White Lions are now an endangered species, no more farming.
Kingdom Death Monster
Other urls found in this thread:
>played this game with a friend on TTS
>thought he was enjoying it, but every time I ask to play more, he doesn't want to
Should I just bite the bullet and play solo? I like the game, but I usually enjoy things like this more with friends.
Might as well try it, but take your time. I've fucked up in solo play more than I would like to admit and made myself redo a fight once because I just didn't notice something with my single set of human eyes.
Does anyone still have that template for making new Kingdom Death stuff? I remember it being posted months ago, but I cant seem to find it in the archives.
I'm planning on writing up Kingdom Death stats for some of the monsters in the recently released Dark Souls boardgame. Probably Titanite Demon, Belltower Gargoyal, Frost Knight... Maaaaaybe Ornstein and Smough if I can figure out a good system for them?
can buy dis game soon please?
I got a friend like that, too. You'll be better off playing solo, unless once per seven months is good enough pace for you.
Geologically speaking, yes.
How the fuck did you miss the KS?
I prefer playing solo, and I have a really good group. Both ways are fun though.
Gonna have to try it, then. I'll try not to suck too hard. If I'm lucky, we might all make it home from the first fight.
Someone redpill me on The Lonely Tree. Everyone seems to hate it, but for extremely vague reasons. What makes this thing so shit?
Daily reminder that breeding the Anonymous Survivor doesn't make you gay.
Also, updates when? Fuck, it's felt like months since we got any concrete updates after poots showed off his 1/8th scale Cock. Where's the Male Manhunter pinup? Where's the full sculpt of the Oblivion Mosquito? Where's the Parasite Queen from the Wailing God expac? So many unanswered questions!
The hardest thing to do aside from tracking everything is resisting the urge to fudge rolls when your favorite dude suffers a head explosion
"It didn't roll properly, it just slid."
"Whoopsie I did not mean to roll it just yet."
"Ah, the dice fell on the floor. I cannot accept that."
"Ah, the dice fell on the floor. I guess it's as good result as any..."
It's less that it's shit and more that it costs more money than it adds to the game.
Lion God is more shit than it is, but people are only backpeddling on it because of the Expansion-expansion it's getting for 1.5 to make it more than an unfun difficult boss with no worthy reward.
The tree has a terrain piece mostly, but is also a nemesis encounter that you fight via a random hunt event. The fight is interesting and rewards minimal but not a total waste of time. (which is much more than dickbeard has going for it)
If you ever find it going for $40 with its gameplay content included, it's worth that price.
You're better than me at rationalizing that stuff, user.
Bone Eater eate my best? Nope, fuck that, that's not happening.
My TTS save fucked up enough that I'll have to start a fresh file and import stuff, but there's so much to reset, I think I might just start a new campaign, knowing more and playing more honorably.
How messed up would I be though, in the current campaign? I've fucked around a lot in the first several years because I didn't really know the game, so I only got a full rawhide set by like year 8. I was at year 13 when things went wonk.
Also, if I'm starting fresh, is it worth adding any expansions in, or should I do at least one whole campaign vanilla?
What comic is that from?
It's a stupid fucking tree.
link to prev thread??
What do you think is the origin of some of the weird events that happen in-game? Is lights in the sky a sunstalker eating its settlement?
Its almost certainly a Sunstalker doing SOMETHING. Hard to say what.
Tricking you into setting up a Murder down the road is what it's doing.
This also triggers when something specific happens with Lion God. But then again, no-one plays Lion God.
I-I'll play with you, user.
what do either of you mean?
it's what i really enjoy about the setting. Poots has allowed for this much mystery. All you know is there is light in the dark and it's inspiring.
We were playing blind. Had no idea what any card we hadn't drawn was.
Two of us went for the Inner Lantern endeavor of Lights. One of us got a fighting art of our choice, woo!
The other got +1 understanding and set up Skull Eater for next year.
The one with the fighting art became the Skull Eater. The Skull Eater roll result was 'get some stat bonuses, also MURDER next year'
Proceeded to get the guy who caused Skull Eater killed...in the battle. By accident. Stupid antelope trap. And then Murdered the NEXT best person in the settlement.
This fucking game, man.
>that's xcom, baby!
Then comes the Butcher, and the same guy who'd died to Antelope gets killed by me activating a trap AGAIN.
And my newly-legendary lunged murderous cannibal bites it a turn before he dies in the scrag. By hitting ANOTHER trap.
Fucking traps.
Only four deaths so far even. All of them directly because of this one bitch with a knife. And because the settlement's wiseman stared at the sun too long.
