Tell me about factions in your campaign Veeky Forums.
Tell me about factions in your campaign Veeky Forums
I use what amounts to the historical Hellfire Club for all the villanous noble characters in my game world and the Rosicrucians for the good ones. Most of the nobility are of course neutral, and I don't recall basing them on any particular organization. Political campaign, revolving around securing the rights to some slaves btw.
That sounds pretty neat. Any more details?
>NCR, Boomers, Brotherhood, and Legion not lawful
>NCR quote about following orders
>Boomer quote is about calculated losses for the good of the collective
>Brotherhood quote is about group brotherhood and strict ideals
>Ingame Caeser goes on rant about how to make an autocracy
>His Legion's only known benefit is they kill all lawbreakers
Also Followers of the Apocalypse are LITERALLY ANARCHISTS. Who made this?
I made the Drow a ripoff of the Fallen from Destiny. Basically they're the remnants of the elven society that had first discovered magic, fell into in-fighting over this great power, Some factions of their civilization, not wanting to see their people destroyed, offered to share this secret with the other races in order to make allies. These factions became the "normal elves" of today while the ones that lost were effectively purged from the surface and forced underground to avoid annihilation.
The drow of today still cling to memories of their lost glory, adoring themselves with banners and armors meant to reflect a past of prestige and power... even as they've been reduced to scavenging and raiding just to survive, and the condition and makeshift nature of their adornments show it. They still consider themselves the most superior race of the world, and hate the "normal" elves as traitors to their own people... but they lack the numbers, force, or overall unity to be anything more than pirate bands and reclusive enclaves of scavengers.
I came up with all of this before Destiny was even a thing, although the near-exact similarities make it almost impossible to convince anyone of this.
It's like someone went out of their way to make one of the most inaccurate charts they could possibly think of.
That is the worst alignment chart. Half of those quotes directly contradict the alignment, enclave and NCR for example.
The only ones that are accurate are the Enclave, House, and Raiders.
OP here. I chose this chart because it has pics of most NV factions not because od accuracy. Besides, everyone knows that alignments are shit and should not be taken seriously.
Most factions are tied to city states, though there are a few who are rogue. Most factions that are not bound to a single citystate are breakaway cults. The exceptions are as follows.
The Sons of Cinder
>Demon hunters par excellence.
>Have a policy of killing a few people at random if they cant find the cause of a demonic incursion, the thinking being that there's a chance they may kill the culprit and they cant leave with clean hands.
>Have no established base.
>Take on squires until the squire proves their mettle and can recite the Kindled Code from memory, then they to go out and do their biz.
>Mercenary band founded by a bastard lord.
>Promised to forsake his claim to the throne if he could be given the right to allow men to revoke their names and start a new life.
>Men who serve long enough are allowed to join an elite band led by the Nameslayer himself. After a battle in his unit they are all declared dead, whether they died or not, and given a new name by the Nameslayer.
>A cult of high borne women who secretly plot the downfall of various people in power to advance the position of certain figures.
>Function as half brothel half assassins guild.
>No names may be given. To speak any name is to condemn that person to death.
>Outsiders may pay a great price to be allowed to speak a name before the Scabrite cabal.
Ive got a few more but those are big the ones who openly operate.
That's pretty good user.
>Ive got a few more but those are big the ones who openly operate.
Tell me more about minor ones.
WW2 Alt History Weird War
>Isolationist af
>FBI running black ops everywhere
>Cooking up some plasma technology
>On a peaceful course with Poland
>Waging political warfare in Europe, supporting fascist movements
>Neutral in the sino-japanese conflict
>Ahnenerbe digging up eldritch crap all over the place
>SS running black ops
>Low key anti-semitism
Soviet Russia
>Run by leon Trotsky
>Muh endless global revolution
>NKVD running black ops everywhere
>Extensive psychic soldier program
>Tesla Troopers
British Empire
>Still led by Edward VIII
>Churchill needs some milk, got crushed by that cab
>Butthurt about Germany rising back to power
Most of Europe is constantly on the brink of civil war thanks to Trotsky's world revolution, German meddling and the general isolationism of major democratic powers.
The party started out as a crack commando operating under FBI, defected to Germany and started running black ops for the SS as a mix of Ahnenerbe and Brandenburgers.
>I chose this chart because I was paid to advertise the Fallout series and most people seem to like New Vegas
Ok then, carry on.
>paid to advertise Fallout
>using NV
Nigga you don't know Bethesda at all.
