Tell me Veeky Forums, how do you do evil clones?
Tell me Veeky Forums, how do you do evil clones?
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Same as a normal clone, but more evil.
>tfw you're unsure if this is meant to be like Samus but less so
>You see a familiar figure melded with the shadows, it seems to move as you do, but with a menacing, and somewhat beguiling aura about it. As it's face is brought to light, you quickly realize it looks just like you!
>always knows your moves before you do
>has the same spells but slightly more powerful
>you beat it by knowing your weakness and exploiting it.
As gay for their real self.
Make them behave in a fashion that makes the other PC's believe the clone is the good one and the PC is perhaps in fact the evil one.
>As gay for their real self
>or just use the megaton hammer Lucifer
>not crouching in the corner & stabbing
Same race, class, and ability scores as the original, but has the opposite alignment. Class might be changed if it doesn't mesh with the new alignment. For example, the clone of a NG cleric of a good-aligned god would be a NE cleric of that god's main rival deity. A LG paladin would have the same thing, but their clone might be an anti-paladin or even just a fighter with a dip into cleric.
Its impossible to make an evil clone of a TN character. You just get a regular clone of a bland, uninteresting person.
No, no.
When you clone a TN PC, you get a clone that's neutraler.
Every opinion the PC has, the clone has less. Everything the PC believes, the clone believes less. Every action the PC takes, the clone takes less.
>PC is a lazy cunt
>Evil Clone is even lazier
>constantly eats PC's food, takes up rent & even harder to get rid of
>forcing the PC to get off his ass & get rid of the clone
Make them actually a good clone. Not only will paranoia do a lot of the job for you, but if the character being cloned is dickish to begin with then the clone might seem more desirable to the party, either prompting character growth from the cloned player or creating a schism of distrust.
I actually use this to combat chaotic stupid characters. It pisses 'that guy' off, and shows them that the rest of the players want a character that they can get along with.
Only if the character is good.
So it was a supers setting.
One dude was a super conditional mind control, but it disabled your ability to resist
One dude was a super scientist who specialized in clones
One of the factions cracked a way to bring people back from the dead by daisy chaining about 14 different abilities together, with various requirements needed depending on who you were raising
Every character the PC's killed, and all PC's who died up until this point, were set on them
I'm pretty sure they're still pissed at me
That's kind of genius, that's something worth doing at least once to see the reactions
A ring-gag would be a wise investment.
Copy PC's sheet. Erase CN. Write NE.
I need story time
That reminded me that I have to wait for who knows how long for Peace Talks and then a whole lot more for Mirror Mirror.
The original character, except if they were a sociopath.
You mean weren't?
In the ass. It's the evil clone of the vagina.
But user, how can pic related be evil?
For the characters that are sociopaths, yes.
>male counterpart is inherently evil
Yeah, nah.
>Women don't have assholes
H-how do they poop?
Women don't poop, silly, that would be gross.
Listen, only a man can pull off a good finger twirling mustache. It only makes sense.
We're assuming player characters here
Many PCs are closer to Space Pirates than Samus.
Well, that's closer to psychopathy, really.
Get a better group.
Ah, you're a writer for Naruto?
I don't know, but I kind of regret passing up an obvious wrench-in-plans opportunity from a campaign I was in. One of those MtG games where everyone gets to have their character be a PW, my guy found a Dimir cloning pool. I passed on doing the hilariously stupid thing of going for a dip even though at first the GM misunderstood that I did not want to do that but have since joked that he either would have fought himself over the rights to their waifu and quickly figure that's stupid and that a threesome with yourself doesn't come by every day or Legend-ruled himself appearing as though nothing happened while one of them is kind of just ejected into the Blind Eternities
>DMing recent d&d3.5 game for friends
> friends roll characters together, building a cover-all-the-bases team
>"hey user, that guy wants to play, he's got a character ready and thinks you'll like it"
>that guy brings swashbuckler with homebrew magic items and basically a second character companion that he and another DM cooked up
>look at the sheet
>its in pen
>"okay that guy if that's what you're playing, just be sure to dial it back and let the other players have some glory for their first campaign"
> that guy immediately takes over campaign
>slashes through monster after monster before anyone else can even try their spells and abilities
>shits on storytelling with classic that guy fashion
>he tells the rest of the party he'll catch up later and wants to go on some bullshit sidequest way higher level than the party should go
> I take the opportunity to make a clone of his character, but good
>that guy fails a save and falls in a pit, stuck and helpless
>the party meets clone, ready to die
>clone politely introduces self and offers to help party
>teach party the mechanics of combat as "mentor" watching from the sidelines and helping when necessary
>that guy makes it out of the pit and finally catches up
>sees what I've done in-game
>"hey if that's what you guys wanted I could have done that"
>evil clone turns on party
>"your trial is almost complete"
>party beats clone together
that guy talks to me after the game over a couple beers, tells me I'm a duck but understands what I was doing
>"you know I could have beat that clone right?"
