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>How to Jumpchain
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>A single added note
MCU1 update inbound.
It's random jump o'clock.
That makes sense. I was just confused by how some of what I’d read made it sound like sufficiently high virtues were practically a mental illness.
Am I the only one having connection errors?
>Could the companion options be used to get new companions instead of importing?
This is fine.
Well, the plasma-tongue isn't even enchanted. It's literally just a revolver flame piece that uses an alchemical fuel.
Same with the fuel bolt launcher.
You could just make one. Or stuff a lead ball down the barrel of a fire wand and invent the musket (as there're already siege-blunderbusses that do this).
Creation has some weird cognitive blindspots - hence the crossbow being super-secret Haslanti military technology.
Having really high virtues means you are an extremely intense individual.
Like a five in valor means you're liable to fly off the cuff any time aggression is an option. It's just that normal people (read: you unless you intentionally buff those stats) don't have that kind of intensity.
6 and up is mental illness tier, but you can't even get that high unless you do something really stupid.
>Well, the plasma-tongue isn't even enchanted. It's literally just a revolver flame piece that uses an alchemical fuel.
Uh. Yes, they are enchanted.
They're artifacts. Not mortal weapons, even if mortals can use them. You couldn't build mundane firewands that use that fuel.
And here's the MCU1 update as written by Red and copy and pasted into rectangles by me.
MCU Vol.1 changelog:
-All backgrounds are free
-Changed 'Telekinesis' to 'Psionic Will'
-Buffed up 'Super Speed'/'Psionic Will'
-'Asgardian Armor' free for Asgardians
-Increased CP given by companion option to 500CP; new notes for Companion Recruitment
-Reduced 'Digital Ally' to 50CP; new notes
-Updated 'Yaka Arrow'
-Buffed Capstone Boost effects
It made sense to me for it to be that way when the other backgrounds cost stuff, but why does Drop-In not get 50/100 tier freebies in Part 1?
>Well, the plasma-tongue isn't even enchanted.
All Artifacts are labeled as such for a reason. They're very creation is steeped in something other than physics.
>You could just make one.
I don't believe anyone has said that it isn't possible to build them, they've merely questioned why you wanted the Plasma-Tongue Repeaters as a purchasable weapon.
Your inital answer was:
>are possibly the artifact weapons best associated with mortals.
Which as I pointed out wasn't quite true.
>Or stuff a lead ball down the barrel of a fire wand and invent the musket
You'd need to do a bit more than that. The reason why fire dust isn't the end all be all of Heroic Mortals is because the simple fact that while exceptionally good at making fire, fifteen yard flames short lived one second flames able to deal out third degree burns, the firedust isn't good for explosions without doing something to it which is not exactly clear. Firedust makes loads of fire but little to no real force from what I've read, great for a gout of hellish flame but terrible for an explosive which is meant to throw stuff around.
Also, as just an odd aside, mundane sniper rifles are better than artifact Long Powerbows. Shards of Exalted Dreams is a weird book sometimes.
To I was answering the dude you were quoting and got mixed up there. My apologies.
Can an outfit/set of armor be imported into Asgardian Armor?
A constant connection error won't let me post my build. No idea why, so I'll post in a pastebin.
Roll list
1.Crypt of the necrodancer
2.Marvel Cinematic Universe
3.Warhammer Fantasy Tomb kings
Queue: Need a new 7 spot
Are Asgardians innately magical or something? Considering how prominent magi-tech is?
Fuck I loved this movie. Marvel does it again, and James Gunn is a genius.
Never done that one before, hopefully it's not one of those deceptively dangerous jumps. Like Touhou, if you only read the jump you'd never know it's way higher end then described.
Roll list
1.Crypt of the necrodancer
2.Marvel Cinematic Universe
3.Warhammer Fantasy Tomb kings
Rolled 1 (1d8)
>Forgets to roll
Of course you could.
>During the First Age, Exalted alchemists developed reagent fuels far more stable than firedust. Armed with these fuels, they built artifact fire weapons far superior to any mere firewand and equally useful in the hands of mortals and the Chosen alike, since they did not require Essence expenditure.
At most, they're "artifacts" in that they have complex mechanisms and *might* be made of a magical material.
They don't need attunement, they don't need Essence, they don't use enchanted fuel.
And there's nothing in the description that implies the alchemical fuel necessitated artifact weapons. Just that it enabled better weapons to be created.
I have been having the connection error too. I wonder what the problem is.
This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by /k/
If you're ever in a position where you've got a gun and someone is trying to kill/rape you, aim for the chest an pull the trigger until they've stopped.
Or, you can just erase their minds or something.
