Magic: The Gathering Modern General (Competitive Discussion)

This thread is for the competitive discussion of the modern format. Kitchen table discussion is not welcome, but they don't read OPs anyway. For reference the average deck will run you anywhere from $400-$2000.

>Metagame thoughts?



Weekly Modern Metagame:

Other urls found in this thread:

the more dollar signs the less kitchen top babies right

if mill is bad, then good decks are fuckin like 900~$

I just want a fun deck that doesn't bust my fucking balls and fun to play

there are plenty of decks that are under $900 that are fine to play.

Burn is ~600
Skred is 300-400
Titanshift is 600
Affinity is ~600
Storm and dredge are both ~500
Merfolk is 500

I can go too, those links in the OP aren't just for show you should try using them.

>This thread is for the competitive discussion of the modern format. Kitchen table discussion is not welcome, but they don't read OPs anyway.

Man, we didn't get THAT much kitchen table shitposting before. All this really accomplishes is now we get a whole other breed of shitposting which is a whole lot more toxic and pretentious

>post about any deck
>this is $$$$$$$$ COMPETITIVE $$$$$$$$ general, fuck off

What's the most explosive and consistent deck you can reasonably put together? I was watching the videos for Turn Two Tokens and sort of fell in love with the deck:

8Whack seems like the leap that makes it more consistent and slightly slower, but is it possible to make the deck even faster without having to mulligan to five every game?

there needs to be a general for casual modern discussion and competitive discussion, but there's be good way to maintain. we had a kitchen top general a few days ago that went fine, something like that, but geared towards casual modern play/budget modern.

Well before it was
>how do I make my [pile of shit] more competitive? I don't expect to win a GP but i'd like a chance at CNN!
>what do you mean add a play set of coco/aether vial/[expensive staple]
>fucking net deckers holy shit I just want to play modern without spending a fucking fortune this place is awful modern sucks WAAAAAAAH

If the dollar signs keep those people out, I'm fine with ironic shitposting taking it's place

Fucking new phone hasn't learned my slang yet. FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM

Waifu edition?
Whos your MtG waifu?
Mines Swiftspear

Skred is 300

Is Merfolk actually actually a deck or is it just the same as earlier in the format where it looked like a deck but then just drew islands all game and did nothing?

I think you mean
>post about any shitbrew
>this is $$$$$$$$ COMPETITIVE $$$$$$$$ general, fuck off

And nothing of value was lost. These people just need to learn to make a kitchen table/casual thread and realize that most of the time they're posting their stuff in the wrong thread

Modern is shit.

It's a meme you dip

It's decent right now because it can attack a manabase easily enough which is good right now and it's also fairly redundant too.

merfolk is a fine consistent deck. in order to fix your draws you can run thassa, which a good part of the time is also a 5/5 indestructible creature, also you draw a lot of cards with silvergil adept and spreading seas

Go play something else?

I like Magic though.

Kill yourself

I meant a different format

you know I made a modern budget deck, and I got my ass kicked, granted, I did well sometimes going 2-3 but their cards were better, I didn't play perfectly so that isn't a blanket excuse.. but it is what it is.

I just can't force myself to just dump $400 on something that fluctuates so wildly in price, and the possibility that it may be banned or a piece is banned and is no longer viable.

I think, perhaps, your comment was uncalled for.

Fuck off you sensitive bitch

It doesn't fluctuate in price "wildly" you only see price changes when something gets reprinted (lol) or banned. Just don't invest into something that's likely to be banned based on previous B&R announcements or build something that can be easily made into another deck.

Storm is bad now that Probe is banned. It went from Tier 3 to Tier 8.

Thoughts on Kithkin in modern?

I was really apprehensive about buying into competitive magic too, but once I took the plunge I didn't regret it. Just try one of the popular sub-1k decks and see what you think. Outside of 3 color good stuff piles modern is relatively cheap at the moment.

UR storm is literally tier 1 you fucking caveman

Nice meme retard, BaralGifts storm is actually a decent deck right now.