I'd say at least get comfortable with the core game before you start throwing expansions in.
Hellblazer, dunno which volume.
I want to play with another Veeky Forumsbro.
I own the game, but my copy is in another state with my brothers. We never got very far, getting totally decimated pretty early on a few times, and then schedule conflicts keeping us from continuing a game we managed to get a few years into.
My brothers don't have the time to play, I now live in another state, and I don't have my physical copy with me.
So I was wondering if anyone would want to play with me online? Semi-regular, like every Saturday morning or something? Or whenever we both have time?
My Discord is Chad#3441 if anyone is interested.
I just really want to play this damn game more.
This one contains most of the card types but it's missing a template for settlement events
But i found some blank cards that contain settlement events unlike the other pack this one it's just blank cards not psd templates
Isn't there a KS open right now for v1.5? It looks like the backers will get their stuff in 2020. Any idea how long the KS is going to be open? I'm short on cash and don't start my new job until August.
If you know the sculptors to look out for, they might post some cheecky snippits of progress on their blogs or personal sites.
A lot of the current work is probably negotiating reprints of core materials.
It ended back in January.
Well, fuck.
See you guys in 5 years.
Also backers will be getting their stuff between later this year and 2020 in a series of waves, the biggest waves outside of the main game which is this year will be for the expansion reprints in 2018 and the new expansions in 2019.
There might be some on sale during Black Friday. Just stay the course and you should be able to pick a copy up. Good luck friend.
So, what are those bars actually made of?
Thanks Bro. I guess I'll just play the waiting game.
>first time getting a savior
>deck her out in the best shit i have and go hunt a level 1 lion
>takes event damage to the head in the hunt
>first attack crits the testes, giving the lion +1 damage
>second attack triggers a basic action with +2 damage
>both hit the head
>dodge one
>lion's turn, claws
>both claws hit the head
>dodge one but the other injures her
>my first savior gets decapitated on the first turn of her first hunt
If you're into the models, I'd recommend picking up some of the smaller ones with in game components on the store. I'll be purchasing Allison the Twilight Knight in a few days to get my feet wet on building the models and to see whats in store once the game arrives over the summer (hopefully).
And if you're going to GenCon, Poots should be there shilling the product. I believe he said that he is going to try and have some product ready to sell by then but he isn't sure.
Awesome, thanks.
In that case, a question for the thread:
How would you rather I implement monsters? The hope is that I wont be the only one using these.
Limited mode: use mashups of cards from different Kingdom Death creatures as much as humanely possible, with very few (or perhaps even none at all) new cards.
Pro: doesn't require any extra work for anyone beyond sorting
Cons: very limited customization and inability to represent certain things not already in the game, requires players to have all of the same expansions I do.
Tryhard mode: mock up new cards for EVERYTHING
Pro: looks cool
Con: lot of effort to print out and turn into a useable deck even after all the work is done. End result may not look all that good or shuffle well.
Poorfag mode: use a deck of simple playing cards as a proxy, and assign replacements to each card. Aka, a big table that says "Ace of clubs = tail swipe, 2 of Clubs = overhead smash..."
Pro: quick and easy to do, cheap and easy to implement. A single deck of commonly available playing cards can be reused for all of the new monsters.
Cons: probably kind of slow in play, since you will have to look up what a card means every time you draw it.
At least high five him in the balls for making such an awesome but boutiques limited game.
Ask him why he seems so hollow in all the pictures.
Is the scribe real and poots is paying his humanity to make the game?
Most of the custom content I've seen has been garbage cause people don't know what the fuck balance is or understand why people hunt certain monsters on certain year milestones etc.
Like the dude that made that lovers encounter. Neat idea, but holy shit the showdown sucked sunstalker dicks and the rewards were worse.
Man if I was going I'd see if he was selling the Guts figure. It was my favorite of the extra figures and I wasn't able to put more money into the kickstarter to pick it up. I'm hoping that with the money he got from the kickstarter he will be able to produce the game more reliably now. I think a lot of people would like that.
I'd probably ask him how much sleep he gets on a daily basis. And how it feels knowing that everyone following him on kickstarter saw him back a vibrator. maybe not that last one, but it'd be pretty funny.
Yeah, that will take some work.
The one I have put the most thought into so far is the Belltower Gargoyle, where the goal is to beat the Garg and ring the bell. Ringing the bell grants a random permanent buff to the survivor who rings it, with increasing effects based on monster level.
