>Artificially created super heroes are the last hope against an alien invasion.
Could you turn this into a horror setting?
>Artificially created super heroes are the last hope against an alien invasion.
Could you turn this into a horror setting?
Make the aliens sufficiently horrible and it's EZ.
Humans are the alien invaders.
White people are the alien invaders.
You're also playing as white people.
in Poland
>The test tube supers are as horrible to behold as the aliens they battle.
>They appear as Geiger-esque monstrosities human only in the vaguest ways possible
>The method of their creation is just a grotesque, as modifying young life is easier than creating life from scratch.
>The heroes know exactly how horrible they are, and know that as soon as the alien menace is dealt with, they will be disposed of. Some "heroes" are not content with this reality.
Make the means to turn people into superheroes do horrible shit to them in the long run or drive them insane.
Replacing someone's hand with a toilet plunger doesn't make them a superhero.
Why even have aliens?
was about to say use Uber as a reference
Terra for Mars
You're children in the story, imagining you have superpowers and fighting off the dastardly enemies.
The aliens are just other bio-engineered 'superheroes' who decided they don't like normies being in control.
Plus throw in all of them looking like Giger designed them while having a seizure and you're golden.
>The method of their creation is just a grotesque, as modifying young life is easier than creating life from scratch.
Oooh, nice touch!
It's all in the storytelling. PCs have to care about their characters too.
One of the strongest levers of horror is helplessness, which could be impossible with superpowers. You have to give aliens superpowers too I guess.
Body horror, grim descriptions and constant pressure on PCs are useful.
> >Artificially created super heroes are the last hope against an alien invasion.
>Could you turn this into a horror setting?
>Artificially created super heroes
The mutants from Prototype that are just one tragedy away from becoming monsters themselves. Genetically engineered from combining humans and invading aliens.
I've always wanted to do a game about humanity living on some far-away colony world, afraid of leaving the planet because of something that has snuffed out all other human colonies.
Starts out as some Paranoia like game, with the players acting as government enforcers, taking out people trying to find out secrets.
And then the players find out that 1000 years ago, some AI went rogue, pirated a database full of DNA and hijacked a drone for deep space exploration. That AI then created the world they live in by setting up a whole fake reality with a fake history, and people remembering fake memories of parents they never had (because they were grown in a vat only a month ago).
And now, a solar-system smashing armada of biomechanical von neumann horrors just obliterates the government, kills the AI, and they plant a strange flag on the planet. Either just the SpaceX logo on the flag, or the American flag with a little NASA banner under it.
I wanted the big reveal to be that the invading aliens describe themselves as the military arm of SpaceX or NASA.
"This isn't a war ordinary humans can win! This is the future - death's an inconvenience now, nothing more. We are all dead men walking!"
>Could you turn this into a horror setting?
No but I could make it super edgy and mature.
>The aliens are completely inhuman
>Without the super soldiers humanity is hopeless against the aliens
>The super soldiers barely fit the definition of human physically and psychologically
Personally I would make the human soldiers akin to Mechanicum Myrmidons from the Horus Heresy. Even bigger, stronger, and tougher than a space marine, they carry guns that melt you with radiation, or crush you with gravity. They don't look even the slightest bit human and they exist only to fight in battle, moving from battle to battle less as noble warriors looking for a challenge and more like vultures looking for carrion to feed on.
>that comic
Can you imagine that story intertwined with an alien invasion?
It'd just end with the aliens seeing the British superhero at the end of the story and thinking "Fuck it, we're going home, and think hard about our lives. We don't want to make the same mistakes as those fucking humans."
yes, easily
>inb4 in the end they all fall in a rift in space time and end up becoming the aliens that invaded in the first place
Do you have this where the text is readable?
I haven't read this comic, but everything I've ever head about it sounds pointless edgy.
Honestly though, I just want to see something play this extreme transhumanism as not necessarily a bad or even totally scary thing. Akira kinda does this in the very end.
This is basically just going to be 20-40 years from now when a rogue contingent of aliens comes to fuck Earth's shit up and hopefully stomp me (The Emperor/Malal), my greatest enemy/friend (Horus/Lucifer), and my deepest love (Macha/Weaver) into the dust to prevent a human uprising in the stars. With the 3 key players here on Earth out the way, the alien empire can persist for as long as time goes on. But they would not likely be able to face the greater threats present...
Either way, the creation of the Thunder Warriors and their deployment in the First Contact war is a horror in and to itself. Not only do the general populace have to trust themselves to a meager 500-800 supersoldiers (expensive buggers to make, even in a communist economy, where Russia was the main benefactor to the war effort). Nevermind that about 68% or more of them had some level of psychopathy brought on by a horrible life (schizophrenics, being the base genetics necesarry for the Thunder Warrior project due to their ability to sense the Warp, are statistically 300% more likely to live a homeless and awful life that leads them to suppress their emotions), the heroes of the story are no better than the aliens killing all of us.
But I'm not sure which came first, the First Contact War or the Unification War. I'm fairly certain it was First Contact first, as Humanity will almost always stay on this FUCKING mudrock due to infighting before ever deciding to unite and go to space.
The real horror of it all is just how helpless Humanity is to aliens with a far greater intelligence quotient, a far greater sense of prosperity and racism, a far greater excellation in technology and psyker "magick"... pretty much more everything.
>Heroes are genetically engineered
>Made to be very genetically malleable to make the whole process possible
>Aliens give off spores or radiation or something, it makes normal humans sick but not much beyond that
>Heroes are very successful in their first mission
>But after a while the radiation starts to have an effect on them
>They begin to become more like the aliens, like in District 9 but more slowly
>Insert plot based on whatever gimmicks the aliens have, eg. they have a hive mind and the heroes start to hear its call...
