WIP - Work In Progress General

It's so easy not to try edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Panther, I need Charlie Zone status. Report!

>Previous WIP threads:

Other urls found in this thread:


Not really, but I thought I enjoy painting odd stuff. Some of the old 1987 Space Orks are really cool, high detail models. I own the Epicast Falcon Grav-Tank because it is so terrible (not the look, but the sculpting and casting quality... it's like the sculptor carver it out of soft cheese).

Describes one of the banners that was supplied with the older WFB skeletons regiment.... It was pewter though.

finally finished my test model for brotherhood of darkness (obscure night lords subfaction from 4th edition CSM codex), shit phone cam but I got nothing else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also I've stripped this dude like 10 times by now with non-acetone nail polish remover so it's starting to fuck up the plastic, it's fine once or twice but more than that can get bad

now I'm trying to figure out what kind of base to go with, I'm thinking just GW texture paints with usual wash/drybrush but I'm open to ideas. would like to get something really special going for these guy's bases, but I can't think of anything unique but still simple enough that I don't have to use cork etc.

shit this pic makes me realize I should fix the plasma effect, it's kinda off on the right side

>3 hours between posts
Jesus christ

>worst minis to be released according to that other thread

wtf those possessed are nice except for the arms, are you high? have you seen some of the other GW monstrosities from the 80s/90s? hell those possessed would look okay today except for the goofy arms

Lol are you joking? they look horrid, they all need at the very least 25% of the model completely gone and replaced with other bits to look good. Though I will say that guy who posted them did a pretty wonderful job painting them, his don't look near as bad as the eavy metal (or whatever) GW ones they advertised on release.

the armor itself looks pretty solid, and some of the other bits like the devil guy's face doesn't look bad. it's mostly the arms and other doofy organic parts. the green guy's torso looks alright too.

>now I'm trying to figure out what kind of base to go with, I'm thinking just GW texture paints with usual wash/drybrush but I'm open to ideas. would like to get something really special going for these guy's bases, but I can't think of anything unique but still simple enough that I don't have to use cork etc.
I recently saw some pretty nice resin bases called 'ritual' by Dragon Forge Design I believe.
I think they were designed to pander to word bearers from the GW HH boardgame, but they would fit the whole runic theme really well.

You can of course cast some plaster plates, inscribe them with runes and them smash them to basing appropriate sizes too.

I feel like gw doesn't flatter it's own sculpts...kind if a lot.

The dark eldar hellions, csm, and AOs fyreslayers are pretty great looking kits but look like complete ass in their gallery.

So wip, I want to work with enamels. Can I start with an enamel base then do regular acrylics over that?

I've got the rest of the basics like ventilation etc.

if you're talking about these, they're from wayland games. problem is they're 30mm, and rounded lip. I also checked out dragon forge designs, cool stuff there is well.

but I'm trying to keep it simple and get a squad done this week so I don't really want to go buying resin bases and waiting for delivery etc., I figure I just want to paint something on or use sand. I'm thinking GW armageddon dust texture paint most likely now.

does anybody know what that brownish color GW uses to paint their base rims is?

yeah sorry for the confusion.
They're Secret Weapon Miniatures
You can get them with beveled edge too though.
Wayland games is just a store, they don't actually make anything afaik.

Can't really help you with the colors, sorry.

>Wayland games is just a store

I feel like I knew that already but somehow didn't at the time. Thanks for that link though, those 25mm shattered ritual bases are indeed good. Might use them for my daemons, I'm planning on getting a daemon detachment going eventually so I could use those ritual bases for them to show they were summoned or whatever (even though night lords hate chaos and presumably daemons, I guess this could be one of brotherhood of darkness's differences from their legion, since there's not much fluff on them anyway so nothing contradicts it.)

>Night lords hate chaos

Is it possible to have a faction of Chaos Space Marines that despise chaos and want to subjugate it and steal its power without giving glory to any of the gods? Personal fluff making question in regards to a possible Chaos Space Marine Warband made up of marines obsessed with binding daemons to engines and weapons in order to control them for their own nefarious goals

>Is it possible to have a faction of Chaos Space Marines that despise chaos and want to subjugate it and steal its power without giving glory to any of the gods?
This more or less is Abbadon.
The guy has been crusading for hundreds of years and hasn't sprouted tentacles yet or became a demonprince.

There was already such a chapter. The Sons of Malice from the 3rd edition codex. Malice (aka Malal in fantasy) was the chaos god of anarchy and paradoxically anti-chaos (at least against the big four) but he got retconned due to some dispute with the creator who was working for GW at the time, iirc. I tried painting up a Sons of Malice warband but man that quartered black and white scheme is time consuming.