On top of that, if I can do custom cards I hope to do stuff like cutting off the Gargoyles tail giving you the axe, like in the game. So you hope to score crits in combat and get free gear that way, rather than introduce unique Gargoyle resources and a settlement location. Lastly, Gargoyles drop scrap when they die, with a chance of dropping Iron. They do have a lot of metal on them, and the rock they are made out of is presumably useless.
Which I figure makes them a decent mid to late game quarry for farming blacksmith materials and making your already good dudes better faster, with the hope of scoring a Gargoyle helmet or free shield.
You're welcome.
Services exist that will print custom decks on demand. so i would not worry that much if someone wants proper decks they can pay for one (just remember to make you're cards high res enough for this option to be possible).
Don't forget that TTS exist you or someone else could do a expansion in it with the decks so the effort of printing and the problem with shuffling would be solved.
Anyway good luck with the expansion either way.
Doesn't lights in the sky trigger off of something in the silver city? If so, it might be the death of the lion god or opening some of the tomb objects.
KDM in a nutshell
>And how it feels knowing that everyone following him on kickstarter saw him back a vibrator.
If you follow a creator on kickstarter, you'll be sent a notification if they back a project. Poots uses the KDM account on kickstarter as his main account, so naturally a lot of people follow him. During the 1.5 kickstarter campaign, he kickstarted a vibrator here is a link to the KDM kickstarter profile. The vibrator is on the second row. kickstarter.com
You should do a full souls expac where you can't hunt the first nemesis (Kweelag) until you ring a level 2 bell.
Or something.
Bonus for including a skeleton hoard/wheel encounters. Kalameet is a bit like the nuclear dragon with a pull mechanic and more tail whips.
That's funny but also kind of humanizing. Maybe.
Let be the harbinger of the magical realm and ask if there's vibrators in KD?
We only have a sentient breast pump so far.
It's the only question we need answered. Forgot my picture of the best boy.
I'm only planning on doing stuff that has model support with the Dark Souls board game.
Currently, counting models big enough to matter, this includes:
Ornstein and Smough
Frost Knight
The Dancer
Titanite Demon
Winged Knight
Giant Guard, I guess?
There are more monsters to come in the followup packs I backed, but I don't think wheelskellies or Queelag are among them. Kalameet is, though!
Can women actually feel their mil glands?
desu the monster wetnurse is hotter. I get a rise from all of it except the bald head part.
I'll bet you the honeycomb weaver will give us something like an aphrodisiac and sexual escapades will be on the rise.
I'm just as aroused as the suit of armor at the though of basically becoming a honeypot ant.
my expanding belly constantly pushing against my erect dong
Right. "For his wife"
But it kills you first. Explicitly.
Just let me have this user.
Otherwise what's the point of the armor
>I'm only planning on doing stuff that has model support with the Dark Souls board game.
Find an appropriately-sized toy spider.
Cut some naked girl with long ponytail miniature at the waist, glue to spider. Throw a sword in there.
There you go, Quelaag
>Backing: Starfighter Visual Novel
I'm both ashamed to recognize what this is and terrified to realize Poots is backing it.
Also if the implications are anything to go by, this guy is probably right on the money.
Would you... uh... care to divulge what this visual novel is about? And also yeah, you're probably right.
>Find an appropriately-sized toy spider.
You can use real spider shell. When spiders grow they change skin and leave behind the old empty shell mostly intact, you just need to glue back the top through which they crawled out. At least that's why roommate's Tarantula did. Made great prank prop.
It's made of drama and homosex.
Art is pretty neath though.
I don't know what else I could have expected. Agree with you on the art though. check out the megatokyo vn, still waiting on it to come out, but its pretty cool .
Please tell me you have this reaction image as a .gif The face is priceless but it just feels too static.
I fucking wish. It's one of my favorite reaction images and having a .gif would make it perfect.
Didn't he back that because the artist drew some of the male pinups?
>Throw a sword in there.
Quelaag was holding a sword? I'll be honest, her hands weren't really the part of her body that I was looking at.
I wanted to say I fail to realize how you could have passed that fight if you were not looking out for the sword, but I guess you can let Mildred facetank it and just keep spanking her ass.
> What's the point of armor
> It doesn't grind my chub
Thanks, I almost forgot where I was.
Yes. If you'd paid attention to anything else in that fight, you'd have noticed she's wielding a flaming sword.
The same one you can make later on.
It's a nice sword, I used it most the game.
Izalithbro. Did you wear the robes, serve the white lady, apprentice under the master, and acquire all pyro?
...there are people who don't?
Just thinking about that makes me sick.
