/v/ on Veeky Forums
The new Divinity OS 2 update has DM tools, shown in this (slightly cringy) video:
Here's hoping it will be like the old Neverwinter times, with a solid multiplayer and module scene.
/v/ on Veeky Forums
The new Divinity OS 2 update has DM tools, shown in this (slightly cringy) video:
Here's hoping it will be like the old Neverwinter times, with a solid multiplayer and module scene.
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probably not neverwinter nights since you will be limited to 4 players and one DM so no perseistant MMO like modules, which was always a strong point for neverwinter but on the other hand this is WAY more freeformt han i expected, with the importable images and all this is pretty amazing.
One of the first hacks for the first game was increased max players in the campaign.
But yeah, 5 players is what most team games aim for, Valve decided on that - DOTA2, Counter Strike, Left4Dead, and so on.
Steam has a lot of 5 man co-op teams formed in its userbase
If you could actually create a peresistant world in OS2 that would be huge
If there is a way you could turn off or disable the actual game systems, this thing would be amazing as a system agnostic VTT. Even if that isn't the case, hope this takes off and gets a decently large modding community. Their last game had all the tools for it but nobody made any interesting mods.
modding is a thing of the past
modders now make their own games and sell them on steam greenlight
>Their last game had all the tools for it but nobody made any interesting mods.
I tried, but it was really hard.
I have published a couple of mediocre NWN modules, but I quit my NWN2 attempts exactly because it was harder, and DOS was even harder.
I mean just in the context of the GM Mode really, adding in more character models environmental objects to make playing campaigns outside of high fantasy possible.
Yeah, I think they're missing the target by a few inches again. The DM tool is very cool and super easy to use--but those super easy to use tools would be MUCH better as a singleplayer campaign creator. Most people want to play singleplayer. They've even admitted this in the past--that about 80-90% of their audience only plays singleplayer, but they keep doubling down on co-op and multiplayer as a focus. I can sort of see why, it plays very well to game journos and streamers when you're showing the game off, but it means they're trading some extra sales for not serving their real audience as well as they could.
The actual modding tool that can make singleplayer campaigns should ideally be as able to use as this DM tool. My guess is that won't be the case, and it'll be like the last game: the DM tool will be a breeze to use and a joy, but won't see much use because the multiplayer audience is small, while the modding toolset will be too painful for almost anyone to use, which will mean no real singleplayer campaigns are made.
I really hope I'm wrong.
t. oldfag who modded the shit out of NWN, NWN2, etc
I legitimately don't care about the game itself at all, this GM Mode thing looks outstanding though. They could easily sell it as a game all on its own if it is flexible enough, the market is there for a powerful VTT that is easy to use and is visually appealing.
one of the stretchgoals was easier modding support and also map making is still required for the DM mode to work properly...
That map making tool better be easy to use if they expect this DM mode to get any use.
Yeah, but I'll bet you that "easier modding support" still means a dev tool that's pretty hard to use. Have you used D:OS's mod tool? You can't even edit items or NPC inventories without opening excel spreadsheets that are not in anyway connected to the toolset.
Compare that to the DM tool, where everything is WYSIWYG and frankly even easier to use than NWN1, which was already very intuitive. I guarantee you the mod tool will not be anywhere near that. And then there's stuff like the worldmap and vignettes which would be a really nice addition to the singleplayer, but, again, which I very much doubt will be a standard part of the devkit.
see Looks like its drag&drop from lists of assets, like an old RTS game map maker.
The problem is that Unity Engine exists, and people expect your modding tools to be as powerful as it.
That could just be for adding actors/objects to scenes though, you would have to be able to do those things on the fly for a DM tool to work. But if the actual mapmaking is as easy as an RTS game editor then that would be amazing.
Yeah, that's my point. I'd prefer something like the DM tool as a surface level creator tool. Just a basic editor that is easy to use + has prefabs is enough for most people. Having a deeper toolset for powerusers past that that is super hard to use is fine, but I am getting the very bad feeling that the DM tool is for multiplayer only and won't be usable for singleplayer campaigns. If true, that's a big fucking mistake on their part, since way more people would use it if it was capable of making singleplayer stuff.
