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MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 R U B Y T U E S D A Y 」
Is your browser issue fixed, gA?
No clue! It seemed to come and go yesterday, allowing some 'big' posts but eating other ones. It's gotta be a problem with Chrome itself, because it was glitching on my work and home computers.
What happens if you exert a creature with Back to Basics and Humilitybon the field at the same time as a Doran is there and a Palinchron enchanted by Following Footsteps and a Progrnitor Mimic copying a Dominating Licid?
Mostly I'd be confused as to how you Exerted a creature with no abilities.
Hey gA, quick question that came up last night,
My opponent attacks me with Samut enchanted with a Rancor and a Dragon Mage. I block so that Samut would die during normal combat damage step, I was hit by Dragon Mage in the same instance.
The question lies in the order of the triggers, would the Dragon Mage's "Whenever it deals combat damage to a player" trigger be put on the stack before Rancor's "When I'm placed in the grave from play" trigger? Or would my opponent, since he controls both triggers, be able to stack it to grant him most benefit?
The way we decided to go about it was combat damage was dealt, Dragon Mage's trigger was placed on the stack and then state based actions are checked and Samut dies, return Rancor to the hand only to be wheeled away. Obviously my opponent wasn't too happy with that ruling so I figured I could get an actual ruling in case it happens again.
So, first you'd have the First Strike damage from Samut. Anything that kills, dies. No triggers, but everyone gets some priority.
Then the normal damage step. Samut hits her blockers (and maybe tramples over), Dragon Mage hits you, and triggers. SBAs are checked, see Samut is dead, and bin her. Rancor triggers.
Your opponent now has their Rancor trigger and their Mage trigger wanting to go onto the stack at the same time; both triggers are theirs, so they can stack them as they like. They can have Dragon Mage wheel, and THEN get Rancor back.
SBAs are checked after things trigger, but before the triggers can actually be put onto the stack.
Alright, cool. Thanks gA
I'm assuming that if Samut was killed in the first strike damage step he would be forced to wheel away the rancor?
Correct. Samut dies there, Rancor goes back to hand in that step, and then in the NEXT step, Dragon Mage hits, triggers, and wheels.
He only gets to keep Rancor if Samut dies in the second damage step.
do you still have fun playing this godforsaken game
Fun things are fun. Don't hate just because you're shit at it.
can anybody who plays mtgo tell me how drafting works? do i actually get to keep the cards? i just started again and i have like 210 play points so i figured i'd play drafts to build my collection. even if i lose i get ~40 free cards. am i right in thinking this?
i'm also not clear on the exact difference between limited queues, limited scheduled, limited leagues and limited tournaments
Normal drafts, you'll keep the cards. A PHANTOM draft, you only keep prizes if you win- whatever you draft is not added to your collection. Off the top of my head, most every draft is a normal one, and Phantom drafts are for like, Cube.
Great, the fucking post glitch is back.
Queues I think are just ODEs, 8-mans, fill-and-fires; once there's 8 people, the event shoots, and they're available all the time, with a set prize support. Scheduled events are "There will be an event at a specific time", typically with a higher prize? And leagues are, if I remember, you build your deck and play in the 'league' and you can earn packs to add to your deck as the league goes on, just like an in-store one.
I just bought a Amonkhet prerelease pack, how would I do in a limited environment with this deck?
How does Kalitas interact with other replacement effects that exile a creature card when it dies, like magma spray or incendiary flow?
Or say Necromancer's Magemark?
The owner of the dying creature chooses which replacement effect to apply, so it can avoid giving the zombie to his opponent
Come on man CMC and then color. You have one drops in between 2 and 3 drops.
Also I think you are too greedy with little payoff. Drake Haven is sweet but you should have an oppressive amount of cycling. Most important is 3 color I don't think will fly here like in Kaladesh or kahns. You don't have any fixing (painted bluffs is terrible). I think blue here is the weakest. Out of all your Rares did you only open the minotaur boss? And no removal?
Hi gA!
