Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Redditors beware, loyalists coming through edition

Old reddit infested nuclear wasteland
>The Duncan can!

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW FAQs.

>8th edition FAQ:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Dark Angels are traitors

Eldar needs more stories so we can drop this traitor snorefest.


So if we had to rank all the founding chapters from the most loyal to the least what would the order be? how bout from the strongest to the weakest?

Eldar are fugging gay

Fuck off, /r/Warhammer40k

Not as gay as "we have a dark secret, we're based on a homosexual novel" dark angels gay.


"We drive manly motorcycles to compensate for the fact that we're gay" dark *angels*

>he isn't even able to get his shitty forced meme straight
Absolutely hilarious.

like there are other options

Prince Yriel's story is more interesting than any of this gay traitor shit.

Out of all the loyalists, the Dark Angles are the least loyal. That's like being the most loyal traitor, which is Alpha Legion.

Ok anons how will kustom force field work in 8th? Will it still be a straight 5++ or some new mechanic?

Oh, so all the same fags forcing the "dangels are traitors" meme are the same ones forcing the "alpha legion is loyal" meme. This explains a lot and basically confirms that you're a bunch of /r/Warhammer40k crossposters.


6++, affects MODELS within 6" of the bearer, that works even against mortal wounds but only in ranged combat, and for every saved wound the shot gets deflected to the nearest FRIENDLY model.

Today will be the preview of Astra Militarum. Are you hyped???

I'm not sure I am, they didnt really tell us anything in CSM preview other than "power armor is great again".It was never great in first place.

>expected Ultras
>Got Blood Angels
Pleasantly surprised to see another Blood Brother here

> x-post

You're the redditor fag.

I wish they released the rules already so I could see how it affects my local gaming club.


>if you read the lore you're from reddit
great """logic""" mate. the fact you think you know lore also makes you from reddit tho...
also >crosspost

The fuck? Crossposting has been common Veeky Forums terminology since fucking forever. It's even a fucking buzzword on boards like /mu/ and /pol/.

I wouldn't expect a redditor to know any of this though.

Oh lmao it's the "I don't know what buzzwords ARE" guy wow

I am on pol daily and have been for years. I have literally never heard the word 'crossposting' before now.

I'm a certified trump shitposter on Veeky Forums and nobody uses crosspost.

If we want to link something, we just go

>i-i-i-i-it's the lore gaiz!
I bet you're one of those fags who think the Beast was as big as a hab block don't you?
>this fucking crossposting is from reddit meme
Christ, crossposting on Veeky Forums means you post on both site/board A and site/board B. Crossposting on reddit means that you're fucking posting content from sub A on sub B. Two completely different things.

What the fuck? Don't boogeyman me into whoever the fuck you think I am.

>/r/the_donald crossposters
Either you're lying or you're just stupid.

The fact that you keep doing this request thing /r/ illustrates just how much you need to go back to fucking 1d4ddit.

Jesus this thread needs a janitor already. Do us all a favor and start posting tyranid underboobs already.

Just because I love proving you faggots blatantly wrong, here's some proof


Enjoy getting BTFO.


Why would you post a reddit link? No one uses the term crossposter.

There's literally nothing wrong with using reddit.

Did the DA fanboy even make the thread? Lel

See and eat shit, faggot.

What kind of dumbass question is this? Go back to /r/Warhammer40k

>the majority of found posts are directly referencing reddit
>the place you need to go back to
/pol/ is alt-right reddit's second tab

Hey guys, I got caught up in a warpstorm heading here. What's up with the Reddit witch-hunting? I thought ytmnd and newgrounds fags are the real enemy

>In the last 7 days the word crosspost has appeared exactly 7 times on pol

Gosh what a commonly used phrase KEK. Back to fucking reddit m8.

Exterminatus request sent to the Astra Janitorium.

Awaiting coordinates. Firing for effect.

Not if it follows the same format as the first Faction Focus.

>We haven't seen Ogryns much in the game for a while now, but in 8th Edition, everyone's favorite abhumans are going to be really punching above their weight! Expect to see them cropping up a lot!
>Oh, and speaking of crops, we've got more exciting news about the Imperium's doughty front-line tractor, the Leman Russ! The humble battlecannon has taken a side-line to other, more powerful options currently, but that's all set to change! Even without templates, battlecannons will be taking some big chunks out of any unit foolish enough to be in their line of fire!
>Did someone say fire?! Hellhounds are one of the most iconic units of the Guard, yet sadly they haven't been as iconically present in people's armies for a while now! Heretics, mutants and xenos beware; the Hounds of Hell are coming for you!
>Finally, I wanted to touch on another unit people have been wanting to use for ages: the Sentinal! If you were someone looking to include a few of these strutting clankers in your list (read: everyone!) then 8th Edition is going to be your edition!

Guise we need an immersive multi faction 1st person open world mmo fps

>no u!
Hello, reddit!

>In the last 7 days the word crosspost has appeared exactly 7 times on pol
>nobody uses crosspost.
>I have literally never heard the word 'crossposting' before now.
Beautiful goalpost moving!

