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"can't think of anything witty for edition text" edition. All is lost, as usual.
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"can't think of anything witty for edition text" edition. All is lost, as usual.
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Mini cyoa. Choose wisely!
Pick one and what they are. You can become one of them, be the big sis/brother of one of them, and/or have a pure relationship with one of them.
Let's keep this thread nice and clean, boys. I don't want to see any shitposting, alright?
I need a moneymaking cyoa quick!
guy on the left looks like a humongous piece of shit brat, the others are friends with him so they're probably trash too
what's with the aliens?
that reminds me
I have a megacorp cyoa that I still need to finish
What's wrong with aliens?
>need money quick
Third from the left, and a tomboy little girl. I become said little girl, and have amazing adventures with my three friends. It's only when we reach high school do my three friends realise that Yes, I am indeed a girl.
Cue romantic/comedy drama. there will be close calls, fallouts and many mistakes, but in the end we will work it out and stay best friends.
They're not using their heat rays to purge the shitty anime characters.
>american health"care"
>user is a time traveler
They did. Now only cute boys are left.
>I don't want to see any shitposting, alright?
Then why did you make that post?
>reverse traps
>cute boys
Could you fuck off with the fujoshit and the armchair psychology guy?
There's a mystery box at the end of this one
>be the girl with a male harem
I'm glad to see your superior taste.
Of course, you don't have to open the mystery box but you really should
There's something eerie about that reaction image, isn't there? It has this powerful aura that draws you in. It shouldn't be abused though.
??? is clearly the patrician choice
Maie is best girl.
2nd mystery box for those who still aren't satisfied yet.
The only thing better would be to be the girl with a harem of monsterboys. Bonus points if they turn all human men into slaves.
It's been a longtime fetish of mine. I'd summon monsters/werewolves/etc. to Earth, have them dominate all human men, and become their Queen. They'd all be beautiful and perfect and humans couldn't compare. Maybe I should make it into a cyoa?
Typical bourgeois scum.
Lala is obviously best girl.
>Maybe I should make it into a cyoa?
How does anyone get 300000$ in hospital bills? You'd have to be hospitalized for decades in intensive care!
Test post. Please ignore.
Alright great. Since we got a referee, we can post best cyoa
>Size Class
Bestial - Centaur
Vitality, Physical, Agility, Charisma Prowess
Enchanted Armour and Weapon
Personal Guards
Average Bestial Centaur for Mooks and Elites
Large Bestial Centaur for Lieutenants
1x50 Servants
1x100 Peasants
1x50 Mages
3x50 Soldiers
1x10 Harem
1x10 Priests
1x10 Craftsmen*
3x10 Warriors
(4 free points from Perk): Warlord , Champion x2, Hunter
Oracle, Witch, Archmage
Large, Elemental - Gaia
>Minion Perks
Specialty: Speed
>Realm Perks
*I'm thinking gear made from like living enchanted wood and plants to keep in with the nature and regeneration theme
>"I expect to majority to fail or quit"
>doesn't buy exempt because clearly a NEET like him will be succesful after all his practice with the katana his mom bought him
If you don't buy exempt, you're clinically retarded.
Oh boy now someone's going to call you limp-wristed and we'll enter a fifty post spiel about how much some normalfags hate neets and then we'll talk about women.
I can't wait.
>Alright great. Since we got a referee, we can post best cyoa
Sounds wonderful, please post it after you are done with MH.
>Thinks any of that matters
user, I pick the first available option until i run out of points, then pick the hardest monsters because why not, and then I still rape everyone (both literally and figuratively) during the culling because fuck you, I do what i want.
>he's put this much thought into a second class cyoa
I feel bad for you.
CYOAs were a mistake
I'm glad this shit is free in my country.
what do you think ??? voice sounds like?
CYOAs are fine, it's just the autistic retards who play them that are the problem.
>Power of the Contract
Starts weak and while it might not be as powerful as the other three in their specifics tasks, you can probably imitate them pretty well.
At the beginning, I'm going to be spending lots of time approaching people and offering them a great deal, less people thinking that I'm some new kind of street preacher, better.
Not getting sick is pretty huge. And being able to heal others gives me something to trade that people really want.
Will eventually make negotiating a lot easier since I can just foresee how they will react to offers.
I thought about taking Tongues to help me make deals in other languages but then I figured that I can probably trade for someone's language skills after a while.
At this point I'm little worried about my safety. Other than foreseeing that I'm going to get mugged, my only defense against someone trying to bash my head in is trying to convince them to sign a contract.
Stone would seem like good deal then but I think any of the companions would trivially handle any moron on street. Door on other hand is great if someone I made a deal with isn't happy about it anymore.
Plus I can use it to travel around the world without having to bother with planes.
Friendo and maybe I can eventually meet her parents if I manage to get something worth trading to a dragon.
She's going to jam a tendril thro your ear canal and stimulate your brain directly.
The autistic retards that write them are also problematic.
Nah, only the waifuniggers and their enablers.
