Are Altmer, dare I say, /bestelves/?
Are Altmer, dare I say, /bestelves/?
Best for the wood-chipper maybe.
No, elves need to be whimsical little shits that have an unknown agenda and will fuck you up for so much as smiling at them in the wrong manner.
They make terrible enemies and even worse friends.
If you're not going full fey, why even bother?
If you're going to the Blue Palace, you might want to rethink that outfit.
Fey tend to be where lolrandom forced whimsy, pseudo deep edge and mary sue powerlevel meet.
They are worst Elf.
I want you to leave elves alone.
You need your opinion validated this badly?
yes ;_;
I heard that elves are whores made to be raped. Is this true?
Probably? I was always able to pull off a better looking dunmer though. Even though most dunmer look worse.
Its not rape if its an elf, user.
Sorry user, you're not a half-elf.
That's a really funny way of spelling Chimer
xD Quality thread, much memes
Because that's been done to death and it's only one limited slice of the elf mythology.
Elves can be race of fallen gods doing everything they can to maintain their last scrapes of divinity that they are doomed to lose. They have built a world of rigid beauty for themselves. Those who have become too physically or spiritually blemished are cast out.
They can be an old race of people, ancestor's to the common folk. Rather than dying out they travelled to the land of the dead to live forever. They act as counsellors and prophets their mortal cousins. Some become bored of their idle immortality and give it up to adventure in the world of the living.
A race of men that when the call for war between God and the Devil came they chose to answer neither. They were banish from the lands of men for their disloyalty but they were not so evil to deserve damnation. They were bound to the earth and all it's realms neither to enter the higher or lower worlds. As a people they could never reach the transcending heights or abyssal lows of men but they did become unnaturally canny in the workings of the world. They are exceeding wise in all earthly crafts but can never build kingdoms or access any spiritual mystery.
And yet you still managed to make the worst post. Good work, user.
Even that was at least more original than the nth iteration of this ancient edgefag meme.
You should write more fantasy.
No, whining about memes is older and more worn out than that specific meme.
Also, like it or not, that kind of meme is one of the only things Veeky Forums has to itself.
They're not even the best mer.
>Because that's been done to death
Well, so has the high-and-mighty snob angle.
is it just me or is Veeky Forums suddenly more /v/ today?
>that kind of meme is one of the only things Veeky Forums has to itself.
Really not something to be proud of.
>that kind of meme is one of the only things Veeky Forums has to itself
Not really, we buried it some time ago and /v/, /pol/ and /a/ out of all places exhumed it.
Don't bump elf spammers.
The boards are their culture, user. If you don't like it then why are you even here.
Thanks, I'm actually interested in both threads, so this was pretty helpful.
I actually asked because I was told by /a/ to ask Veeky Forums about elves
Why rape an Elf when you can find a young and incredibly horny Dunmeri girl to fuck instead?
t. Immigrant
>Well, so has the high-and-mighty snob angle.
That is true but there is no reason any of those examples has to be played that way. I mean you can, but there is no reason you have to.
This first is a group of gods who know they are going to die, but those that still occupy their kingdom are god-like. They aren't just a group of yahoos who think they are the master race, they have very real power to lose. They can't afford to act snobby because this is their age of "don't go quietly into the night."
Any of them that are PCs or even threats have already fallen. They begin with a begin humbled. No more superpowers, no more immortality this is their last run around the track. In this world it might also be a thing where a lot of the really twisted gobliniod, formorian types are those elves that fell and then just kept on falling. So they have to wonder if they are going to die with nay dignity left at all.
>It's a race of burnt out war heroes.
The second is a race of scholars. Unlike the first they have no fear of death or disgrace, they have played their part in the world of the living, now they exist to contemplate and record. Their distance from the frenzy of life has allowed them to see far and has also robbed them of the desire to act. They can be secure in the knowledge they hold and comfortable in the world of unchanging beauty they have created.
Naturally there are those who are not down for this. Some are elves who have imposed upon themselves forgetfulness of the things they have seen with their long sight and wish to live again. Others are mortals who have wandered into the paradise and have grown weary of it. The masters of the realm have no reason to guard the gates and no desire to fight so entrance and exit is easy for those that know where to look. What is more difficult is adjusting the mortal world again. No mind can ever be prepared for how uncertain and chaotic it can be.