Sorry to hear that.
I played a recent game where between the plague and some poor rolls, I only had 3 survivors face off against the butcher T-T
>Playing KDM with my buddy, gf, and gf's sister
> buddy and gf are super into killing the monster
> sister prefers to run around the map collecting acanthus
>gf gets super pissed that she won't help us kill lion but I just laugh
>sister collects all the plants, fight with lion is going okay, a few injuries but nothing crazy
>sister finally decides to help after being cajoled
a little background: the sister is really prudish and easily gets flustered by anything remotely sexual
> rolls her first hit in the game
>draws hit location: its the ding-dong
> her face when I hand her the lion testes card
I had to excuse myself from the table
didn't the artist behind that do a ton of recent work for KDM?
The funny thing is?
We got the plague the year we got the Butcher as well.
But we got ammonia and a very lucky roll meant nobody died from THAT on top of the murder.
Do you want wheel skeletons? Because that's how you get wheel skeletons.
So THAT'S how blood paint and paired weapons works!
>I have no arms and I must hunt
She sounds like kind of a ball-buster.
I remember during the kickstarter, there was a guy talking about expansions/custom expansions and saying that there has to be a reason/purpose behind each addition, rather than just "it would be cool if..."
I somewhat agree, so my question /kdm/ is what sort of thing do you want a new expansion to solve? I'm working on a custom campaign right now set in a desert-like environment, currently have 3 quarries and a nemesis in mind, one of which is fleshed out with full AI/HL cards and such. But I'm trying to decide how to tie things together and what I can do differently from the base game that makes it worth playing other than just "more things to fight/craft."
I like the ideas of your settlement learning to sand surf and "fish" in the desert, and also of uncovering lost tombs to explore. And I have some ideas as to how to implement that. But I still think I need some sort of overarching gameplay theme. People of the stars is super survivors with constellations, people of the sun is a gauntlet into a boss rush. What else do you want to see?
Lucy a best.
That sounds like an idea I had with a "Caravan" type settlement.
The idea behind it is that there's a limited amount of gear and/or locations you can craft because you have to keep moving on the caravan.
As a tradeoff some of the hunt events could be mitigated. Or larger groups on a hunt so if someone dies you can "swap in" another guy. Like the Scout of Death mechanic.
I didn't really think of monsters at all or anything like that. I feel like that's the last thing I would get around to when designing new stuff.
Well with some of the new dungeon mechanics (for the tombs), you could use the constantly shifting sands to create some funky situations with changing the dungeons in the middle of a fight and having unpredictability of the board be something interesting.
Can't really think of anything else I'd want to see, but I think it's an interesting idea that I'd love to hear more about.
I like that idea. I only have 1 monster really fleshed out. Two of the quarries are more ideas than anything...the white lion equivalent is a scorpion, while the pheonix equivalent is a giant burrowing sand worm. And one of the nemesis is a whirling dervish type fighter who can control sand.
The one fight I DO have really fleshed out, is something I was originally calling the sculptor until I realized that's an actual thing in the KDM universe and I wouldn't want to co-opt Poot's characters, so I'll have to rename it. But it's a quarry fight for its level 1 and 2, where the "sculptor" stands in the center of the board without moving, and it summons 4 statues that fight in its place. Each statue performs the actions of each AI card at the same time, so there's lots of attacks being made. But one hit destroys a statue, and once all 4 are down, the sculptor is open to attack for a turn. I've tested it out in TTS a few times and I definitely need tweaks to its overall design and balance, but it came out better than I thought.
The level 3 version would be a nemesis fight thats triggered once you've fought a certain number of quarry versions. He's pissed you've been destroying his statues, and he shows up to stop you. This version of the fight is a lot more brutal and has him actually moving around.
I worked a lot of stuff out for him before thinking about how he could be included in the game, and then I thought of a desert based landscape, and then it just kind of steamrolled from there.
So I guess we're opposites; I went right for the monsters. I definitely think a caravan type thing could work though, I like the idea of constant movement, perhaps limiting available hunts
Since it's the desert you could do something like;
>Man of Salt,
Make the pillars salt pillars, when they get destroyed they exploded and damage your consumable gear (because of salt). Or something. I feel like destorying them in melee should be risky.
And maybe once you kill him you get a free cooking recipe or something cause you can now preserve bugs and food with the salt.
But it's your dance, sounds neat though.
Yea the whole caravan idea is to make the survivors travelers instead of making a static settlement and the tribulations that would come from that. Limiting anything and everything would be pretty fair game imo.