Thank you.
YES! Let's see if you can dance little slime!
No, it's obviously that Anonymous asshole that keeps showing up. What a faggot.
Nah, SMT is pretty upfront with how dangerous it is. Starting with a coup by the Japanese military and a zombie apocalypse, with the Americans coming in to stop them, only for it to turn out that both are being controlled by Hell and Heaven respectively, leading to the American ambassador (who's actually Thor) starting WW3, which leads to an apocalyptic hellhole where the armies of Heaven and the legions of Hell wage war along with their cults. Then eventually God floods the world and the final battle between Heaven, Hell, and two humans who are badass enough to take both on with the help of gods/demons/angels that they've 'recruited' takes place within a giant cathedral that's supposed to be God's throne.
The humans win.
>-Buffed up 'Super Speed'/'Psionic Will'
Apparently they are, yes.
Because a lot of criticism beforehand was that they were too weak.
No, sorry.
Updated so that Drop-In's get stuff free like the other backgrounds.
>I don't believe anyone has said that it isn't possible to build them, they've merely questioned why you wanted the Plasma-Tongue Repeaters as a purchasable weapon.
I'm not that user? I was responding to him.
>All Artifacts are labeled as such for a reason. They're very creation is steeped in something other than physics.
It's literally just a revolver flame piece using an improved form of firedust.
It's only an artifact because the writers thought that firearms and crossbows went against the Chinese/Roman themes of... not... using crossbows... or gunpowder...
>Also, as just an odd aside, mundane sniper rifles are better than artifact Long Powerbows. Shards of Exalted Dreams is a weird book sometimes.
To be fair, the Powerbows were never very good. Their advantage is mostly range, not being good weapons (at least not without archery charms, which can get terrifying).
However... Orichalcum Long Powerbow still have slightly better, (but similar) stats compared to a mundane sniper rifle. (Same damage at Strength 3, less below that, more above. And Rate 3 instead of 1.)
>they built artifact fire weapons
Yes. Artifacts.
That's not shorthand for simply a complex mechanism that may have magical materials. That means it's magic, even if it's also a complex mechanism. There's complex mechanism that aren't artifacts too, but these aren't some of those.
You're free to decide otherwise, but the text clearly spells out that they're artifacts. So you'd need to built them as any other artifact, not as a mundane weapon.
>You'd need to do a bit more than that. The reason why fire dust isn't the end all be all of Heroic Mortals is because the simple fact that while exceptionally good at making fire, fifteen yard flames short lived one second flames able to deal out third degree burns, the firedust isn't good for explosions without doing something to it which is not exactly clear. Firedust makes loads of fire but little to no real force from what I've read, great for a gout of hellish flame but terrible for an explosive which is meant to throw stuff around.
Read Scroll of Kings.
Firedust is an explosive, and is used to create cannon.
>A variation on the fire cannon packs the barrel with pebbles, nails and other small projectiles. The force of the firedust’s combustion expels the detritus in a deadly spray, dealing less damage but affecting everyone in an area. The eruptor needs a shorter, wider barrel than a fire cannon, though, so one cannot use this trick with an ordinary fire cannon.
Jump # 84 Justice League Dark
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Background: Monster (0)
*The Curse of Immortality (0)
*Vampire (200, Discount)
*Primordial (300, Discount)
*I AM (300, Discount)
*Castle (150, Discount)
*Infinite Cigarettes (50) (I don’t smoke but no other 50 point item)
*A team of your own (400)
*Behind the times (0)
*It Helps (+100) (alright I guess I’ll need the cigs after all)
*Open Invitation (+100)
*Bit of a problem (+200)
Akitsu, Tamamo, Nebros & Alice
Background: Magician
*Magical Blood
*Arcane Expertise
*Prodigal Sorcerer
*Circles and Symbols
Background: Con Man
*I am
*I Cheat
*A blind man walks in to a bar
*Friendly neighborhood grafter
*Don’t show weakness
Yu Bel & Beliel
Background: Monster
*Curse of Immortality
*I Am
Background: Guide
*Untouched by time
*Magic Blood
*The gift of sight
*The curse of immortality
*Arcane Expertise
(To be continued.)
(I am afraid I don’t know much here I avoided the Nu52 as much as possible)
You know by the end of the last jump saving the world from constant magical threats that popped up was old. Then I got to do it again but this time in the Nu52 *shudders*.
I almost told Xanadu no when the offer was made. I really wanted to but… I have this annoying tendency towards heroics. So of course I dragged my companions along in my adventures with the JLD. Time and again we confronted magical threats the regular JL couldn’t face and time and again we barely scraped by.