>It's a race of naive nerds
The third can never know the ecstasies of faith. They can't engage in zealous fury or the sickening glee of committing a blasphemy. They feel no greater calling or rage against the universe. Or at the very least not very easily. Pride and shame do not come easily for them. Ironically they have a greater understanding of the supernatural order than mortals, if only because they have been exuded from the greater part of it. This makes them somewhat magical. They know of ghosts and nature spirits and the secret codes hidden in the stars and the rocks. Now they have no need of faith because they know God is there.
But they are bound to the earth so they don't bother praying. They don't bother fighting each other or building large nations or creating philosophies. They live, and in this way they are like animals. But unlike most animal they feel great longing and boredom like anyone else. So they develop craft. Among the elves rests, at any given time incredible knowledge of the sciences and mortal magical. Given enough effort they can alter anything on earth but can never make anything new. Everything they build crumbles soon after it has served it's purpose. Even the skills themselves must be learnt and relearnt because they have no reason to write it down.
So the elves live to celebrate their craft with raucous festivities far away from the eyes of God or Satan. They have no reason to be and this makes them monstrously joyful (so they must party) and monstrously sad (so they must party) They have stunning arts, transcendental sciences, mighty weapons and no reason to be.
So a brave elf might leave the safety of nihilistic bliss and take his chosen trade out into the world of the faithful. He would be a trespasser.
>A race of pragmatic, back-woods hedonists
>Cosmic hill people
>Scientific hippies without a cause.
Veeky Forums doesn't deserve this level of creativity and insight
This thread doesn't deserve this.
Humans Don't deserve elven qts
Yes. They love it.
Altmer are dicks who want to unmake reality so they can go back to being a semi-divine collective, and they don't care how many other lives this would end.
And this is Good
Humans are Ehlnofey too, but are too brainwashed
Altmer are right
They all look like they have both hepatitis and a four-foot stick in their ass.
Altmer are wrong because even if they DO destroy Mundus, their et'ada nature has been so degraded that without the support of reality they will dissolve into nothing. They cannot go back to being spirits anymore. Nobody can.
Third best, and that's only because the orsimer and bosmer are really shit.
Orsimer > Dunmer > Bosmer >>>>> Altmer
If, by whatever metric you're using, you think the Altmer are the best elves then what the fuck are you smoking?
The Altmer are a pale shadow of the Aldmer. Unless the best elf by your definition is "one who wishes they weren't born a few Eras too late and bitches they aren't immortal", then sure.
But Aldmer are objectively superior to Altmer in every way.
That said, they're both shit.
I think the Fey angle works best if there are a number of perfectly valid reasons why they do what they do. Whether it be cultural or otherwise.
Then don't tell anyone the reasons. People are welcome to try guessing at their reasons and form Cargo Cults around trying to emulate or work with them, but such attempts will come across as a little funny.
Dwemer a cute.
What the fuck is wrong with her shoulders?
They dead tho
she's French, they're not used to standing upright
necrophilia, then.
They live on as the skin of the brass god Numidium
I wouldn't exactly call that living. More of a, "I have no mouth and I must scream," scenario. Imagine the suffering they must be going through.
Please, that's just what they want you to THINK.
dwemer conspirancy confirmed
You have no idea...
fuck you man the mer are shit through and through
Imperial 4 lyfe
The one exception are wood elves because they spend all their lives to themselves in their fucking wood huts, but even this makes them shit because they're all savages by nature
How do you know?
Perhaps they feel orgasms instead of pain in their current state.
>nearing her to kiss her
>accidentally stabs me in throat by pointy chin
but how thick are they? this is important
They're not that pointy, or pointing outwards.
They seem well built, especially compared to the beanstalks the other mer are.
Altmer are great in concept because they take traditional fantasy high elves and push their generic qualities to the extreme. Altmer are aloof beyond measure and are obsessed with racial purity, to the point where they have been bred to look nearly identical. Altmer names are in fact strings of numbers, but in their language sound like names to humans. They are xenophobic, judgemental, intelligent, and gifted in magic beyond measure. Obsessed with image, they wear uniforms and walk in formation, and look down upon the "lesser races."
HOWEVER Dunmer are best elves and always will be.
/tgesg/ had an unsatisfying weekend
But Dunmre are twats too.
Only Bosmer are halfway decent, if cannibalistic monsters...
Why is Nerevar a woman?
