What are mtg player's thoughts on Ultimate Conductor Tyranno?
Yugioh thread
I think it's complicated, but awesome. Magic never gets dinosaurs these days.
>summon this
>battle phase
>opponent quits
As a MTG player, play a better game. These are my thoughts to be honest. Most Yugioh matches are decided in the first 2 turns from what I've seen, and ragequit matches aren't fun.
so its like
>as an additional cost to play ~, exile 2 dinosaurs from your graveyard
>during your main phase before you attack, sacrifice a creature or discard a creature card from your hand, morph all of your opponents creatures. (not really the same thing but whatever).
>when ~ attacks, instead you may destroy any number of morphed creatures target opponent controls, for each monster destroyed this way, do 1000 (which is like 1/8th of your life, so i guess 3 if we round up) damage to that opponent.
and 3500/3200 is like what? 9/8? if we just make it proportional to 8000 vs 20.
does it get to attack after it destroys your monsters? because then it can one hit you right. in magic its more deadly in a way because its possible to have more than 5 creatures (obviously).
but yeah its pretty cool. wipes your board, beefy as shit, only comes out when you have some men down.
>only comes out when you have some men down.
Iirc, most OP dinos are like that.
Man I always hate seeing the new cards on the edge of a new mechanic (links) because they always exist to push out everything else. Evilswarms did it to synchros and shaddolls did it to XYZs, this guy is obviously the "hey run links and you won't lose to this deck" build.
>As an additional cost
It's instead of paying its mana cost mate.
It's fucking broken.
[laughs in Dracoslayer]
Seems pretty cool. Bought an old dinosaur structure deck a while back, will probably end up buying this as well and making a deck out of the two. I really wish mtg got dinosaurs
I searched mtg in the catalogue and this thread showed up, so to answer your question: I have no fucking clue. There are way too many words on that card and I don't know how to play yugio anyway
I used to love ygo but I guess I quit playing when most worthwhile cards started becoming inherent toolboxes. A toolbox is supposed to be a collection of cards, not the card itself. As a result games become boring because cards are too OP and players just do the same combos over and over.
>Most Yugioh matches are decided in the first 2 turns
Most matches are decided on opening hands.
Ash Blossom ban when? Zoodiac ban when?
So are people playing this with Ojama Trio and Zero Gravity or is that too slow somehow
None of those. It's better to use it on your opponent's turn to disrupt their plays.
Both those cards are way too shit.
fuck I thought that was a helmet but that's actually his face
peace a cute, A CUTE
My wife has been running dinos forgot about 4 years now. Just picked up this deck for her but we haven't tried it out yet.
Anyone rate my alien deck? Main play is bring out golgar, bounce swords of revealing light then replay in MP2. It's pretty fun.
3x Alien Ammonite
2x Alien Dog
2x Alien Grey
1x Alien Hunter
2x Alien Kid
1x Alien Mars
1x Alien Overlord
2x Alien Shocktrooper
1x Alien Skull
2x Alien Telepath
3x Alien Warrior
2x "A" Cell Breeding Device
1x "A" Cell Incubator
1x "A" Cell Scatter Burst
1x Code A Ancient Ruins
1x Mysterious Triangle
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Otherworld - The "A" Zone
1x Solidarity
2x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Alien Brain
2x Cell Explosion Virus
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Crop Circles
1x Fiendish Chain
1x Light of Intervention
1x Planet Pollutant Virus
3x Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar
3x King of the Feral Imps
>dinos finally get something good
>years and years of dino support is not surfacing because there's actually a use for them now
>Such a huge text in such a small textbox in such a small piece of cardboard.
I never got why YGO didn't start using keywords to save space. Cards like this look ridiculous.
They do have a few keywords. it's just mostly saved for mill which in yugioh is excavate.
If i'd had to guess a reason why they don't do it more often though i'd probably say that it's because all the cards are translated from japanese and Konami america probably doesn't have permission to keyword it up. Possibly on the grounds that it could cause rules conflicts based on the wording further down the line. Like how all the frog cards have to specifically exclude Frog the Jam.
don't forget the "archfiend" nonsense
It reminds me of this card.
And this card.
What are Yugioh players thoughts on Griselbrand?
Hes not the best Demon
I wish the Yugioh meta wasn't so fast nowadays. Like, a few years ago around right before Nekroz and after Towers was banned it was actually a game where people could go back and forth. Honestly, I still love playing the game casually with fun decks but I wish playing it competitively wasn't such a luck of the draw thing.
Makes me continue to wonder why anyone would ever play Yu-Gi-Oh?
>power creep to the point that turn 1 combo decks and turn 2 aggro decks are the meta
>Konami's batshit reprint policy means cards can go from $70+ to bin trash literally overnight
>community is so notoriously toxic even the spergs who play Magic think they're a fucking joke
Like, what is the appeal? Surely there are better ways to ogle anime tiddy.