Somehow I prevented my friends or myself from falling victim to Constantine’s tendency to sacrifice friends and allies to save his own skin.
I really hope the next world is something different, barely saving the world with magic is fun I have had enough for a while. I also hope I can kick this damn smoking habit, My wives hate it and I give them enough to nag me about already.
>It's only an artifact because the writers thought that firearms and crossbows went against the Chinese/Roman themes of... not... using crossbows... or gunpowder...
Yes, clearly.
That's why there's mundane firewands and crossbows, as well as their artifact variants.
>You're free to decide otherwise, but the text clearly spells out that they're artifacts. So you'd need to built them as any other artifact, not as a mundane weapon.
And the only way that makes sense is if their "artifact" quality refers to them being made of enhanced materials.
Active magical effects require Essence expenditure.
The fuel bolt launcher may well have more going on, but there is nothing intrinsically magical to the concept of "revolving cylinder".
Could an ordinary mortal artisan, who crafts flame pieces in Gem, look at the Solar's amazing Plasma Tongue Repeater, and be inspired to create his own lesser copy with mundane materials and mere fire dust?
>I'm not that user? I was responding to him.
Please see here >It's literally just a revolver flame piece using an improved form of firedust.
Personally don't know what's different and you opinion on the subject may vary as much as mine, but they are artifacts for a reason.
>It's only an artifact because the writers thought that firearms and crossbows went against the Chinese/Roman themes of... not... using crossbows... or gunpowder...
Except the Chinese used crossbows. Again though the reasoning isn't really clear.
>To be fair, the Powerbows were never very good.
This is true, though the variant ammo is neat.
Aye the Eruptor and Firedust Cannon, which have ranges of 30 to 80 yards and don't touch anything outside those ranges because of the Flame Keyword.
>That's why there's mundane firewands
Firewands are not guns. They explicitly were created to allow for "things that look like guns, because guns are cool" but don't have the same "potential for mortals to kill solars with massed volleys".
Secret Haslanti Military Science only just being reverse engineered. They even have special pins that make them collapse into pieces that somehow cannot be reassembled.
>artifact crossbows
Operated by the Jadeborn, who are well known for their enormous and open influence over the human civilisations of Creation...
>Active magical effects require Essence expenditure.
Not always.
Slayer Khatars, Ghost Cestus, Band of Faith, Winterbreath Jar, Golden Flame, Cord of Winds, Blessing of the Sun, Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light, Yasal Crystals, Jump Harness, Shock Pikes (though with an internal battery for the shooting bolts of Essence part), Thousands Comforts Lounge, Fire Pearls, Transperfect Domestic Tools, Divinity Requisition Badge...
All of them are Artifacts that require no Essence expenditure. There's more too, but I'm too lazy to go through more of my books.
>Could an ordinary mortal artisan, who crafts flame pieces in Gem, look at the Solar's amazing Plasma Tongue Repeater, and be inspired to create his own lesser copy with mundane materials and mere fire dust?
Yes. It'd be a fancy-looking mundane firewand.
>This is true, though the variant ammo is neat.
Mhm, yeah. Switching it up can be useful.
>but don't have the same "potential for mortals to kill solars with massed volleys".
Oh, wow. You actually believe guns would have that potential? I'd advise you to read Shards, guns aren't that great in context.
>they are artifacts for a reason.
Yes, and I have given a possible reason. Role protection - Solar Cowboy is allowed, Mortal Cowboy is verboten.
What do you think the reason is?
>The Chinese used crossbows. Again though the reasoning isn't really clear.
I suppose the excessive use of ellipses didn't make the sarcasm clear.
>Aye the Eruptor and Firedust Cannon, which have ranges of 30 to 80 yards and don't touch anything outside those ranges because of the Flame Keyword.
Right. Because arguing from the mechanics and not the fluff makes sense here.
Interesting - because that means the spray of shrapnel instantly loses all momentum and falls harmlessly to the ground!
>Oh, wow. You actually believe guns would have that potential? I'd advise you to read Shards, guns aren't that great in context.
No, the *writers* thought that.
That's literally the reason they excluded primitive guns from the setting, and made crossbows rare.
Rolled 3 (1d8)
Location: Crypt of the Necrodancer
Age: 25
Origin: Drop-In
Perks: 350
Nimble Toes (50)
Tempo Shift (300)
Stuff: 650
Soundtrack (50)
Extra Heart Container x4 (400)
Multiplayer - Zerakule, Flare (200)
Zerakule: Monk, Extra Training. 2 of my Extra Heart Containers.
Flare: Adventurer, More Gold!. 1 of my Extra Heart Containers.