I think the market has long since proven that the only dev toolkits that do well are ones that are easy enough for retarded kids to use. People who want professional grade game creation tools will just use ACTUAL kits like Unity, Unreal, etc, or make their own.
The map making tool is not the DM tool. The map making tool is their devkit. We haven't seen it yet, but if it's anything like D:OS's it will only be usable by a few people in the world.
This shit is unreadable.
If you are going to post low-quality images you might as well not post anything.
The video is in the OP, man. The gifs are from the email I got with the video, since I helped fund the game.
My friend gifted me this game. I was going to wait until it comes out of Early Access and then play it with my friends. Does that sound like a good plan?
yeah, only way to go realy
What me and my friends are doing, so it's at least probably a popular idea.
That's pretty much what I'm doing, I played a tiny bit just to try out the character creation and a few new features, but haven't touched it since.
I played the early access for a while, did a few quests, felt it out. Haven't touched it since, I'm also saving for the final version.
They did another video with PC Gamer, more about the process of setting up and actually making stuff with it than running games. The level/map editor is a separate tool. It looks like the actual map/level editor is a different tool that you use separately.
Thanks for the link, I'll see that tomorrow.
From skimming it, it looks simple enough.
>Like Neverwinter Nights
I wish. Having actual servers with more than 4 people at a time would be cool.
Still salty that they nuked the entire mod scene with 1 when they put out Enhanced Edition (Think what happened with Skyrim but smaller). Wasn't as much of an issue at least as no on was really making modules beforehand and afterward. Hopefully that will change with DivOS2, but vibrant communities are harder to come across with games like this
Seems like the idea is people make empty maps using the in depth level editor, or just pick from the premade ones and/or grab ones off the workshop that others have uploaded. Then from there you use the GM tool to place NPCs and objects around as needed for your campaign.
Similar setup to using battlemaps in a traditional VTT I suppose, just more demanding because 3D environments are a lot harder than 2D maps.
So can you make modules and upload them for people to play on their own time as with NWN? That would be pretty great. I will have to think about actually buying this game.
I can't see them saying that directly anywhere, but it certainly seems to be what they are implying.
Looks cool, but they need to clarify a lot of details before I would get excited for it. Is there scripting of any kind to automate stuff like dialog or puzzles? Can you upload adventures to the workshop? As a player can you save characters to use between different adventures? Can you limit who gets to view the GM handout things or does the whole party see at once? How much control does the GM have in a combat encounter to allow for players to be creative in how they tackle stuff? How about the environment itself?
Hope they actually go into more detail feature wise, not really familiar with Divinity at all but I could see myself buying this game for this feature alone if it can tick most of those boxes.
Saw an "Imported Campaign" section in the load campaign menu in that PC Gamer video, don't see what else this could mean but confirming that you can get campaigns from the internet or Steam Workshop.
You guys hopefully watching the presentation stream:
twitch /larianstudios
They're cringy and murdhobo's but it shows the new tools which seem pretty nice.
Shit I forgot about it, what have they said so far?
Mostly cringy shit nothing great. He showed some of the status and vignette things. Seems like you can't edit turnorder on the fly in combat. If you aren't careful AI will automatically engage before you can possess them. There's a "Peaceful" mode tho that stops all automatic combat.
Rest is basically what you already saw in the KS update.
>Seems like you can't edit turnorder on the fly in combat. If you aren't careful AI will automatically engage before you can possess them.
Sounds like it needs some refinement then.
>tfw you oldfagged your way through the heyday of NWN
>Tfw you watched Blizzard pass nwn2 off to Obsidian to work on this new fangled mass effect thing
>Tfw nwn2 comes out a buggy half finished mess that can't handle large pws
>Tfw there is never a nwn3
>No fuck you and your mmo
>Tfw 4e would have been perfect for vidya but wizards never capitalized
>Tfw you will never have easy bake oven mmo with drop in drop out roleplay
What editor assets are out now?
