What is best in life Veeky Forums?
What is best in life Veeky Forums?
We need more insect gals
>what is best in life
You take the moth and you turn them into the mother
as a meme tits.
not as a meme, a solid job that follows to one's humours. A reasonable scheduled that allows one to indulge in their interests reasonably and perhaps even maintain a family.
in otherwords, being moderately middle class and functional as a human being
Crush Moth Pussy. See them drilled before you. Hear the Orgasmic moans of the women.
chocolate chip cookies and milk
You're moth waifu has already been claimed.
I prefer oatmeal raisin/craisin
nigger read a book
Newfag pls go
Porn, everywhere
Here, I completed your image for you.
Depends on the setting.
The Power Cosmic.
Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Made me chuckle.
>Godzilla is a fucking monster
>Mothra is a """""""good looking woman""""""
Why do these faggots do this and it isn't like the artists are women. These faggots self insert themselves as shitty monsters or they just wanna get cucked by godzilla.
>Implying women don't want to be impaled by God's cod
the fuck are you on about
You know, what happened that to Bug World setting Veeky Forums was working on way back? I thought it was pretty good.
Luckily I had someone else as my moth waifu.
Best girl.
>Why do these faggots do this and it isn't like the artists are women
Generally the artist does it because they're being paid to.
Best bug?
Generally the artist does it because its either sexy to them or its artistically pleasing to them.
Talk to artists outside of commission threads. Still, my point stands either way, just change a word.
It looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws - it's not.
Mothfolk are one of the custom races in my setting, just because I saw this image and thought they were a neat idea.
Where can I find more of this?
Perry miniatures.
There's two moth hentai out there. One is literal cuckoldry, and the other is ShindoL-tier sad.
Oh please, like I give a damn about story behind theses things
10/10 user
In recognition of your achievement I will now start mothposting
What kind of faggot doesn't get off to the narrative? Are you sure you're on the right board boyo?
actually, somebody DID complete the image
Enemies, driving, women
Where's the lunar moth pics at, user?
Aaaaand I'm tapped out
This has been fun, good night y'all
A person who like tits
But what is tits without the story behind them? Do you like Michael Bay films user? Is that who you are? Someone who condones Bay films?
Jokes on you you overly complicated nerd, I don't a give about Bay Films. Like how I don't give a shit about what's story is in a porn.
>in otherwords, being moderately middle class and functional as a human being
I'll drink to that. here's to rising out of poverty and not being overly stressed!
needs a Mothester who is molesting the moth.
>Not watching Porn for the story.
Gay. I bet you don't even have the class to appreciate the nuances of the D&D Lesbian Video on the Hub.
Nope, I go right to the massage/tantric porn
Nothing but grabbing and feeling and as little as talking as possible
To stand on the open steppe with the wind in your hair.
To watch the crows fly.
Comet moth is superior.
Also I 6
I'm sorry for you user.
They tend to have really good and soothing background music.
No lie, I've ripped the sound data from like a dozen lesbian massage porn vids for sleeping soundtrack.
Fuck yeah they do, just soooo good.
For what? Thinking you're the greatest? Yes thank you for that clearing up for us.
How does one narrow down a search for moths on the Panda, exactly?
All I'm getting is stuff relating to 'mother', which is good, but different.
All for research.
there's one thats the spirit of a boys dead mother fucking him as an adult
That one was good.
That right there.
Fuck that shit in particular.
>listen here you little shit
>back in my day we ate mothballed coats for breakfast
>and you sure didn't see us complaining about it either!
nigga what
>That filename
I fucking love moths
I still don't get why he was so scared of her. She didn't really seem to do anything except for fuck him.
I love fucking moths
and killing and/or fucking what you discover.
So would moth people be as stupid as their smaller counterparts?
Cause let's be honest, moths are pretty fucking stupid.
I love moths fucking
To topple the strong,
to devour the week,
to become the power.
are you sure of this
This picture helped inspire my setting as well
>Among moth people, females are larger and plainer while males are somewhat smaller and have brighter colors, more striking patterns, and general floofiness to attract mates
>Due to developing in isolation to the other races and having different sexual dimorphism and reproduction cycles, and using purely nonverbal communication, early contact with other races is spotty and misunderstandings frequent
>Nobles race to acquire fashionable exotic servants, dressing up the small, fluffy, bright and pretty slaves as maids in their service
>Even after some time, nobody really cares to right this between slavers not caring about the opinions of their charges and indentured moths not caring nearly as much about that as their place in society in general, especially if it gets them treated better
so you magical realm'd yourself a race of moth reverse trap twink maids.
Reverse trap best trap tho
>reverse trap twink maid moths
nice tongue twister
incidentally moths have long agile tongues
>long agile tongues
it is now canon that rich ladies buy mothboy maids to look good and be good.
This is all I want.
Didn't she kill his parents or something? And get him stuck in some weird ass time loop?
>Late at night
>Browsing phone
>Here faint fluttering
>Something lands on my shoulder
>In a panic end up punching the shit out of myself
>Get up and run to the bathroom
>Fist and shoulder covered in moth bits
>Wake up with huge bruise
God damn moths
>timeloop of infinite sex with a cute mothgirl
Still not seeing the issue.
oh baby
To deflower moth-maidens.
See the contours of their pregnant bodies grow curvier.
Enjoy the soft flesh of their fertile, feminine shapes.
Hear, hear! I can't believe I get paid to do my job, and I get to drink, paint minis, write, play trivia, and play D&D in my ample spare time! What more can a man ask?