>Can't stop!
>>Won't stop!
Roll list
2.Marvel Cinematic Universe
3.Warhammer Fantasy Tomb kings
Queue: Need a new 1 slot, although it's doubtful that I'll roll a 1 again.
Guns suck anyway, so who cares?
Updated build
Marvel Cinematic Universe-
Rolled for New Mexico
Rolled for 1220
Free Soundtrack of the Galaxy
Free They Call Me "Star-Lord" (And they shall call me....Justice, yeah not very orginal I know, I suck with names)
Free Make This Look Good
Discount Monkey Wrench
A Funny Thing Happened(Air is my Element)
Free Tactical Suit
Free Taser Rod
Strange Forumula
Free Asgardian Armor
Vibranium Sample
Court Rites+600(Fuck it, I plan on angering him anyway by seducing Lady Death)
updating my build
Justice League Dark.
Ouran Highschool.
>No, the *writers* thought that.
>That's literally the reason they excluded primitive guns from the setting, and made crossbows rare.
No. No, they did not think that.
>As for weaponry, you can give mortals artifact weapons like gunzosha and make them hardcore competent, but never so much so that they pass the capabilities of Exalted to prepare superior defenses. Since modern weapons will not operate at a level of power exceeding artifact weapons, this means you can't depend on technology to save you in that fight. In the original outline for Autochthonians in X1, Geoff Grabowski actually gave me Exalted stats for an assault rifle (no, you can't have it) as part of a discussion where he pointed out that "An Exalt who can dodge a war god's spear doesn't fear a bit of metal flung from a tube." Guns wouldn't actually break the setting or change the overall power of mortals within the world. The reason they don't exist in a mass-produced way is because it would change the feel and "look" of Exalted away from its intended aesthetics. Thus, you can have flamethrowers and magic revolvers and blaster spears, but no assault rifles.
>tfw want to buy Robots and Terminal because organizing a giant warehouse by hand is an insurmountable task
>but need the points for other things
Yeah well you suck
I find his unwillingness to give out the stats for an assault rifle mildly suspicious though. What if I wanted to run an Exalted campaign in a modern setting huh? What then?
Are there any jumps that let you change the aesthetic of a property that is not a warehouse attachment?
I'm not even sure what the argument is about, and I'm half of it.
I'm not even trying to say that Plasma Tongue Repeaters shouldn't be artifacts, just that they're only artifacts:
In Game: Because to make them light and functional, they use enchanted materials.
Out of Game: Because the writers wanted to restrict "firearm-like" weapons to Players, so they wouldn't impact the setting in any large ways.
Oh, in that case I was wrong on that regard.
Still, I don't really see much difference between a musket and a blaster spear. And the Realm is a mix of Chinese and Roman themes and aesthetics, of which one is famous for its primitive gunpowder weapons and both made extensive use of crossbows.
They're in Shards of the Exalted Dream.
They're alright. Probably a little less effective than they should be, but w/ever.
>extensive use of crossbows.
Weren't crossbows invented in like the 900's? Unless you're being a memer and talking about the Byzantines.
2nd Edition has gun stats for the Modern Shard, so then you use those.
If you want to do it in 1st edition for some reason... Well, then you're shit out of luck? Or homebrew something.
3rd Edition (the superior choice if you actually want to run a game) is here: forum.theonyxpath.com
Try the 500s, according to wikipedia.
>What do you think the reason is?
They were using Essence in crafting the weapons to particular standards out of Magical Materials, most likely a Five Material Mix since that is the usual no-Essence excuse used when it's not Yellow Jade.
>I suppose the excessive use of ellipses didn't make the sarcasm clear.
I'm more than willing to say it still slipped by me,
>Right. Because arguing from the mechanics and not the fluff makes sense here.
It is indeed.
>Interesting - because that means the spray of shrapnel instantly loses all momentum and falls harmlessly to the ground!
Well I'd assume that the force of the firedust isn't enough and the spray is actually flagging already in the flame cloud before the edge but yeah the kill box is the Range for Flame Keyword weapons because that's where things stop dying.
Realistically they should almost all have higher range, accuracy, and the Piercing Keyword.
In the Basilisk jump, there's a perk that lets you summon guards which have a few perks from the Ronin line.
One of them is 'Sword with/without a master,' which isn't in the document? Does anyone know what it's supposed to do?
>Well I'd assume that the force of the firedust isn't enough and the spray is actually flagging already in the flame cloud before the edge but yeah the kill box is the Range for Flame Keyword weapons because that's where things stop dying.
The damage actually gets less the further away from it you are.