I'm honestly surprised the deck is still alive after this many bannings

You're a subhuman Mongoloid if this is funny to you

>the no friends that play magic to meme with
Are you guys my friends?

wow. i love that art. makes me feel bad i dont run elspeth in knightfall

RIP Infect.

I don't support this price situation. It's pretty much terrible.

That being said, WR Burn will never ever go down in price. Even if they reprint the cards it still won't go down in the long-run. Even if they ban cards the cost to replace what you have is minor compared to any other deck. You'll drop a match because you don't have G but who gives a fuck.

$25 Goblin Guides now the lowest it's ever going to be. I used to get them for a dollar but this card is more or less Tarmogoyf in all ways but the actual price.

tier 1

I actually have 12 goblin guides, didn't know they were valuable.

>storm is tier 1
I mean, I've known it for a while, I just still can't believe. Why won't that deck just fucking die and stay dead?

I play Skred
I don't consider the deck an "investment," but Blood Moon, Snow-Covered basics, etc will only go up in price

Plus I got Blood Moons when they were low

Why is chandra, TOD so expensive...

Is xmage available for Android devices?

Rocking this, thoughts?

All Xmage needs to run is Java so I guess it hypothetically could, but if you are gonna play Xmage on your phone you're a fucking jackass.

would a jace unban be enough to pull blue out of its rut?

Looks like Jund to me. I do like the Thundermaw in the side, being able to wipe a board of Lingering Souls and smash for 5 is good. Doesnt die to Bolt or Push either.

I love memes

but not pixels it would seem

It feels super strong right now. Good in the mirror, against Death's Shadow who brings in souls against us, just a solid card and top end.

guys, I am building my UW control slowly and this is how the deck is looking now

should i change the serum visions for 4x think twice for card advantage?
also, I need help on sideboard

>looks like straight up ass

phone cameras were a mistake

Is skred even worth it in this current meta? I was going through some cards and came across my playset of skred but fuck me trying to find enough snow mountains.

I'm just shit at taking pictures. This should be better.

Still looks like complete ass.

I'd personally run more Kcommand but I don't know what your meta looks like so maybe that's not a great call. Also I feel like going either huntasmter or kalitas is better than the split imo. If you're going to run Cleetus you might want to run some more cards to squeeze value out of him like Slaughter pact and seal of fire.

All in all solid jund list though, sideboard looks spicy as well.

What potato are you taking this with? Not even my phone camera looks that bad

Nothing I can do about it my guy.
Bogles does good work in my meta.
Only 1 jund player and no combo decks.

No, because Jace would just get splashed into non-blue decks and break the format.

Which decks would that be

This is what anti-jace posters actually believe.

They should at least let us play with Jace and see if he's actually harmful to the format instead of "lol cawblade was 2stronk"


This man understand the threat of four-color Burn.

The fuck do I do against azban with eldrazi and taxes? I got shat on hard today.

Play a real deck

>should be better
and yet still isn't

>All Xmage needs to run is Java so I guess it hypothetically could

if youre gonna jailbreak your phone, download a java emulator, and fail to emulate clicks on cards the size of a pea

Play Bushwhacker zoo is the only actually consistent deck of the type now since the revolt cards came out

make way for purest waifu, spellslut. i bet you pump for any old spell, don't you, you filthy creature?

Cut the Eldrazi and tax them more. With the eldrazi version your deck is reliant on powerful but inconsistent synergies and you will continually get shat on by most matchups unless you get nut synergies 24/7

which version of abzan, and post your E&T list? i may just be the guy that can help you.

Best girl coming through

It is a real deck. What is with the hostility against that archetype?

Been having fun trying out modern with this. Tweaking with different cards and trying different things. Rocking two Hazes and a single Empty the Warrens, really helps with all the zero drops and rits. Need some blood moons for that ez modu victory.

How do you feel about Signal Pests as half-whacks? They seem to do decent if you can go wide enough and they act as a target for Kuldotha Rebirth. I've also been looking at Devastating Summons as an option in case of mana flood.