It was really fun before TurboDAD.
how's it affecting the competitive meta? I only play card games casually but I've played MTG Pokemon and yugioh all at a competitive level before.
It's ran at 1/2 in True King Dinosaur, which is like low Tier 1.
I wish I could user either as a commander, especially Withengar. Ormendahl would be fun too
this guys probably the most badass yugioh mosnter I've ever seen, but he's nearly impossible to get into play
It's not that hard to summon. King of the Swamp searches Polymerization and can be used instead of 1 Crimson Nova. You can easily get Karma in grave to search Crimson Nova.
Maybe Elemental Hero Prisma could help with that too.
Withengar doesn't draw cards senpai.
>haven't played in forever
>look up banlist
They fucking banned Stratos? Why? Big City was my jam.
Stratos has been banned since September 2013 because fuck HEROes.
>fuck HEROes
Is this popular opinion too or just Konami neutering old archetypes?
I just hate Elemental HEROes. The deck is just Turbo into Dark Law, summon Bahamut Shark and Toadally Awesome, set backrow and hope your opponent can't break your field. Loses if your field gets broken and has no way to recover outside of drawing AHL or Bubbleman while having no hand or field.
Most people want Stratos unbanned for some reason.
I just like my slow pseudo-gadgets Stratos + Ocean + Wildheart + Skyscraper 2 + 1-for-1's.
Blasting fuse was super-secret tech.
It's really fun if you play shitty fluff decks with a group of close friends
>shitty fluff decks
Fuck you, Fluffals aren't shitty. They won a 192 man tournament in OCG.
From a practical perspective its also more like Tap all creatures as opposed to morphing creatures.
Towers unban when? It only got banned because there weren't any outs back then. Rank 4 had to go into Diamond Crab King to crash with Towers. Tellarknights had Heroic Champion Excalibur. Most other decks had literally 0 outs. It was even worse for Europe because they didn't get Utopia The Lightning when America did.
But now we have fucking Kaijus and most decks can easily summon a monster to get over Towers. Even shit like Fluffals and Lunalight have outs to Towers.
I mean fluffy decks as opposed to crunchy decks. Like focusing on the theme and story more than winning competitively. I can see how my wording was poor. Sorry.
Better than pokemon at least. Had a ygo event on the same day as mtg prerelease and all the ygo players were pretty chill and watched some of our games while they were waiting between rounds, pokemonfags were a bunch of spergs flipping their shit out anything and loud as hell.
Nah, I know what you meant. Fluff reminded me of Fluffals.
Speaking of fluffy decks, how do people like my hungry burger kitchen?
1x Bacon Saver
1x Battle Steer
1x Charcoal Inpachi
3x Great Angus
3x Hungry Burger
2x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
2x Mystic Tomato
2x Ritual Raven
1x Sangan
2x Sonic Bird
2x The Bistro Butcher
1x Gold Sarcophagus
3x Hamburger Recipe
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Preparation of Rites
2x Ritual Weapon
2x Magnum Shield
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Metal Reflect Slime
1x Nutrient Z
2x Ritual Buster
1x Waboku
Seems pretty strong, but I don't have a sense of how hard it is to get mana, so that could balancing out. In Yu-Gi-Oh it would be banned so quick just due to the drawing effect.
No one ever pays the actual mana cost of Griselbrand these days. Cheat him in on turn 1 or 2.
How is this at 3 and normal preparation of rites is at 1?
Preparation of Rites is more generic. Got limited because of Nekroz. Currently, there aren't any Rituals that can abuse Pre-Prep.
Just another example of the game's insane power creep and bad choices in design over time.
Otherwise, it's very in flavor for the combat style used by Dinosaurs in that game.
What said. Nekroz are the premiere Rituals (with Gishki shenanigans trailing far off in the distance), but all of their ritual spells do not list Nekroz monsters by name, so they can't use Pre-Prep.
so its just like yu gi oh
Hate to break it to you, actually no I don't. It's a helmet
I thought #FREESTRATOS was just a meme. I didn't think anyone seriously wanted him to come off the list.
>try to brew omni-heroes
>everything I make just feels like awesome heroes but worse.
We've been cheating the system since the first set. Reanimator is a pretty ygo feeling deck.
>no bistro butcher
You done goofed
He's there. After sonic bird.
We need a frenchfry mon
You know, for water decks
Battle steer is unnecessary
I thought about putting in mad lobster, but we here at The Hungry Burger™ only use the freshest Great Angus beef from locally sourced Battle Steers. Many of our customers have dietary restrictions and deadly allergies which lobsters may trigger. Sorry for the inconvenience, here's a coupon for a free Nutrient Z shake!