>/tgesg/ had an unsatisfying weekend
We've had a lot of those lately.
If you think being called outlander and n'wah are bad, the reception on Summerset would be hundreds of times worse.
Dunmer are best elves by far, and have the best lore (don't read c0da). Bosmer are interesting but vary between being pathetic manlets to shapeshifting cannibal monstrosities. No in-between for them.
Orismer are no better than goblins or argonians IMO
Everyone is racist in TES
Except Imperials maybe
and beastfolk (because beastfolk are subhumans and their opinions are worthless)
Valenar are best elves
Imperial guards say 'All you elves are the same' when they attack one in Oblivion.
Is it racist if they are right?
They fucking wish.
Imperials are least racist. Still racist, but compared to others, average imperial is a captain sweden of TES.
There are antiexamples too. Like Altmer-Nord family in karthwasten.which pleases me
>you will never go back in time and bed a cute dwemer queen
Auri-El not Akatosh fucking human shits!!!!!
>not alkosh
There's nothing really to talk about until the next TES game.
I can't wait to get buttmad when we find out how much Todd fucks it up.
That's not how you spell Dunmer, n'wah.
Doubt it will be as drama-inducing as ES:O was.
More or less.
When a fandom, which is ultimately what /tgesg/ is, runs out of content you are left with two options.
Curatory work or transformative work.
The first is what we're mostly doing, sitting around and talking about the existent lore. I swear I've seen more Arena/Daggerfall/Obscure stuff over the last few years, which is probably because stuff about the more well known titles have been exhausted completely. You find new stuff to look at and talk about until you run out.
Transformative is making new stuff. Which doesn't happen a lot here, it's more reddit's thing.
Closest thing we've really got this in any real sense is tabletop adaptions, but there's a very limited number of people interested in that sadly, and an even smaller number that are actually working on it.
All of my THIS.
This is rape culture
>elves coming from a world with God and Satan
That doesn't seem right.
Dwemer are by far the best elf. Though Altmer are good in my book. Dunmer are just ash eating slavery who built an empire to spite the Altmer but fucked it up & get shit on by building it in the worst place ever.
Well, actually it's ok.
But their position in Christianity were debatable. In general, there are 3 positions:
1)Elves are Demons. Simple position and supported by mythology, since in old tales elves were malevolent seductive entities.
2)Elves were another set of Angels. Sort of Neutral ones: Those who didn't recognize authority of Humans over all creations (including themselves) but didnt side with Lucifer either. This one is always rejected, since Angel can be only Good and obedient or Evil and Rebel. they cant be "Im not that guy, but..." like Humans can be.
3)Third position is that they are Humans and based n tales about old Humans. Be mindful how first Humans are described in Genesis, including longevity etc. Also some claim that they were descendants of Nephilim and some legends said, that they were pureblooded descendants of Cain.
French cartoon. Why do you think those Charlie Hebdo guys all got murdered?
I see you too read CS Lewis
Anons around here too fedora to appreciate his work, though to be fair accusations he was extremely slanted to a Christian centric world view on everything aren't dishonest
TES is never gonna be Morrowind-tier fantasy again. Take your generic fantasy adventure and like it, you cuck.
>Transformative is making new stuff. Which doesn't happen a lot here, it's more reddit's thing.
He's talking about ES fanfiction and "headcannon" which is vehemently ridiculed here.
Where can I read more good stuff about the dunmer?
Play Morrowind.
I put a lot of hours into that game already and vidya doesnt hold my attention anymore. I just wanna read.
I'd've recommended reading up on TIL and UESP, but these are saturated with ESO garbage lore nowadays.
That is what I am saying. Where can I find non-garbage literature? I would even settle for mediocre fanfic if I am being completely honest.
You know how /pol/ insists Jews are secretly ruling the world, plotting to enslave all goyim?
Thats the altmer, except its actually true.
>altmer best elves???
Fucking Philistine.
Please don't bump the thread if you don't have anything to contribute.
nice copypasta bro
user, we're talking about a society where the princess Barenziah, still quite the teenager, eagerly consented to getting fucked by a Khajiit thug in the middle of a crowded Tavern - and not one of those "human with pointy ears" Khajiit, one with the barbed penis and claws.
Dunmer men and women are legendary for their forays outside Morrowind (or simply outside Morrowind culture) and bedding whoever or whatever they please.
Please don't.