>On a peaceful course with Poland
>Low key anti-semetism
Do you even understand the position Germany was in under Hitler? Lebensraum required constant violent expansion to work and scapegoating the Jews for the defeat in WW1 and the subsequent stripping of rights was very public and there were a large number of attacks on them encouraged by the state.
And where's Spain in all this? The Civil War would be quite different if it had Trotsky fully supporting a revolution in another State instead of Stalin using it to try and keep Germany occupied while he built an alliance against them.
I swear to god autistic /pol/ and /hist/fags need to begone.
This is for a post-apoc setting
Guys in purplish and red robes, fight w/ knives and pistols, they breed strange beasts in their laboratories. Stuff like a flesh golem with a KS-23 shotgun and a sledgehammer, or just horrifying amalgations of flesh. They use dead enemies or even living ones to stitch onto their freaky frankenstein creations. They get pretty attached to them, though, and each fleshcrafter usually has his own creation that he poured hours into creating and caring for, so they get enraged when their inventions are killed. Their analogies and metaphors also have a lot to do with gore and anatomy, too, which tends to put off a lot of people. They are definitely on the twisted side. Their main motivation is more slaves to experiment on. They also will contract lower level groups of bandits and thugs to fight for them, on the condition they don't harvest (many) of them for flesh.
These guys are like super-religious mormons, names like Father Joshua and all that, dress like puritans. They think the apocalypse was a punishment from god and are determined to do better this time. They are pretty based but are also into some other fucked up christian cult practices (they aren't actually christian but whatever). I know this one makes me look like a fedora tipper but I just like the concept of religious zealots. They also hang adulterers and drug users and go on crusades to wipe out degenerates.
These guys are waiting for the return of their god. They believe people who die are being saved so they don't try to save their fellows, even a little girl who was being eaten alive by demon wolves. The characters got really pissed at this and shot their leader before running away. That said, this group's "god" actually does exist, and once they get ahold of the mystical waif girl accompanying the party, they may make contact with the beings from beyond.
>The Seeing Sisters
A bunch of soothsayers living in an old observatory in the mountains looking down on a lake. There are only about two dozen of them. They are psionists, not much in the way of a military force but they can do mind control and stuff. They mostly keep to themselves.
>The Marauders
Basically the saviors from walking dead, just a big organized group of bandits bent on conquest and enslavement. Some of their groups are under control of the flesh crafters. They have a shaky alliance that probably won't last long.
>makes a historical setting
> gets mad when someone talks about history
Not the user who posted the setting senpai. It's called fiction for a reason, sure a fulcrum of realism is needed, but not an autistic amount.
I'm sorry, but you need to work on Germany. What motivations do they even have?
No one cares about your autistic Fallout head-canon.
Germany went out of their way to come up with diplomatic solutions to reclaim pieces of their lost areas from Poland IRL. With the Russians chimping out, Poland also has to worry about them. So Poland will either give in to German demands and hope they are satisfied or resist and get buttfucked by both Germany and Russians, as they have a clear intent to tear a piece to themselves from any conflict going on. The western powers are bunkering down to cover their own asses.
The jews are still being stripped of their rights and deported, but large scale destruction and looting of their properties is not happening, with Germany claiming their lost land through diplomatic means, they can't afford the bad PR. Read: they are trying to balance the anti-semitism just right. Whether they succeed or not is up to the RNG.
Spain has a larger Soviet backing, but with most of Europe having a bad case of the red scare, so do the falangists. All in all it's still a huge shitshow, but with more backing from both sides. And with Trotsky trying to stick his dick in everyone's pie while trying to industrialize Russia, there's not enough resources to gain a major advantage.
I hope this appeases your autism. :^)
>Germany went out of their way to come up with diplomatic solutions to reclaim pieces of their lost areas from Poland IRL
false. Saying "If you give us Danzig and the corridor you will get parts of Ukraine in a coming war" is not going out of their way. It's nazis being nazis and the world not playing along with their games
It's not a head-canon if they are using direct quotes.
Its goatfuckers, trading caravans, and the shattered remnants of a notGreek colony vs manticores, notSythia, and a Buddhist death cult. Druggie witches and more than a couple flavors of necromancers probably won't leave you alone either. There's a bunch of assholes hiding behind walls and they all think their asshole tastes the best. Some might say the notDjinn/Ifrits and their acolytes are the worst, but the goatfuckers will tell you it's the manticores you really have to watch out for all along. Then again what do they know, they fuck goats.
What stops one of your players just shouting a name in the scarbrites building?