I mainly play Magic but I like whipping out my Cyber Dragons and quickly trashing some kids at my locals
Broken horseshit no matter the format.
No good cards to use it with, best use you're gonna get out of it is cyber angel herald fuckery.
Would anyone play a 60 card highlander variant?
>Translated mechanics almost perfectly.
That's honestly pretty cool
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) while all monsters in your Graveyard have different names from each other (min. 5), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; destroy 1 card on the field. All monsters in your Graveyard must have different names from each other (min. 2) to activate and to resolve this effect.
I was thinking a 60 card traditional format highlander leauge, or maybe highlander having its own banlist. It would be a bit slower than normal games and require more creative deck building.
>battle steer
Why not battle Ox?
>highlander leauge
Warriors only and no resurrection?
Got any bison?
I just thought the increased deck size and single card limitation would encourage diversity within the meta.
I wish that wasn't pendulum
You can summon it as a normal Mon tho
When Konami can't make a profit off of them anymore, or when the top Worlds decks are nothing but Zoo with Ash Blos- OH WAIT
I really like the new throwback support we're getting
Sea Stealth Attack, Stronghold Whale, and Legendary Fisherman II are fun
Post decklist
I have a few variants but they all have a similar backbone that leads to dumb bricked hands like 2 terraforming 3 field spells, on occasion
This is the most recent one I think, probably the most successful so far. Most common consistency issues are too many Sea Stealth, not enough Field Spell, or the reverse. You can protect both from being destroyed using Sea Stealth itself though. Plus since the battle effect requires level 5 or higher, if you don't have Ocean you're not likely to get anywhere. Another variant I'm meaning to try is a frog engine that actually tribute summons instead of using ALO since it's kind of hit-or-miss compared to the search everything with everything else decks that you can run these days. Mermails are also a contender. It's a fun deck and premise but needs a lot of work.
3 Terrorking Salmon
2 Stronghold Whale
1 The Legendary Fisherman III
3 The Legendary Fisherman II
3 Cyber Shark
3 Depth Shark
1 Gazer Shark
3 Warrior of Atlantis
1 Gameciel the Sea Turtle Kaiju
3 Moray of Greed
2 Twin Twister
2 Terraforming
3 A Legendary Ocean
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Sea Stealth Attack
1 Solemn Warning
3 Solemn Strike
2 Breakthrough Skill
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra has 3 Bahamut Shark, 2 Toadallys, Silent Honor Ark, Abyss Dweller, and some other random garbage that I usually don't use
Deep Sea Diva is pretty much the only tuner I looked at, and has zero synergy with higher level monsters unfortunately
>been playing tag force v recently
>cards like snipe hunter and mst are at 1
>see this shit
Playing it made me forget how crazy things have gotten. TF5 is only 6 years old for fuck's sake.
Compare/contrast the boss Mon from the dino deck from 10 years ago.
I dunno, Chaos/Goat Control was pretty cancerous before then. There was that nice window when it was axed before DAD, though.
He doubles his attack if someone loses?
>can go from $70 to trash overnight
This is a bad thing?
Their reprints are a hell of a lot better than any other TCG unless you're an investor fag. Nobody wants to pay out 70+ dollars for a card that's requires playsets of to play.
He's meant for multiplayer games, although he's garbage in the most popular multiplayer format so I dunno why they designed him like that.
That card also wasn't really playable even 10 years ago.
>>Konami's batshit reprint policy means cards can go from $70+ to bin trash literally overnight
This is the one good thing about yu-gi-oh
Fucking kill yourself I bet you support the reserve list
Water Dragon Cluster
Water Sea Serpent / Special Summon / Effect
LV10 2800/2600
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a “Bonding” Spell/Trap Card, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate this effect; the ATK of all monsters your opponent currently controls becomes 0, also their effects cannot be activated. These changes last until the end of this turn.
(2) During either player’s turn: You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 2 “Water Dragon” from your hand and/or Deck in Defense Position, ignoring their Summoning conditions.
is the precon one of those "buy 3 and you have a competitive deck" situations? I fucking love dinosaurs. Magic refuses to do them more than one card every 5 years for some reason
Have they given up and started shipping packs with magnifying lenses in them yet?
You'll have a solid deck. You'll need some extra stuff to make it competitive. Mostly 1/2 Evolzar Laggia and 1/2 Evolzar Dolkka. If you really want it to be competitive, you'll need 3 Dragonic Diagram, which is like $100+.
>10 years ago
oh my god
Tbh I'm fine with the new dino support since I've been a long-time fan of the archetype, but if those True Kings could tone it down a little, that'd be nice. Alas, I'll always have my Deskbots.
I see you too are a man of culture.
>>Konami's batshit reprint policy means cards can go from $70+ to bin trash literally overnight
Kill yourself speculator