Post your Orks


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My orks are all old pics i've posted before. I am thinking about hauling them out again, though, with the new edition coming.

What colors did you use for your mega blasta? It looks really nice.





And one day, I'll finish this Stompa/Baneblade thing I tried to cobble together.


>tfw all my orkz are in another country


An ork is better than a sponson.


He's a blood axe, I swear.

Ultranewfaggot here (literally, I don't even know jack shit about how tabletop is played, is this shit even tabletop?).
As of late the Orks have caught my attention, I love their lore and designs, and I also like painting, so I've been thinking about buying some, I'm a seasoned buyfag when it comes to anime figures like nendos and other more pricey stuff (50,000 yen kind of pricey).
Is this hard to get into? I've heard people saying it's a really expensive hobby to get into, how expensive really? Like do I really need to buy 500 bucks models? Where do you buy them? do I stick with GW's official site? or are Amazon or eBay better?
Also when people play WH40k do they buy models of several factions or just stick to one? Because I couldn't give less of a shit about any other but Orks, maybe something that has to do with Khorne, dunno, I just love fucking shit up man.

Minimum army costs around $150NZD (1 NZD = 0.7USD). But that's a very small amount of figures with minimal combat flexibility. You probably won't even make 500pts (about the smallest size battle).

Add paints and books on top of that.

So with 500 bucks wich is the price for the single most expensive figure I already have, I'm good to go?

Alright, here's some pointers.
First, a new edition is coming, so you may get some models, but hold off from getting into actual rules.
Second, there's a sister game, Shadow War: Armageddon, which is a skirmish level game, i.e. 20 models max for Orks, 15 for Genestealers and 10 for everyone else. The boxed starter has a force of Space Marine Scouts and Orks. Note that if you're in for vehicles Shadow War is not your game, but you can get into some infantry action.
Third, Ork models have not been updated for a while, so it's easy to find current ones second hand. Do not buy for full GW price if you can avoid it.
Fourth, with some third party bits (e.g. from Kromlech or Maxmini) you can get more out of an Ork Boy box, as they have more arms than heads, legs and bodies. However if you intend to play in a GW store they may have a "no third party bits" policy.

Yeah $500 would net you a decent amount of models. You could get a few squads of boys, a warboss, a vehicle or two, some elites, and still have some change. It really depends on what you buy.

pretty much but i'd hold off and speculate for about a month and see what the points are for 8th edition to get more bang for your buck as it were

Getting back into 40k after a long break. I built a few Big Meks with various armaments, but the Shokk Attack Gun was always my favorite. If I can dig up the rest, I'll post them as well.

These guys are right.
Go here

Take a look at what you want to get and use this as a guide. The smallest battle you'll fight is likely 500 points worth of models. So just take a look at the point values and make an estimate of what you'll need to get.

With the new edition, points value will change, so this will only give you a rough idea of what to get.

Okay so buying models is always good, but if I want to actually learn the game I better wait for the next edition.

I'm not really sure what a skirmish level game is, since I've never played tabletop nor read much about the actual rules, just read some of the lore, and you're right, I actually love the vehicles so I guess I'll stick with the vanilla WH40k? Can the same models be used in both games? Besides the models I need to buy other stuff to be able to play the games? I think I've seen terrains or something like that.

I've never been a big fan of buying third party stuff in general, how does GW know what parts are third party and what aren't if you paint them yourself anyways?

I'm thinking about getting into it for now, guess I'll wait for the next edition before buying anything seems like a good idea.

Why don't you base your dudes properly OP?

>I'm not really sure what a skirmish level game is, since I've never played tabletop nor read much about the actual rules, just read some of the lore, and you're right, I actually love the vehicles so I guess I'll stick with the vanilla WH40k? Can the same models be used in both games? Besides the models I need to buy other stuff to be able to play the games? I think I've seen terrains or something like that.

Not quite sure what you mean here. What game systems are you referring to?

Dude I don't know, imagine you've never played a videogame in your life and made a thread on /v/ about how to get started on videogames.
What I'm asking is, if I buy say this thing

www games-workshop com/en-US/Start-Collecting-Orks

Can these be used both in wh40k and SW? I don't know what the actual difference between these "games" are... like I said, I'm literally a newborn baby chick when it comes to tabletop.
Also asked what needs to be bought besides models to play the games.

>I'm not really sure what a skirmish level game is
Skirmish games are ones with fewer models than big wargames. 40k requires that you have at least 2 sets of Ork Boyz, some Nobz, vehicles etc. and they are grouped in units. In Shadow War, a skirmish game, you cannot field more than 20 Orks total and each one acts as an independent unit.

>Can the same models be used in both games?
Yes, models for Shadow War are the same as the 40k ones. GW uses their boxed games as entry points for full 40k.

>Besides the models I need to buy other stuff to be able to play the games? I think I've seen terrains or something like that.
Dice for one and a measuring tape with inches. As for terrain, 40k does not have strict rules about it, but general rule of thumb is that it should cover about 1/4th of a game table. You may want to check your local scene (if there is one), because often you can play at stores or in clubs which already have terrain.

What kit's that helmet from? I kinda wanna do something goofy with it for AoS

It's cool baby bird, I got you still.
Start collecting orks, is just a Boyz box, a Nobz box, a Painboy, and a Deffdread all bundled together

So the boyz kit and Nobz kit will help you kit out a SW:A team as well as be a pile of bodies to play with later.
In present 40k pretty much the only things in the box that you want are the boyz and the painboy. This could all change in a month and suddenly the box be super desirable or be pretty much the same.
all and all, it's a great place to start to get into the hobby aspect of it all, and by the time you're finished building them and possibly slapping a coat of paint or two on them roughly we'll be in 8th and you'll know where you are so to speak with your models and know where you want to go from there, in a more comfortable footing.

It's a solid price for the pile of models it provides. and you seem to be a modeler in general so enjoy that deffdreadd kit, it's great.

So what I get is that SW:A are smaller, quicker games, that don't use many units, gotcha.

Thanks for the answers guys, really appreciate it, I think I might buy that set one of these days to get into the building and painting aspect at least.

Also there is a SW:A rulebook in the SW:A thread at the top, so you can download that to give it a once over for that game. As well you can catch some pretty basic learn to play videos for it on miniwargaming's youtube. For a bunch of inaccurate cannuiks, they are pretty entertaining to watch.

Not mine, these were from that Scottish femanon who paints for Forgeworld now