Have you bought the newest game from Pelgrane Press already, Veeky Forums?
Have you bought the newest game from Pelgrane Press already, Veeky Forums?
Nor have you.
But you'll probably shitpost about it without reading it.
I`m not interesting in such things [correct me, if my English is bad]
>>The games range from silly to serious, including scenarios about selfies and rom-coms as well as reproductive rights and domestic violence. And of course, enjoyment has no ideological boundaries— there are games here for participants new to feminism as well as those experienced in making gender arguments on the internet.
25 mini games about argumentation. Woo.
Tried it. Too game-y.
Interesting should be interested.
Otherwise you got it perfect, user. Have a waifu for your effort.
>analog game designer
What does that even mean? Does this bimbo think that 'analog' just means 'not digital'?
And you assholes thought Dragon Age was bad. Puts things in perspective.
Damn. These sound boring as shit. It would be like playing mini-rpgs if they were published by the Mormons.
I think reading it made me less comprehensive.
Kill yourself, OP.
Ugh kys polturs nazi.
U got bto with le fuhrer lmao
That's just the table of contents. I got nothing else to go on, so, just the descriptions here.
So, First Date includes a "rant about the orgasm gap" which, literally, that's biology. Your bean flicking takes more personal skill than our pole work. Can't change biology by yelling about it. Not worth my time. Also, my general level of autisim more or less prevents me from getting laid on first dates / random hookups, so, yeah, 0 orgasms on a social encounter is pretty normal.
"Flirt" is, again, seemingly pointless to the socially inhibited. Looks like it is just as involving as the old "mystery date" board game. Whatever.
"Spin the goddess" is a game about lesbian witches kissing. Pretty sure there's Touhou fanfiction of this already.
Wilfull disregard is just described as "a love story", which I'm pretty sure is also the tag line of the cyanide and happiness random comic building game.
Before. I continue, what are the half / filled circle icons and the blue mana symbols under each game? It's not explained in the intro. Is it duration / number of players? In which case, First Date is a single player game that will take a half hour... And it's about the orgasm gap... So, yeah, it's a game about masturbation. Woo.
I think the teardrops are meant to be a measure of emotional stress or something.
I think it's somewhat telling that Bellum Maga, a game where you use witch powers to turn men into cigarettes and smoke them, is a better feminist game than this shit.
This sounds terrible
Pfft. Emotional stress. Let me tell you what's emotionally stressful: trying to get laid before you die. That takes the spring right out of your step.
Anyhow, one more chapter, then I'll hand the reviews off to another user.
Manic Pixie Dream girl Commandos sounds *fucking awesome*, if only for the potential combination of whimsical energy and high explosives. 5/5 I'm gonna play this using the ruleset of Macho Women With Guns, if you don't mind.
6016 is a game about reconstructing history using only one example of bad media from the historical period, which, if you think about it, really funny. It would be like trying to learn about the Elizabethan era by reading a single Shakespeare play... And that play is Julius Caesar.
Tropes V. Women is already the title of Anita's YouTube channel... Where she's ambitiously not yet finished making her original promised five videos. Just a little triggered there.
Lipstick actually is strongly representative of how self - immobilizing modern feminist doctrine is: "Women can do whatever they want to do, except for when we say they cannot or should not do it". Yeah, she wants to put on lipstick before a televised feminism debate. Bit if she wears lipstick, she's adapting to (dun dun dun) patriarchal expectations of beauty. If she doesn't then she is (dun dun dun) allowing the opinions of others dictate her actions, and will look unattractive. Or will she? Hey, odds are a flat 1:1 of her being somebody's fetish no matter what shade of wax, or absence there of she puts around her word hole. I say go for "classic collar stain red" and call it a day.
You've come a long way baby is probably a game about who can name the oldest film with an all female / minority cast. I dunno, some people never heard of exploitation films or silent movies.
The game everyone loses.
>orgasm gap
Isn't that almost literally penis envy?
This looks like it's less about feminism and more about being "art" and using feminism as a base to facilitate that.
And don't get me wrong. There's a lot of ways a game based around feminism would suck ass. Like the fact that it's based around feminism and not any kind of actual game.
But I've seen a few "art for the sake of art" projects in my day, and this smacks of it pretty deep.
I half expect the creator to tell people they just don't get it when it bombs.
>Manic Pixie Dream girl Commandos sounds *fucking awesome*, if only for the potential combination of whimsical energy and high explosives. 5/5 I'm gonna play this using the ruleset of Macho Women With Guns, if you don't mind.
>6016 is a game about reconstructing history using only one example of bad media from the historical period, which, if you think about it, really funny. It would be like trying to learn about the Elizabethan era by reading a single Shakespeare play... And that play is Julius Caesar.
Yeah, those two look good.
I actually am kinda curious
>Let me tell you what's emotionally stressful: trying to get laid before you die.
lol you sounds like a whiny bitch
>freeform nano-scenario
oh good, a game legitimising the infantile "culture" of millennials
So do these games have mechanics to them?