Are you kidding? This is hilarious. Some kid from reddit pretending to be a Veeky Forums neckbeard so he can be a cool kid lmao


Once again, if a word gets used on average once a day out of thousands upon thousands of posts it's not a fucking thing.

I bet it's used on reddit all the time though right m8?

>oh shit he called me out better call him reddit so i can deflect the blame!
So how many upvotes does your account have?

Janitors won't cut it, we need mods, hard ban are the only things these shitposters understand.

Hell, right now a two week lockdown on 40k generals would help.

>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
>T 20
>W 50
>SV 2+
>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
>I fail my save
>His weapon is Instant Death
>Remove Titan from the field
>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock

C-Can't wait.

Didn't gw tease that a loyal legion and traitor legion would swap sides or was that a meme that I was only half paying attention to and assumed was real?

It was a eldar prophecy..
and we know how reliable THEY are.

I might want to start a chaos themed GSC army... like, using GSC rules but using chaos models and/or GSC and chaos kitbashes.
How would you think I should go about it?
Using regular chaos cultists as neophytes is a no-brainer (or probably use GSC weapons and some bits with chaos cultists) and the vehicles is also clear but what would work best as acolytes or abarents and the other models?

Imagine how much hype for follow-up faction focuses if they'd actually told us anything. Give us the Berzerker statline, the Havoc pricing scheme, and Abaddon's new aura, and people would be talking about it like mad.

It's a meme that got started by shitposters and proliferated due to retards like yourself repeating it with no proof.

i'm starting to develop a taste for this pasta.

where can i buy some for myself?

Raven Guard would be in top 3. Horus Heresy book 3 mentions that because mostly Terran RG died before Horus' betrayal the Warrior Lodges didn't take off much in the Legion, and as a result they had some of the fewest (if not the fewest) traitors form in their ranks.

I wasn't spreading it I was asking ab actual question because I remembered hearing something about it.

Fabulous Bob the Titankiller

I think it was primarchs instead of legions, but I'm not sure either.


Bump for interest

>if not the fewest
There's at least one instance in canon of a Raven Guard switching sides and working for the traitors (Alastair Rushal). Name one (1) instance of an Ultramarine siding with Horus. I'll be waiting

Most of the Terran RG didn't die so much as were put into effective exile as part of a nomad-predation fleet hunting beyond the galactic plane. They weren't heard from again.

That too. Can't remember the actual battle, but a bunch did die in the battle that caused Corax to withdraw his Legion from Horus' command.

Roboutte "Lets Make A New Empire While Terra is Still Under Siege" Guilliman

Saw this on imgur, looks too sloppy

Don't you mean
Roboute "Lets Make A New Empire While Terra Is Unreachable And Possibly Destroyed To Keep The Flame Of My Father's Vision Alive " Guilliman

No I mean Roboute "I'm the worst piece of lore since Age of Sigmar and I should be squatted" Guilliman

That's no way to speak of the Lord Commander of the Imperium.

Nah his name is Roboute "These old marines that my dad who is literally an omnipotent immortal made aren't good enough so I'll team up with this 10,000 bundle of flesh and wires to make better ones because that's totally not heresy" Guilliman.

They said back in a few days for IG, not tomorrow at articles end

Yvraine > Girlyman

Foot fetish bait is arguably worse than that piece of gary stu filth desu

No, I mean "Let's forbid troops I don't even command from trying to reach Terra because if they save the day I won't get to be the new emperor" Guilliman

> Goes through a lot of shit to become the perfect warrior, instead of sleeping for thousands of years and waking up to an inheritance from God

Well obviously I would rather bang Yvraine than girlyman

I can't wait for The Great Wolf Leman Russ, Wolf King of the Space Wolves to return for the Wolf Time and take over as Wolf Emperor of the Imperium of Wolf with his nuWolf Marines at his side.


> be good looking
> start playing 40k
> suddenly girls hang around the hobby store more even if my shit is unpainted
> owner should pay me for free marketing

Go away ShareWolf

Too bad that novel reads like trash

Why are Bolters -1 Ap in SW:A but not in 8th?

Also did you know the 7E Space Wolves codex uses the word "wolf" approximately 823 times? That's approximately 8 wolfs a page!

Is this by any chance you?

what are you, gay?

Like honestly that ""girl"" looks like a man with a photoshopped hairline

im sad this past wont last long, seeing as how they said on the large model thing that you wont be able to instantly remove knights

Because SW:A is a different kind of game.

>my mary sue is better than your mary sue!

raven guard would be number 1, corvus was the only primarch the emperor trusted with his secrets to making marines

That's because it is. It's part of the homosexual agenda.

That was vague as fuck. You've might as well not answered.

You false-fagging kikes are always too obvious.

SW:A is a small-scale skirmish game
40k is an army-scale game
They require different mechanics to work

Begone! Back to the fetid, self-fellating hells of /pol with you!

I hate them. I wish they could just be space vikings

That doesn't answer my question.

Yes it does you mongoloid chimp
Use your brain

>this just in: millions banned worldwide as memes are declared to be /pol/

They are better together.

>being this shitty-shattered he got btfo by /pol/yps on a cantonese sweater-sewing meeting room
I'm your side you fucking faggot.