Stat me, Veeky Forums

Stat me, Veeky Forums.

And you best do it right boy or I will eat you.

-10 HP

Best Character in the movie, it almost seemed like he was the main character

Female Bard
Unique Item - Parasol of Flight
Greater Bag of Holding
Good Quality Clothing (Dress)
+10 Perform (Sing)
+10 Diplomacy

sensible chuckle



He sounds like a cool guy.



Is that a Mary Poppins joke? I haven't watched Guardians of the Galaxy, so explain to me how it relates to the character in OP pic.

Well, he looks like Mary Poppins, see.


Watch the fucking movie


Type: Veteran, Partner
Powers: Twisted Love, Invincible
Qualities: Cyborg, Wanted
Weapon: Arrow-thing
Root: Family

Athletics 4
Affection 5
Cunning 7
Skill 4
Luck 2
Will 9

>Weapon: fuckin' awesome Arrow-thing


Cool as the space actually

what system is this?


MAID, that is a Butler stat block

real talk that arrow was broken as fuck


Probably had most satisfying arc.


Five star post user.


U cheeky cunt.

how would you stat that thing

>basically never misses
>has a shit-ton of armour penetration
>can attack multiple targets in quick succession
>can ignite on fire
broken as all hell

The after-credits scene with the crewmember trying to control it makes me think Yondu was just highly skilled with the arrow, not that it never misses. He was just a high-level character

That's the thing, Yondu probably got it from finishing his last campaign. Now he's just an NPC for a new set of PCs.

It seems basically like a sword. All skill dependent

The whole room erupted at that part, he was honestly a pretty cool character and I hope we get a tough love father son comedy prequel at some point

He was an amazing whistler who had tons of experience with it. Also he knew the real way to control it.

I think of it more like a screen-clearing power.

Eh not really. It's basically a super strong dancing sword.

The penetration and different damage types aren't that hard to balance. I think the most over powered thing is the range and how it doesn't ever need to return to you.

He does need to be able to see where it is though.


The arrow.

Not necessairly, he calls it to himself on the ship after it's taken away. He seems to need to know where it is in relation to himself, but he doesn't actually need line of sight on it.


The arrow.

He can direct it without seeing it but cannot see how to direct it without seeing. He doesn't start the rape train until he gets to the room with all the security cameras. Calling it back to him is about the only thing that wouldn't need sight.

That would be spoilers.

This is because Gunn is a fan of Stan Lee's original '70s Guardians of the Galaxy, which Yondu was a member of. He only used the Abnett Guardians because Marvel made him.

And now he's made them a ton of money, so baby can have his bottle. But without Yondu.

WS5 BS5 S3 T3 W3 I3 A2 Ld9 Sv5+
Feels no pain 5+, Independent Character
I'm mary poppins Y'all
once per game, yondu may count as jumpjet infantry

Yondu's Arrow
range 24'' S4 AP2, assault 2d6, precision shot, ignores cover

Yondu's Arrow always makes snap shots at full BS
on a roll of 6 on penetration roll against vehicles , Yondu's Arrow strikes through a weakpoint in its armor or carapace, striking its driver, brain, primary processor, etc, the attack counts as S:D

Which is also why he had Stakar and all them have a reunion at the end of the movie.

I desperately want the start of the next movie to be the old & experienced Ravagers running a heist at the same time / against the current guardians.

Also: Miley Cyrus is a surprisingly cute robot voice, and that snake guy was *mostly* practical.

And, yeah, i want to see Charlie 23 throw down with Drax, and Groot fight Martinex...


>everything about that mutiny vengeance scene

>Stan Lee's original '70s Guardians of the Galaxy
They were created by Drake and Colan and were only really good under Wein and Milgram.

>tfw when Yondu had a heart to heart with Rocket Raccoon of all fucking people/trashpandas

The MCU version of Yondu seemed to be implied to be Kree (he's blue, he was sold as a Kree battle slave as a child, he has pretty good durability considering he walked off a space ship crash in 1 and being crushed by that light tentacle in 2).

Basically, high dex, high con humanoid with a finesse weapon with exploding criticals on top of criting on a 18-20.

hehey, nice

pic oh so very fucking related.

honestly I wasn't expecting to come out of the theatre actually feeling emotional during a major Marvel movie, but Gunn really got me with that ending.