>That the Sons of Malice are known to only rarely be supported in battle by daemons is also considered relevant to their religious practices. It has been noted, however, that on those rare occasions that daemons have appeared alongside the Chapter, they appear to be of those types already documented by the Imperium (Bloodletters or Plaguebearers, etc.) but have been chastised or bound, and they often wear the distinctive black and white livery of the Sons.

Ive since done all the gems but mostly finished on the main body minus some highlights

Pic would help

See that sounds awesome

Also I adore the Black Legion and was tempted to paint em up but I hate Abbaddons model and despise that GW haven't updated it. Is it possible to make a fluffy company of the black legion or is it impossible? I'm meaning more fluffy as in
>this particular company of the black legion is in this sector doing this under the command of Original the character, the captain of this company

Posting my knight
Any tips for the gold?

A heavy wash of reikland flesh shade then layer to taste. Not sure if you want it bright or old

read the dang codex my dude, or at least wikis. black legion has a bunch of subfactions, with many of them headed by characters you could convert onto the tabletop. there are various black legion factions including one for each of the chaos gods (such as the Hounds of Abaddon, dedicated to khorne) and the oath broken, etc. you can very much make a fluffy black legion company equivalent.

You'll just have to do some research to find a date and a place where they fought.
If you are lucky you'll find a name too, otherwise just come up with something and say that your dude was the dude fighting there.

Did you intend for the deus vult to be mirrored?

I like how it looks. I am no knight expert but the head makes me think it's an adeuptus mechanicus aligned one.

I want bright and noble gold pls
It doesn't have a faceplate yet. It's gonna have one by tonight

The nameplate is so he can read it

My Kriegers finally arrived! Can't wait to get started on these.

Are Riptides fine for painting fully assembled and based? I want to prime my stuff and play ASAP.

Don't contribute to the meme, user. The riptide is a fun and easy model to paint.

It's...Beautiful. Whoever made the banner, well done

> I hate Abbaddons model and despise that GW haven't updated it

Forge World has an alternative Abbadon model

Come here bro give me a hug

The HH Abbadon and Loken models are really quite bad, it's a shame because I'd probably have bought them otherwise. The rest of their Character series seems to have the same issue, there's something wrong with the proportions and faces.

Another catachan done!
You guys have no idea how happy I am about being able to do okay flesh tones now.

Looks really good, the eyes and fleshtone especially.

Here's a challenge for you /wip/
Post stuff that isn't from GW


Those faces are so shit

Why have you been following me and shitposting about my models? You've done it for 4 threads across various topics.

I haven't painted in a while, and the more I look at my eldar, the less happy I am with the colorscheme I chose for them. It just doesn't feel like it goes well together at all. I like the purple, crimson and green but I don't know if I can make this scheme work.

I'd love to try working with some actual forgeworld kits, but I'm 2poor and have to settle for shit from China.

The better China stuff is on par with FW on occasion, it's mainly the customer service that's not as good.

Your paint job is fine. It's a king of whimsicalIy amusing face but I think it's the sculpt more than your painting.

Once more, it starts...

Liberator Gold
Liberator Gold + Stormhost Silver layer top half
soft drybrush of Stormhost on top

It's not like we didn't tell you that for about 5 threads straight, dude.

I cant start over given that I already have so many eldar painted with that scheme. I have to make it work.

Thanks, doc.

Some Vostroyans I'm in the process of painting.
Just finished an Agrax wash, now its time for highlighting, details, and cleanup.

Two more.
I love these models, and they are fun to paint (if also a little stressful) with all their ornate armor and weapons.

Does anyone know how to get typhus corrosion out of clothes?

Dude, we have all told you so many times. Just because you want a different answer doesn't mean one exists.


And I still can't start over. I need to make the scheme work otherwise my eldar will be worthless.

Bit of an odd one, but does anyone know how a Defiler compares to a Onager Dunecrawler size-wise? I'm picking up a Start Collecting Skitarii box for my dark mech Renegades & Heretics and I'm thinking of making a conversion.

Have you tried covering up the parts you dont like with blood or typhus corrosion?

I do not worship the ruinous powers


We all worship the ruinous powers

But only some of us realize it.

I recommend only using typhis corrosion as an accent. Too much and it looks like you just left your model in mud. I like when it's used with downward strokes to create the illusion of gravity, and Ryza Rust makes a good additional highlight.

You can also give an edge highlight of stormhost silver to make it look like its been rubbed against and the corrosion has been rubbed off.