About to play a Legacy tournament. My opponent plays Show and Tell, in which order do permanents hit the field?
On a more general idea, do you know a way of thwarting Show and tell for mono-red burn? I'm considering Ashen Riders in side, for teh lulz...
Oddly. The owner of the dying creature chooses the order in which to apply them, so they can deny you the Zombie.
Weirdly, though, you can just say "Okay, that's exiled and I get a Zombie" and if they don't say otherwise, you're correct. You just can't lie to them about it.
Same deal. You pick Magemark first, it goes to your hand instead of exile, no zombie.
They enter simultaneously. And yeah, Angel of Despair/Ashen Rider is usually the go-to "fuck your Show and Tell" tech for red.
Do creatures hit with death touch damage during First Strike damage die before regular damage goes through?
So, deathtouch says "Any amount of damage this creature deals is considered lethal."
So a 1st strike deathtouch creature kills anything that it runs into before regular damage can be dealt. Creatures die as a state based action when they receive 'lethal' damage.
To make it clearer, think about it like this.
Your turn:
>Your 4/4 Trample Rhino swings for your opponents face.
>He blocks with a 1/1 First Strike Deathtouch creature.
Enter First Strike Damage step. 1/1 has FS. It deals 1 damage to your rhino. Your Rhino, due to Deathtouch, has received 'lethal damage'.
>At end of FS damage step, Rhino is sent to the graveyard by State-Based Action, as it is 'dead'.
>Regular damage step.
>Rhino is dead, can deal no damage.
Yes. Deathtouch makes any nonzero amount of damage from that source 'lethal', so it's no different than a 4/4 blocking a 4/4 First Striker. The First Striker does lethal damage well before the 'normal' 4/4 gets to hit back.
I hate the questions on the exam about layers and time-stamps. What level judge are you?
If I completely missed a Standard block, is buying a playset of commons/uncommons, then buying singles of the rares when I want to buy in to a deck worth it? My math says it's ~$80 for all of KLD + AEV...
Was going to ask a similar question, but it was answered already. TLDR; "one tick of deathtouch damage is enough for trample, even through indestructible"
...but my cousin owes me about a dozen games of kitchen table because we played during ~m7-m10, and apparently that ruling wasn't in effect back then.
The way trample is written, I believe, is "Lethal damage must be assigned to all blocking creatures, and any remaining is assigned to the defending player."
And with DT, 1 damage is 'lethal'
To answer your other question, a playset of all the commons and uncommons and a few single rares for 80 bux? do it. That's not a bad deal. There's a lot of good stuff in Kaladesh block.
Honestly you could get by with just ordering the commons and uncommons you need instead of a playset you'll hardly use any of.
Asked this in the standard thread but here we go:
If I have a diregraf colossus on board and cast wayward servant do I get the damage for the new zombie token or does wayward come in after the token?
The Diregraf trigger goes on the stack above the Servant, so it will enter first.
The Servant will trigger Colossus upon being -cast-. That trigger will resolve and make a Zembo before the Servant itself resolves. No trigger from Servant.
Odric, Lunarch Marshal and Illusive Tormentor.
What about them? Having mist out when Odric's ability resolves then flipping it will give intruder the shared abilities.
>If Wayward Servant enters the battlefield at the same time as another Zombie creature, its ability triggers for that Zombie.
What does this refer too? just if you are bringing back multiple zombies then?
can an expertise or similar card be used for ramp?
So if you had a wayward servant and another zombie and they were blinked (exiled and returned to the battlefield) wayward servant would trigger for them both entering at the same time.
What this means is if one effect causes multiple creatures to enter the battlefield they all enter together so they all "see one another" boardwipes work the same way in reverse they all leave together. So if you have two blood artists and your opponent plays wrath of God you get 4 triggers (two for themselves and two for each other because they happen together). The diregraf has a separate trigger and answered before.
It refers to when there are multiple zombies etbing at the same time including Wayward Servant.