Hey i got a quick question to the people who play Affinity or Dredge: Who do you think has the better match up?
I read everywhere online that its the worst match up for the Affinity side; but when it comes to playing it out in real life; i have barely lost a round, let alone lose a game against dredge.
Mind that I see very little dredge so it could be the player; but I feel that affinity just wins the race faster and harder against dredge.

I think it was basically this list
Pic related for my list.
The banishing light, o-ring, and dismember are basically filler slots that I need to replace with either surgicals, fatal pushes, or other sideboard material, and I don't want to spend money to get sideboard material that won't see use.

no but there's always mtgo

it's cheaper too

they are a solid alternative to pacts and can be more useful sometimes, but having those zero drops helps bursting alot. i like Haze because i have somewhere to dump mana and all these storm triggers.

Signal pests are pretty good in just regular old 8 whack goblins. I run 3 main board, it's actually one of two cards turn one that can set up a turn 2 kill, the other being foundry st denizen, combined with 4 BTEs and a surge whacker.

I didn't play dredge for long and never ran into afinity while I did but I'll give it a shot

Pre board the key card is conflagrate, if you have it, you can try to ping the affinity's player 1/1 or 0/2 to death to slow him down

Post board, gnaw to the bones reset our life total, which seems strong versus afinity
That plus regular artifact hate

When she thinks she can win the game even though you're controlling a Gideon permanent

I will say from the affinity side, conflagrate is a real card and darkblast can sometimes hurt like a bitch; but i feel archbound should solve those problems.
Haven't had someone run gnaw to the bones yet but that does sound like the right game plan.

it has to be a planeswalker, not any gideon permanent

B-but Delver...

These are dark times.

why is this guy in a lot of white weenies lists lately?
It looks like a terrible card

>splashed in non-blue decks
>splashing the 4cmc that needs UU to play

Everyone I talk to that's against Jace unban is literally this stupid

Can we add "Unban Jace" to the expanding consciousness picture?

No lantern? I win super consistently against everything that isn't eldrazi Tron and burn...

where are you seeing these white weenies lists?

>guys we can't unban Bitterblossom it'll get splashed into every deck and break the format!
>guys we can't unban Wild Nacatl it'll get splashed into every deck and break the format!
>guys we can't unban Sword of the Meek it'll get splashed into every deck and break the format!
>guys we can't unban Ancestral Vision it'll get splashed into every deck and break the format!
>(you are here)

Did you mean to post Thraben inspector? Because I agree it's a terrible card. Akrasan squire,judge's familiar, drayd militant and loyal sentry are miles better. Craig wescoe and those goons at mtgslavation can suck my left nut if they think I'll run that shit.

Explain exactly how Jace will be healthy for the format.

>Jacecucks are this retarded

It'll give blue the late game control it needs to compete.

I play it too and it's just not being played right now. It's not like it's a popular deck and I'm pretty sure most people are aware of it's power level considering it's taken down 2 GP's and placed in other tournaments as well.

also BGx/Shadow and Tron aren't the greatest of matchups so there is that.

That's what fags use parrot before those cards respective unbannings and they haven't done shit.

>A single card is going to make an unplayable archtype competitive
>Implying it won't just make decks that already splash blue even more degenerate

Because there is no successful Blue control archetype currently and giving them a relevent threat to protect would allow them to exist

>b-but it would be OP r-remember cawblade?????

Decks are so fast that I don't feel Jace would be a problem. It'd be tough to jam it comfortably on turn 4 in a world that is full of Eldrazi, Death's Shadow, Dredge, Storm and robots.

Feel free to explain why it wouldn't be healthy for the format and why they shouldn't even try it. You can't and you won't.

>That's what fags use parrot before

Try again when you can speak English, please.

I can't remember that one semi pro player that fucking talked up Bitterblossom to fucking infinity. He was bitching so much when it got unbanned and he said he'd show everyone "why it should stay banned". Needless to say he got destroyed and the card hasn't done shit since

name one deck that """splashes""" blue that would want this.

I'll wait

What "decks that splash blue" have you seen that are actually degenerate? You think storm is going to run jace? Were you touched by a uw control player?
You have to be memeing, I'll give you a 3/10 for making me wonder.