Infantry article is up

Infantry article is up

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>When you don't play, and only know one person who does, but don't even know who he plays against.
>Yet you still are reading on the game.

>Guardsmen can wound titans on a 6+
Seems legit. Genuinly no complaints there. Certainly a boost for my blocks of chaos boltermans.

It sounds perfect to me.

>JEW-W becoming cheaper with their prices of their plastic crack
8th edition golden age when?

I would have preferred stuff like a 7+ for absurd differences in S and T (like a lasgun vs a titan), but this system is definitely fine.

>Can fire at multiple different targets so you can use all your weapons at the most effective targets.
The only way this edition can get ANY better is if vehicles can move and fire all weapons at different targets without penalties

I suppose it makes sense that since armor is going to be a much bigger factor for unit survivability that they'd tune down SvT

I expect some kind of extra rule to cover that, but then again, give a titan enough wounds and this could actually work out.

A warlord had enough HPs in 30k [30 of the fuckers] can you imagine how many wounds in 8th!?

"Not a problem though, because in the new Warhammer 40,000, models in a squad can fire at different targets. So, this means your Tactical Squad can have your boys with bolters deal with that onrushing Hormagaunt horde, while the flamer bathes a nearby Lictor in prometheum fire, and the squad’s krak missile takes an opportunistic pop-shot at that onrushing Carnifex – just as you always imagined they should!"

SWEET JESUS YES. My vet gunline just got TERRIFYING


>500 shots
An infantry blob can shave a wound or two per round, but without special weapons they will all die before doing any meaningful damage to a titan.

Everything seems fine for now and making me consider getting back into 40k, but why did they have to leave random charge ranges in? It might be the factor that makes me drop the game in the end.

There's a reason you couldnt before: its gonna make the shooting phase complicated as fuck, especially for Tau battlesuits.

This edition guna be gud
meltaguns in tactical squads are actually going to have a fucking point

Eh, we did get variable move-stats, only need to get within an inch of the target, and then get a 3" pile-in to drag in nearby enemies. Gaunts are going to have a minimum M8, maybe higher. As-is assaulting is going to be much easier than in 7th.

>when you don't play, and don't know anyone that does
>yet you own 2 armies, are still collecting models and reading about the game


This actually is quite a change to the SvT table.

Let's use a lasgun, for example.

In 7 or below it would wound t3 on 4+, then t4 on 5+, and t5 on 6+ and on.

In 8e it will be wounding t3 on 4+ still, but t4 and t5 on 5+! Then t6 on 6+ and on.

This is big. I'm a Tau player (yeah I know) and I'm thinking about my pulse rifle is it's still S5. That means it will be wounding t6,7,8, and 9 on 5+!

On the other hand, it will only be wounding t4 and 3 on 3+

This means less 2+ wounding for my fire warriors, but a lot more 5+ wounding on most other things.

I like it

However this article told us very little about infantry and more about the wound table

yeah tau are the drawback to all of this. This is why I am playing 8th ed alost exclusively with activation rules instead of the traditional " Ok move alll your shit at once, now I move all my shit at once"

Target Lock was already a thing. It's just free for everyone now.

Well congratulations, the new edition will now make it incredibly easy to get someone to play with you using your other army.

You underestimate the size of my band. I play apoc footslogging chaos.

>"this suit is firing at your infantry, rolling"
>"this suit is firing at your vehicle, rolling"
>"this suit is firing at your flyer, rolling"

How is this complicated again?

>take a formation of three warlord titans
>a platoon of guardsman charges one, gets 50 melee attacks striking first that can wound anything on a 6
>overwatch with plasma blastgun, dealing 3d6 s8 Rend -3 hits each doing d3 wounds
>kill a dozen guardsmen, they lose another 12 from battleshock

He mans he's gong to have to use

>Fabius bile punches a titan they all die

Pretty sure IG is going to get the ability to use a commissar to blame one dude and prevent further battleshock losses.

1. ID is not a thing in 8th, so he cannot one-shot them
2. Formations don't exist and you can't squadron vehicles in 8th, so there is literally no way that they can die due to battleshock.

Thats been Tau for a long ass time

Could you (or someone else) lay down some math how elite infantry like, let's say, Terminators and Custodes, will be affected by those changes? I'm not sure if my reasoning is right, but they seem to be even more durable (and Termies got a second wound to boost too).