Friendly Hunter build
+20 Tribute Points
Physical- Tempered, Willpower, Enhanced, Toughness, Flurry, Sixth Sense, Martial Arts, Athletics
Spiritual- One with Nature, Monster Within, Fleet Footed, Posions, Bindings, Killer Instinct, Bloodlust
Weaponry- Bladed Arms, Marksmanship, Stamina
Ethereal- Pocketing, Indomitable
Sunken Caves (+50)
Ancient Ruins (+50)
>Resources (120)
Forge, Library, Alchemy, Market, Bar (80)
Hot Springs, Scavenging, Healing, Club (55)
Middle Class home (25)
Servant (Strange) with Appearance, Knowledge, and Personality (0)
>Final Stats
Strength- 6
Defense- 5
Agility- 9
Intelligence- 2
Skill- 5
Can someone post the Autistic cyoa?
oi fock off from me waifus, just don't read /r9k/ posts and enjoy the waifus in peace
>Accept, mortal, and i will grant you power beyond your wildest imagination.
I'm cool thx
>implying /r9k/ aren't the biggest waifufaggots
No, they honestly arent.
>either photoshop, or installing cyoa maker that has a lot of steps
Speaking of, another slight update on military hardware as girls cyoa, Tell me if its interesting, or whatever.
Yes, they honestly are.
/r9k/ posters know that someone has masturbated to their anime waifu, thus cucking them and making them a beta provider.
>disliking things because retards like them
why do you care
Sounds stupid as fuck. Alternatively, a military-hardware powers cyoa would be very cool.
Which authors are to blame for the waifublight that haunts us?
Not their fault that waifu cyoas are popular
The readers for replying and reposting waifushit.
The ones who make nothing but "pick one imaginary girlfriend from this list" and each player who demands waifus in any new cyoa as default or who cries for a cyoa made to cater to their specific fetish.
Also anime.
Talking from experience? Only the biggest betas on the internet would engage in the delusions of waifufaggotry, and as far as I know /r9k/ still holds that title.
Nice strawman. I'm just tired of 8/10 cyoas being waifushit. I want more cool powers, horror/fantasy adventures, more new and clever stuff that isn't all oriented towards imaginary companions for lonely, thirsty betas.
>more waifushit
I like waifus but only when the CYOA has other things going on around it. I don't want to just pick a girl and fuck her, I want to go on adventures and shit.
This. It's not the waifus per se, it's CYOAs that revolve around them instead of being just an option.
>Talking from experience?
Not him, but why do you feel the need to be such a fucking asshole? Why can't you try the tiniest bit to have an ounce of civility?
Your tears are delicious, beta male.
Second page?
>I called someone a beta so that makes my whiny bitch behavior somehow better
At least try to put effort in your insult user, or better yet stop being such a cunt.
I can't figure out if your autism is overflowing or if you are trying to bait people into posting waifus so have this instead.
I has a wonderful waifu.
>being an alpha/beta faggot
>complaining about /r9k/
Let me guess, you think you are better than them for all the bad reasons?
It's unsurprising how often those having such a hardboner against muh /r9k/ are exactly like them except they are or at least imagine that they are the "alphas".
You don't get it, robots are despisable because of how annoying they are, you are not better by being some reverse-robot obsessed by betas and feeling the right to be an annoying piece of shit because of how alpha you are.
There are a lot of people like you here than acual robots, do you even realize that?
Man that's retarded and has nothing to do with free healthcare.
I have private insurance and use private healthcare in my country and shit would be waaaay cheaper than that.
Let me guess: you have a bunch of regulations as well as shitty and corrupted relations between hospitals and insurance providers. Hmm did I guess right?
>I'm just tired of 8/10 cyoas being waifushit. I want more cool powers
There is more waifu cyoas because they offer more variety. Most power cyoas are just the same shit in a different layout. The same applies to waifu builders which is why I ignore those too.
>s-stop hurting my feelings
Top kek you're the one bitching about my choice of words instead of refuting my argument.
>waifunigger so anally anihilated he starts spamming his garbage out of spite
Good thing we have a trashcan.
Sure because ad hominem at all those disagreeing with you is an argument.
No self-awareness at all.
Really? I always thought it was the autistic retards that read them and make builds.
You're either too young to be using Veeky Forums, too old too this retard, or you're the kind of faggot who thinks getting replies by pretending to be retarded makes him a "1773 troll"
Finally done.
People are already making conduit fanworlds? Is it out yet?
are you ready
Garbage in, garbage out. Even if it isn't an autistic retard reading it, whatever they write will end up as shit because what the authors wrote was shit.
>The authors are autists
>The readers are autists
>The thread is autist
I suggest to rename CYOA threads to autism threads
Lyleth still the best choice.
Goddammit Anons. I specifically asked for no shitposting.
That's it. All of you are disqualified. Red card!
I should read these again some time they're really good and Chastity got my dick hard when I read her.
You are too much /pol/ to not be /r9k/ in denial, polshitters are always /r9k/ with attitude, sorry this is the truth and if you dare to answer to me then I will drink your /pol/cuck tears.
I've got the first page of my Not!Ace Combat cyoa done. Before I go any deeper I want to know what people would prefer, a plane building aspect or simply picking prefab? If I do building I might include a prefab for people not interested in doing all the work to build something, but if I do ship-building everyone will get 1 plane, while if I did full pre-fab you'd have a money system instead that would allow you to buy multiple.
Eh, Aezureah ftw.
Cuddling and games, what more do you really need in life?