a blackhole-smashing super robot, though, so you're dealing with a lot of power here.
Fuck, now I'm thinking about all those cool early 2000s super robot anime that had kind of sub-par animation but were still fun. I should make a Gravion jump. Or maybe Godannar. Or Gun x Sword, that one was good. Really, any show from between 2000 and 2010 that started with a "G".
Do you just want to scream about a perk that doesn't have much practical use?
It's for the cool factor. That's about it.
Eight people with 400cp each in this jump would give you the capacity to potentially take over the continent or completely destroy it through spreading the miasma, taking over the existing empires, taming an army of insects or the like.
Should you live off the land and stay mobile, away from cities, towns, convoys, etc, constantly travelling and escaping notice you should be able to survive long enough for your egg to hatch, the other God Warriors to start dying off and then clawing a little corner out of the world for you to survive in. If you play smart it should be possible.
Cool, thanks.
>so you're dealing with a lot of power here.
Hey, I know this is gonna cause some grumbling, but I have to ask anyway; is the Spirited Away jump kosher, even if it's on Dirge's drive and not ours? Because I really like the look of that Witch background.
Get the fuck out.
>SHLiHN could probably have a 'You are your own Manse' thing no problem.
Doubt it. Buildings are Malfeas' thing, the only truck She Who Lives has with them is hacking their AI.
>Adorjan could give you a form where you are physically a wind indefinitely like her 4 daughters.
Errata'd Scarlet Rapture already turns you into a wind, but is only for a scene. Probably won't get that indefinitely at E5.
But shintai based on her other daughters (Pellegrina's charms already being prereqs for Scarlet Rapture) seems like it could work, building of Racing Vitalis, Kalmanka's Grace, and Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation.
It was on our drive for a while, but was lost in a the drive migration.
although I think the one on his drive has been updated since so someone will bitch anyways.
Everything is kosher in your head so stop fucking caring what some autistic fucks care about when playing your imagination game.
Go for it. All the assholes in this thread can do is scream. And frankly? We're used to the screaming at this point, because that's all they do.
Drives are just for storage. Nobody is going to show up at your house and kill you for deciding to use a jump.
I dunno. With how dickish and zealous some people here get...
Sure. It's your adventure.
The creation of new charms for their Yozi patrons by Infernals is an integral and important component of being an Infernal.
If it were possible for someone to do that we wouldn't have shitposters anymore.
And those losers could stand to be less emotionally invested in this particular form of escapism, because they're pathetic even by the standards of Veeky Forums.
Just ignore them.
A Jumper with 8 Companions and a few Jumps under their belt can destabilize nearly any setting. That doesn't mean Imports have to cost 4/5th of your entire budget. They should cost, at most, 400 CP.
Yeah, they'd all be reading bad fanfics and xianxia novels in their free time instead :^)
Get out. Just get out.
That doesn't mean I want a first jump stomp option, personal preference, ya dig. You can still bring them in normally or (heresy) just use a house rule if you like companions that much.
Yeah, I heard that film was really good. Thanks for the tip, user.
It's somewhat useful if you're afraid of death after failing your chain, though now you can get a better version from Generic Creepypasta. It is odd that it has no use inside the chain itself, like giving you previous lives who you can meditate to get advice from.
>Eight people with 400cp each in this jump would give you the capacity to potentially take over the continent or completely destroy it through spreading the miasma, taking over the existing empires, taming an army of insects or the like.
I assume you mean "taking over existing empires" through intrigue with the Drop-In capstone, which I think is quite a stretch to say a talent for intrigue will let a person from a small community outside an empire (or someone with no past at all) control the government within ten years. But fine, I get one companion with Shadow That Guides as a political advisor, one with Friend of the Innocent to raise an army of Ohma for me, and someone else to grab some Weaponized Miasma for some bio-terrorism. And hell, let's get a Heedra bodyguard just to be safe. That's only 400CP. How would importing 8 companions for that price instead of four significantly improve the build? At best I'd get a couple more advisors and bodyguards.