>Some quick maths tells us that we’d need over 500 bolters firing at that Gorkanaut to bring it down, whereas you’d need just over a dozen lascannons

If this logic continues.and we assume a multimelta does 2d6 wounds at -4 rend, we can work out the stats of a flyrant.

60 multimeltas score 10 hits, averaging 70 wounds of which 35 will go through (assuming it's T8).

It saves 6 wounds with a 2+ save modified to 6+, and still dies

Thus a flyrant in 8e is T8 2+ with 29 wounds.

>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
>T 20
>W 50
>SV 2+
>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
>I fail my save
>His weapon is Instant Death
>Remove Titan from the field
>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock

Oh boy 8th is looking good.

>can't squadron vehicles in 8th

Well, that's news to me, care to share your source on that?

Still not possible, except the wounding on a 6+ is a thing now. Still no formations, still not what narrative play is, still not how battleshock works, and still no ID in 8th. So yeah, no.

>His weapon is Instant Death
I wish would would grow a brain.

Instant death is no longer a thing you retard, because weapons have damage now.

This post made me realize that multi-melta spam may actually be viable.

smaugfags gonna get DESOLATED

>and we assume a multimelta does 2d6 wounds at -4 rend
that's a pretty big fuckin' assumption

Its turning into a meme at this point, despite them being clear ID is not a thing in 8th.

>assume a multimelta does 2d6 wounds at -4 rend
But that's stupid and I'm not gonna assume that.

So you're on Mars when tbis guys strolls up and slaps your titan legion dead.

Wat do

Not him but:
Against a lasgun, it's the same probability to wound, so a termie is twice as durable due to the added wounds.
Against anything not S:8, termies are 125 more durable per wound, or 250% more durable over all.
Against anything greater than or equal to S:8, they've increased durability by 200% due to extra wounds. Now this isn't factoring flat AP in 7th vs modular in 8th, just in terms of to wound, as everything is assumed to otherwise be on a BS:2+ model and the gun at ap:-

Conclude I've lost against Bile's Solo Black Crusade.

Yeah, but if you had a TL you couldnt take as many weapons.

It's full of stars.

Right, but Crisis Suits could only fire two weapons per suit per turn, so there wasn't a point in taking a third weapon. The downside of the Target Lock is that it edged you out of twin-linking, EWO or other useful hardpoint options, not a third weapon.

Not if hordes become the meta. An ork green tide would be the bane of your existance.

Although now crisis suits really can be battlefield swiss army knives instead of build-an-aspect-warrior workshop. Bring squads with every suit with a flamer, a plasmagun and a fusion blaster. Just march them up the table and have them do whatever needs doing.
The question is will this be able to beat the fabius bile meta?

So Elites are even more elite, but regular Infantry is balanced by getting a chance to wound anything on 6+ and by the rules making special weapons even more important, because vehicles have wounds now, and squads can now choose which model fires at what so they do not waste their firepower.

Sounds really fucking good.

All weapons be Gauss now! NOO! MY GIMICK!

Also it looks like you are moving even if you can't reach so you get at least something like second movement, albeit random.

Well this just helped my Skitarii out immensely against Tau S5 bullshit. On the other hand, my Kastelans can now be wounded by Guardsmen, which is a shame.

Radium Carbines also wounding T5 on a 5+ rather than a 6 is also a pretty big difference. I like it.

Now I just hope they won't fuck up Character rules and how strong Land Raiders and their irk will actually be in-game and not just on paper and 8e might just be the exact thing we needed.

This is certainly an option now. I still think that dedicated single-type suits are going to be common simply for being able to do the most damage to a given target instead of hoping to be within range of two different targets which are each appropriate to different weapons you brought. Also depends on how good our support systems are this time around.

Eh, they'll just make Gauss wound everything on 5+ now to compensate.

Necrons are certainly going to get a new gimmick for their main guns, right? Right?

>got a load of old marines I want to show some love to
>all with the old 3rd edition Tactical Flamer/Missile layout before GW made sprues with bloody loads of options on
>might actually be useful now, though probably get shat all over by Guillimarines

I am a constant cynic but this is actually interesting me. Won't be buying ten Centurions or Stormravens (?) or whatever GW want me to though.

A multimelta in SW:A does d6 Rend -4, what makes you think it'd be any more than that?

Fucking cuckhobbit

>Tau go from wounding guard and boyz on 2+ to 3+
>No longer ignore their 5+ saves
And to think I actually liked running infantry over suits

Most faction gimmicks are going to have to be redone, hence why they're updating everything at once and at least pretending to rebalance everything.

