Get this unsettling, ungodly shit out of here. God made us in His image and He sure as shit ain't ever gonna make shit what look like that.
All Tomorrows is good
people will respond to this as if it was serious
Why has this been getting so much attention lately?
Because it kicks ass.
Qufags will defend this
tweens discovering some crappy HFY and trying to spam it into popularity.
Look I get you're hyped on the sugar rush from your birthday but find some better material to try and force.
Even though you are on the internet, I know you are a Ruin Haunter.
It's actually not HFY in the slightest and anybody who thinks it is, is deluded.
One of the things that actually sells me on All Tomorrows is the "author's" picture at the end. The way that that whatever is holding the modern human skull upside down really sells the semi-alien mindset.
This. It's kinda the opposite of hfy.
it's actually GFY
Gravital Fuck Yeah
>humanity fights a war with itself
>brutal war, billions die
>survivors make peace with each other
>"how do we stop this from happening again?"
>unanimously agree that the next step is to make people with testicles for heads
>everyone agrees that, to avoid war, we need to make ballsack men
>make gonad men
>they looks like horrible monsters
>that's fine
>they're superior to the original race, and begin replacing everyone
>"dude let it happen, don't you hate war?"
>everyone is fine with this development
>let original race go extinct
>only bollocks boys remain
What a story huh guys.
If you make the brain the gonads they cannot conflict. The testical headed men were polite and patient.
This art is magic cool. Thank you, user
>all tomorrows
No, but god is going to (re)-make us in the image of that shit on the left and right
How the fuck could they develop technology with just flippers and a tail?
Someone tell me what the fuck is this all about?
>balls are touching
confirmed for gayest human descendant. No wonder they lost.
started reading this today at during my down time at work,disturbed me.
last book that did that to me was the king in yellow.
>Even though you are on the internet, I know you are a Ruin Haunter.
Burn so sick it wiped consciousness out of their genes for a hundred million years
The aliens are probably missing some details of the intervening events.
Best human descendents reporting in.
Most malformed, more like.
Qu a Shit
Sadly not.
Yes, that is why we must REMOVE QU!
Is anyone else going to play the Qu when Stellaris finally introduces Nomadic mechanics for your empire? I want nothing more than the ability to travel the Galaxy, meddling with the DNA of locals both primitive and not.
My second Nomadic playthrough would be peaceful farmer bugs who spend all their energy terraforming worlds into Gaia planets, eventually becoming completely Synthetic and renaming themselves the "Gardeners."
>Best human descendants
Sorry, friendo; you seem to have posted the wrong image.
Here; let me furnish you with an actual picture of the best descendants. Pic related.
>Is anyone else going to play the Qu
Um... I have some bad news for you, user.
Gravitals did nothing wrong. They indeed are the star men's true inheritor in preserving their way of life. Anal fetishists need not apply.
Tin cans git rek'd.
Real inheritors of the star men are more star men as pictured.
Okay, real question:
Which of the descendants of man are the most doable?
I kind of like the Killers, what about you, anons?
This. Theirs is an unbroken lineage of intelligence unaltered by inhuman hands that can be traced all the way back to Earth.
Qu get out
Space men master race!
But that's not even a Star Man. It's one of their flunkies that they made to pretend to be gods over the lesser apes.
Post one.
Shit like that is the reason we need Astartes. No kill like overkill.
None, they're all fucking hideous. Fucking Qu removed the beauty of human women from the universe. This is their greatest crime.
They're master geneticists. That's not their original form in all likelyhood.
Kek. Qu are from multiple millions of years in the future. Marines would... have difficulty.
They could have made everyone beautiful. They could have made us perfect.
It's interesting that even the human cultures that developed genetic engineering on par with the Qu never tried to recreate humans as they existed before alien intervention. Not classic humans as we are, but the spacers.
>this is considered a 10/10 amongst bug facers
None of them are doable, all of them are hideous
>bollocks boys
I'm not going to go so far as claiming MASTER RACE, but I think sailfolk are neat.
If anyone else is interested in crazy fucking post-human shenanigans I would suggest "Son of Man" by Robert Silverburg.
Also "At Winter's End" by the same guy.
So, with the modulars, each section has to mate, right?
Each module is a separate being, so each module needs to breed with another in its pair.
Modular family dynamics must be odd.
Please tell me that the "sailfolk" has/is some sort of servitor race, because otherwise it will be kinda hard to justify those helmets and that spear.
Tongue-hands, which are on display in the picture
Not the space marien guy, but i do approve the cleansing.
But we all know that new things are superior to old things, right ?
user, i don't care what you call them, but without some internal stability (you know, bones) it will be hard to use a spear.
The Qu made it so that they could into parthenogenesis.
Makes a sad sort of sense. If the old Cellulars could only breed with their immediate neighbor in the traditional manner then they would die out from inbreeding within a dozen generations. They didn't want that. The ancestors of the Cellulars had bested them in battle several times. Their kind needed to suffer far longer than that.
Imagine if Mass Effect aliens looked like this.
It would actually be an interesting series.
Here you go; this handsome fellow with his cool saber-tooth fangs and stylish goatee.
The modular people were an unbroken lineage of intelligence. and the astromorphs let them die.
they didn't have the option to flee into the black, they had to fight and die on their world and because they lasted long enough to anger the QU they were punished with intact human minds to better appreciate their torture.
they never lost their humanity, and a half dozen others grew theirs back While the star people let theirs atrophy almost as badly as the machines. I'll call one of the lizard people brother before an asteromorph.
the real inheritors of humanity died around darkened stars under mechanical bombardment, while the false humans watched in hopes of avoiding a war they had to fight anyway.
>human tongues must remain exactly the same over 60 million years of evolution and genetic manipulation
But then we would not have gotten mass effect 2 and 3 because it wouldn't have sold without identifiable aliens.
This is actually a good thing.
I'm pretty sure they were always all up in eugenics. In order to become super-specialized, they needed to perform super-selective breeding.
They are prolly really into central-planning, with government filling in the role of family.
>missing the point so hard you implode
I think the second galactic empire (before the Gravitals screwed everything up for everyone) would make an excellent setting for a game.
Any suggestions of what system to use, anyone?
>"Son of Man" by Robert Silverburg.
my supreme nigga of taste
Old-school sci-fi is truly a lost artform
I feel like that with how advanced the Qu are when it comes to genetics, that actual Qu would be able to control their own genetics and change their own forms at will.
And with how many races the Qu probably fucked up like humanity and took the good genes from, I feel like fighting a Qu would be the equivalent of fighting a demi-god.
Anyone else consider the qu a cop out?
>author is too uncreative to come up with a reason why populations of humans isolated from each other by thousands of light years would diverge into wildly different forms so instead it's LOL ALIENS
The qu weren't even necessary.
Possibly not. It depends on when the Qu started to believe that they were perfection. You can't improve perfection.
It's a plot device, bro.
Considering they forgot where's Earth, it's not hard to believe they also forgot how Homo Sapiens looked.
The Modular are the most inhuman. It doesn't matter if they never lost their intelligence or their memory, their body forms, their culture, and their minds had become so warped and twisted that they were by far the most alien of the surviving races.
Well yeah, but at that point, the androids could do anything the Q could and were faster too.
I mean, they probably could have. They would be a curiosity at best though, like Earth.
They did have the purpose of forshadowing what the Asteromorphs ended up as: powerful creatures that rule over lesser creatures, using power as justification to do whatever they want.
Even their designs look the same.