>Imagine sneakily spying on a girl-only boardgame night
>Imagine sneakily spying on a girl-only boardgame night
It would smell terrible.
Great ! I've always wanted to play a psycho. Do I get a machete to slay them ?
Are we talking masterfully installed spy-cam or convincing disguise? Because each of those develop whole different scenario.
I'd rather play a real-life game of Clue, to be honest.
Only if you get nat 1 for scheduling. On d4.
Do you want me to spoil your fun or do you want to keep whatever fantasy you may have alive?
>Do I get a machete to slay them ?
No, but you do get one of these.
I would fuck that television screen so hard it would break and start a fire that would burn everyone.
>mfw I think they are gonna play strip D&D cosplay sexy times
>mfw they actually wear sweatpants and play Codenames all night
Why would you want to do that? Unless they're sluts they're not going to do anything special, and being women they're going to fucking keep nagging and screaming over the most retarded shit. If I wanted permanent hearing damage, I'd just stand next to a running plane engine for five hours.
>women are out of commission for a full 7 days
The real world isn't as simple as your Laotian puppet shows have made it appear.
100dB for 10 minutes causes permanent hearing loss.
120dB for 10 seconds causes permanent hearing loss.
130dB for any time causes permanent hearing loss.
Won't be deafness straight out the gate, but hearing loss is hearing loss.
>I'd just stand next to a running plane engine for five hours.
50 meters away from a jet engine is 130dB.
Incidentally, so is hammering a nail.
And power tools are around 120dB.
Wear ear protection during construction!
Girl on the left looks like she's going to eat that entire box. A mouth that size must mean she's a lizard person.
>Attention seeker pose, low cut top
Double nah
>Oh look how pretentious I am
Triple Nah
>I take Starbucks to a sleep over
Fucking die in a fire cunt.
Would people actually pay to watch some cute girls play board games?
For this question, assume twister is not a board game.
Just take a random board game and add the strip element to it.
Strip chess, strip checkers, strip poker, strip Catan, strip Risk, strip Monopoly, strip Candyland...
The possibilities are endless.
>100dB for 10 minutes causes permanent hearing loss.
>120dB for 10 seconds causes permanent hearing loss.
>130dB for any time causes permanent hearing loss.
Thank you, Mengele.
Check out Twitch. People already pay chicks to play vidya.
>strip Candyland...
What kind of mad person plays strip candyland.
>died hair
that girl of the group
If they were playing TI3, I'd cum in 2 seconds.
>Ugh, I'm on my period and I feel so bloated
>Edward is sooooo much hotter than Jacob
>Look at these shoes! Oh em gee they are so cute!!!
>Marissa is such a tramp I don't know what Jason sees in her
Are you trying to turn me on?
Most likely his dick. On regular basis.
1 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5
I have, by proxy of having CCTV in my house after a robbery.
There was booze, gorging on snacks and lots of nagging, but barely any board gaming.
I have never met you but I know everything I need to know about you.
That joke was played out when SNL did it in the 90s.
What confuses me with this image is why two pictures of Zoe Quinn?
Could they not find an image of someone else annoying with colored hair?
Many Jews died to bring you this education. Don't waste it.
>spy on girls' game night
>tfw they play Diplomacy
Holy shit women's grudges make so much sense now.
Seek help.
best girls are on the right and in center.
redhead needs babies, please give.
How would strip DND even work?
I mean, you don't have enough clothes for representing a 1 level character HP, much less higher levels.
You just get naked and fuck while pretending to be there to play D&D you autist.
Board games or Roleplaying games?
Cause experience has taught me when they feel comfortable RPing, girls practically dive head first into full on psycho murderhobo and/or magical realm territory
>Would people actually pay to watch some cute girls play board games?
>Would people actually pay to watch some cute girls
Yes, yes they would.
> Using the seal of greatness on the second post
Holy fuck, user! What is wrong with you!? That seal is reserved for great threads and no one can know this is a great thread by the 2nd post!
Mad as fuck!
That sounds like an awful night getting an earful of whatever inane gossip they've heard coupled with maybe five minutes of Baby's First RPG.
Have any of you ever met a girl before? Like Ever? They're just people with different bits. They can make great game players or horrible ones just like any dude you've ever met.
>They're just people with different bits.
This is a very naive view. The differences run deeper than you could ever imagine.
But user this is Veeky Forums, you're supposed to despise and belittle women whilst also being angry they won't fuck you.
Come on man get with the program
>not being angry and belittling women while they fuck you
It's 2017 nothing gay about a strap on
>Have any of you ever met a girl before?
No. Well I mean yes, but not up close.
But 4cuck said they're all weak and inferior and should go back home to make BJs and sandwiches for white christian men instead of wearing pants or demanding better working conditions. They even had a chart for it. Fags and flags can't argue with cold hard numbers :^)
>>not being belittled by angry women while they fuck you
>>plural intention
>nothing gay about a strapon
Unless you're into yuri
Blood is cross-compatible (for the same blood type), ditto for kidney, lungs, heart (size permitting). I'm pretty sure like 60% can be swapped and the result will function.
>tfw you're the only male in your group
It's not hard to imagine. Most of you guys would be disappointed.
>TFW you'll never be passed around and gangraped by angry women while they belittle you
Don't toy with my emotions user
Post dick and address.
>On Veeky Forums
Ha ha no
Too cowardly
You're the worst!
It's really nothing special. I've done the all women game, and the only thing of note was that they all decided they couldn't defeat a slime monster I threw at them and spent way too long trying to evade it rather than just have the wizard set it on fire.
Of course a little pussy like you won't post his address. Probably too scared to even talk to girls either, pathetic.
You don't even deserve to feel my heels crushing your balls you little bitch.
When my ex didn't smell like flowery shampoo or soap she smelled like a bloodbank.
Am not!
It's just common sense not to post your info online
Could be dangerous
Also not THAT scared to talk to girls, honest
Shadowrun works really well with women (or at least the ones in my group) for similar reasons.
See, I like furthest right.
Veeky Forums is a left wing website, go back to rebbit you fucking racist.
oh boy, are we doing this again?
>reposting some retarded attention whore
Why. Fuck off, you.
They're in their PJs in the office?
>/pol/ tries to fit in again
There's no political coordinates, in here ! Only games ! Only memes ! Only FUN(tm) !
>Imagine sneakily spying on a girl-only boardgame night
are you fetishposting user
N-no, it can't be.
One of those doesn't belong.
Soooo I guess I'm the only one that watches Geek and sundry here then.....
I'm also mad at the careless usage of your image.
>They're just people with different bits.