I guess it's time to buy some genestealer cultists to help out my otherwise CQC nids.

My previous post about multilasers yesterday was wrong, here is the updated version

Damn, this almost makes me want to play guard.

So there's a reason to actually have KMB's in Burna units?

Just so everyone is clear, this is a pasta.

Fabius does what Abbadon't.

Please update your pasta dude, Formations aren't a thing anymore.

So it becomes more complicated....because now everyone can be tau....ok.

Despite the fact that this is bait, I'm still going to illuminate all the things wrong with it for people who are just joining us and have no idea what the rules in 8th are:

>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
Formations no longer exist, and narrative games don't mean "unbalanced games where you can do whatever you want", that's Open games

>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
We don't know everything Wounds on a 6+, it could be like SWA where you need to roll a 6 and then the 6's need a second roll of 4+ or more to stick.

>His weapon is Instant Death
No longer a thing, weapons can deal multiple Wounds per hit or even Mortal Wounds which ignore saves and don't need to roll to Wound, but you'll never be removing a 10+ Wounds model in one hit with anything.

>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock
Not even remotely how battleshock works. Titans aren't going to be squadroned together and even if they were they're not going to have a Leadership lower than 7.


Except we DO know everything wounds on a 6+. That is what we learned today.

Earth Defense Force tactics are finally viable.

Killa kanz being squadrons since inception says you are wrong.

>that's a pretty big fuckin' assumption
For you

Do people actually believe this or is it just a meme?

2d6 seems unreasonable. I could see 1d6, though.

100% stale meme

As someone who has only read lore and is considering getting into 8th... How does this affect Orks and how viable are Orks in 8th from what we've seen so far?

>Not drowning enemy titans in men and flashlight
Away with you !

>gonna make the shooting phase complicated as fuck

How so? You declare your targets and then resolve shooting.

>I fire the lasguns on X
>now I fire those flamers on Y
>and then, I fire this pistol on Z

How complicated, right ?

> play eldar
> every unit has the same weapons except sergeants
> what are special weapons? splitfire? wtf?

It means throwing enough Boyz at a thing will eventually kill the thing, though it would be pretty inefficient to do such. The universal split fire rule is probably more useful, as you can shoot one target and then charge another. There is also now less incentive to do multiple small units, so you aren't penalized for running massive mobs.


Meltas will likely be 1D6 + X if in melta range.

I could see that working. Would we then have Melta X? Or just use a flat value for all meltas?

Who else will engulf the battlefield in a black tide?


When their 8th edition stats are released I want someone to roll out a simulated combat in this general between Fabius and 3 titans for fun.

>Any of the aspect Exarchs
>Weapon Platforms
>Encouraging mixing heavy weapon platforms
>Wraithknight has different weapons on model
user pls

Guardsmen are going to make a comeback this ed

So glad I am infantry heavy guard. 200+ infantry boy!

Now I just need to finish my orkz

>Chaos Renegades get a special weapon for every 5 guys

>Can fire at different targets now

>Cheap as fuck units, even cheaper than guardsmen if I don't take militia training

>Hopefully the demagogue rules for being able to put dead squads into reserves survive into 8th edition

I'm just going to flood the board with endless militia squads that dump plasma/melta shots on everything that moves

>if I ever played with anyone

I have a Vraks Chaos army and a Red Scorpions army. Someday I will coerce someone to play with me.

Same user, I've got 230 something Ork Boyz myself, I've been batch painting them as Bad Moonz, and it's killing me, but the Hype keeps me going

Never paint armour pure white, user. Base coat it with a slight off white or grey so you have somewhere to go for highlights.

user that white is painful.

We saw the problems in 7th edition
So we gave everyone Tau abilities
Because when everyone is Tau, no one will be.

I swear it looks better in person!

but yea I should probably consider darkening it a bit. Thinking I might use nuln and then go over it with white highlights

That HQs have different weapons are a given. Weapon platforms what, 1 per guardian unit? Which heavily outrange shuriken catapults anyway?

> wraithknight
> wraithlord
> infantry

For God-Emperor's sake don't darken white by slathering Nuln all over it. You'll get a fucking mess.

Uncle user's trick 4 smooth white
>Prime in Army Painter Uniform Gray
>Allow to dry
>Do a 50/50 mix of Uniform Gray and GW Pallid Wych Flesh
>Paint Pallid Wych Flesh
>Edge highlight pure white

>look at me I'm a special snowflake fag
No one cares about your house ruling.