Let's talk about drills Veeky Forums.
One of my PCs is a warforged. One of the other PCs has been doing extensive research in-game to learn how to modify him.
What he wants to do is give him a gurren lagann style drill hand to allow him to have a "dig speed" how other creatures have a fly speed or swim speed.
What would you say is the best balance between being too realistic (ie saying no to any sort of underground travel and remind him that's not even what step drill bits are for) or too fantastic (ie him having a 15+ underground speed with no issues and being able to cut through anything and sneak up on enemies.)?
Let's talk about drills Veeky Forums
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Depends on what feats you pick for your character. If you have underground movement speed then it doesn't matter how you fluff it, as having a drill hand or whatever.
>piercing drills
mediocre damage, great at overcoming defense/DR
>shredding drills
high damage, bad at getting through armor
>ojou drills
CHA bonus
...Did they remove burrow speeds in 5e?
. . . how anime do you want this to go? Because there is something here that has the potential to be absurd and fun.
For a TTGL kind of drill with balance in mind, I'd probably make it a permanent replacement to one of his hands with the ability to make a move action to dig half his speed 1-2/day. As a weapon, call it an oversized punching dagger.
If this guy really wants to invest in it, you could increase the uses/day, the movement range, the damage, maybe even let him use movement charges to add more damage dice for a crazy finishing move.
Make it a quest. If he's gonna get fifteen feet of move in six seconds he NEEDS something magical, so have him hunt down a long lost experimental engine of some sort to graft to himself.
Give the drill a feature that lets you move through an enemies space if you kill it.
Attack the ground. 'Kill' individual rocks and soil.
"We evolve, beyond the position that we were a round before. Little by little, we advance with each attack. That's how a drill works!"
What's the system you're using
just remember that warforged arent actually robots. they are more akin to treants that have been grown into a metal skeleton.
>race specific to eberron from d&d
>what system?
those pointy gurren lagann style drill bits are prob pretty shit at digging.
I would recommend a fist more akin to mining drill bits like pic related.
I would say to be fair and realistic, make it do 1d8 bludgeoning damage, grant him the siege monster trait (he does double damage to objects and structures), and give him a burrow speed equal to half his walking speed, but a disadvantage on stealth checks while burrowing.
If you want full movement speed while burrowing, and the ability to sneak while doing it, your best bet is a magical rather than mechanical modification. Some sort of earth elemental infused warforged component that will allow him to glide through solid rock like a xorn
Warforged are in 4th and 5th edition smartass
>5th edition
you mean that one very preliminary UA? I wouldnt really say theyre in 5e yet..
Though they were around back in 3e to be fair
I mean, OP is talking about giving said player a big drill arm attachment. So I'm safely assuming that if this is 5e he isn't running an Adventurer League campaign.
UA is probably on the table.
Fair point
Also, warforged components used to be a thing with a bunch of mystical components. Here's some for inspiration
Get a chest drill.
Grapple everything.
Get arm drills and a chest drill
Continue to grapple everything
Yeah 4e had warforged special parts too. We had a guy who used the acid sprayer arm on a barbarian. Those are awesome.
>drill arms and a drill chest
>goes to Google for a visual
Not exactly what I expected to see
>Chest drill
>Not paying extra for the chest dragon
No. OP's just and idiot.
Not asking how burrow speed works. I'm asking for inspiration and advixe for making a drill attached to a warforged.
How has no one made a buttplug comment yet?
Maybe make drills intechangable. OP's drill type would be great for making holes inside an unruly monster, and armoured knight, or simply to intimidate (for the same reason that loads of people fear the dentist's drill), but really inefficient in digging a tunnel in any appreciable amount of time. Have different drill types possess different properties!
Strictly for the purposes of movement, I'd say make it 15-30 burrow speed, but only one direction per action (no turning mid move like most burrow speeds allow)
As for damage, 1D6 bludgeoning (clubing) and 1D8 Piercing (lancing the target with the drill) and lancing gains bonuses for immobile/pinned targets but penalties for free moving targets