>Should you live off the land and stay mobile, away from cities, towns, convoys, etc, constantly travelling and escaping notice you should be able to survive long enough for your egg to hatch, the other God Warriors to start dying off and then clawing a little corner out of the world for you to survive in. If you play smart it should be possible.
How am I suppossed to "stay mobile" while carting around an egg containing a robot that's a quarter of a kilometer tall. while being chased by an army of giant flying robots who can shoot radiation at people and who are trying to wipe out all society, for seven full years? And even if it hatches, how is one God Warrior going to protect me from multiple god warriors?
That's the exact thing he does.
And we're talking REALLY shit fanfics.
>Doubt it. Buildings are Malfeas' thing
It's not one Yozi per thing, famalam, there is overlap. And her things are both living inside herself, and not needing things because she is the thing.
>Probably won't get that indefinitely at E5
Shintai being indefinite forms by E5 is already a thing.
Any progress on Silent Hill from the user who picked it up?
If you're just going to shit post at people instead of answering some of the valid complaints against your Jump I agree with .
The Drop In capstone is pretty much what the hidden power of one of the empires (Dorok) has, if a bit more powerful. His brother eventually shanked him and regained control, he had the Worm Handler capstone. Nausicaa was able to be regarded as a heroic figure straight from prophecy thanks to the rough equivalent of the Valley Dweller capstone and the Forest People capstone would have you straight up revered as a god by 80% of people in this setting.
Shh, don't let them know.
Yeah, because I haven't conversed with people at all in this thread, I'm such a bully.
>accusing something that light of being shitposting
Man. You bitches wouldn't last a day in the SC2 general.
Or any other board for that matter.
And also
>valid complaints
Top fucking kek, if you don't like it then hijack this shit and make your own variant, it's a vaunted jumpchain tradition dating back to 8/15/2014
You're not saying anything with meaning, just stating fact.
Outside Reality and Unkillable in 85
I can raise drawback limit max 100cp if importing companions.
Probably not. It's the best baseline for improvment IMO. Plus, you don't have to sparkle if you dont take the jump.
Did you mean best waifu?
One Companion Waifu, Several Doorstep Waifus.
>you don't have to sparkle if you dont take the jump.
A little bit of shitposting never hurt anyone, user, please don't start bullying as this is a safe space that we try to make an inclusive area that feels like home.
Starting Location: Tolas
Origin: Male, 17 Drop In
50 - I Heard it on the Wind
100 - Green Thumb
300 - Shadow that Guides
50 - Currency
Free - Shohki Mask
200 - Immersion Tank
100 - Companion Import x3
>Waifu and Cultists- Forest Person
(Free) - Seed Stock
(Free) - Calm Presence
100 - Green Thumb
300 (Forest Person) - Purifier
>Brown Minions - Worm Handler
(Free) - Mushi-Blue
(Free) - Mercenary Appearance
100 - I Heard It On The Wind
300 (Worm Handler) - Heedra
Basic plan is to play shadow games from a safe zone somewhere. The Brown Minions will be my arms and legs while my Waifu and the Cultists start on purification projects.
I'll tinker away rebuilding stuff brought in by my companions with various repair and reverse engineering perks I have. Then sell said items back to allies who I hope to establish trade and have THEM bring me more stuff.
Everything will be recorded, saved and produced in a timely fashion. With knowledge of what will happen in setting, I can start by saving a plane full of refugees and have a princess in my debt. From there, see how things play out. I'm fairly certain my Brown Heedra can tank just about anything shy of one of the God Warriors which I'll also be studying.
Hard Mode would be going Drop In, taking the Immersion Tank, God Warrior Egg and Importing 2 Companions. Waifu with Purifier and Green Thumb, Brown Minions with Heedra and Heard It On The Wind.