>ruza rust

Gotta add that to my shopping list
Right after more water bottles

Just remember that Ryza Rust needs to be dry-brushed onto Typhus Corrosion to really achieve a realistic rust effect. And the Typhus Corrosion needs to be completely dry before using the Ryza Rust, too, because you don't want to accidentally brush off the pumice in the Typhus Corrosion.

Ugh. I have like 60 models i need to clean and prep


Ignore that pesky Fritz.

Those damn Kriegers are like ants.

I'm thinking about doing an FFL themed IG army. White kepis on IG bodies.

Maybe as human auxiliary to the Tau...

I see you StuGIV and Krieg. I myself StuGIV and Krieg. Patrician taste.

modular gates

Totally not chaos knight next to a skitarii for scale. I tried a lot of new techniques on this guy but im not happy with the result.

Fuck me.

Good work user. I love all the no cadians models.

So I'm thinking of using some rock like this (turquoise?) with my Lizardmen/Seraphon. Any ideas of what I could do? I'm thinking either bases or as necklaces for the big dinos


I don't know who keeps making those silly OP images but I like them.

Sure just give me a sec, gotta drill this solid metal tube.

These rocks, sorry

Need some paint brushes as good as citadel but doesn't cost my left nut, do these exist?

You gotta do what you gotta do, you know.

I'm working on a unit of Nurgle Ogres and could use some suggestions/ideas on how to build the remaining three. With the exception of the champion I'll probably leave them relatively gift-free allthough I might add some boils to the right side of the musician's torso to make it more interesting. I want them to look heavily armoured so I would welcome any ideas regarding helmets etc.

you don't need to paint faces if you collect Death Korps

Sadly, the arms are largely part of the sculpt... in the entire set, only 2 of the arms come off.... The rest are part of the torso sculpt.

Or if you just put helmets on all your models you big ole dork

Test model for an IG army using Warlord's Russian models, C&C welcome

I'd suggest using Victoria Miniatures lasguns so that GW's hideous scaling doesn't make it so your troopers are using rifles that are taller than they are.

are FWs Elysian or Krieg guns also wacky scale? If not, I'll definitely give Victoria Minis a try

The Elysians are the closest thing to truescale but buying guns from FW gets very expensive, very quickly.

Excellent! Stugs are my favorite TD. Also painting up a panzer 3 for funsies.

Thinking of making my kriegers have DAK colors. Tan/yellow armor and green/light green jacket.

So I can play some weird world war 2 games with them as well.

What techniques? Looks okay at a glance.
Still WIP on the stug.

Malal was an Order God, the opposite of a Chaos God, user.

Anons, help me out a bit.

I've recently been going through a bit of a rough patch mentally and that, mixed with batch painting a buncha infantry coupled with my OCD, might have given me burnout.

I have 2 models left to convert (a kroot shaper and a ghostkeel) and I honestly don't feel like working on them at all. And I've done some fantastic progress, I managed to paint, to a good standard, like 1500 points of my entire army in about a month and a half. I used to paint 5 models A YEAR but come March some strange second wind took me and I went balls deep with the brush.

I just basecoated my last 9 infantry models and even though it's only been about a week and a half since I painted something, it felt like I'm not even there, like the act of painting was alien to me and I didn't know what I was doing and constantly fighting the urge to say "fuck it, I'll go do something else" for an hour and a half.

Help me. Some logical words to give me perspective or whatever, I want to actually finish my army. The final steps and then I don't have to do shit for about 2-3 months for my Thousand Sons.

Started working on my little buddy

I'm having so much fun with this.

If you don't put those last two models away then you'll drive yourself nuts having something lying around unfinished and the dull slog of hammering those last two models out is nothing compared to knowing you have to do them eventually anyway and not doing so despite the fact that you've got nothing stopping you.

Alright /wip/, my brushes have hit the limit.
What brand is the best and what's the best website to purchase the brushes from?

What'll be worse: ponying up and finishign those last couple guys, or seeing every other model on the shelf painted except for maybe a dozen dudes

>blue skitarii
I see horizons of magic fire,
Rainbow red and growing higher.

Can't you hear it, everything screaming at you (at you)?
Hey can't you feel it, the whole planet singing the blues?

Red Planet Blues

Just about finished 'alf dead Jack, dnd character in an upcoming campaign. He probably won't live past the third session, but there's hoping.

Did preshading with airbrush, but is totally invisible now. The shitty transitions on the spikes are from trying glazing with washes instead of actual glazes, and the weapon is literally bathed in typus corrosion.

Seeing this is the slowest /wip/ in a while im going to post some of the shit im working on at the moment.