>Rocky 2 ending
>I'm a *DICK*
Too late, no takebacksies.
Now and forever, you're a duck.
Not as gross as a woman posting on Veeky Forums though.
Turns out you were the evil clone along.
I accept my fate
>quacks externally
I've made friends with every evil clone that my GM has thrown at me. We just have so much in common, we already know each other's best inside jokes.
Goatees for all of them, with a number shaved in the side.
If it starts to run over, it restarts on the other side.
lawful hot dickings
I do them while holding their hands
That's okay because there are no women here, those that claim otherwise are lying.
You sick fuck!
It better also be consensual and loving, with lots of eye contact.
Lights off and under covers
Believe it.
Actual cloning takes too long, so here's my method.
1. Kidnap a shmuck who looks similar to the guy you're evil cloning. Like 90%
2. Plastic surgery him for that last 10%
3. Brainwash him to think he's the original. Alter memories of loved ones if you have them on hand.
4. Graft the original's powers to the new one.
5. Add salt to taste.
6. Let it swim, but keep a tracker and a killswitch on him so you can terminate him if he realizes the truth and teams up with the orginal to kick your ass.
If you're a fairy, steps 1 through 3 can be replaced with a log and some magic.
Not really evil
but circumstances caused him to go to the evil side since the last time you interacted with him
pretty much a nurture vs nature set up as basically the same mental structure is put through different scenarios
Am I the only one who thinks evil clones are very fuckable?
Problem, Lewd Armpits?
But user, Mima still hasn't appeared again in years.
I rape
Fusion was a shit game and was the evil seed that germinated into Other M. It had lengthy unskippable cutscenes, limited exploration, and Samus taking orders. And unlike Other M, the combat the game was focused on (unlike previous Metroid games) wasn't even any better than the placeholder combat earlier games in the Metroid series had but got away with because the exploration game was so good.
eviler, and hotter.
Optimized versions of the PCs shitty build.
Product of a deal with an eldritch entity. In return for an alternate source of power for a fallen cleric, the entity gets a chunk of flesh and half-ownership of his name. The chunk is his heart and some blood, which is used to make a clone (it's his blood that runs through its veins? And half-ownership of the name is granted to the clone making it in all aspects except history the cleric. The clone then is more likely to bargain forward his soul than the original (who knows not to offer that) and as they share name and blood they are bound by the same contract.
The latter is extremely hard to do when the PC is too sexy though.
That's fucking retarded user, you should be ashamed.
Nah I'm just joshin ya, you're alright.
One of my DMs had something along these lines happen as a major background event for his setting.
>Setting's creator is a TN wacky Artificer, ex-PC of his
>Setting itself is a big naturally clockwork/steampunk thing. The trees are made of metal, modern-ish cities, lots of animals have bits of metal/machinery integrated into them naturally(Greater Rusted Owlbears, Clockwork Wasps, Steamboars, etc)
>Due to some shenanigans by mirror people, a reverse alignment clone of said Artificer is made. Due to being TN with the slightest smidge of Good, clone is TN with slightest smidge of Evil. Not enough of either to matter.
>They beat the shit out of the mirror people then go back to their plane to make bigger and better wacky inventions than they could have done by themselves.
>Building the crowning achievement: a city-sized Clockwork Behemoth
>Partway into construction, the clone notices the clockwork systems run counter-clockwise, and suggests using clockwise systems.
