What are some challenges one might find in a temple dedicated to an ancient race of musical artisans? How do they protect their secrets through the ages?
Temple of Sound
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Sonic Golems with trombones for arms, basson stilts for legs, a sousaphon for a head and a kettledrum for a torso.
Magic Skeletons that use their rib cages as xylophones
Sonic weapons come to mind. Sound is surprisingly useful as a weapon and a loud enough noise can make a black hole.
Also, puzzles relating to music. Like a bunch of codes you'd need musical knowledge to decipher to use certain sequences of notes to open doors or activate things. Perhaps a supernatural noise that can lull people to sleep, enrage them, rewire their mind, basically fuck with them or trap them.
You can pretty much do whatever ya want given real world stuff and then all the various musical tropes or flat out magic bullshit you can make it do.
Genuinely helpful and insightful. Thank you
A trap where the thieves are sealed in a room and forced to listen to a simple yet frustratingly catchy melody that plays on loop.
>How do they protect their secrets through the ages?
Sound Elementals.
>Like a bunch of codes you'd need musical knowledge to decipher to use certain sequences of notes to open doors or activate things
this was my first thought
like, you need to finish the tune to open the door, or make the same sound or something.
can't really go wrong with a huge creepy organ too.
Large Opera Singing Golems that wont let adventurers pass until they sit through his 4 hour long performance
Guess the song.
Rooms of total silence that force the party to communicaty by some other means rather than speaking, best if coupled with a complex task that would be much easier with spoken communication.
Or the same thing, but so loud they can't hear anything but the sound that drowns out everything else.
Also: musical puzzles like this user describes coupled with more traditional encounters. Enemies that make certain sounds on certain (predictable) actions or on death.
Control the flow of the fight until you get the correct flow of music instead of simply killing everything.
You've got to listen to shitty trance music for 2 hours.
Musical battle. To pass characters must play better music
Guitar rock battle
A door that only opens to the right tone. The puzzle is to hit a bell in the room, but you need to tune it by reaaranging objects in the room.
I want to insert this in there somewhere, but I don't know how or why.
The best part is that they not only have sheet music, but need to flip the page halfway through
Gibbering Mouther In this day and age
Operatic automatons obsessed with being beautiful.
>a loud enough noise can make a black hole
Well, one thing the players won't have to worry about is parts of the building crumbling while they're exploring. It's too well constructed for that.
> loud enough noise can make a black hole.
Haha no