Ex. If you cast Living End with Wayward Servant and a bunch of zombies in the yard.
Quick bump to rescue from the last page
Odric and Tormentor, no real interactions- Tormentor has no keywords for Odric to share.
If you transform it to Insidious Mist before Odric's trigger resolves, your team will gain Hexproof and Indestructible for the turn.
For example, if you cast Rise of the Dark Realms and get back Servant and 4 other Zambonis, it'll "see" them entering with it, and trigger 4 times.
I'm not sure what you're asking- could you clarify?
Is there a way for Odric to give Tormentor the abilities of the Mist?
Question since I don't know how the stack works, if I have a Diregraf Colossus out and I play Plague Belcher, do I make the zombie token before or after I apply the -1/-1 counters?
With just one copy? Sooooorta.
You can transform it to Mist before the trigger resolves, and then the trigger will give it Hexproof and Indestructible (which it already has) in Layer 6. Then, if you transform it -back- to Elusive Tormentor, it'll still have those abilities, because it's the same object, you're just changing what it looks like. Same way it would keep Flying if you had Angelic Gift on it. Of course, without outside help, you can't just freely transform it back.
Before. Colossus triggers when you cast the spell, and that trigger will resolve before the spell that made it trigger in the first place. So you'd cast Belcher, which triggers Colossus. Trigger resolves, makes a Zamboni. Plague Belcher resolves, enters the battlefield, and triggers itself. By the time this trigger needs a target, you have a 2/2 from Colossus that you can feed to Belcher's trigger, making it a 5/4 and your opponents all losing 1 life.
I thought as much, thank you.
no of course not
>start turn with Elusive Tormentor side up
>move to combat, odric triggers
>activate Tormentor, transform to mist
>Odric resolves
>move to declare attackers, attack with mist
>mist goes unblocked, triggers, transforms back to Tormentor
>deal 4 damage with hexproof, indestructible Tormentor
Does this not work?
No, it works, I just meant you can't really do it ON DEMAND- as in, you can't change it back to a Tormentor as easily as you can change it to a Mist.
can o ring target old emmy?
Ah, misunderstood then. Thanks.
why that OP picture? what is the significance to you?
Yes. She has protection from colored spells, but Oblivion Ring doesn't target anything as a SPELL. Oblivion Ring, once it's a permanent, has a triggered ability that targets. That ability's source is not a colored SPELL, but a colored PERMANENT, so Emmy's protection doesn't help.
It's just one I settled on using for all my threads pretty early on. It doesn't have any real significance, it was just the one I'd used most recently when I decided to keep reusing the same image for consistency, like Quests and generals used to.
When am I considered to have "cast" a spell?
Example: I control Dovescape. I cast a spell, which is countered by Dovescape and creates birds. Can I now play Illusory Angel ("Cast Illusory Angel only if you've cast another spell this turn.") or do I need to play a creature first?
To be clear, when I say "I cast a spell, which is countered" here I mean "I play an instant or sorcery from my hand"
Terminology unclear
nevermind, I actually found the ruling for this. thanks anyway m8s
"Cast" does not mean "resolved".
If you moved a spell to the stack from some other zone and went through the steps of casting it, then you cast a spell, whether or not it resolved.
Hello gA, question here.
Suppose I create a token with Flameshadow Conjuring (or any other such effect in red) and then make a copy with Second Harvest, would the copy have the "exile it at the beginning of the next end step" clause from Flameshadow Conjuring?
It wouldn't. That's not something on the token, it's a delayed trigger created by the effect that made the token.
The effect that made the OTHER token did not create such a trigger, so nothing will eat it. It's why I love populating Mimic Vat tokens in my Trostani deck!
Note that with a Doubling Season type effect, both WILL get exiled- because Doubling Season isn't making the second one, it's just changing the first effect to make 2, and that effect will set up a delayed "you go away" trigger for each of those tokens.
Would it be two delayed triggers or just one delayed trigger that zortched both?
Just one trigger for all the tokens, my bad.