but the agents aren't the science team. they're the ones that say "people keep disappearing. why is that?"
they are ALSO the ones that look for and find the opposed forces like members of the Wanderers Library, or Marshal Carter and Dark or the Serpents Hand, or the GOC, or the other groups of interest to the foundation. in fact you could do a nearly totally mundane game on that aspect, just hunting down rival organization assets on behalf of the foundation
they ARENT mobile task forces, because those have specific purposes when they get made and named
they ARENT on the science teams, because they don't have any idea what the new anomalies do or how they function until they find them
they are spies, and investigators FIRST
fighters, hunters, and Scientists SECOND
the agents might hammer out some idea of the basics, "like how not to die" around a thing. they don't need to figure out "how" or "why" thats for the real science teams to figure out.
agents aren't the science team.
I think Delta Green was supposed to be "fighting the lovecraft mythos the game"
don't forget. if agents call out, the nearest MTF(s) scramble to get them cover, material resources, protect the first field science teams, repel GoI operatives sent in to take or re-take artifacts, etc.
so that's when the timer comes out on the game table for the party to list all the things they need to equip as a "scramble the team" moment.
it's what Veeky Forums is for, coming up with ideas
the arguing is just an unfortunate by-product