I want to set a game in a universe where earth finds a portal to the center of the multiverse. It's already occupied by mystical ayyliums and K6BD hindu shit, and I want Earth, specifically the Coalition, to carve out a green zone for themselves and build an embassy! But I don't know shit about US occupations or military stuff! So come on /k/ enthusiasts and worldbuilding fa/tg/uys, tell me how this would go down! Also post pics of freedompunk shit. The phrase, specifically designed to piss you off, denotes early 21st century military ascetic
You want to look up Delta Green.
Here's a hint.
There won't be a green zone in the center of the multiverse.
There will be a fractal scar all across the Earth coloured in an infinite amount of impossible colours. And it will grow exponentially, getting bigger every year.
looks interesting enough. But from a preliminary glance its more a "chaos comes to earth"
I was thinking more a huge gateway in asia (no not GATE fuck GATE) or some other country. It becomes an actual border checkpoint, heavily regulated, and leads to a central, fuckhuge city at the center of creation
Well you might want to shift closer to just ayyliums and move away from the K6BD stuff, because that's just asking for getting raped in the dickhole.
That's a good point, but I'm honestly curious to explore a setting where you have something similar to the K6BD mythos, including an Earth representative. So you have hindu sword masters and magic demigods, but also part of the city is a tightly regulated greenzone patrolled by coalition forces. Maybe the US developed a proto cyber ninja unit to even the playing field
Obviously I'm all across the board with this, but you get the general mood I'm going for. I want the players to explore the city at the center of creation. Right after they fill out forms that let them leave the Earth section of God's city. Alas I know shit about military stuff or occupations
>fuck gate
GATE may be entry level anime garbage, but it's got a fairly interesting premise that's pretty close to what you're going for it seems
I cannot honestly express to you with the english language how much I hate GATE. That's a onesided JAPAN FUCK YEAH military circle jerk
I'm looking for a fairly even-sided AMERICA FUCK YEAH military circle jerk with hindu ayyliums and sword masters that can slice bullets. But I know all the mythical shit, I need more info on contemporary occupations and green zones
>implying japan has a military worthy of going FUCK YEAH over
I was interested when I first heard of the premise but I just started laughing when I heard the American Military isn't present at all even though they would probably be the first ones through.
>I was interested when I first heard of the premise but I just started laughing when I heard the American Military isn't present at all even though they would probably be the first ones through.
Isn't that the way most Japan-centric milwank shows go?
I mostly just ignore the "JAPAN STRONK" and enjoy the premise
Honestly that one part where a team of spetz and one of seals got BTFOd by inexperienced Japanese ops almost made me laugh out loud
"There is only one country that uses black people in special forces"
I'll just leave this here.
Not really to do with occupation, unless you interpret it very loosely as "Occupied by Radioactive Skeletons"
Slice these in half, sword wankers.
I've actually been pondering writing up a thing where it was GATE flipped around - JSDF is trying to stop an insane ultranationalist/uyoku dantai group from subjugating the other side for its resources and turning the other world into a fundamentalist neoconservative hellhole (well, more so).
The ultranationalists are already having a hell of a time what should have been a low-level fantasy world, but unsurprisingly, the Asian portal lead to the other world's Asia, so not only do they wind up having to fight youkai and Chinese/Korean/Viet/Mongolian/Taiwan/SEAsian equivalents, they have to deal with fifty different warring states, invading not-Mongols, invading not-Koreans, invading not-Chinese, plus a JSDF rep (and maybe someone from the PLA and ROK because North Korea is trying to get in on the action) teaching the human locals Vietnam-style tactics.
Also, the main bad guys (besides the ultranationalist leaders and funders) are a piece of shit pervert otaku who won't stop talking about how fancy their gear is and a lazy OORAH NIPPON FIRST KILL THE KOREANS AND CHINESE NEVER FORGET WW2 ex-JSDF guy who thinks he's special forces
Milwank in general - see Salvation War, which is also fedora-tipping (if better because it emphasizes a multinational effort, save the author's hateboner for Israeli forces)
Look at RIFTS. System has no good reputation, the setting does. There is Savage Rifts, if you are interested.
honestly I'd suggest using GURPS, have the players create standard powered characters and equip them with 21st century weaponry. Grab some splats from the share thread and have them liberate some monsters.
would Helldivers be considered freedompunk?
the proper way to deal with sword wankers who insist on cutting your projectiles in half is to use willy pete rounds.
Congrats, you broke the pinata, now here comes the candy.
>Slice these in half, sword wankers
what? Are there people who legitimately believe you can cut a bullet in half?
Nah, it's more grimdark in the vein of 40K, just more towards parodying nationalism.
no, context of the thread is a gate to fantasy realm where people can do weird fantasy shit like cut bullets in half.
Goddamn I wanna combine this idea with so fucking bad.
>US Marines start weaponizing Satan
>it fucking works
>How boned are you?
Deployment is 1 hour of all-consuming adrenaline-fueled panic to every 71 hours of abject and utter boredom.
If you want fodder for freedompunk, read LITERALLY ANYTHING about Teddy Roosevelt. Literally anything will do.
>Implying they wouldn't employ Satan to produce Pizza and Hooker MRE's.
>Salvation War
Ahhhhhhh, user.
I did not need to be reminded of that shitshow.
That would actually be really funny the first time it happened. But if this is the center of creation I'm sure some Hindu elf created Greek fire rounds for their not!guns decades ago
What about deployment in a mega city teeming with weird life? How would an Afghan vet, or hell, the fresh generation, deal with patrols in a mecca of magic and power?
Depends on the individual, but adaptability -- or just the ability to suppress whatever emotional complications may crop up -- is a hallmark of a multiple-tour troop.
The enemy isn't really relevant; honestly I think a less human enemy would be even easier to shoot at, which would make trained troops even more efficient killers. That's why we develop the idea of the other in our triggermen, why we minimize the humanity of the other side.
Fear is a friend in a firefight. It's that whisper that says stay down, the rumble in your gut that says IED, the hunch that things are about to go sideways. It can't control you, because that's how you get dead. Or worse, your brother gets dead. But everyone's listening to fear, and anyone who doesn't admit it is either a sociopath or lying. In that sense, it doesn't matter which is the case.
So...probably pretty well, to be honest. Sure, if you don't know where to shoot something it gets hard to kill it, but the effort won't diminish.
yes, people who believe you can parry "streaks of laserfire" with a lightsaber
>mistaking blaster bolts for lasers
You needed to remember Bill Clinton killing a succubus with an experimental autoshotgun.