Full damage the first three yards, then the damage reduces by 1L per three yards away from the cannon. Eruptors are kind of utterly terrible at range.
Boosted operative capstone essentially gives you Thor's powers, right? But don't most of his (especially the elemental powers) come from Mjolnir?
Speaking of, is it possible to create a Mjolnir clone with the Relic table in part 2?
>'Sword with/without a master
that perk is the first perk in the ronin line now called 'imperfect warrior', forgot to change it.
When will Boku No Hero be done?
Where the break in the movies between part 1 and 2?
Not for a while yet, still have more Quirks left on that table and a few other sections of the Jump like Scenarios, Items, Companions and Drawbacks. It's a fairly big undertaking, may end up competing with Bloodborne for my biggest Jump yet at this rate.
Probably, but it'd be most of the "capstones" and cost most of your RP.
But will there be a canon companion option for Mt. Lady?
Enter the Gungeon has a perk for that I think?
Just get Psionics and either the laptop or Savant from Pokemon Trainer. Heck you could probably have your pokemon help organize the place too if they're strong enough.
M-16 A SHIT.
Hey Valeria are you going to do a Necron jump for 40K?
>being a fucking slob
>organizing a giant warehouse by hand is an insurmountable task
Not really. And besides, the Warehouse is actually tiny as fuck.
just go to soul eaterno it does not
>not recognizing the superiority of slav shortstacks
Canon companions will indeed be a thing.
Val's in bed right now.
Isn't it the other way around? Making such a mess that you need robots to maintain such a small area is more indicative of slobbery than not buying them.
Nubee knows because that's where he is too.
That's what I was getting at.
There's no reason to need robots to clean up.
Now I'm wondering what Konata's Warehouse looks like.
Does shit just pour out like an avalanche when she opens a door/portal?
Get tech perks, build robots. Get a computer in a jump with technology equal or greater than IRL to use as a terminal. Program the robots to automatically catalogue stuff in the terminal for you since it wouldn't be automatic like when you pay CP otherwise.
Every noun and verb in that sentence totally disgusts me.
Gun Magici is a thing banchô-user.
They asked for Gun Waifus not pretty Gun Waifus. I tried to deliver.
I think at one point she converted it all over to server stacks and the pixelator or something... No wait that might be banchô-user I can't rightly recall.
>still no Granblue Fantasy jump
/jc/, what is a good early jump way to get some sort of perception filter or something similar?
Specifically I want to take the Ben 10 jump as the Tennyson background for the discount to Anodite and the built in reason to be around for all of the OG series plot, but I'd like to waifu Gwen and have it not occur to anyone that it would be taboo without having to constantly mindfuck everyone to do it.
Or if anyone has any suggestion on a way to work it so that I can take the Tennyson background without being actually related to Gwen, that would work too, I just imagine it would be harder to justify.
Rolled 1 (1d8)
Location: A TOMB!
Age: 1200
Origin: Prince (100)
Perks: 800
Undead Traits (Free)
Equals Amongst Equals (Free)
I Shall Remain Behind (Free)
A Loyal Household (100)
Million Year Reign (200)
The Curse Of The Mummy (200)
Jumper Rules (300)
Stuff: 100
Deathmask (Free)
Spare Bones in your size (50)
Import - Flare (50)
Herald - Zerakule (Free)
Zerakule: Herald, All Herald Perks.
Flare: Liche Preistess, Lore of Nehekhara, But of course my lord, Don't kill The Messenger, The Gods Are Not Gone Yet, Power Behind The Throne, High Priestess of Nehekhara.
>Oh hey, we're skeletons again.
>>You look just as handsome as I would expect.
>Relax, we have plenty of time. Let's get this show on the road.
Roll list
1.Justice League Dark
2.Marvel Cinematic Universe
3.Ouran Highschool
Queue: Gonna need a new jump to replace what I just rolled.
this image is soo good out of context
Isn't someone working on that? I remember a month or so ago there was a poll for companions for a Granblue jump.
Be an alien and take the Tennyson background, you'd be adopted.
Oreimo/Ore no Imouto has something for that. 400 CP perk for The Average Guy. Ya freak.
Oreimo should have exactly what you're looking for.
you sick fuck
DC Occult.
Well, you could always be adopted. It's still really, really disgusting though.
That reminds me, are there any jumps where I can get a really good hose I can spray them with when they start incesting?
Not that user, but it's a little funny to me to see how people are fine with waifuing monsters and abominations from beyond space and time, but COUSINS!? That's where the line is drawn!
I mean, I get it, it really is gross, it's just amusing.
I also don't like people waifuing 10 year olds, but I'm not going to judge what people do in their make-believe game.