Micheal Rooker, who played Yondu, is a great actor and it was great to see him get a chance to shine as strong, yet vulnerable.

hell, everyone got a chance to show some vulnerability. I was expecting the Peter Quill show throughout, but honestly most of Pratt's best work came in his interactions with Rooker. The sisters weren't half bad, Bautista was both funny and showed some excellent forlornness when interacting with Mantis and Rocket actually got a reason for being a fucking idiot at the beginning of the film.

>mfw Yondu and Rocket strolling down the walkway, bodies raining down all around
And Tazerface's death.

>Rocket actually got a reason for being a fucking idiot at the beginning of the film.

Rocket has had the reason all along man. He literally says it the first time he and Quill have a conversation.

>"Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me."

Poor trash panda never had anything in the whole world, and doesn't know how to transition into actually having people that he cares about/care about him.

Yeah, this was definitely a character-driven side story rather than building towards Infinity War, but it was so beautiful how just everyone got a character arc.
And Bautista's laughter was fantastically infective.

honestly the short scene of the mutiny was both terrifying and gut-wrenching, what with the slow death of that loyalist guy in the vacuum, followed by that left pan showing how many they had already murdered

I recognize that, but it still doesn't explain the battery bullshit. Multiple warnings from the rest of the team, and he still decided to steal them.

I recognize he was going through some emotional peaks and troughs at the beginning, but as a guy who likes to try to run even his DnD parties as a close-knit unit, it brushed me the wrong way

"It's beautiful."
"So are you. On the inside."

fucking keked

>"Mantis! Watch Out!" was probably my favorite moment in the whole movie. Well, maybe after Mary Poppins.

mary poppins was amazing, but man was Pac-Man vs. Kurt Russel a great visual gag


Just finished watching this. He was honestly my favorite character in the movie, and most badass too.
I hope they do something cool with that loyalist crew member now that he's in possession of Yondu's arrow and fin.

The part where he was reminiscing about his daughter and mantis did her thing was just too good.

HC: Ravager Captain
Trouble: Castaway Outlaw
A1: I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain't one.
A2: Whislin' Shootin'
A3: I'm Mary Poppin's Y'all

+5 Shoot
+4 Pilot, Notice
+3 Physic, Resources, Provoke
+2 Athletics, lore, Contacts, deceive
+1 Stealth, will, fight, Burglary, Empathy

Called Shot
Quick Draw
Uncanny Accuracy
Armor of fear
Always a way out

it's not that the arrow is OP (though it is pretty strong), its that Yondu is just that good with it.

bautista just needs to work on his more minute facial emoting aspects (he's a little broad and generic in his facial emotes and could use a touch more subtlety, in my uneducated opinion) and he'll be competing against the Rock for "best wrestler-turned-actor"

>(he's a little broad and generic in his facial emotes and could use a touch more subtlety, in my uneducated opinion)
I think that's due to the character he's playing. Drax is the epitome of unsubtle.

I was just struck at how fuckin pretty the whole film was, went off to work the day after and it was all I could do not to quiz staff going "Were you on GotG2? Good fuckin work man!"
But also
"He may have been your father, boy, but he weren't your daddy."

Do it yourself you useless piece of shit.

Honestly I was going to stat him on mutants and masterminds but I'm too lazy, so here are some cues for posterity

PL 15 so you can fit the arrow and certain skills. He should otherwise be built as a PL 8 character.
He should have maxed Presence. On the advantages front Connected, Daze (Intimidation), Improved Initiative 2, Takedown 3, Well-Informed and Galactic Reputation 2 from the Cosmic Handbook, to represent him being a very notorious criminal who wouldn't be allowed in any decent planet.

The arrow is some horrendous bullshit like, say, Perception Range Penetrating Damage 15, Quirk: Needs to be directed by whistling. Those guys he kills via the arrow passing right through them? All very low PL minions getting instakilled by the arrow, which follows through with Takedown. The flame/explosion thing was a Power Stunt.

Also some points on Intimidation, Deception and Streetwise

Yeah but Rocket fixed it.

nicely done

a spinoff movie of his time as a cree battle slave would be interesting

>but he weren't your daddy
>everything that followed
I actually cried.


So are Stakar and the original gang getting a movie?

He's the directors brother. So probably.