I liked this comic. Personally Jerry Craven was my favourite Superbeing for still being a decent person. But it is less of a story and more of a tale.
Fucking retard. That comic isn't about transhumanism being bad.
That comic is about humans being dumb fucking retards, using goddamn far-beyond next level shit for political games.
I wasn't talking about the comic anymore.
Oh okay, your post implied that you thought the comic was "transhumanism is bad!", which is factually wrong.
The comic echoes nuclear technology and turn-of-the-century chemistry, in that wonderful technologies capable of uplifting mankind to unimagined heights are instead used for mass extinction.
>Genetically engineered from combining humans and invading aliens
Wait what. I didn't play the second one. Were aliens involved?
Best take:
Aliens are so advanced whe had to create artificial Gods, but many are not willing to serve. Many take control of their nation. Some stay loyal to their creators but those who didn't create their own godlings and transform their nation into something terrible different.
The aliens unleashes plagues and horrors to murder all of humanity. In despair they follow their new gods to a new tomorrow, knowing that humanity has lost control over its own destiny.
Beat me to It.
Plus point if the technology to create theose superhumans are from the aliens.
I could imagine the aliens being very lovecraftarian and the irony in this war would be that humanity is starting to become like them.
There would be several factions:
- Them: Having prepared their coming via a chosen prophet they lead a two-way war against humanity: Horrors from outside and cultist from the inside. the Ogdru Jahad would be the best inspiration
- UNO: The survivors of the old world. They are the official force of humanity. But the death of billions does leave scars. Some superhumans fight for them but caution and fear forms the relationship between them and mortals.
- The Nations of Tomorrow: a coalation of different areas ruled by superhumans who have different ideas but are united in their fight for supremacy.
Could Cthulhu and co classify as an alien invasion?
No, then the game would've been even worse. I think that user is just using Mercer as reference for a pretty intimidating 'superhero'. Just don't play the second one.
I mean, they've been around here longer than we have.
I have no idea what this is, and those who do haven't given the name.
An invasion implies some kind of awareness of one's actions.
Cthulhu isn't aware of how his actions affect humanity, just like a CEO of a mining company isn't aware of how his actions affect the rocks his workers are blasting with dynamite.
That steamboat piercing Cthulhu is the equivalent of the CEO getting some sand in his eye while visiting the mine, causing some mild discomfort
Its a comic called Supergod by Warren Ellis. Cold War gets hot but instead of nukes superhumans.
>the aliens actually used to be just like us humans
>the superhero artificial gods are actually an memetic information parasite that transmits itself by putting civilizations into a near mass-extinction state through alien invasion
>creating superheroes to fight the aliens is just how the parasitic concept of god-soldiers multiply
I dunno man, did I just come up with Supermanunitology with an information meme instead of a Marker?
>inb4 at the end, the superhuman gods form a huge moon and fly off to do the same thing the aliens did to the humans to a different alien civilization
Maybe there was a scientific experiment involving a particle accelerator that was able to create superhumans but also let higher-dimensional aliens gain access to our world.
Behind the curtain the aliens manipulate humanity to widen their gate to our world until they can fully invade it.
Some world leaders work with those aliens for power until the invasion stars getting hot.
And when the invasion fully stars it will be a total war with billions of causality. The end of mankind. A world transformed.
A few dozen different ways, yes. The aliens can be the horror for the common Man in the street, only occasionally seeing one of their super owed protectors. The process of creating the hero can be horrific- gene modded child soldier, modification processes more similar to tortured than medicine, an implied or over low of humanity. The heroes can be their own sort of horror for the normies- hulking beastmen out of Gothic tales, the nuclear man of the atomic age, etc, mankind fears the Superman. Finally, the winning of the way can set up a horror sorry in its own right: vengeful superhuman gods, complete desolation as remnants of humanity try to survive, the exploration of ruined cities where alien weapons and mad superhumans remain active
That's not too tough to do. I mean, what if the supers are genetically re-engineered using the invading alien DNA.
All the bright patriotic armour and costumes are there to hide the fact that beneath it the hero's superstrength has turned their limbs into a mess of tumorous ossified tissue.
Or that the psychic is little more than a floating disembodied brain in a human-shaped fluid-filled sac.
The greater your powers, the like the aliens you have become.
And it's feared that some of the retired heroes may have been dealt with because they were going to switch sides.
The invading aliens are mutant superheroes from the future, desperate to escape/prevent the death of the planet.
Did you realize you were describing Eva, or was the whole point of this thread to get people to accidentally recreate Eva?
Or magical girls.
Go full bio-horror and all the superheroes are the product of alien/human DNA hybridization.
Pretty easy to do actually.
The main things about horror is the wicked things that crawl and scream and loom in the corners of your eyes need to be something you can never truly confront. You can only delay these horrors, never stop them.
It's a game of survival, not triumph.
For the superhero aspect, I'd do something like pic related, but put a hard cap on the powerlevels of the good guys.
Unless the real terrors are the monsters within them, and they have each struggle to stay human and sound of mind every time they use their powers.
How cool would it be if a characters gets lost in their "super powers," becomes unplayable, only to show up later as some twisted terror foaming at the mouth for the blood and guts of former friends?
It would know their names, their dreams, their secrets, their pasts. It know exactly how to pop every last one of their glistening little boils of hope.
>not content with that reality
You r a god among men
You should read The Squidder
The superhumans lost