>Original insists counter-clockwise is superior and would run better
>One thing leads to another and the planar civil war resulting from that disagreement nearly tears the plane apart. Brother against brother, father against son, dog against cat, that sort of thing.
>Culminating in the two having an epic climactic battle atop a volcano, where the clone is thrown into to be defeated once and for all.
>All clocks in the setting now run backwards, and anyone caught using clockwise clockwork systems is punished with execution for treason of the highest order.
The funniest part was literally the only reason that happened was so he could justify having an enemy called the Clockwork Cultists, because he liked how well the name flowed.
No joke, this sounds fucking amazing. As somebody who's encountered That Guy in the past I want to see this done.
Eight levels higher than the PC and full of disturbing implications.
How do you deal with Samus?
Stats are secondary, the personality of the player being cloned is the most important part. Use phrases they normally use, and react to situations the way that player would.
Legendary artifact.
Hire her, and pay half in advance.
thanks doc
Clone a metroid. Send it on a fast ship to the other side of the galaxy. Leak this information.
the baby
But user, she isn't pregnant.
Right after space pirates hit your planet/station for your metroid-production secrets, Samus arrives. If Samus finds you, you're dead, and keep in mind she canonically would have found this piece of shit. Regardless, she kills the pirates, *blows up the planet or station*, then chases off after the metroid. This is the prologue of her adventure and you've caused a full game to happen elsewhere, but you're still dead.
meant for
Reminder that we will never find the lost primarch
Is it just me or has the Metroid series done nothing so much as make Samus look like a fucking cosmic horror? She's literally some kind of life-absorbing monstrosity and leaves a trail of destroyed planets in her wake. The scariest thing about the SA-X plot was that it would DO WHAT SAMUS DOES. There aren't enough life-giving planets to feed her forever.
The Pirate logs in Prime write enough about "The Hunter".
Those logs make me understand a little why the chozo retreat. Only the most bitterly vengeful among them should ever want to help Samus, to be honest. That's not the case obviously, but they can't possibly want what she does.
user, Samus is something too sexy to fear. I bet people turn themselves in just for a chance at seeing her.
Her being directed by a subconscious hunger would be the best plot twist any series could have.
Eh, it's mostly memes. Usually when a planet blows up after Samus lands on it, it's because of a self-destruct sequence that starts up after she kills the leader of the bad guys. The only exception I can think of is Metroid Fusion where she deliberately crashed the space station into the planet, and even then it was all set up already before she got there, she just chose to use it because the X parasites were too dangerous to leave alive.
did this just turn into a metroid thread
welcome to Veeky Forums
Are there any nintendo protagonists who could actually defeat samus at full strength with all her power ups? She sounds insanely op on paper.
Protagonists, I don't know, but there are a fair few Nintendo antagonists who can only be defeated by a singular/small group of magic weapon(s) that Samus doesn't have/couldn't use even if she did have.
Some are capable of some even more physics defying shit. Mario breathes in space, Link manages to remain masculine while jumping around in a short skirt with nothing underneath, etc.
like this
Kirby and that's about it I think.
>you beat it by knowing your weakness and exploiting it.
But he knows that you know his weakness and thus would make sure you don't exploit it.
There are a handful whose powers are ridiculous nonsense and MIGHT have a chance, like here, but honestly, no. Samus a ridiculously overpowered death machine, even in her own universe.
That's what happens when you take magic and technology and put them together to a logical conclusion. You get an absolute-zero-projectile-launchin', boost-ballin', lava-swimmin', unstable-miniature-star-shootin', go-go-boots wearin' avatar of destruction.
>absolute-zero-projectile-launchin', boost-ballin', lava-swimmin', unstable-miniature-star-shootin', go-go-boots wearin'
So what is Samus biologically by this point?
>Human, with metroid DNA grafted into her immune system
>Pure human you faggot, genetics doesn't work like that
>like 90% human, 5% Chozo, 5% Metroid
There, that should cover all possible responses.
Is it heresy to want to see that reproduce?
Link with the Magic Cape, Chateau Romani and a fully-upgraded bow nocked with Light Arrows, after playing the Inverted Song of Time and jumping from a horse.
Link with the Triforce
What does the Triforce of Courage do anyway?