Agreed, but WS6.
He stands still and slaughters units.
Fuck balance with that arrow.

Even though he's the directors brother, he's still amazing.

He's also the one who physically played Rocket and voiced his lines with the other cast members. Apparently he sounds a lot like Rocket.

what are the actual effects of the two powers?

24" seem a bit too much to me... perhaps 18" would be more fitting.

>and he'll be competing against the Rock for "best wrestler-turned-actor"

I have to say, I already like Bautista more.
We'll see how he handles himself after gotg, but for now I'm really impressed.

I've loved him since Gilmore Girls don't judge me, so the more he gets to do the happier I'll be.

Why is tg so much better than every other board.
>Go on TV to talk about guardians 2. Capeshit get out reeeee.
>See shitposting yondu thread on tg. Actual discussion of movie

>muh quips
>muh capes
>People pretending they're above the jokes

It's fuckin' abhorrent mate.

It is rather broken but Also, if the idiotic ravagers would just have started SHOOTING when the arrow starts to fly at least SOMEONE would have at least hit Yondu.

In the movie mostly they just stand still and wait to be killed with the arrow - what was very stupid looking when I saw it.

the arrow is shown travelling in normal speed, while the bodies drop in slow mo, implying the arrow is wicked fast

combine with the surprise factor and the attack would be incredibly difficult to stop in the right hands

As a /tv/ poster who enjoys lurking Veeky Forums, it's because /tv/ is full of autists obsessed with Snyder's pretentious DC movies and lose their shit when somebody brings up a marvel movie in any context.

Fuck 'em, any scene with Yondu in this movie was pure kino.

too soon

>DC movies

I don't even want to think of DC's movies right now. Me and my buddy got the trailer for the new WW movie tonight at the Guardians showing and it's really just sad how terrible it looked in comparison.

>style out the nose
>sense of humor
>colors other than orange and gray
>costumes that don't suck
>costumes that aren't obviously plastic

Wonder Woman:
>one or two mediocre jokes in the trailer
>subtlety of a Khornate hopped up on methamphetamine with none of GoG2's self awareness
>bland visuals
>can't even keep a consistent London accent in the London sections
>only colors are orange and gray
>stunts look like they were done on wire rigs from the 80s
>wardrobe just patently sucked

I don't even particularly like Wonder Woman but seeing it right next to Guardians made for a very start contrast.

In comics Yondu is an archer and is able to change the direction of his arrows with a frequency he makes by whistling

This Yondu and comic Yondu are pretty different both physically and personality wise but for name, skin color and gimmick

>tfw Micheal Rooker, of everybody, made you shed a tear

They're like the average group I had been, srly

Well hell, I had always assumed it was a play on a Vajra and the blue skin a nod towards other Hindu depictions.
Reading to much into it I guess.

Wonder Woman's plot has been leaked, and they literally took the second half of the first Captain America and smushed it together with some Wonder Woman mythos.

On one hand the faster the DCEU crashes and burns and WB does a full reboot the better...

But on the other hand, this is just going to prove all the producers who were scared to risk a Wonder Woman solo film "right" and we'll probably never going to see her done justice.

They need to learn that people go to superhero movies for fun, for escapism. We don't need them to constantly tell us how shitty everything is, the reason why characters like Superman are so timeless in the first place is that they're genuinely good people doing whatever they can to make things better, even if it isn't always enough. Even as dark as Nolan's trilogy could be, there was always a message of hope built in that wasn't totally obscured.

"I'm going to make some weird shit." So many great scenes and call-backs.

I mean, the joke has already been slaughtered and is not plot relevant out of context.

Yondu uses his arrow to "Glide" by holding onto it, Peter says he looks like Mary Poppins. Yondu asked if he was cool and then shouts "Hey I'm Mary Poppins Y'all!"

It probably still is

>mfw I realize what the flowers planted by Ego really was meant for a couple of minutes before it was revealed
Much better than the first movie, but that could be because I had lower expectations for Vol 2 after being hyped up for 1.

I suppose you're not familiar with comics, in that case, because I'm pretty sure anyone who had even an idea of who Ego was would have understood it immediately

>genuinly loved the first movie
>shed a manly tear at the second movie
>just know its going to become baitfodder for capeshit autism screech
>this thread

I fuckin' love you guys