How powerful is it?
etc. Please someone inform me, modder here but I'm too lazy to look into this game.
>I'm too lazy to look into this game.
Fuck off and kill yourself then.
Game is only in a very limited EA right now, doubt any of this will be out until the release later this year.
Okay from what I gathered this is just an interface for a GM to guide things. Meaning it will probably require too much technical skill for any plebes to use properly.,
it also doesn't seem to be something to do with mod support or scripting.
So bascially it's retarded little kickstarter thing they put in for a feature list. Great.
It's basically ArmA Zeus for CRPG's you can live edit a map and take control of any assets, do some GM stuff and shit.
If that's just a little feature for you.
lots of games have done this and it doesn't seem to be much of a hit.
NWN is the biggest and that was modding/scripting/online modules.
Don't see how you could come to that conclusion from what they have shown so far. You've got a campaign editor for sequencing up encounters and scene transitions, a campaign map screen which you can use to convey group movement throughout the game world, and you can add/remove/edit anything as needed on the fly.
The modding tools and level editor are something separate from this, but they've said that stuff you make in those can be imported into the GM Mode to be used with it. So you can download more maps and whatnot from the workshop, if you are too technically inept to do any of that yourself.
Can you script all of the GM stuff or does it require a human?
It doesn't seem to support any scripting. GM mode will require a GM.
so it's basically worthless
There's gonna be a complete editor that's supporting exactly that. You are worthless.
I see it working very nicely as a VTT solution
I still wish to see them allow importing of scripts.
If I can make some prefab of a "guard" for example, with a model, stats and the patrol behavior, and attack on player picking up items for example.
Thats a script attached to an object that I should be able to drag into the level.
And you can easily have some C# or JavaScript or Lua console running for the DM. As in, its a day's work to make it happen.
The game's normal AI for NPCs is still running as long as the GM doesn't purposefully disable it via "Peaceful" Mode. You could leave that off while the party is visiting a town or whatever so they get punished if someone gets caught stealing.
Well that was just an example. Maybe I want to create an NPC that runs at fire and suicides. Its a script I need attached to an object. So to drag that object in, the game should be allowing me to drag scripts in.
If thats possible, we can just add scripts to the level by dragging invisible objects, like in the Warcraft III modding kit. You'd add an invisible sheep with an aura or something, and players gaining that aura would trigger an event.
I mean, that was sort of implied with them mentioning Steam Workshop.
They directly mentioned workshop support for sharing maps and custom art assets, but not the campaigns themselves.
Never ever ever
But since 90% of maps will be illegal to share (propriety stuff from manuals or other settings), that doesn't make much sense.
If Tabletop Simulator can get away with having mountains of copyrighted stuff on their workshop I don't see the issue.
Which would be better, this or Pillars of Eternity?
Pillars of Eternity is an okay game with a slightly better story. It's also cringy shit that tries much too hard to be "mature".
Divinity Original Sin is a fucking awesome game with a great combat but lacks story progression and presentation. If you are a diehard storyfan you won't like it but if you like a still reasonable good story with great gameplay but it.
Divinity Original Sin 2 is an unpolished sequel that is already shaping up to be one of the best RPG's you will ever see. Completely fixing the problems of the first game while making positive changes to the already good parts.
Please don't link to /v/
They are on different plane of irony than rest of humanity, and can't be trusted
Too bad it won't have the series' usual 10/10 music. RIP Kirill.
Music is pretty good desu senpai.
They found a great replacement that nearly matches Kirills musical genius. The OST in the character selection is orgasmic.
>4e NWN3
>Peresistant modules
>Turn based combat
It would be perfect
Sword Coast Legends exists, its 5E NWN3 with a lot of modules.
i thought that was limited to 4 players too?
Also is the combat any good?
I didn't like the game, and I am not recommending it, just saying it exists and that it is "the new NWN game".
NWN also had an extremely rocky set of base mechanics. It needed mods to not suck for anything other than HotU and roleplaying *bad*.