From there work with Waifu purifying the surrounding area and planting seeds for food. Sending Brown Minion Heedra out for supplies. Other companions tasked as needed. Focus on getting the egg safe and hatched as quickly as possible. Stay mobile if possible, see if we cant transport the egg with us or secure it if need be. Survive by trying to be where skyscraper tall mechs aren't.
Possibly stealing a cargo ship or something, getting the egg aboard and then going mobile around the oceans.
>The Drop In capstone is pretty much what the hidden power of one of the empires (Dorok) has, if a bit more powerful
You know what other advantage Miralupa had vis-a-vis controlling the empire? Being born the emperor's son. That doesn't mean any random country bumpkin with the same skill and powerset can achieve the same thing.
>His brother eventually shanked him and regained control, he had the Worm Handler capstone.
Being a Heedra himself was a lot less useful than having an army of Heedra backing him. No individual normal Heedra is a force that can destabilize an empire on its own.
>Nausicaa was able to be regarded as a heroic figure straight from prophecy thanks to the rough equivalent of the Valley Dweller capstone and the Forest People capstone would have you straight up revered as a god by 80% of people in this setting
So having companions who can easily become a messianic figure for 100CP apiece is fine, but that same companion for 50CP is horridly broken?
It isn't that it's /horribly/ broken, just that it isn't at a level that I was happy with for the jump. Again, if you want to change things, feel free to make your own variant of it.
Heck, should enough people do so we can have a little Nausicaa folder with different editions for people to choose from.
Do you even pay attention to the community or does your dumb ass just have no filter?
>Heck, should enough people do so we can have a little Nausicaa folder with different editions for people to choose from.
Have you been keeping up with /jc/ for the past like two years or so?
This jump reads like a low quality jump made in 2014.
Get rid of number based drawback limits, choose a CP based limit.
No, your super spechial whatever is not worth more than 1,000 CP.
Get over it and add companion import options. It is integral to most jumpers needs nowadays. If you think 8 more people break the setting, you probably shouldn't be the one making the jump.
It's moving along. Actually getting work done now that finals are over so hopefully I can finally show something like I promised soon. Underestimated how much stuff was in the games.
Seriously, what the fuck are you even doing?
Sorry for the derail, Bee.
That's good to hear actually, was worried it was going to wind up like when I passed off Yakuza - nothing coming of it.
Looking forward the personalized Otherworld in particular, so I'm rooting for you user.
>go to Captain Planet
>be Planet Spirit
>have four of the same elements as Gaia, but their destructive sides - represent natural disasters (or does she already do both?)
>have Fear instead of Heart
Good plan/bad plan/worst plan?
Only if you take the captain suicide meming seriously.
The what now?
Silly omnipotence "combo" from a couple threads ago.
Maybe you shouldn't do that specifically, but it's not a half bad name for a self destructive counterpart to captain planet.
> (or does she already do both?)
She kinda does. The four elements are more like generic representations of themselves. It's just the rings don't really have enough power to represent the disaster side of things.
The kids still fuck shit up on a localized scale pretty frequently, though. All the shit you see in the intro -- shooting up huge spikes of rock, localized whirlwinds that can pick up a car, that's all shit the rings do on an average day.
Honestly half the time summoning Captain Planet is extreme overkill for whatever they're trying to do.
That said if you really want to go into natural disaster territory, that's exactly what the Iron Fists do. They're based off an episode where the God of War shows up, gives the kids all iron gauntlets with stronger powers, and just tells them to have at it. They're able to do absolutely sick amounts of damage with them, but they start becoming more megalomaniac as a direct result and willing to use that power as a response to small shit.
Only the Heart kid chooses not to use his, and he ends up being the one to bring the other kids back to the side of good and not exploding shit just because it's in their way.
So what is a good jump to pop into and just go rip and tear in? Preferabbly one with lots of massive armies I can fight please?
Well, Doom 2016. You might have guessed that by your use of the phrase "rip and tear."
Hatred suprisingly.